golang: How to get first bit of byte [duplicate] - go

This question already has answers here:
How do I get the bits from a byte in golang?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
I have a hash:
b := hash.Sum(nil)
I am really just interested in the first bit of that byte. Is it 0 or 1?
So far I have this:
s := strconv.FormatInt(int64(b[0]),2)
if s[0] == '0' {
// it's 0
} else {
// it's 1
But I am sure there is a much more elegant (and more performant?) way to do this.

you could just check the result of bitwise and operator
if b[0] & 0x1 == 0x1 {
// it's 1
} else {
// it's 0

The Sum() function of a hash returns a slice of bytes. You want to isolate the first bit of the first byte, correct?
It's a simple matter of bit-twiddling. 2 or 3 machine instructions at most.
Depending on what you mean by "first bit",
This gives you the high-order/most significant/leftmost bit of a byte:
func HighOrderBit(b byte) byte {
return (b >> 7) & 0x01
And this gives you the low-order/least significant/rightmost bit of a byte:
func LowOrderBit(b byte) byte {
return (b >> 0) & 0x01
Note that the above works for any integer type: the only difference being the size of the right shift in highOrderBit(). The number of bits to shift right is the size of the integer type in bits minus one (e.g., for a 64-bit integer, the shift value is 64-1, or 63).


Get value of one bit from 32 bits

How do you apply a mask to get only one bit after you shift right? Does it depend on how many positions you shifted right?
In a 32 bit structure I'm trying to get the value of the 9th bit and the 10th bit.
x := uint32(11537664)
0000 0000 1011 0000 0000 1101 0000 0000
So for the 9th bit, if I shift right 23 bits I need to mask one byte? That seems to isolate the 9th bit because I'm getting a value of 1.
(x >> 23) & 0xff
9th bit...should be 1... looks ok.
So to get the 10th bit which should be 0 I am shifting one less bit which does make 0 all the way to the right. But there is a 1 after it which needs to be masked. I figured 1 byte plus 1 bit for the mask but I'm still seeing the the bit in position two so that can't be right.
(x >> 22) & 0x1ff
10th bit... should be 0, but this shift and mask does not look correct.
^ This bit I don't want.
Link to example:
package main
import (
func bin(i uint32) {
fmt.Printf("%032b\n", i)
func hex(i uint32) {
fmt.Printf("0x%x\n", i)
func show(i uint32) {
func main() {
x := uint32(11537664)
fmt.Println("First 8 bits.")
show(x >> 24)
fmt.Println("9th bit...should be 1")
show((x >> 23) & 0xff)
fmt.Println("10th bit... should be 0")
show((x >> 22) & 0x1ff)
After the shift you get a number being 0b10, and you only need the lowest bit. So why are you masking with 0x1ff? That has 9 one bits, that will leave the lowest 9 bits unchanged (unmasked).
Instead mask with 0b01 = 0x01. That only leaves the lowest bit, and zeroes all others:
show((x >> 22) & 0x01)
Try it on the Go Playground.
Also note that if you just want to test if a certain bit is one or zero, you don't neccessarily have to shift. Masking by a proper bitmask that contains a single one at the certain position is enough. You may compare the masking result with zero.
The proper bitmask for testing the nth bit is simply 1<<n (where bits are zero indexed). The 2 bits you want to test are the 22. and 23. bits.
See this example:
x := uint32(11537664)
fmt.Printf("x : %032b\n", x)
const mask22 = 1 << 22
fmt.Printf("mask22 : %032b\n", mask22)
fmt.Printf("22. bit: %032b %t\n", x&mask22, x&mask22 != 0)
const mask23 = 1 << 23
fmt.Printf("mask23 : %032b\n", mask23)
fmt.Printf("23. bit: %032b %t\n", x&mask23, x&mask23 != 0)
It outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
x : 00000000101100000000110100000000
mask22 : 00000000010000000000000000000000
22. bit: 00000000000000000000000000000000 false
mask23 : 00000000100000000000000000000000
23. bit: 00000000100000000000000000000000 true

Ignoring non integers in an unknown length of data input

i am new to c language and seeking help in understanding my mistake.
I want to write a program that counts the number of 2 digit numbers in a row of integers and chars, for example " 21c sdhhj 32 fhddhf234 45" here are 3 two digit numbers. I set terminations to my loop (failed scanf %d or EOF) and still get an infinite loop. I understand thet failed scanf of integers should return 0 or -1 at EOF so why i get infinite loop? Thank you in advance! :)
void read(int blue[],int red[],int couple[])
int vote=0,rcount=0,bcount=0;
int ok=-2;
while (ok!=EOF)
if (ok==0)
if (vote<TOTAL&&vote>0)
if (rcount==bcount)
i want to scan and store them as long as they are smaller then TOTAL (99) until the input is over.

