Freemarker: How to write a BigDecimal's value that can be used in a BigDecimal constructor - freemarker

I would like to use freemarker to generate java code that instantiates a BigDecimal.
The value of the BigDecimal is present at generation time.
the BigDecimal API would work like this:
BigDecimal copy = new BigDecimal(original.toString());
Alas, the freemarker magic uses numeric conversion on my value of original, so this does not work (in a freemarkter template):
BigDecimal copy = new BigDecimal("${original?c}");
None of the numeric conversions (percent, number, computer, ...) works - c/computer most interestingly, because it outputs 0 if the value becomes too big.
With considerable pain, I might be able to wrap the BigDecimal in another Object that just gives me a toString and is not a number, so freemarker might leave its value untouched and my generated BigDecimal is correct, but that's only a last resort.
Maybe there is a way to invoke the toString() method and print the result into the target document?
because it outputs 0 if the value becomes too big should read because it outputs 0 if the value becomes too small (see #ddkany's answer)

Update: FreeMarker 2.3.32 now supports lossless formatting with ?c, which is not based on DecimalFormat, but mostly on toString. To use that, you have to set the c_format configuration setting to any other value than its backward compatible default, "legacy". Like setting it to "JavaScript or JSON" is fine for most projects (that's also the default if you just set the incompatible_improvements configuration setting to 2.3.32). See the fine details of how numers are formatted in the documentation of the c built-in:
Old answer, for 2.3.31 and before:
What FreeMarke does by default is whatever Java's DecimalFormat does (for the localized medium format by default, again defined by the Java platform).
?c uses new DecimalFormat("0.################") with fixed US locale (and some more symbol adjustments for INF and NaN). So I don't know how that gives 0 for a huge BigDecimal number. Are you sure about that? I guess it was actually a very small number, so it was rounded down. Well, switching to "scientific" format would make more sense then, though.
To have whatever formatting logic you need, you can register your own number formatter like, in this case, configuration.setCustomNumberFormats(Map.of("toString", new MyToStringTemplateNumberFormatFactory()), and then you can use ${original?string.#toString}. Or rather, you can set the number_format to #toString, and then just use ${original}.


A magic number overkill

I have a piece of code in which I call a function with argument of a string value. The string value is taken from a string array using the index.
if (validateRejectionCategory(rejectionData[0])) {
In this case is 0 still considered a magic number? Should I abstract 0 to a variable like REJECTION_CATEOGRY_POSITION? Does the function name not make it clear enough that the value would be a rejectionCategory?
Let me know your thoughts please.
In general extracting every numerical value to a constant is a bad habit. You have to maintain balance as with all things in life. Here it's clear that you want to validate the first element of rejectionData. Most uses of 0, 1, 2 are not magic, but are used in an algorithm.
You usually want to extract numeric values that aren't easily explainable in the context of code.
E.g. if your code looks like this in some main-like file:
app.modalTimeooutSeconds = 3.0
it's not really more readable to rewrite it as
let timeoutSeconds = 3.0
app.modalTimeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds
unless you want to have a config file that are constants are stored, but you may not have enough constants to support having such a file.
Everything is context dependent and there are no good answers.

What is the point of google.protobuf.StringValue?

I've recently encountered all sorts of wrappers in Google's protobuf package. I'm struggling to imagine the use case. Can anyone shed the light: what problem were these intended to solve?
Here's one of the documentation links: (it says nothing about what can this be used for).
One thing that will be different in behavior between this, and simple string type is that this field will be written less efficiently (a couple extra bytes, plus a redundant memory allocation). For other wrappers, the story is even worse, since the repeated variants of those fields will be written inefficiently (official Google's Protobuf serializer doesn't support packed encoding for non-numeric types).
Neither seems to be desirable. So, what's this all about?
There's a few reasons, mostly to do with where these are used - see struct.proto.
StringValue can be null, string often can't be in a language interfacing with protobufs. e.g. in Go strings are always set; the "zero value" for a string is "", the empty string, so it's impossible to distinguish between "this value is intentionally set to empty string" and "there was no value present". StringValue can be null and so solves this problem. It's especially important when they're used in a StructValue, which may represent arbitrary JSON: to do so it needs to distinguish between a JSON key which was set to empty string (StringValue with an empty string) or a JSON key which wasn't set at all (null StringValue).
Also if you look at struct.proto, you'll see that these aren't fully fledged message types in the proto - they're all generated from message Value, which has a oneof kind { number_value, string_value, bool_value... etc. By using a oneof struct.proto can represent a variety of different values in one field. Again this makes sense considering what struct.proto is designed to handle - arbitrary JSON - you don't know what type of value a given JSON key has ahead of time.
In addition to George's answer, you can't use a Protobuf primitive as the parameter or return value of a gRPC procedure.

Why are there no custom default values in proto3?

