What is the meaning of size(embedding_model)? - gensim

I want to be sure I understand correctly:
Using the length of embedding model means number of different tokens it contains?
from gensim import downloader
embedding_model = downloader.load('glove-wiki-gigaword-50')
means: glove-wiki-gigaword-50 has 400000 different tokens (words) and each token (word) has the size of 50 bytes ?

Yes, len(model) in this case gives you the count of words inside it.
model.vector_size will give you the number of dimensions (not bytes) per vector. (The actual size of the vector in bytes will be 4 times the count of dimensions, as each float32-sized value takes 4 bytes.)
I generally recommend against ever using the Gensim api.downloader functionality: if you instead find & manually download from the original source of the files, you'll better understand their contents, formats, & limitations – and where the file has landed in your local filesystem. And, by then using a specific class/method to load the file, you'll better understand what kinds of classes/objects you're using, rather than whatever mystery-object downloader.load() might have given you.


4 bytes hash algorithm to compare small text (normally less than 2 kb)

I am developing a piece of software that need to check duplicate small text (normally less than 2 kb) using pre-calculated signature (4bytes). Currently , I've implemented CRC32 (4byte) to achieve this purpose but I suspect that CRC32 would generated a lot of duplicate values. I know it is impossible to make it really unique but at least I want to minimize this probability.
-- UPDATE 1 --
NOTE: I can not increase the size of hash bytes. It costs me a lot of storage. I am talking about entries size more than 1,000,000. for example 1,000,000 * 4 byte = 4,000,000 bytes. I cannot use MD5 because it takes 16 bytes!
-- UPDATE 2 --
I did not want to open the whole problem but now I have to do it.
My project is a dictionary engine that can search a lot of independent databases to find the users' asked phrase. All results must be prepared instantly (auto-complete feature). All text data is compressed, so I cannot decompress them to check the duplicated results. I have to store hash values from compressed text in my index. So hash bytes increase index size and disk I/O to read, decompress and decode index blocks (index blocks is also compressed). The hash values are generally un-compressible. The design of this software forced me to compress everything to meet the user's needs (using in embedded systems). Now, I want to remove duplicate text from search result using hash values to avoid (un)compressed text comparison (which is unreasonable in my case because of disk I/O).
It seems that we can design a custom checksum that meets the conditions. For example, I store text length in 2 bytes and generate 2-bytes checksum to check duplicate possibility ?!
I appreciate any suggestion in advance.
-- UPDATE 3 --
After a lot of investigations and using the information that are provided by answers, thanks to all of you, I found that CRC32 is good enough in my case. I ran some statistical benchmarks on my generated CRCs, after checking the duplicate values, the result was satisfying.
thanks to all of you.
I will up-vote all answers.
Without further knowledge about small text, the best you can hope for is each hash value equally probable, and most of 2³² 4-octet-values used. Even then, you are more likely than not to have a collision with just about 77000 texts, let alone a million. With a few exceptions (Adler32 coming to mind), well-known hash functions differ very little in collision probability. (They differ in difficulty to produce collisions/given values on purpose, and in computation/circuit cost.)
→Chose a compromise between collision probability and storage requirements.
For easily computed checksums, have a look at Fletcher's - Adler32 is very similar, but has a an increased collision probability with short inputs.
In case you get into hash collision you have to check if text is equal. The best way would be to count how many time it happens to have collision make some statistics and if it looks bad optimizing it. I got this idea that you could build 2 different hash values crc32 and md5 (or Luhn or whatever you like) and check for equality only if both hashes have same values.
I did something very similar in one of my projects. In my project i used something called a BLOOM FILTER , watch about the entire thing here and how to implement it , Bloom filter reduces the chances of HASH COLLITIONS massively thanks to its use of several hashing algorithms (however its possible to simulate multiple hash functions using just one hashing function but that what we are here for.) .. Try this out !! it worked for me and will work for u as well
An actual working implementation of a bloom filter

