Login with Linkedin shows error "The Application is disabled" Laravel - laravel-5

I'm integrating LinkedIn with socialite in laravel
I got this error when logging in with LinkedIn "The application is disabled". Can you help identify the issue if ever I missed something? Thanks alot
"laravel/framework": "5.7.*",
"laravel/socialite": "^4.4",
The application is disabled - LinkedIn


Laravel 8 passport OAuth api "error": "invalid_client",

i try to test oauth on passport using laravel 8 but it gave me this error:
"error": "invalid_client",
"error_description": "Client authentication failed",
"message": "Client authentication failed"
this is screen shot of passport
So, if you are working with Passport, make sure you have followed the steps mentioned in the documentation. Looks like you have missed the publishing of the keys from passport config php artisan vendor:publish --tag=passport-config. Once again if it is a fresh installation, you just need to follow the steps mentioned in the documentation to setup Passport and it works like a charm!
I was also facing the same error in one of my project on which I was working on, and just by googling I came to this post. I also tried the proposed answer but it wasn't work for me so I gone through with given parameters. My use case was a bit different in which I was on password authorized screen and facing the same error as you have. I was just passing the data in query string. So I just matched my query string data with the one I have in the database and my issue is resolved now. Try this in your case as well and hoping your issue will also fixed. This error is less or more depending upon the posted data.

Why facebook socialite login not working suddenly?

I am implementing a website and i implemented a facebook login with the help of socialite package. It was working fine but suddenly it starts saying GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException
Client error: `GET https://graph.facebook.com/v3.3/me?access_token=EAAJWzLrZAbJ8BAHBPV56l7CG5THpGlgaKWDJY6AYoZACvMv9GjmjQ0PBRjbdZBFbTqpM5wuuo30hvnALWLBKpmgl7k82MR2nXmbMtWQLodxoNNreiz2crqnYbPYltmUKaM8IJg5aw9nUIgchh84LOBJ8XL2gBe279o4rlRamgZDZD&fields=name,email,gender,verified,link&appsecret_proof=66c071ea673cecd2df8d35c9dad4aaffb4dad595fb03628898b0e6078186b143` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response: {"error":{"message":"(#200) Missing Permissions","type":"OAuthException","code":200,"fbtrace_id":"AUoFNG89hfmlPG13WW8rbF (truncated...)
I haven't touched this code but ti shows me this error.
My apps throw the same error. It seems to be an issue on Facebooks side. A fix is already in the works.
Though this issue is fixed, you can try this for any future issues.
Goto vendor->laravel->socialite->src->Two->FacebookProvider.php
Find this line 28 and replace:
protected $fields = ['name', 'email'];
This is for facebook new policy. Socialite requested for more fields like gender, link.

how can i get laravel tymon/jwt-auth refresh token?

i use laravel tymon/jwt-auth for jwt authentication. but when i authenticate, just get access token, not refresh token
in package.json
"require": {
"php": "^7.1.3",
"barryvdh/laravel-cors": "^0.11.3",
"fideloper/proxy": "^4.0",
"laravel/framework": "5.8.*",
"laravel/tinker": "^1.0",
"tymon/jwt-auth": "dev-develop"
i expect to get an refresh token to refresh the token after expiration, in the config/jwt.php i can set the expiration time for both access token and refresh token, but i can't get it. how to get the refresh token ?
First, go your project directory
Open the terminal or CMD inside your project directory and execute the below command
$ php artisan route:list
it will give you all the routes regarding your project including the auth routes, inside that route list you can see a route like this
POST | api/auth/refresh
you should send the POST request to the above route with by providing the expired access token inside the header or body as Bearer token. It will return the new token as the response.
Note: if the previous access token is not expired after calling the refresh token, endpoint previous token will be automatically expired.

Laravel Socialite Facebook Wrong redirects, giving parameter app_id is required

I am using Laravel 5.2 in which I have configured Socialite 2.* for using facebook login. It was working few days ago, but suddenly it has start giving "The Parameter app_id is required". I have placed my credentials in config.services.php file as stated in the documentations. But nothing's working.

How to integrate Instamojo payment gateway in laravel 4.2?

I have done it in case of paypal.
Is there any way to integrate instamojo like this?
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
"moltin/laravel-cart": "dev-master",
"paypal/rest-api-sdk-php": "*"
Laravel has a package called Indian Payment Gateway (indipay) by which you can configure payment gateways like CCAvenue, PayUMoney, EBS, CitrusPay, Instamojo recently I have used this package for the integration and succeeded. The below link has a clear steps to do the integration process.
Github link
