Why making tests passed parameter into method is empty? - laravel

Making http test in laravel 8 in control I create $itemObject object with factory and pass it for edit method
use Tests\TestCase;
class ControllersItemObjectController extends TestCase
use DatabaseMigrations;
/** #test */
public function edit_item_object()
$itemObject = ItemObject::factory()->create();
\Log::info(json_encode($itemObject); // I see valid object logged
\Log::info(gettype($itemObject)); // it shows "object"
$this->asAdmin()->get(route('item-objects.edit', ['item_object' => $itemObject]));
and I got error :
Missing required parameter for [Route: item-objects.update] [URI: item-objects/{item_object}] [Missing parameter: item_object]. (View:
in routes I have :
| | GET|HEAD | item-objects/{item_object}/edit | item-objects.edit | App\Http\Controllers\ItemObjectController#edit | web |
But in ItemObjectController controller I have :
public function edit(ItemObject $itemObject)
\Log::info( json_encode($itemObject) ); // but it returns empty array
return view('item-objects.edit', [
As parameter $itemObject above is empty it raise error in /resources/views/item-objects/edit.blade.php template above.
But I do not see why this parameter is empty ? Where I lose this value passing valid object into ItemObjectController.edit method?
If there is a way to debug it ? I can not use TELESCOPE for tests...
In route parameter is "item_object", but var name is "$itemObject" I do not see wht $itemObject is empty ...
Thanks in advance!

First of all, the error is being shown for item-objects.update, but the route you have shared is for item-objects.edit.
So, you have also shared the controller for edit, and you are using item_object in the route but using $itemObject in your controller... When you want to use Implicit Model Binding you have to match the parameter with the variable name, so you either use itemObject or item_object (I would recommend the first one):
public function edit(ItemObject $itemObject)
return view('item-objects.edit', [
Route::get(`item-objects/{itemObject}/edit`, [\App\Http\Controllers\ItemObjectController::class, 'edit'])
After that is done, your test should also match the route:
public function edit_item_object()
$itemObject = ItemObject::factory()->create();
->get(route('item-objects.edit', ['itemObject' => $itemObject]));

In this case you dont need to encode to json.
You need to pass the attribute which is used for model bindings in your routes file.
as an example, you can have something like this:
Route::bind('item_object', fn (string $value) => ItemObject::query()->findOrFail($value));
The code above, responsible for mapping route param with model from DB.
But in your case it might be different. I do prefer to follow explicit model bindings,instead of magic :)


Laravel edit controller not having data

I am trying to make crud in laravel. While doing dd of data variable in edit function attributes array is getting null
Route::resource('/gameSettings', GameSettingController::class);
public function edit(GameSetting $game_setting)
return view('admin.game_setting.edit', compact('game_setting'));
class GameSetting extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $fillable = [
dd($game_settings); giving null array attribute
I dont have enough rep to comment so I give an answer...
#lagbox is correct. Your route parameter should match exactly as the variable typehinted in the controller for your case change $game_setting to $gameSetting
if you want to use $game_setting change your route to
Route::resource('/gameSettings', GameSettingController::class, ['parameters' => ['gameSetting' => 'game_setting']]);
The variable that you have typehinted on the Controller method must match exactly the name of the route parameter you have defined. In this case the parameter would be named gameSetting most likely. If you don't match these then you have Dependency Injection happening which would give you a new, non-existing, instance of the model. If you match the name then you will get Route Model Binding and it will look up the model and give you that particular entity.
If you want to see what the route parameter is named, since you are using resource routing, you can run php artisan route:list from the command line and it will show you those 7 routes and how they are defined.

How to catch get parameter and cast it to int in Laravel?

I have the following controller:
class CustomerController extends Controller
public function index(int $customerId = 0) : Renderable
And I'm requesting it by the following url http://localhost/customers?customerId=123. I would like to catch customerId as int. But It always gives 0 (default value the for method's signature). Ok, I can do something like:
$customerId = $request->input('customerId');
But the approach with getting parameter from the method's signature is more attractive for me.
I have seen this answer. It looks like very nice! But it does not work for my case. Why? Where is the mistake? Thank you for attention!
Here I will show my routes definitions:
Auth::routes(['register' => false, 'reset' => false]);
Route::middleware('auth')->group(function () {
Route::resource('customers', 'CustomerController');
If you want to use the Resource Route you have to pass the customerID parameter like below. And also you have to use one of these methods: show, edit,update or destroy in your controller.
Route::resource('customers', 'CustomerController')->parameters([
'customers' => 'customerId'
For more details: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/controllers#resource-controllers
AFAIK Laravel doesn't inject parameters this way.
If such URI is really needed - you should manually inspect request input for your variables.
If you want to use controller as written, you should use route parameters (e.g. /customers/{id}) instead of parameters after ?.
By default resource controllers use index() for displaying all entities and show() for displaying only one entity.
If you use Eloquent, you can also inject Customer model, e.g.
public function index(Customer $customer) : Renderable
Customer will be automatically found by id and injected in controller method.