Best way to store 1 trillion lines of information

I'm doing calculations and the resultant text file right now has 288012413 lines, with 4 columns. Sample column:
288012413; 4855 18668 5.5677643628300215
the file is nearly 12 GB's.
That's just unreasonable. It's plain text. Is there a more efficient way? I only need about 3 decimal places, but would a limiter save much room?
Go ahead and use MySQL database
MSSQL express has a limit of 4GB
MS Access has a limit of 4 GB
So these options are out. I think by using a simple database like mysql or sSQLLite without indexing will be your best bet. It will probably be faster accessing the data using a database anyway and on top of that the file size may be smaller.
The first column looks suspiciously like a line number - if this is the case then you can probably just get rid of it saving around 11 characters per line.
If you only need about 3 decimal places then you can round / truncate the last column, potentially saving another 12 characters per line.
I.e. you can get rid of 23 characters per line. That line is 40 characters long, so you can approximatley halve your file size.
If you do round the last column then you should be aware of the effect that rounding errors may have on your calculations - if the end result needs to be accurate to 3 dp then you might want to keep a couple of extra digits of precision depending on the type of calculation.
You might also want to look into compressing the file if it is just used to storing the results.
Reducing the 4th field to 3 decimal places should reduce the file to around 8GB.
If it's just array data, I would look into something like HDF5:
The format is supported by most languages, has built-in compression and is well supported and widely used.
If you are going to use the result as a lookup table, why use ASCII for numeric data? why not define a struct like so:
struct x {
long lineno;
short thing1;
short thing2;
double value;
and write the struct to a binary file? Since all the records are of a known size, advancing through them later is easy.
well, if the files are that big, and you are doing calculations that require any sort of precision with the numbers, you are not going to want a limiter. That might possibly do more harm than good, and with a 12-15 GB file, problems like that will be really hard to debug. I would use some compression utility, such as GZIP, ZIP, BlakHole, 7ZIP or something like that to compress it.
Also, what encoding are you using? If you are just storing numbers, all you need is ASCII. If you are using Unicode encodings, that will double to quadruple the size of the file vs. ASCII.
Like AShelly, but smaller.
Assuming line #'s are continuous...
struct x {
short thing1;
short thing2;
short value; // you said only 3dp. so store as fixed point n*1000. you get 2 digits left of dp
save in binary file.
lseek() read() and write() are your friends.
file will be large(ish) at around 1.7Gb.
The most obvious answer is just "split the data". Put them to different files, eg. 1 mln lines per file. NTFS is quite good at handling hundreds of thousands of files per folder.
Then you've got a number of answers regarding reducing data size.
Next, why keep the data as text if you have a fixed-sized structure? Store the numbers as binaries - this will reduce the space even more (text format is very redundant).
Finally, DBMS can be your best friend. NoSQL DBMS should work well, though I am not an expert in this area and I dont know which one will hold a trillion of records.
If I were you, I would go with the fixed-sized binary format, where each record occupies the fixed (16-20?) bytes of space. Then even if I keep the data in one file, I can easily determine at which position I need to start reading the file. If you need to do lookup (say by column 1) and the data is not re-generated all the time, then it could be possible to do one-time sorting by lookup key after generation -- this would be slow, but as a one-time procedure it would be acceptable.

How does WinRAR perform a compression ratio check?

E.g. how can it tell that a 4GB text file can be compressed to, say, 200MB? Obviously, it doesn't read all of the contents in 2 or so seconds... so what kind of predictive algorithm(s) does it use?
They use variant of Prediction by partial matching (PPM) called PPMd.
Look at wiki
It takes usually -log(x) + log(2) bits to compress x bits. However this is a highly theoretical value and it depends heavenly on the data you want to compress. For your data you have to record each character and frequency and insert it in the formula. For example try only 3 character first. You want to look for shannon-code.

Is Terra Compression possible? If so, please explain and provide samples

Long Ascii String Text may or may not be crushed and compressed into hash kind of ascii "checksum" by using sophisticated mathematical formula/algorithm. Just like air which can be compressed.
To compress megabytes of ascii text into a 128 or so bytes, by shuffling, then mixing new "patterns" of single "bytes" turn by turn from the first to the last. When we are decompressing it, the last character is extracted first, then we just go on decompression using the formula and the sequential keys from the last to the first. The sequential keys and the last and the first bytes must be exactly known, including the fully updated final compiled string, and the total number of bytes which were compressed.
This is the terra compression I was thinking about. Is this possible? Can you explain examples. I am working on this theory and it is my own thought.
In general? Absolutely not.
For some specific cases? Yup. A megabyte of ASCII text consisting only of spaces is likely to compress extremely well. Real text will generally compress pretty well... but not in the order of several megabytes into 128 bytes.
Think about just how many strings - even just strings of valid English words - can fit into several megabytes. Far more than 256^128. They can't all compress down to 128 bytes, by the pigeon-hole principle...
If you have n possible input strings and m possible compressed strings and m is less than n then two strings must map to the same compressed string. This is called the pigeonhole principle and is the fundemental reason why there is a limit on how much you can compress data.
What you are describing is more like a hash function. Many hash functions are designed so that given a hash of a string it is extremely unlikely that you can find another string that gives the same hash. But there is no way that given a hash you can discover the original string. Even if you are able to reverse the hashing operation to produce a valid input that gives that hash, there are infinitely many other inputs that would give the same hash. You wouldn't know which of them is the "correct" one.
Information theory is the scientific field which addresses questions of this kind. It also provides you the possibility to calculate the minimum amount of bits needed to store a compressed message (with lossless compression). This lower bound is known as the Entropy of the message.
Calculation of the Entropy of a piece of text is possible using a Markov model. Such a model uses information how likely a certain sequence of characters of the alphabet is.
The air analogy is very wrong.
When you compress air you make the molecules come closer to each other, each molecule is given less space.
When you compress data you can not make the bit smaller (unless you put your harddrive in a hydraulic press). The closest you can get of actually making bits smaller is increasing the bandwidth of a network, but that is not compression.
Compression is about finding a reversible formula for calculating data. The "rules" about data compression are like
The algorithm (including any standard start dictionaries) is shared before hand and not included in the compressed data.
All startup parameters must be included in the compressed data, including:
Choice of algorithmic variant
Choice of dictionaries
All compressed data
The algorithm must be able to compress/decompress all possible messages in your domain (like plain text, digits or binary data).
To get a feeling of how compression works you may study some examples, like Run length encoding and Lempel Ziv Welch.
You may be thinking of fractal compression which effectively works by storing a formula and start values. The formula is iterated a certain number of times and the result is an approximation of the original input.
This allows for high compression but is lossy (output is close to input but not exactly the same) and compression can be very slow. Even so, ratios of 170:1 are about the highest achieved at the moment.
This is a bit off topic, but I'm reminded of the Broloid compression joke thread that appeared on USENET ... back in the days when USENET was still interesting.
Seriously, anyone who claims to have a magical compression algorithm that reduces any text megabyte file to a few hundred bytes is either:
a scammer or click-baiter,
someone who doesn't understand basic information theory, or
You can compress test to a certain degree because it doesn't use all the available bits (i.e. a-z and A-Z make up 52 out of 256 values). Repeating patterns allow some intelligent storage (zip).
There is no way to store arbitrary large chunks of text in any fixed length number of bytes.
You can compress air, but you won't remove it's molecules! It's mass keeps the same.

