How to skip row after headings laravel excel - laravel

I just want to make the row of datas will rendered after headings
This's the result that i want
this what i want
But i only get this result
this i get
I already using startRow and set to 7, but nothing change
I have 6 row of heading, so how to render/display the data after headings, and i already return another collection with another model, but the result is same there's nothing change, the data keep displayed from first row
namespace App\Exports;
Importing Models...
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadings;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithColumnWidths;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithStyles;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\RegistersEventListeners;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Events\AfterSheet;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithEvents;
class TahapSeleksiExport implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, WithColumnWidths, WithStyles, WithEvents
use RegistersEventListeners;
protected $id;
function __construct($id) {
$this->id = $id;
* #return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function collection()
$tahap = Tahap::where('id_tahap', $this->id)->first();
if ($tahap->status == '0') {
if ($tahap->tahap_ke == '1') {
return Pelamar::select('pelamar.id_pelamar', 'alm.nama', 'jur.akronim', 'ang.angkatan', 'pelamar.tanggal_kirim')
->where('lowongankerja_id', $tahap->lowongankerja_id)
->join('alumni_mendaftar_pelamar as almPel', 'almPel.pelamar_id', '=','pelamar.id_pelamar')
->join('alumni as alm', 'almPel.alumni_id', '=','alm.id_alumni')
->join('jurusan as jur', 'alm.jurusan_id', '=','jur.id_jurusan')
->join('angkatan as ang', 'alm.angkatan_id', '=','ang.id_angkatan')
->orderBy('ang.angkatan', 'DESC')
return SeleksiPelamar::select('pelamar.id_pelamar', 'alm.nama', 'jur.akronim', 'ang.angkatan', 'pelamar.tanggal_kirim')
->where('lowongankerja_id', $tahap->lowongankerja_id)
->join('pelamar', 'pelamar.id_pelamar', '=','seleksi_pelamar.pelamar_id')
->join('alumni_mendaftar_pelamar as almPel', 'almPel.pelamar_id', '=','pelamar.id_pelamar')
->join('alumni as alm', 'almPel.alumni_id', '=','alm.id_alumni')
->join('jurusan as jur', 'alm.jurusan_id', '=','jur.id_jurusan')
->join('angkatan as ang', 'alm.angkatan_id', '=','ang.id_angkatan')
->orderBy('ang.angkatan', 'DESC')
->where('keterangan', '1')->whereHas('tahap', function ($tahaps) use ($tahap) {
$tahaps->where('lowongankerja_id', $tahap->lowongankerja_id)->where('tahap_ke', $tahap->tahap_ke - 1);
public function columnWidths(): array
return [
'A' => 15,
'B' => 40,
'C' => 15,
'D' => 15,
'E' => 25,
'F' => 12,
public function styles(Worksheet $sheet)
public static function afterSheet(AfterSheet $event)
$sheet = $event->sheet->getDelegate();
public function headings():array
$tahap = Tahap::where('id_tahap', $this->id)->first();
[], [$tahap->nama], ['Seleksi Alumni'], ['BKK SMKN 1 Kota Bekasi'],[],[
'ID Pelamar',
'Tanggal Submit',

The easy solution is to add an empty array of data to the collection. The solution is not idle but I think it can works. Try this:
public function collection()
$tahap = Tahap::where('id_tahap', $this->id)->first();
$PelamarData = new Collection();
if ($tahap->status == '0') {
if ($tahap->tahap_ke == '1') {
$PelamarData = Pelamar::select('pelamar.id_pelamar', 'alm.nama', 'jur.akronim', 'ang.angkatan', 'pelamar.tanggal_kirim')
->where('lowongankerja_id', $tahap->lowongankerja_id)
->join('alumni_mendaftar_pelamar as almPel', 'almPel.pelamar_id', '=','pelamar.id_pelamar')
->join('alumni as alm', 'almPel.alumni_id', '=','alm.id_alumni')
->join('jurusan as jur', 'alm.jurusan_id', '=','jur.id_jurusan')
->join('angkatan as ang', 'alm.angkatan_id', '=','ang.id_angkatan')
->orderBy('ang.angkatan', 'DESC')
$PelamarData = SeleksiPelamar::select('pelamar.id_pelamar', 'alm.nama', 'jur.akronim', 'ang.angkatan', 'pelamar.tanggal_kirim')
->where('lowongankerja_id', $tahap->lowongankerja_id)
->join('pelamar', 'pelamar.id_pelamar', '=','seleksi_pelamar.pelamar_id')
->join('alumni_mendaftar_pelamar as almPel', 'almPel.pelamar_id', '=','pelamar.id_pelamar')
->join('alumni as alm', 'almPel.alumni_id', '=','alm.id_alumni')
->join('jurusan as jur', 'alm.jurusan_id', '=','jur.id_jurusan')
->join('angkatan as ang', 'alm.angkatan_id', '=','ang.id_angkatan')
->orderBy('ang.angkatan', 'DESC')
->where('keterangan', '1')->whereHas('tahap', function ($tahaps) use ($tahap) {
$tahaps->where('lowongankerja_id', $tahap->lowongankerja_id)->where('tahap_ke', $tahap->tahap_ke - 1);
//Add empty array data to skip the first 7 rows
foreach (range(1, 7) as $item)
return $PelamarData;


