Hi I'm trying to configure a Gmail account for enabling the OAuth module on Genexus
Anybody know the detalled values required on the OAuth consent screen ??
I've tried with diferent values but I always get an error when trying the step 11 included in the document :
Any help will be welcome
I am using socialite package for authentication with twitter and facebook. With facebook it is working fine but with Twitter it is giving error.
I am not sure where is the issue and why it is saying "Could not authenticate you". I have set the callback for the twitter. Please if anyone facing the issue please let me know and provide me the suggesstion where i am going wrong.
I faced the same issue and solved it by activating only OAuth 1.0a and using the API key/secret provided under Keys and Tokens -> Consumer keys as my "Client ID and Secret".
Using the regular Client ID & Secret provided after activating OAuth 2.0 in your twitter app is just not working.
Note that you may have to regenerate the consumer keys.
I am using Socialite in Laravel to login with Twitter.
I know that not all twitter users have an email attached to their account, but for my application the user does need an email address. I am fine to block logins from people who do not have an email attached, but at the moment every user does have the email field set to null.
I am using this function to redirect to twitter:
return Socialite::driver($provider)->redirect();
I have already tried using scopes like this:
return Socialite::driver($provider)->scopes(['email'])->redirect();
But twitter is the only provider that does not allow scopes.
The callback returns the email address for other providers like facebook and google, but there seems to be something that I am missing while using twitter.
For OAuth1 there was a setting somewhere to enable the option to return the email field aswell, but since twitter accepts OAuth2 I can not find this setting anymore in the Twitter developers panel.
Any help would my appreciated since most of the information about this topic is outdated.
The solution was found in the twitter developers dashboard.
First of all go to the settings of your app.
Then you have to fill in a link to your privacy policy & terms page.
After that also enable OAuth 1.0 en then an option pops up to also receive the email address from the user that is trying to log in.
Twitter's new Oauth 2.0 user authentication does not currently (at the time of writing this answer) provide access to the user's email address, and will require an additional scope to be added. This is on the Twitter API roadmap and is a known feature request.
You can still use OAuth 1.0A and set the option to request the user's email address.
I have downloaded that example:
it works fine but I have no clue how to to authenticate with facebook or microsoft account? Is there any working example with that identity providers or can someone tell me what to do?
I have found example at okta website how to configure that in dashboard and at microsoft developer account but I don't know how to redirect from my webpage to site where I can sign in using microsoft account not okta account.
Thanks in advance
Once you configure IDP using this. At the end, they give you options for integration. For example, if you are looking to integrate Facebook, at the end of the guide they give you an html button you integrate with your apps or if you are using Okta's sign-in widget. It shows how to do so.
I was trying to add the google login to my laravel project. but it gives a Client error. Given below is the error i got. I successfully installed the socialite as well.
Client error: `GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me?prettyPrint=false` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response: {"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"usageLimits","reason":"accessNotConfigured","message":"Project 983930379932 is not found (truncated...)
Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis and enable Google+ api.
Took me 3 hours to find out that Google Cloud does not automatically enable the api for you when you create OAuth service.
Remember you have to register your google app within googles service as well. That error if I remember correctly is simply telling you that you aren't allowed to use google services.
I am not super sure if this steps are up to date, but it shouldn't be that different: https://itsolutionstuff.com/post/laravel-5-google-oauth-authentication-using-socialite-packageexample.html
First Open your Google Console Account from Here : console.developers.google.com
Select your project.
After this you have to click on google+ API detail page.
Now we can enable API.
I am testing the installation of a Google Marketplace application from the developer console API.
In the corresponding API project, the following scopes are configured.
I have installed the app and therefore the admin of the account has authorized the scopes. However when users in my domain log in for the first time, using the universal navigation link they get an authorization pop-up.
I am translating this from french but the pop up says something like:
This app requires your permission to
Know who you are on Google
Display your email
with 2 buttons : Accept and Cancel
I thought that the admin authorization was sufficient. What did I miss ?
The issue was mismatched scopes - the ones registered in the console did not match the scopes requested when the OAuth flow was initiated.