Google parental control Family link app doesn't ask for approval - google-play

I've setup google parental control on my children phone, they ask for approval to install a game and i approved it, later i changed my mind and uninstall it from there phone, but they went to play store a re-install it, but this time family link didn't ask for my approval, it's just installed it and showed me a notification that it's been installed. What i want is that whenever they install anything, no matter it was once approved or millions times, google play must ask them for my approval each time it's reinstall.

Most probably you approved the app as Always allowed app. To edit app activity:
Open the Family Link app Family Link and then Select your child.
On the "App activity" card, tap Set limits or More.
Next to your desired app, tap Always always allow.
From here you can select an option to:
Always allow always allow.
Set a time limit Set limit.
Set unlimited time Empty hourglass.
Block an app Block.

The Google Family Link app lacks the 'whitelist' feature to allow only a strict set of application to install. Unfortunately, the answer is you cannot prevent the installation of a previously installed application (as a previous answer suggested, you could block said apps).
I experimented and unfortunately disabling and re-enabling Family supervision will still allow previously installed apps to install. Also, the previously installed apps will be available if you get a new device for the child's account. Or at least, this is the functionality circa Fall 2022.
An extreme solution would be to create a new account, but obviously this is a frustrating answer if you are trying to do something like protect an older family member who has established accounts for billing.

This solution outlined below will not work, but I did read it as a proposed solution elsewhere online. I thought I would include it and mention it with this warning.
Open the Play Store app
Select the account icon in the upper right corner
Choose the Manage app & device from the popup menu
Select Manage
Click Installed
Select Not Installed
Select all applications you wish to remove in checkable list
Click the Trash Can icon in the upper right corner
This would disassociate the application from the account in an ideal world; however, it does not and the child account can still reinstall the offending applications. The parent is notified of this installation, but they cannot prevent it.

Had the same issue but rather than doing the "google play delete not installed apps list"-thing which doesnt solve the problem anyway, use this list to search and install the apps you dont want your child to have installed. After that you can manually block these unwanted apps from normal family link app and deinstall them after you've done that. (You can also leave them on the phone, i mean they are blocked anyways, but it should still take memory space so no reason to not deinstall them after)
Now you will see the following if your child tries to reinstall the app from the play store:
it says "your parents blocked this app" (just in german :) )
This "feature" (if you even want to call it that way) is really stupid and this way might be the only one to solve this problem even if a bit time-intensive. Hope Google will work on Family Link. Big potential but soooo many problems.


How do I sync a Slack workspace from mobile to desktop?

I was added to a Slack workspace by a coworker. I must've accepted something on the mobile app because I have access to the workspace there. Somehow, the desktop app never reflected this change and shows no sign of knowing about the workspace. I attempted to solve this problem by inviting myself to the workspace from the mobile app and accepting the invite link on the desktop app. I now have access to the workspace on the desktop app, but no direct messages have been carried over. (My desktop is Debian and mobile is iOS, if that makes any difference.)
I can't find any discussion about this on the Slack website or through a DuckDuckGo search... Does anyone know how to sync Slack from mobile to desktop? I will greatly appreciate any suggestions or direction. Thank you in advance!
This is not possible and despite the fact that this question was raised as soon people had two devices, Slack never agreed to address it.
On desktop I have no less than 15 workspaces.
A workaround that just worked for me was signing out of the desktop app and signing again. That allowed me see all the workspaces I was already in.
Here's a workaround (it is not ideal so I'm still searching for a better solution):
From the channel(s) I wanted to sync, on the mobile app, I added myself and now I have access to those channels on the desktop app. Unfortunately, I show up as two members with the same name...
I know this is an old thread, but I was struggling just now with the opposite problem: there was a Slack workspace that I could see in my computer but not in my mobile app. I write here how I solved it in case someone faces the same problem in the future.
In my case, it turned out that the problem was that I was using different email addresses for the different workspaces (either my professional or personal email), and I had pending to verify one of the addresses.
To solve it I:
Opened the Home menu by either sweeping right of tapping on the icon of the workspace I was in at that time
Went to Add a workspace
Saw that there was one email pending to confirm, so I confirmed it and immediately saw the missing workspace in my home menu together with the rest

Google Play Developer App Marketing Strategy-Why App download decreased after icon change?

I have an app on google play over 5000000 downloads. And 20000+ downloads every day. When the designer changed the app icon to new good one ,the daily download decreased from 20000+ to 5000- . I don't think it's not good icon. I think may be there is a marketing strategy after icon changing google play changed app position on google play. Any idea about this?
Old Icon
New Icon
It is hard to pin down an exact reason. Maybe it was too similar to another app icon or simply new users didn't like it as much.
You can run A/B tests in the store listings, it's a hidden menu. Click Store Listing and beneath that, you should see experiments. You can run up to 4 icons (for example) and see which gets more downloads. This also works with the promotional video, screenshots, short app listing and full app listing.
There are a lot of customization choices as well.
I would make a few iterations of the logo, with different elements removed. I think the new one is a little too busy. try removing the phone on the left and right and see how users respond.
Run A/B tests on your store listing
Increase installs with Store Listing Experiments
I think that the main reason is people knew the product. If they start looking for it now, they see something that they don't know as it has changed and will not download it as fast as before.
If everyone is used to the icon, your downloads will increase.
There is no ranking part that depends on the icon, so as I know.
I think there are 3 possible reasons:
1) Google dropped your app in the list because at the time you changed the icon, there where other apps added in this category. This made google to re-place and orden the apps. As your app was there longer and had a minor change, it was ranked as "old & going down", so it lost the confident place in the list.
2)Because of the new icon, people are not finding it as quick or they think the new icon is an actual scam version of your app, so they aren't downloading it anymore.
3)Your app simply got less popular. You got pretty much downloads, the rate was high. Maybe you reached all the people that needed this app and there are minus people wanting it.
maybe the download count raises again and you just need to wait a little week. It is very unlikely, but it also could just be a error at Google's side.