Yii2 Activerecord not saved before redirect and shown in "view"

Yii2 framework. When I save multiple ActiveRecords in AFTER_INSERT_EVENT of another ActiveRecord, the values in the database is not updated fast enough, so old values are shown when redirect to viewing the data.
To be more specific: Standard XAMPP environment with PHP 7.2.9. I have made a trait to make it easy to have extra attributes with history in model (either existing attributes or new attributes). The trait is used on ActiveRecord.
Notice the sleep(5) in function TL_save. This handled the problem, but it is not the correct solution. How do I ensure all is updated before it is read again? I want to avoid use locks on the row as that would require alteration of a table before it can be used. Is there a way around it? Transactions - I have tried it but perhaps not correct as it had no effect. A reload of the view page also solves the problem, but again: not very classy :-)
Also: Should I share this code on GitHub? I have not done so before and are not quite sure if it would be of any value to others really.
trait TimelineTrait
private $timelineConfig;
public function timelineInit($config)
$std = [
'attributes' => [], // required
'datetime'=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'onlyDirty'=>true, // using !=, not !==
self::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT=>[$this, 'TL_EventAfterInsert'],
self::EVENT_AFTER_UPDATE=>[$this, 'TL_EventAfterUpdate'],
self::EVENT_AFTER_FIND=>[$this, 'TL_EventAfterFind'],
self::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE=>[$this, 'TL_EventAfterDelete'],
Must have the following attributes
id integer primary key auto increment not null,
table varchar(64) not null,
table_id integer not null,
attribute varchar(64) not null,
datetime datetime not null
value text (can be null)
$this->timelineConfig = array_replace_recursive($std, $config);
foreach($this->timelineConfig["events"]??[] as $trigger=>$handler)
$this->on($trigger, $handler);
public function __get($attr)
$cfg = &$this->timelineConfig;
if (in_array($attr, array_keys($cfg["attributes"])))
return $cfg["attributes"][$attr];
return parent::__get($attr);
public function __set($attr, $val)
$cfg = &$this->timelineConfig;
if (in_array($attr, array_keys($cfg["attributes"]))) {
$cfg["attributes"][$attr] = $val;
} else
parent::__set($attr, $val);
public function attributes()
return array_merge(parent::attributes(), $this->timelineConfig["attributes"]);
public function rules()
$temp = parent::rules();
$temp[] = [array_keys($this->timelineConfig["attributes"]), $this->timelineConfig["validationRule"]];
return $temp;
public function TL_EventAfterInsert($event)
$this->TL_save($event, true);
public function TL_EventAfterUpdate($event)
$this->TL_save($event, false);
private function TL_save($event, $insert)
$cfg = &$this->timelineConfig;
if ($cfg["onlyDirty"])
$cfg["_oldAttributes"] = $this->TL_attributesOnTime();
foreach($cfg["attributes"] as $attr=>$val) {
$a = [
if ($insert)
$model = Timeline::find()->where($a)->one();
$isNew = empty($model); // this exact attribute does not exist on timeline already
if ($isNew)
$model = new $cfg["TimelineClass"]($a);
$model->value = $val;
if (!$cfg["onlyDirty"]
|| $cfg["onlyDirty"] && $model->value!=($cfg["_oldAttributes"][$attr]??\uniqid('force_true'))) {
$ok = $model->save();
if (!$ok) $this->addErrors($attr, $model->getErrorSummary());
public function TL_EventAfterFind($event)
$cfg = &$this->timelineConfig;
$data = $this->TL_attributesOnTime();
foreach($data as $attr=>$val)
$cfg["attributes"][$attr] = $val;
$cfg["_oldAttributes"] = $cfg["attributes"];
private function TL_attributesOnTime()
$cfg = &$this->timelineConfig;
$timelineTable = $cfg["TimelineClass"]::tableName();
$sql = "SELECT t1.* FROM $timelineTable AS t1
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM $timelineTable WHERE `table`=:table AND table_id=:table_id AND datetime<=:datetime) AS t2
ON (t1.table=t2.table and t1.table_id=t2.table_id and t1.datetime<t2.datetime AND t1.attribute=t2.attribute)
WHERE IS NULL AND t1.datetime<:datetime AND t1.table=:table AND t1.table_id=:table_id
$params = [
$data = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand($sql,$params)->queryAll();
$data = ArrayHelper::map($data,'attribute','value');
return $data;
public function TL_EventAFterDelete($event)
$cfg = &$this->timelineConfig;
Example of it's use:
namespace app\models;
class KeyTime extends Key
use \app\behaviors\TimelineTrait;
public function init()
// default values for attributes
'keyid'=>'historic id', // this is existing attribute in Key model
'label'=>'mylabel', // label and color does not exist in Key model
The actionUpdate
public function actionUpdate($id)
$model = $this->findModel($id);
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
return $this->render('update', [
'model' => $model,
After many "flashes" with microtime(true) on, I found the reason it worked sometimes with sleep(1).
The answer is in TL_attributesOnTime. the last line in $sql was
WHERE IS NULL AND t1.datetime<:datetime AND t1.table=:table AND t1.table_id=:table_id
…but it should be…
WHERE IS NULL AND t1.datetime<=:datetime AND t1.table=:table AND t1.table_id=:table_id
Notice the < is changed to <= Otherwise when the record was saved in the same second as it was populated it would not be included.
Hope it can help somebody else.

