How to configure pull timeout on GCP PubSubTemplate? - spring

From the documentation on GCP it says:
Otherwise, the system may wait (for a bounded amount of time) until at least one message is available, rather than returning no messages.
Is there any way of configuring this "(for a bounded amount of time)"? I am using spring-cloud-gcp.

As mentioned in the document returnImmediately is deprecated.
However you can set the timeout to any Asynchronous Pull by mentioning the timeout value in StreamingPullFuture#result. If you don't set timeout then the result() will block indefinitely, unless an exception is encountered first.
You can go through the Pub/Sub Receiving messages Quickstart to understand better. You can also check this documentation regarding the different types of pull subscriptions.


Apache.NMS.AMQP setting prefetch size

I am using Apache.NMS.AMQP (v1.8.0) to connect to AWS managed ActiveMQ (v5.15.9) broker but am having problems with setting prefetch size for connection/consumer/destination (couldn't set custom value on either of them).
While digging through source code I've found that default prefetch value (DEFAULT_CREDITS) is set to 200.
To test this behavior I've written test that enqueues 220 messages on a single queue, creates two consumers and then consumes messages. The result was, as expected, that first consumer dequeued 200 messages and second dequeued 20 messages.
After that I was looking for a way to set prefetch size on my consumer without any success since LinkCredit property of ConsumerInfo class is readonly.
Since my usecase requires me to set one prefetch size for connection that is what I've tried next according to this documentation page, but no success. This are URLs that I've tried:
After trying everything stated above I've tried setting prefetch for my queue destinations by appending
?consumer.prefetchSize=50 to queue name. Resulting in something like this:
All of above attempts resulted with effective prefetch size of 200 (determined through test described above).
Is there any way to set custom prefetch size per connection when connecting to broker using AMQP? Is there any other way to configure broker than through query parameters stated on this documentation page?
From a quick read of the code there isn't any means of setting the consumer link credit in the NMS.AMQP client implementation at this time. This seems to be something that would need to be added as it currently seems to just use a default value to supply to the AmqpNetLite receiver link for auto refill.
Their issue reporter is here.

Kafka Producer is not retrying after Timeout

Intermittently(once or twice in a month) I am seeing the error
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for cart-topic-0: 5109 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time
in my logs due to which the corresponding message was not processed by Kafka Producer.
Though all the brokers are up and available I'm not sure why this error is being observed. Even the load is not much during this period.
I have set the retries property value to 10 in Producer configs but still, the message was not been retried. Is there anything else I need to add for the Kafka send method? I have gone through the similar issues raised, but there is no proper conclusion for this error.
Can someone please help on how to fix this.
From the KIP proposal which is now addressed
We propose adding a new timeout The window of enforcement includes batching in the accumulator, retries, and the inflight segments of the batch. With this config, the user has a guaranteed upper bound on when a record will either get sent, fail or expire from the point when send returns. In other words we no longer overload to act as a weak proxy for accumulator timeout and instead introduce an explicit timeout that users can rely on without exposing any internals of the producer such as the accumulator.
So basically, post this now you can additionally be able to configure a delivery timeout and retries for every async send you execute.
I had an issue where retries were not being obeyed, but in my particular case it was because we were calling the get() method on send for synchronous behaviour. We hadn't realized it would impact retries.
In investigating the issue through various paths I came across the definition of the sorts of errors that are retrial
What had confused me is that timeout was listed as a retrial one.
I would normally have suggested you would want to look into if the delivery of your batches was taking too long and messages in your buffer were expiring due to increased volume, but you've mentioned that the volume isn't particularly high.
Did you determine if increasing the has an impact on the frequency of occurrence? It might be more of a treating the symptom step than the cause.