Whats happening with this method?

type IntSet struct {
words []uint64
func (s *IntSet) Has(x int) bool {
word, bit := x/64, uint(x%64)
return word < len(s.words) && s.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0
Lets go through what I think is going on:
A new type is declared called IntSet. Underneath its new type declaration it is unint64 slice.
A method is created called Has(). It can only receive IntSet types, after playing around with ints she returns a bool
Before she can play she needs two ints. She stores these babies on the stack.
Lost for words
This methods purpose is to report whether the set contains the non-negative value x. Here is a the go test:
func TestExample1(t *testing.T) {
var x, y IntSet
fmt.Println(x.Has(9), x.Has(123)) // "true false"
// Output:
// true false
Looking for some guidance understanding what this method is doing inside. And why the programmer did it in such complicated means (I feel like I am missing something).
The return statement:
return word < len(s.words) && s.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0
Are the order of operations this?
return ( word < len(s.words) && ( s.words[word]&(1<<bit)!= 0 )
And what is the [words] and & doing within:
s.words[word]&(1<<bit)!= 0
edit: Am beginning to see slightly seeing that:
s.words[word]&(1<<bit)!= 0
Is just a slice but don't understand the &
As I read the code, I scribbled some notes:
package main
import "fmt"
// A set of bits
type IntSet struct {
// bits are grouped into 64 bit words
words []uint64
// x is the index for a bit
func (s *IntSet) Has(x int) bool {
// The word index for the bit
word := x / 64
// The bit index within a word for the bit
bit := uint(x % 64)
if word < 0 || word >= len(s.words) {
// error: word index out of range
return false
// the bit set within the word
mask := uint64(1 << bit)
// true if the bit in the word set
return s.words[word]&mask != 0
func main() {
nBits := 2*64 + 42
// round up to whole word
nWords := (nBits + (64 - 1)) / 64
bits := IntSet{words: make([]uint64, nWords)}
// bit 127 = 1 * 64 + 63
bits.words[1] = 1 << 63
fmt.Printf("%b\n", bits.words)
for i := 0; i < nWords*64; i++ {
has := bits.Has(i)
if has {
fmt.Println(i, has)
has := bits.Has(127)
Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/rxquNZ_23w1
[0 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0]
127 true
The Go Programming Language Specification
Arithmetic operators
& bitwise AND integers
peterSO's answer is spot on - read it. But I figured this might also help you understand.
Imagine I want to store some random numbers in the range 1 - 8. After I store these numbers I will be asked if the number n (also in the range of 1 - 8) appears in the numbers I recorded earlier. How would we store the numbers?
One, probably obvious, way would be to store them in a slice or maybe a map. Maybe we would choose a map since lookups will be constant time. So we create our map
seen := map[uint8]struct{}{}
Our code might look something like this
type IntSet struct {
seen: map[uint8]struct{}
func (i *IntSet) AddValue(v uint8) {
i.seen[v] = struct{}{}
func (i *IntSet) Has(v uint8) bool {
_, ok := i.seen[v]
return ok
For each number we store we take up (at least) 1 byte (8 bits) of memory. If we were to store all 8 numbers we would be using 64 bits / 8 bytes.
However, as the name implies, this is an int Set. We don't care about duplicates, we only care about membership (which Has provides for us).
But there is another way we could store these numbers, and we could do it all within a single byte. Since a byte provides 8 bits, we can use these 8 bits as markers for values we have seen. The initial value (in binary notation) would be
00000000 == uint8(0)
If we did an AddValue(3) we could change the 3rd bit and end up with
00000100 == uint8(3)
|______ 3rd bit
If we then called AddValue(8) we would have
10000100 == uint8(132)
^ ^
| |______ 3rd bit
|___________ 8th bit
So after adding 3 and 8 to our IntSet we have the internally stored integer value of 132. But how do we take 132 and figure out whether a particular bit is set? Easy, we use bitwise operators.
The & operator is a logical AND. It will return the value of the bits common between the numbers on each side of the operator. For example
10001100 01110111 11111111
& 01110100 & 01110000 & 00000001