How to insert Custom row Laravel excel collection

I trying to export a Excel file, from a collection using laravel. The code bellow, returns me this. I need to add a 2 new rows above the start of columsn, is that possible? What Should I do?
namespace App\Traits;
namespace App\Exports;
// use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadings;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMapping;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithColumnWidths;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithStyles;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithColumnFormatting;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithCustomStartCell;
class exportSafety implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, WithMapping, WithColumnWidths, WithStyles, WithColumnFormatting, WithCustomStartCell
protected $services;
protected $request;
public function __construct(Collection $services)
$this->services = $services;
public function startCell(): string
return 'A3';
public function columnWidths(): array
return [
'A' => 30,
'B' => 20,
'C' => 20,
'D' => 15,
public function columnFormats(): array
return [
'B' => NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_DDMMYYYY,
public function styles(Worksheet $sheet)
return [
// Style the first row as bold text.
3 => ['font' => ['bold' => true]],
public function collection()
$this->services->each(function ($service) {
return $this->services;
public function headings(): array
$columns = [
'Name' => 'Name',
'Data de Nascimento' => 'Data de Nascimento',
'CPF' => 'CPF',
'Valor do Seguro' => "Valor do Seguro"
return $columns;
public function startRow(): int
return 2;
public function map($service): array
$columns = [
'Name' => $service->name,
'Data de Nascimento' => $service->birthdate,
'CPF' => $service->cpf,
'Valor do Seguro' => $service->client->donation_safety
return $columns;
But I need something like this:
I need to put two custom row above the start of the columns, is that possible? How I to that? I am using
you need to use WithHeadings trait to format heading rows.
$rangeHeadings = [
public function headings(): array
return [
$this->product?->name . " product " . $this->params['from_date'] . ' - ' . $this->params['to_date'] . " report",

Laravel / OctoberCMS frontend filter

I am using OctoberCMS and I have created a custom component. I am trying to create a frontend filter to filter Packages by the Tour they are assigned to.
This is what I have so far. The issue is that the code is looking for a tour field within the packages table rather than using the tour relationship. Does anyone have any ideas?
<?php namespace Jakefeeley\Sghsportingevents\Components;
use Cms\Classes\ComponentBase;
use JakeFeeley\SghSportingEvents\Models\Package;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
class FilterPackages extends ComponentBase
public function componentDetails()
return [
'name' => 'Filter Packages',
'description' => 'Displays filters for packages'
public function onRun() {
$this->packages = $this->filterPackages();
protected function filterPackages() {
$tour = Input::get('tour');
$query = Package::all();
$query = Package::where('tour', '=', $tour)->get();
return $query;
public $packages;
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Try to query the relationship when the filter input is provided.
This is one way to do it;
public $packages;
protected $tourCode;
public function init()
$this->tourCode = trim(post('tour', '')); // or input()
$this->packages = $this->loadPackages();
private function loadPackages()
$query = PackagesModel::query();
// Run your query only when the input 'tour' is present.
// This assumes the 'tours' db table has a column named 'code'
$query->when(!empty($this->tourCode), function ($q){
return $q->whereHas('tour', function ($qq) {
return $query->get();
If you need to support pagination, sorting and any additional filters you can just add their properties like above. e.g;
protected $sortOrder;
public function defineProperties(): array
return [
'sortOrder' => [
'title' => 'Sort by',
'type' => 'dropdown',
'default' => 'id asc',
'options' => [...], // allowed sorting options
public function init()
$filters = (array) post();
$this->tourCode = isset($filters['tour']) ? trim($filters['tour']) : '';
$this->sortOrder = isset($filters['sortOrder']) ? $filters['sortOrder'] : $this->property('sortOrder');
$this->packages = $this->loadPackages();
If you have a more complex situation like ajax filter forms or dynamic partials then you can organize it in a way to load the records on demand vs on every request.e.g;
public function onRun()
$this->packages = $this->loadPackages();
public function onFilter()
if (request()->ajax()) {
try {
return [
"#target-container" => $this->renderPartial("#packages",
'packages' => $this->loadPackages()
} catch (Exception $ex) {
throw $ex;
return false;
// call component-name::onFilter from your partials..
You are looking for the whereHas method. You can find about here in the docs. I am not sure what your input is getting. This will also return a collection and not singular record. Use ->first() instead of ->get() if you are only expecting one result.
$package = Package::whereHas('tour', function ($query) {
$query->where('id', $tour);

