Does query multiple indices slower than querying single index in Elasticsearch? - elasticsearch

I have a retention index which is used to save transaction data. The index pattern in on yearly, which means transaction-2000, transaction-2001, etc. There is a timestamp field inside each document which indicate the time of this document occurred.
I also have an alias transaction which points to all yearly transaction indices. When I query the transaction data in my application, I just use the alias name rather than the yearly index name.
My question is if I query just one year document based on the timestamp field, e.g. 2000, will the query be faster if I only query the single index transaction-2000 rather than the alias transaction? Or whether they are the same speed?

Joey , this is a classic elasticsearch problem. When you have multiple aliases behind an alias , all of them are queried. One way to overcome this is to use routing which comes in extremely handy if you already know which index to go to. At query time if you already know the ts field (2000 or 2000 and 2001 for example) , you can specifically instruct to search only 2 indexes behind the alias using the route
We had a similar issue when we scaled for a large DataSet search (similar design where multiple indexes were behind an alias) , routing came in handy and the queries scaled to our requirements. Hope this helps


ElasticSearch: querying most recent snapshot design

I'm trying to decide how to structure the data in ElasticSearch.
I have a system that is producing metrics on a daily basis. I would like to put those metrics into ES so I could do some advances querying/sorting. I also only care about the most recent data that's in there. The system producing the data could also be late.
Currently I can think of two options:
I can have one index with a date column that contains the date that the metric was created. I am unsure, however, of how to write the query so that if multiple days worth of data are in the index I filter it to just the most recent set.
I could also try and split the data up into different indexes (recent and past) and have some sort of process that migrates data from the recent index to the past index. I think the challenge with this would be having downtime where the data is being moved and/or added into the recent.
A common approach to solving this problem with elastic search would be to store data in a form that allows historic querying, then again in a second form that allows querying the most recent data. For example if your metric update looked like:
Then it can be indexed into our current values index using a composite key constructed from the document (obviously, for this to work you'd need to be able to construct a composite key from your document!). For example, your identity for this document might be the type and name concatenated. You then leverage the upsert API to allow you to write your updates to the same document:
POST current_metrics/_update/OperationsPerSecond-Questions
Every time you call this API with the same composite key it will update the existing document, rather than create a new document. This will give you an index that only contains a single record per metric you are monitoring, and you can query that index to get your most recent values.
To store your historic data, you change your primary key strategy, it would probably be most straightforward to use the index API and get elastic to generate a primary key for you.
POST all_metrics/_doc/
This API will create a new document for every request made to it. So as long as you have something in your data that you can use in an elastic range query, such as a field like createdDate with a value that looks like a date time, then you should be able to query historic data.
The main thing is, don't worry about duplicating your data for different purposes, elastic does a good job of compressing this stuff on disk and in memory. Storing data multiple times is called denormalization and is a pretty common technique in data warehousing and big data.