When I select the Pricing & Distribution tab in the Google Play Developer console, it displays 'Loading'

I'm trying to publish an app that is based on a free app that supports in-app billing and which is already published. Rather than use in-app billing in the new app, I decided to remove it and make it a paid app (the difference between the two apps is that the paid app has some enhancements that I want to get paid for).
So I created a new product in Google Play, different package name, etc. Everything went fine until I selected Pricing & Distribution, set the pricing ($0.99) and the distribution. When I tried to publish, I get the Android mascot with the text "Loading" alongside it and it stays like this. The app never appears in searches, even when it's enclosed in quotes. The original app does come up, but not the new one (the difference between the names is that the new one has the word "Pro" after it). And yes, the package names are different.
One more thing: when I uploaded the APK to the store, I got a warning about the app using in-app billing (which it does not) but there is no billing permission in the manifest. Since it was a warning and I don't do in-app billing, I ignored it and continued with the upload. I don't think this has anything to do with the "Loading" problem because it was happening before I removed in-app billing.
Any idea what's wrong?
Eventually, the problem somehow resolved itself. The app is visible in searches, although the "Loading" message in Pricing and Distribution is still stuck. Very weird.

Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 - How to Stop Annoying Notifications

Just installed Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 and now I see this annoying red notification telling me I need a developer licence for Windows Store and Windows Phone - which I do not need.
Once I click dismiss all, it comes back next time I load Visual Studio, the same notification I dismissed. In other words how many times will it tell me I need a licence? So my point is how do I stop displaying the red notification.
Actually it's prompting me every so often not just every visual studio restart... as I think someone has mentioned in one of the comments.
We have now released a patch for this bug. You can download it from here.
I'm leaving the rest of this answer as is but there should no longer be a need for any workaround once the patch linked to above has been applied.
I'll start by apologizing and confirming we've got at least one bug here (if not more). There are several of us actively investigating this on our side. We don't yet know the full extent of the problem though so it would be great to get some additional information from anyone who's currently running into this.
The intent was to show a notification to users working on Windows or Windows Phone Store apps. It was not something that should be coming up for users not doing Store development.
The most promising workaround so far is to:
Close the currently open solution (if there is one loaded)
Dismiss the notification
Close Visual Studio
You shouldn't see the notification again in subsequent VS sessions until you do something that causes the Store related functionality to load again (e.g., create or load a Store app project).
If this doesn't make it go away, please respond and we'll try to work with you to get more details on what could be causing it to continue to appear for you.
If the above workaround doesn't work for you (e.g., ReSharper users), I've got another one that should at least provide a respite from the notifications for about a month at a time:
Make sure the critical notification is currently active (i.e., red notification).
Close all open instances of Visual Studio.
Open up File Explorer and navigate to the %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Notifications directory.
Open the Notifications_Active.xml file found in in a text editor.
Find the notification element referring to the developer license.
Change the value of the Severity element to 0 instead of 2.
This should make the red alert no longer kick in for this notification as long as you leave the notification active (i.e., do not dismiss it).

WP7 Policy Check

I'm trying to upload an application to the Windows Phone Marketplace but it keeps failing due to the location privacy policy. In the application there is only one part that checks your location, and the user has to manually call it. Basically we show a map, and a button to locate the user, when this button is pressed for the first time, we show a small privacy policy, and we ask the user to allow the use of his location. And even with this, the application's certification failed.
I'm wondering if anyone has a good example of how the privacy policy should be, and if it should be displayed when the app is first launched, rather than when the locations services are activated by the user (like we are currently doing it). And any other tips or advice you may have.
This is the only part of the certification the app failed, so once I get some good answers, it'll be ready to go.
Make sure to read the Windows Phone 7 Application Certification Requirements.
Section 2.10 specifically applies to your problem.
Microsoft really wants you to have a permanent link to your privacy policy somewhere in the app. Your privacy policy should explicitly explain that you collect this data, how you use it, how you store it, who you share it with, and what the user can do about it. You also need a setting somewhere for the user to turn use of GeoLocation data off.
In my app I have an About screen with a link to the PrivPol, TOS and Tech Support. I also have a settings page with an ON / OFF switch for GeoLocation data. I made sure our privacy policy explicitly addresses location data. And we got through approval with no issues.
Do you have the specific certification requirement (the reference number) ? Here are a couple of links about it in the Windows Phone 7 developers forum:
