R Session Startup Failure - rstudio

I tried to install the newest version of R Studio (RStudio 2022.07.0+548, "Spotted Wakerobin") on my 5 year old machine. Now I get the error below. I have uninstalled R and tried it again with the same result.
Any advice? Thanks for the help.


Why can't i install PostgreSQL on Windows 10

enter image description here
Hello, i tried to run .exe file PostgreSQL 14.2 version (download from https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads) and get this error like in the picture. I also tried to run a lot of versions (started from 10.2 and end 14.2) but getting this error. What should i do?
I was in trouble with the same phenomenon as you. But after installing windows update KB5011487 yesterday, the problem went away. Build No. of windows10(pro) is 19043.1586.

Error reading R script (),system error 2 when trying to run R Studio on Mac

I installed R Studio desktop in my MacBook air running on Big Sur. Unfortunately, it cannot run due to the error below:
Error reading R script (),system error 2 (No such file or directory);
Unable to find libR.dylib in expected locationswithin R Home directory
Running brew install R solves the problem for me.
A similar question was asked on the R Studio community.
You need to first download base R:
Choose the latest version from here, under the Latest release header. For example, R-4.1.0.pkg.
Then download R Studio for MacOS from here.
You have probably installed Rstudio before installing R. What you can do is to first install R using brew install R and then reinstalling Rstudio using brew reinstall rstudio.
To add to all above info, with recent releases of MacOS we will have to install XQuartz before installing R. After these installations, proceed with RStudio installation.

anaconda installation on windows 10 gets stuck when extracting anaconda-2020.02-py37_0.tar.bz2

I am installing anaconda 2020.02 on a windows 10 machine. Everything runs smoothly until the installation gets stuck at:
Extract anaconda-2020.02-py37_0.tar.bz2
I have tried the installation several times (removing all files relating to the installation every time) and the same thing happens always.
Can anyone help me?
This question was asked 5 days ago by someone else but no explicit solution was given:
Anaconda installation get stuck at extract: anaconda-2020.02-py37_0.tar.bz2?
I had the same problem. My installer was stuck for hours at a time. So, I went to Anaconda's repo https://repo.continuum.io/archive/ and installed the immediately previous version 2019.10 and it installed just fine.

Install APTANA failed Windows 10

I'm trying to install Aptana studio 3 on my pc, Windows 10. I download the setup from your link and then launch the setup, but after few seconds I have this error: "Failed to correctly acquire installer_nodejs_windows.msi file:CRC error".
After that the setup ends because of the error...how can I solve that?
Thanks for your kind help, I'd like to use Aptana for my study.
I found that the solution posted in this post worked for me. I already had nodejs & msysgit installed.

Android Studio Beta 0.8.0 won't start on OS X

I just downloaded the newly released beta version of Android Studio. When trying to launch the application, nothing happens.
The following message is shown in the OS X Console:
"com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.google.android.studio.58288[542]) Exited with code: 1"
I am running OS X Mavericks with Java 1.7.0_51 installed.
Any help to resolve this issue is much appreciated :)
I solved the problem by following the advice given here.
In /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/info.plist, expand JVMOptions and edit the value of JVMVersion to match whatever version of Java you are using. For some reason, mine was set to 1.6* even though I never had that version of Java installed. So, for Java version 1.8 one would edit the value to be 1.8*.