The proto2 version of Protocol Buffers allows to specify default values for message elements:
optional double scaling_factor = 3 [default = 1.0];
Why is this no longer possible in proto3? I consider this a neat feature to save additional bytes on the wire without the need of writing any wrapper code.
My understanding is that proto3 no longer allows you to detect field presence and no longer supports non-zero default values because this makes it easier to implement protobufs in terms of "plain old structs" in various languages, without the need to generate accessor methods. This is perceived as making Protobuf easier to use in those languages.
(I personally think that languages which lack accessors and properties aren't very good languages and protobuf should not design down to them, but it's not my project anymore.)
This is a work around instead of a direct answer to your question, but I've found myself using wrappers.proto optional values and then setting the default value myself programatically when I absolutely must know if this was a default value or a value that was explicitly set.
Not optimal that your code has to enforce the value instead of the generated code itself, but if you own both sides, at least it's a viable alternative versus having no idea if the value was the default or explicity set as such, especially when looking at a bool set to false.
I am unclear how this affects bytes on the wire. For the instances where I've used it, message length was not a design constraint.
Proto File
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
google.protobuf.BoolValue optional_bool = 1;
Java code
//load or receive message here
if( !message.hasOptionalBool() )
message.setOptionalBool( BoolValue.newBuilder().setValue( true ) );
In my autogenerated file I see few places like this:
if (this->myint() != 0) {
and few like this:
myint_ = 0;
So, why not to enable default value and generate
static ::google::protobuf::int32 myint_defaultvalue = 5;
if (this->myint() != myint_defaultvalue) {
myint_ = myint_defaultvalue;

UITextField binding to a decimal. Can I automatically turn empty string to zero

I have a very standard binding set up in android on a UITextView
local:MvxBind="Text Quantity"
Where Quantity is an int property.
If I enter 123 say, that gets assigned and the setter is called. As I delete that text, 123 -> 12 -> 1 -> empty string, the setter is called for each number but not for the empty string infact the following exception occurs:
MvxBind:Error: 48.84 SetValue failed with exception - FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format
Is there a way of automatically converting the empty string value to 0 in the binding? Will I need a value converter for this? Is this in fact a bug?
Thanks in advance.
This area has been discussed recently in with some nullable additions in - people are welcome to contribute their opinions (and/or code) there.
The current 'status quo' is that MvvmCross will parse and represent valid decimal numbers. However, if the number isn't valid - eg if it's string.Empty or a set of non-numeric characters - then MvvmCross won't interpret these as zero (should "" be zero? should "asdf" be zero? should "123.456.7" be zero? should "1234asd" be zero? perhaps all of these should actually be NaN?).
If people need specific behaviour then it's easy for them to implement this behaviour - e.g. using a custom control (subclassed UITextField), using a value converter, using a custom binding (or overriding the default binding), using a string property on the viewModel, etc.
My personal opinion is that this topic really comes under the Validation heading. In general, MvvmCross doesn't provide many hooks for Validation at present. It's been proposed for a long time - - but no-one has shown much interest. There are some simple validation samples in the WithErrors demo within Within the apps I've written we've generally written and sub-classed UI controls to help reduce the need for validation - and in general we've tried to avoid the need for as much text input as we can (users don't like seem to like using keypads on phones)

Cannot access animate-properties in Clutter

I am trying to animate an actor in Clutter, but when I enter a property that exists, something goes wrong.
actor.animate( AnimationMode.LINEAR, 400, scale_x:2);
gives me this error
Clutter-WARNING **: Cannot bind property '\x83\xec\u0014\x89\xc6e\xa1\u000c': objects of type 'ClutterTexture' do not have this property
Looks like Unicode-characters to me.
However, when I enter a property that does NOT exist
actor.animate( AnimationMode.LINEAR, 400, thisdoesntwork:2);
I get an error that makes much more sense
Clutter-WARNING **: Cannot bind property 'thisdoesntwork': objects of type 'ClutterTexture' do not have this property
I get the exact same problem when I try this alternative approach:
actor.animate( AnimationMode.LINEAR, 400, "scale-x", 2);
How come all properties that actually exist get converted to some mess, and what can I do to get this to work?
You should be using 2.0 for the value, not 2. 2 is an integer, 2.0 is a double. Vala can't provide type safety for variadic methods, so you have to be careful.
As for why you're seeing the behavior you are for properties which exist, my guess is it has to do with the fact that 2 is a (32-bit) integer and 2.0 is a (64-bit) double. This is simplifying things a bit, and I don't know how much experience you have with C (probably not a lot, since this is the sort of mistake someone coming from a dynamically typed language would make), however... Clutter (well, va_arg) expects a double so it parses 64 bits of data, but you only provided 32 bits, so the first 32-bits of the next argument (NULL) are included. Now, when it starts trying to parse the next argument it starts from the wrong location (32-bits into the argument), so you get the the remainder of NULL and part of whatever garbage happened to be on the stack... Unsuprisingly, that doesn't just so happen to be 32-bits of 0s so when Clutter tests to see if the value it just read == NULL it isn't and Clutter thinks it's been given a pointer to an null-terminated array of characters (which is how strings are represented in C). It reads the data at that location, which just so happens to be \x83\xec\u0014\x89\xc6e\xa1\u000c, and checks to see if there is a property with that name. There isn't, so it emits the error message you saw.
Now, if you switch to using a property which doesn't exist, Clutter will parse the argument (the name of the property), notice that it doesn't exist (just like it did with the second property above), and emit an error.