-------- -------- --------
00000100 01110000 00000001
So to find out if n is in our set we simply do
our_set_value & (1 << (value_we_are_looking_for - 1))
which if we were searching for 4 would yield
& 00001000
0 <-- so 4 is not present
or if we were searching for 8
& 10000000
10000000 <-- so 8 is present
You may have noticed I subtracted 1 from our value_we_are_looking for. This is because I am fitting 1-8 into our 8bit number. If we only wanted to store seven numbers then we could just skip using the very first bit and assume our counting starts at bit #2 then we wouldn't have to subtract 1, like the code you posted does.
Assuming you understand all of that, here's where things get interesting. So far we have been storing our values in a uint8 (so we could only have 8 values, or 7 if you omit the first bit). But there are larger numbers that have more bits, like uint64. Instead of 8 values, we can store 64 values! But what happens if the range of values we want to track exceed 1-64? What if we want to store 65? This is where the slice of words comes from in the original code.
Since the code posted skips the first bit, from now on I will do so as well.
We can use the first uint64 to store the numbers 1 - 63. When we want to store the numbers 64-127 we need a new uint64. So our slice would be something like
[ uint64_of_1-63, uint64_of_64-127, uint64_of_128-192, etc]
Now, to answer the question about whether a number is in our set we need to first find the uint64 whose range would contain our number. If we were searching for 110 we would want to use the uint64 located at index 1 (uint64_of_64-128) because 110 would fall in that range.
To find the index of the word we need to look at, we take the whole number value of n / 64. In the case of 110 we would get 1, which is exactly what we want.
Now we need to examine the specific bit of that number. The bit that needs to be checked would be the remainder when dividing 110 by 64, or 46. So if the 46th bit of the word at index 1 is set, then we have seen 110 before.
This is how it might look in code
type IntSet struct {
words []uint64
func (s *IntSet) Has(x int) bool {
word, bit := x/64, uint(x%64)
return word < len(s.words) && s.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0
func (s *IntSet) AddValue(x int) {
word := x / 64
bit := x % 64
if word < len(s.words) {
s.words[word] |= (1 << uint64(bit))
And here is some code to test it
func main() {
rangeUpper := 1000
bits := IntSet{words: make([]uint64, (rangeUpper/64)+1)}
fmt.Printf("%b\n", bits.words)
for i := 0; i < rangeUpper; i++ {
if ok := bits.Has(i); ok {
fmt.Printf("Found %d\n", i)
Found 8
Found 63
Found 64
Found 127
Found 998
Playground of above
The |= is another bitwise operator OR. It means combine the two values keeping anywhere there is a 1 in either value
10000000 00000001 00000001
& 01000000 & 10000000 & 00000001
-------- -------- --------
11000000 10000001 00000001 <-- important that we
can set the value
multiple times
Using this method we can reduce the cost of storage for 65535 numbers from 131KB to just 1KB. This type of bit manipulation for set membership is very common in implementations of Bloom Filters
An IntSet represents a Set of integers. The presence in the set of any of a contiguous range of integers can be established by writing a single bit in the IntSet. Likewise, checking whether a specific integer is in the IntSet can be done by checking whether the particular integer corresponding to that bit is set.
So the code is finding the specific uint64 in the Intset corresponding to the integer:
word := x/64
and then the specific bit in that uint64:
bit := uint(x%64)
and then checking first that the integer being tested is in the range supported by the IntSet:
word < len(s.words)
and then whether the specific bit corresponding to the specific integer is set:
&& s.words[word]&(1<<bit) != 0
This part:
pulls out the specific uint64 of the IntSet that tracks whether the integer in question is in the set.
is a bitwise AND.
means take a 1, shift it to the bit position representing the specific integer being tested.
Performing the bitwise AND between the integer in question, and the bit-shifted 1 will return a 0 if the bit corresponding to the integer is not set, and a 1 if the bit is set (meaning, the integer in question is a member of the IntSet).