Laravel Excel - Select columns to export

I'm using Laravel Excel from maatwebsite but i have a problem with export data to xls file. I have this query but i don't need to show all columns in the xls file but i need to select all this columns to do operations before download the file. In my select i have 8 columns but in my headers i just have 7 to show but this doesn't work because the 8ª column appears too.
public function toExcel($id) { $b = Budget::find($id);
$budget = Budget_Item::join('budgets', 'budget__items.id_budget', '=', '')
->join('items_sizes', 'budget__items.id_itemSize', '=', '')
->join('items', 'items_sizes.id_item', '=', '')
->join('material_types', 'items_sizes.id_materialType', '=', '')
->select('items.reference AS Referência', ' AS Descrição', 'items_sizes.size AS Tamanho', 'material_types.material_type AS Material', 'budget__items.amount AS Quantidade', 'items_sizes.unit_price AS Val.Unitário', 'budget__items.price AS Val.Total', 'budget__items.purchasePrice')
->where('id_budget', '=', $id)
$budgetUpdate = [];
$budgetUpdate[] = ['Referência', 'Descrição', 'Tamanho', 'Material', 'Quantidade', 'Val.Unitário', 'Val.Total'];
foreach ($budget as $key)
if ($key->purchasePrice > 0)
$key->unit_price = $key->purchasePrice;
$budgetUpdated[] = $key->toArray();
Excel::create('Proposta_'.$b->reference, function($excel) use($budgetUpdated)
// Set the title
$excel->sheet('Sheetname', function($sheet) use($budgetUpdated)
$sheet->fromArray($budgetUpdated, null, 'A1', false, true);
How can i solve that?
Tested on Laravel excel 3.1 docs
on controller
public function exportAsCsv()
return Excel::download(new MyExport, 'invoices.xlsx');
on MyExport, look at the map function
class MyExport implements FromCollection, WithHeadings, WithMapping{
public function collection(){
return MyTable:all();
// here you select the row that you want in the file
public function map($row): array{
$fields = [
return fields;
also check this
For what its worth I ran into a similar issue and didnt find much in terms of a fix so heres my solution.
1. I query the DB in the callback and get all the data I need.
2. I then go over the collection and create a new array on each iteration and assign a value & header. Works great for picking out columns from a model
Excel::create('User List Export', function($excel) {
$excel->sheet('Users', function($sheet) {
$email = yourModelGoesHere::all();
foreach ($email as $key => $value) {
$payload[] = array('email' => $value['email'], 'name' => $value['name']);
You can try this way.
$user_id = Auth::user()->id
Excel::create('User', function($excel) use ($user_id){
$excel->sheet('Sheet', function($sheet) use($user_id){
$user = User::where('user_id', $user_id)->select('name', 'email', 'role', 'address')->get();
return redirect('your route');

Better way for pagination

If I want to do the pagination, I have to fetch data twice, one for get total rows, one for get the rows with limit, for example
class Admins extends CI_Model
public function dataTotal()
$total = $this->db->get('admins')->num_rows();
return $total;
public function data()
return $this->db->limit(10, $this->start)->get('admins')->result();
Then assign total to pagination and assign the data to view, it's quite make sense, but if there are a lot of conditions, I need to do it twice, for example:
class Admins extends CI_Model
public function dataTotal()
$db = $this->db->from('admins')
->where('id >', 1)
->like('name', 'abc', 'both');
return $db->get()->num_rows();
public function data()
$data = $this->db->from('admins')
->where('id >', 1)
->like('name', 'abc', 'both')
->limit(10, $this->start);
return $data->get()->result();
More conditions means more duplicated code, any way to make condition filter as one?
You could make a function and use an SQL query as a parameter, that would be the most recommended option. If that's not an option you could do something like this:
public function data($option = "default")
if($option == 'default')
$data = $this->db->from('admins')
->where('id >', 1)
->like('name', 'abc', 'both')
else if($option == 'other')
$data = $this->db->from('admins')
->where('id >', 1)
->like('name', 'abc', 'both')
->limit(10, $this->start);
return $data->get()->result();
And then calling it:
That's the most efficient way I can come up with.