YouTube URL algorithm?

How would you go about generating the unique video URL's that YouTube uses?
YouTube uses Base64 encoding to generate IDs for each video.Characters involved in generating Ids consists of
(A-Z) + (a-z) + (0-9) + (-) + (_). (64 Characters).
Using Base64 encoding and only up to 11 characters they can generate 73+ Quintilian unique IDs.How much large pool of ID is that?
Well, it's enough for everyone on earth to produce video every single minute for 18000 years.
And they have achieved such huge number by only using 11 characters (64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64) if they need more IDs they will just have to add 1 more character to their IDs.
So when video is uploaded on YouTube they basically randomly select from 73+ Quintilian possibility and see if its already taken or not.if not use it otherwise look for another one.
Refer to this video for detailed explanation.
Using some non-trivial hashing function. The probability of collision is very low, depending on the function, the parameters and the input domain. Keep in mind that cryptographic hashes were specifically designed to have very low collision rates for non-random input (i.e. completely different hashes for two close-but-unequal inputs).
This post by Jeff Attwood is a nice overview of the topic.
And here is an online hash calculator you can play with.
There is no need to use a hash. It is probably just a quasi-random 64 bit value passed through base64 or some equivalent.
By quasi-random, I mean it is just a one-to-one mapping with the counting integers, just shuffled.
For example, you could take a monotonically increasing database id and multiply it by some prime near 2^64, then base64 the result. If you did not want people to be able to guess, you might choose a more complex mapping or just pick a random number that is not in the database yet.
Normal base64 would add an equals at the end, but in this case it is implied because the size is known. The character mapping could easily be something besides the standard.
Eli's link to Jeff's article is, in my opinion, irrelevant. URL shortening is not the same thing as presenting an ID to the world. Instead, a nicer way would be to convert your existing integer ID to a different radix.
An example in PHP:
$id = 9999;
//$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+26+10); // PHP doesn't like this
$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+10); // Works, but only digits + lowercase
Sadly, PHP only supports up to base 36 (digits + alphabet). Base 62 would support alphabet in both upper-case and lower-case.
People are talking about these other systems:
Random number/letters - Why? If you want people to not see the next video (id+1), then just make it private. On a website like youtube, where it actively shows any video it has, why bother with random ids?
Hashing an ID - This design concept really stinks. Think about it; so you have an ID guaranteed by your DBM software to be unique, and you hash it (introducing a collision factor)? Give me one reason why to even consider this idea.
Using the ID in URL - To be honest, I don't see any problems with this either, though it will grow to be large when in fact you can express the same number with fewer letters (hence my solution).
Using Base64 - Base64 expects bytes of data, literally anything from nulls to spaces. Why use this function when your data consists of a number (ie, a mix of 10 different characters, instead of 256)?
You can use any library or some languages like python provides it in standard library.
import secrets
id_length = 12
random_video_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(id_length)
You could generate a GUID and have that as the ID for the video.
Guids are very unlikely to collide.
Your best bet is probably to simply generate random strings, and keep track (in a DB for example) of which strings you've already used so you don't duplicate. This is very easy to implement and it cannot fail if properly implemented (no duplicates, etc).
I don't think that the URL v parameter has anything to do with the content (video properties, title, description etc).
It's a randomly generated string of fixed length and contains a very specific set of characters. No duplicates are allowed.
I suggest using a perfect hash function:
Perfect Hash Function for Human Readable Order Codes
As the accepted answer indicates, take a number, then apply a sequence of "bijective" (or reversible) operations on the number to get a hashed number.
The input numbers should be in sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Typically you're hiding a numeric identifier in the form of something that doesn't look numeric. One simple method is something like base-36 encoding the number. You should be able to pull that off with one or another variant of itoa() in the language of your choice.
Just pick random values until you have one never seen before.
Randomly picking and exhausting all values form a set runs in expected time O(nlogn): What is O value for naive random selection from finite set?
In your case you wouldn't exhaust the set, so you should get constant time picks. Just use a fast data structure to do the duplication lookups.