Ruby websocket check if user exist

Using Event-machine and Ruby. Currently I'm making a game were at the end of the turn it checks if other user there. When sending data to the user using ws.send() how can I check if the user actually got the data or is alternative solution?
As the library doesn't provide you with access to the underlying protocol elements, you need to add elements to your application protocol to do this. A typical approach is to add an identifier to each message and response to messages with acknowledgement messages that contain those identifiers.
Note that such an approach will only help you to have a better idea of what has been received by a client. There is no assurance of particular state in the case of errors. An example would be losing a connection after the client as sent an ACK, but the service has not received it.
As a result of the complexity I just mentioned, it is often easier to try to make most operations idempotent - that is able to be replayed without detriment to the system, and to replay readily during/after error conditions. You may additionally find a way to periodically synchronize the relevant state entirely, to avoid the long term continuation of minor errors introduced by loss of data/a connection.

Webmaster API v3: getting servingLimitExceeded using batch requests

I'm getting the servingLimitExceeded error message for results within batch but not for an entire batch. For example, I may get 100 records responding with this error and then it starts returning more results. All within the a single batch.
If batches are handled internally by Google API, how can I adjust them to not hit the rate limit? I tried adding a 1-second delay between batches but that doesn't change this. I also set retries = 3 on the Ruby client, but I don't know if that means it retries a failed batch. I don't think it's retrying individual API calls within the batch, because the back-off should resolve this.
Do I have to record the failed results and create a new batch to recover those separately?
Incidentally, the documented quota limit errors are confusing. There are dailyLimitExceeded and rateLimitExceeded messages but this isn't returning one of those. The servingLimitExceeded description of "The overall rate limit specified for the API has already been reached" is not all that helpful but I'm assuming this is the rate limit that we hit.
Looking at the code, I see that the retries in the ruby google-api-client only apply to transmission and authorization (401) errors. A 403 (which is what rate limit returns) raises a ClientError which is not retried anyway.
So setting retries on the client object has no bearing on this.
Is there something I can do to address this in the batch?
We received word from Webmaster team that the API is limited to 20QPS and there is currently no way to go higher.
One suggested solution is to make smaller batch requests.

Detect dropped messages in ZeroMQ Queues

Since it does not seem to be possible to query/inspect the underlying ZeroMQ queues/buffers sockets to see how much they are utilized, is there some way to detect when a message is dropped due to full buffers in a Publisher socket when sent/queued?
For example, if the publisher queue is full, the zmq_send operation will simply drop the message.
Basically, what I want to achieve is a way to detect situations where the queues are getting stressed and/or full to be able to (later on) tune the solution to work better. One alternative way would be to add a sequence number to each message and do a simple calculation in the subscriber but I can never be sure that a message was lost due to full buffers in the publisher.
There is an example for this in the ZeroMQ Guide (which you should read and digest if you want to use 0MQ happily):
The mechanism is as you answered yourself, to add a sequence number in the message, and allow the subscriber to detect gaps and take appropriate action. For most pubsub scenarios you can raise the default HWM, which is 1,000, to something much higher; it depends on your average message size.
I know this is an old post but here is what I did when recently facing the same issue.
I opted to use a DEALER/ROUTER and set the ZMQ_SNDHWM option to 1. Also I provided the timeout parameter on each zmq_send(). The timeout could be anything between 10 ms to 3 seconds, depending on what your scenario is ( a local or remote send ).
If the message is not sent within the timeout or the send-buffer is full the zmq_send() will return false. That enabled me to set up a retry queue in front of zmq. I know it's not a perfect solution but for me it worked just fine. What puzzles me though is the meaning of true/false returned by the DEALER-socket zmq_send(). I have not been able to find the answer to that question. Whether it indicates that the message has been buffered or that the message has been delivered to the ROUTER has eluded me. In my case I got the results needed anyway.
Just for the record this was done using netmq but I guess it applies to ZeroMQ as well.
I do agree wtih james though. ZeroMQ ( and netmq ) should at least provide a way to inspect the queue ( and get the messages out ) and also a way to tell the various sockets not to drop messages. The best option would be to send messages not delivered in timely fashion according to the configured options to some sort of deadletter queue. The deadletter queue could then be handled separately.