How count how many one bit have in byte, in Golang?

Suppose I have two variables, that only use 6 bits:
var a byte = 31 // 00011111
var b byte = 50 // 00110010
The first (a) have more one bits than the b, however the b is greater than a of course, so is not possible use a > b.
To achieve what I need, I do one loop:
func countOneBits(byt byte) int {
var counter int
var divider byte
for divider = 32; divider >= 1; divider >>= 1 {
if byt & divider == divider {
return counter
This works, I can use countOneBits(a) > countOneBits(b)...
But I don't think is the best solution for this case, I don't think this need a loop and because of it I'm here.
Have a better alternative (in performance aspect) to count how many 1 have in six bits?
Given that the input is a single byte probably a lookup table is the best option... only takes 256 bytes and you get code like
var count = bitcount[input];
Given that this function will be available in the packagemath/bits in the next Go release (1.9 this August) here is the code for a 32-bit integer.
// OnesCount32 returns the number of one bits ("population count") in x.
func OnesCount32(x uint32) int {
return int(pop8tab[x>>24] + pop8tab[x>>16&0xff] + pop8tab[x>>8&0xff] + pop8tab[x&0xff])
Where the pop8tab is defined here. And for your question in particular : 8bits
func OnesCount8(x uint8) int {
return int(pop8tab[x])
It is also possible to count bits with binary operations. See this bit twiddling hacks.
func bitSetCount(v byte) byte {
v = (v & 0x55) + ((v>>1) & 0x55)
v = (v & 0x33) + ((v>>2) & 0x33)
return (v + (v>>4)) & 0xF
You'll have to benchmark to see if this is faster than the lookup table which is the simplest to implement.
there is POPCNT golang version:

Convert a hexadecimal number to binary in Go and be able to access each bit

I am fiddling around with Go at the moment and have stumpled upon a problem where I want to get some feedback and help :)
My problem is that I have a string containing a hexadecimal value as input, such as this:
Now, I want to convert this to the binary representation of the number and be able to look at specific bits within.
My solution to this right now is:
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(rawHex, 16, 32)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", err)
// Convert int to binary representation
// %024b indicates base 2, padding with 0, with 24 characters.
bin := fmt.Sprintf("%024b", i)
The variable bin now holds exactly what I want, except it is a string which I don't think is optimal. I would rather that I could have an array of the individual bits such that I could just choose index i to get bit number i :)
Because as far as I know right now, if I lookup index 8 like so; bin[8], I will get a decimal that corresponds to the binary number, in the ASCII table.
I have searched quite a bit, but I can't find a solution that fits perfectly, but maybe I am looking in the wrong spot.
I hope you guys can guide me to the correct / optimal solution in this case :)
Thanks in advance!
You could turn it into a slice representing bits
// This could also return []bool
func asBits(val uint64) []uint64 {
bits := []uint64{}
for i := 0; i < 24; i++ {
bits = append([]uint64{val & 0x1}, bits...)
// or
// bits = append(bits, val & 0x1)
// depending on the order you want
val = val >> 1
return bits
func main() {
rawHex := "60A100"
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(rawHex, 16, 32)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s", err)
fmt.Printf("%024b\n", i)
[0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
As #jimb points out, you can also just check an individual bit
fmt.Printf("9th bit is set? %t\n", (i >> 8) & 1 == 1)
which is what #n-carter's answer does.
After parsing the value you can directly access each bit. You can use something like this:
func getNthBit(val, n uint32) int {
n = 32 - n
if 1 << n & val > 0 {
return 1
return 0
Following #n-carter answer, you can access each bit individually
There are two approaches:
Option 1: Shifting the value:
Shift the bin number to the right n possitions to get the n-th bit the first one. then mask it with 1
func getNthBit(val, n uint32) int {
// 1. reverse the golang endian
nthBit := 32-n
// 2. move the nth bit to the first position
movedVal := val >> nthBit
// 3. mask the value, selecting only this first bit
maskedValue := movedVal & 1
return maskedValue
// can be shortened like so
// return (val >> (32-n)) & 1
1. Get the right bit index according to the endian
(32-3)=29nth bit
2. Shift the bits to get n-th in the first possition
01100000101000010000000001000101 >> 29
3. Mask first bit. This picks(extracts) the value from this bit
& ^
Option 2: shifting 1 and masking with it
This can be done the way #n-carter does. Shift a 1 to the left
func getNthBit(val, n uint32) int {
// 1. reverse the golang endian
nthBit := 32-n
// 2. move the mask 1 bit to the nth position
mask := 1 << nthBit
// 3. mask the value, selecting only this nth bit
maskedValue := val & mask
if maskedValue == 0 {
return 0
return 1
// can be written shorter like:
//if val & (1 << (32-n)) == 0 {
// return 0
//return 1
1. Get the right bit index according to the endian
(32-3)=29nth bit
2. Shift the 1 to the n-th position (1 << 29 == 2^(29-1))
00000000000000000000000000000001 << 29
3. Mask n-th bit. This picks(extracts) the value from this bit
Hope this helps. It takes some time to visualise bit operations in your head.