The update nor the destroy methods won't work in laravel eloquent model?

I have a strange situation where eloquent model won't let me update nor destroy while index and create is working fine!
I'm using Vue.js and Laravel API Resource for form control, and while it worked with me before, it won't work here:
Here's my Vue.js Code:
updateFinish(finish) {
axios.patch(`/api/finishes/${finish.id}`, finish).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
// Get laravel validation error
this.errors = error.response.data.errors;
laravel update code (not working)
public function update(FinishType $finishType)
// Don't know why not working
return new FinishTypeResource($finishType);
the response is null:
While this code works:
public function update($id)
$finishType = FinishType::find($id);
$validates = $this->validateRequest();
$finishType->name = $validates['name'];
return new FinishTypeResource($finishType);
public function validateRequest()
return request()->validate([
'name' => 'required | unique:finish_types',
Note the Model name is FinishType and database table name is finish_types, I even tried to define the table name in the model like so protected $table = 'finish_types' – still not working and I already have defined the $fillable array!!!
Your route model binding is not working correctly, for the implicit binding to work your injected variable should match the route parameter name.
Assuming that your parameter name could be finish (reading the url from your javascript) you have to write the update function using $finish as injected variable, like this:
public function update(FinishType $finish)
return new FinishTypeResource($finish);
Do the same for destroy():
public function destroy(FinishType $finish)
// your destroy code here
In any case you can run php artisan route:list to find your parameter name (the part of the URI in braces) and give the same name to the injected variable.
If the two do not match, parameter and injected variable name, laravel injects a void, not loaded, FinishType model so it does not make sense doing an update or a delete on it.
I can't post comments so I'm going to post what I assume is the answer.
Laravel does route model binding automagically when the route url name corresponds to the name of the table I think... or model.
So users/{id} would auto bind the User object when you type it as a param in the controller. Example (User $user)
However, since your URL seems to be "different" from the name of your Model/Table, go to the RouteServiceProvider, and manually do the binding.
So in your case you'd do something like this in the boot function of the RouteServiceProvider class:
public function boot()
Route::model('finishes', FinishType::class);
Don't forget your imports :)
You can read more about Explicit Model Binding here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/routing#explicit-binding

Laravel 5.7 ApiResource GET params empty

I use Laravel 5.7 for my JSON API web application.
In my routes/api.php file, I created the following route :
Route::apiResource('my_resource', 'API\Resource')->except(['delete']);
I added the corresponding controller and methods (index, show,...) and everythink work perfectly. My issue is the following : I would like to add optional GET params like this :
And for instance being able to retrieve 'hello' in my index() method. However, when I print the value of $request->input('param'), it's empty. I just don't get anything.
Yet, if I create a route like this, with an optional parameter:
Route::get('/my_resource/{param?}', 'API\Resource');
I'm able to get the parameter value in my controller method.
Here is my index method :
class Resource extends Controller {
public function index(Request $request)
// ...
// ...
Am I missing something ? I'm still new in Laravel maybe I missed something in the documentation.
Thanking you in advance,
You can use:

Laravel 4: get url parameter from controller

I'm new to laravel 4 and I'm currently having the following problem:
In my routes.php I have the line:
Route::get('maps/{map_type}', 'MapsController#loadMaps');
And in my MapsController I'd like to get the {map_type} to use it.
So my question: How can I retrieve map_type in my Controller?
Your first argument in your loadMaps method is your map type.
public function loadMaps($map_type) {
return $map_type;
Take a look at the first two code snippets on http://laravel.com/docs/controllers.
Controllers receive parameters as parameters in the called function:
class MapsController extends BaseController {
public function loadMaps($map_type) {}
Check http://laravel.com/docs/controllers#basic-controllers for more info