Reasons & Consequences of putting a Date in Elastic Index Name

I am looking at sending my App logs to Elastic (6.x) via FileBeat and Logstash. As mentioned in Configure the Logstash output and recommended elsewhere, it seems that I need add the Date to the Index name. The reason for doing so was that when the time came to delete old data, it was easier to delete an entire Index by date, rather than individual documents. Is this true?
If I should be following this recommendation of adding the Date to the Index Name, I’m curious what additional things I need to do to ensure seamless querying? By this I mean querying esp. in Kibana, for e.g. over the past day which would need to look at today’s index as well as yesterday’s index.
Speaking of querying in Kibana, is there a way of simply working with the base index name without the date stamp i.e. setting it up so that I do not see or have to deal with the date named indexes?
Edit: Kamal raised a good point that I have not provided any information about my cluster and my needs. The following is what I'm working with:
What is your daily data creation/expected count
I'm not sure. I don't expect anything more than a GB of data day, and no more than a couple of 100K documents a day. Since these are logs, I don't expect any updates to the documents once they are created.
Growth rate of the data in the future (1 year - 5 years)
At the moment, I don't see the growth rate to cross a GB a day.
How many teams are using the same cluster apart from yours if there is
The cluster would be used (actually queried) by just my team. We are about 5 right now, but I don't see more than 10 users (and that's not concurrent, just over a day or month)
Usage patterns, type of queries used etc.
I'm not sure, but there certainly would not be updates to the data other than deletions
Hardware details
I've not worked this out with management. For most part I expect 3 nodes. Also this is not critical i.e. if we lose all of our logs for some reason, I would not lose sleep over it.
First of all you need to take a step back and understand do you really need multiple index or single one(where you need to filter documents while querying using a date field for a particular date).
Some of questions you must have before you take on such decision
What is your daily data creation/expected count
Growth rate of the data in the future (1 year - 5 years)
How many teams are using the same cluster apart from yours if there is any
Usage patterns, type of queries used etc.
Hardware details
In a way, having multiple indexes(with date field as its index name) would be more beneficial.
You can delete the old indexes without affecting new ones.
In case if you have to change the mapping, you can do so with the new index without affecting the old ones. Comparatively less overhead while for single index, you have to reindex all the documents which would take lot more time if size is pretty huge. And if this keeps happening every now and then, you would need to come up with solution where you have to execute such operations at the times of minimal usages. That means, it can harm productivity.
searching using multiple indexes still is convenient.
not really sure but its easier for scaling using multiple indexes.
Disadvantages are:
Additional shards are created for each and every index that can waste some storage space.
Overhead to maintain multiple indexes by monitoring/operations team.
At times can lead to over-creation of indexes.
No mapping changes and less documents insertion(in 100s or few 100s), it'd be better to use single index.
The only way and the only correct way to figure out what's best is to have a cluster that closely resembles the production one with data too resembling to production, try various configurations and see which solution fits best.
Speaking of querying in Kibana, is there a way of simply working with
the base index name without the date stamp i.e. setting it up so that
I do not see or have to deal with the date named indexes?
Yes there is. If you have indexes with names like logs-0001, logs-0002, you can use logs-* as indexname when you query.
Including date in an index name is a very common use case implemened by many Elasticsearch users. It helps with archiving/ purging old indices as you mentioned. You dont need to do anything additionally to be able to query. Setup your index basename as an index pattern for your indices for ex. logstash-* and you can query on that particular index pattern in Kibana.

Should I be using database ID's as Elastic ID's

I am new to elastic and starting to sync my database tables into elastic indexes. I have started by using the table ID(UUID) as the elastic id, but I am starting to wonder if this is a mistake in terms of performance or flexibility in the long term? Any advice would be appreciated.
I think this approach should actually be a best practice. When you update data in your ES index from the (changed) DB, you can address the document directly.
It has worked great for us to use the _bulk update API, which requires an explicit id per item.
On every change on the DB side, we enqueue change notifications, the changed object gets JSON-serialized and sent to ES, asynchronously, and in larger batches. That is making a huge performance difference. Search performance, on the other side, does not depend on the length of the _id AFAIK, not even when you look up by _id. So your DB UUID should be just fine. Especially since _ids can be alphanumeric, they are not limited to just numbers.
Having a 1:1 relationship via _id between the ES result and your system of record (I assume that's what your DB is for) is advantageous also for transparency purposes. In any case, you want to store the database ID as some field, ideally indexed, at least, to help you understand where that document came from.
So, rather than creating your own ID field, you may as well use the built-in _id field right away, with your DB-supplied data.

Bulk read of all documents in an elasticsearch alias

I have the following elasticsearch setup:
4 to 6 small-ish indices (<5 million docs, <5Gb each)
they are unioned through an alias
they all contain the same doc type
they change very infrequently (i.e. >99% of the indexing happens when the index is created)
One of the use cases for my app requires to read all documents for the alias, ordered by a field, do some magic and serve the result.
I understand using deep pagination will most likely bring down my cluster, or at the very least have dismal performance so I'm wondering if the scroll API could be the solution. I know the documentation says it is not intended for use in real-time user queries, but what are the actual reasons for that?
Generally, how are people dealing with having to read through all the documents in an index? Should I look for another way to chunk the data?
When you use the scroll API, Elasticsearch creates a sort of a cursor for the current state of the index, so the reason for it not being recommended for real time search is because you will not see any new documents that were inserted after you created the scroll token.
Since your use case indicates that you rarely update or insert new documents into your indices, that may not be an issue for you.
When generating the scroll token you can specify a query with a sort, so if your documents have some sort of timestamp, you could create one scroll context for all documents with timestamp: { lte: "now" } and another scroll (or every a simple query) for the rest of the documents that were not included in the first search context by specifying a certain date range filter.

ElasticSearch routing field

Are there any guidelines for selecting a field to be used for routing in ElasticSearch? Previously we've had success using the user_id for an index of about ~750K documents (we have about 10K users).
For a second index, I didn't use the user_id field, and instead used a different ID that was much larger (750K). Performance seems subpar, but its hard to pin down if the routing field is the cause (it is required), as there are 30 million documents stored.
(I'll admit I'm thinking the query analyzer works in a similar fashion to a traditional SQL based one, and this may not be the case.)
