Why shell always execute vim in /usr/bin rather than vim in /opt/homebrew/bin? - macos

I don't want to use the vim bundled on the macOS, so I download new vim using homebrew.
My environment variable PATH is set as follows:
/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin. The vim downloaded using brew in in /opt/homebrew/bin, and vim bundled with macOS is in /usr/bin. However, when I input vim on the shell, it always execute /usr/bin/vim(i.e. the vim bundled with macOS).
Does anyone know how to solve this or what is the reason for this circumstance? Very appreciate any help.

Oh! I know why is that. After installing new vim using brew, we need to reboot the terminal. I know this because I I accidentally shut down the terminal, then I open the terminal and find the vim in /opt/homebrew/bin can be executed when I input vim in the shell.
For beginners, this is a difficult problem to find the reason. I solved this problem myself, hoping to help people who encounter the same problem


I accidentally delete zsh from /bin folder in Mac

I delete the zsh binary from bin folder , so when i try to change my shell i get this :
chsh: WARNING: shell '/bin/zsh' does not exist
I don't know how to reinstall zsh shell and MacOs come with zsh by default.
The easiest thing would be to install zsh using brew (which will install it in /usr/local/bin/zsh) and then symlink it to /bin/zsh.
There are obvious more ways to fix this, but this seems (to me) to be the simplest.
I fixed that problem using mac tools. I invested only about 30 min of my time whith the reinstall option. It's obviously there is a way to generate a zsh binary, but I find easy reinstall the osx due to Osx come by default with the zsh binary and brew install doesn't install the zsh binary. On the other hand, there must a way to install zsh from scratch but I think find the correct way would take more time

Update OSX Vim using MacVim

I'm trying to update Vim (for use in Terminal) on my Mac. It's currently running version 7.3, but YouCompleteMe requires Vim 7.3.584, and won't run even though it's installed.
I've tried using a Vim alias in my .bash_profile:
alias vim='/Users/Conor/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim'
However none of my Vim plugins are launched when I run Vim like this, any my vimrc file isn't recognised either.
How can I get this alias to recognise my existing Vim settings? Or is there a better way of upgrading Vim for mac?
The *.tbz that you downloaded from the official page contains a mvim script.
Once you have moved that script somewhere in your $PATH you can start the MacVim GUI like this:
$ mvim filename
and the MacVim CLI like that:
$ mvim -v filename
From there the only thing you need is to change your alias to point to mvim:
alias vim='mvim -v'
The original built-in Vim and its runtime files stay untouched, MacVim uses its own runtime files located in the MacVim.app bundle and both honor your personal config (assuming they are located where they should be: ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim/).
Quick, clean and painless.
If you installed MacVim with HomeBrew you can use
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
If you just want pure vim with python support do:
brew install vim --override-system-vim --HEAD
I had the same issue as you, but this worked like a charm. You complete me works perfectly after this.

How do I get autochdir to work on a Mac when running Vim from the terminal?

In MacVim autochdir works without a problem. However, lately I've been running iTerm2 (full screen with split) for coding and the lack of autochdir is really bothering me. Any solutions? Thanks.
What do you mean by "the lack of autochdir"? It works fine both in CLI and in GUI.
If you have set autochdir in your ~/.vimrc this feature will work the same way whether you are in MacVim or iTerm2 or Terminal or whatever.
But I suspect you are changing dirs in an iTerm2 split and expecting Vim to somehow learn about that change and change its pwd accordingly. Am I right? "Unfortunately" Vim doesn't know about the second iTerm2 split and can't react to your cd there.
In the terminal:
> which vim
If it says /usr/bin/vim, you're using the mac base installation. This is an old version of vim and doesn't support autochdir. You'll need a newer version.
Check if you have another installation of vim by running:
> /usr/local/bin/vim
If so, add /usr/local/bin to your $PATH before /usr/bin
If not, install it:
> brew install vim

upgrading console emacs (/usr/bin/emacs) on Mac

I extensively use /usr/bin/emacs in Terminal.
I have Emacs 22 and I'd like to upgrade it to 23. I wonder how to do it.
Googling "emacs download mac" gives me Emacs.app which has its own window and user interface, but I don't want that.
I am not sure how I have /usr/bin/emacs in the first place, maybe it came with Mac OS?
You can run the Emacs.app version in a terminal like this:
/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs -nw
In my .cshrc file, I use an alias to make this easier to invoke:
alias enw '/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs -nw'
It is a standard editor included with OS X and a lot of other *nix systems along with vi/vim, and pico. Personally i wouldnt upgrade the pre-installed one. I would install from Macports, Fink, or Homebrew or compile from source myself to a different location (like /usr/local).
Install emacs from macports.
% sudo port install emacs
Then launch it from the terminal
Or you can install Emacs.app, follow the instructions here to create a ~/bin/emacs script and then launch as emacs -nw or any other options.
exec /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs "$#"
I was on this same search and ended up installing with Homebrew so I could get the latest version along with several libraries, as described in this answer at the Emacs Stack Exchange site:
Nowadays, I use just GNU Emacs snapshot builds. These have reasonably good OS X support, and are by far the easiest to install, and best supported by the community.
I used to get them from Emacs for Mac OS X, but now I use Homebrew, because it supports more libraries, notably GNU TLS for encrypted network connections.
All in all: Use brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --with-cocoa --with-gnutls --with-rsvg --with-imagemagick :).
(Note that GNU Emacs is what comes preinstalled on Mac OS X, at least on mine as of 10.10.5)
This added a new Emacs binary at /usr/local/bin/emacs, leaving the existing installation and /usr/bin/emacs in place.
I created a symlink in /usr/local/bin pointing to the new version of emacs which was in Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/
For those who installed Emacs from source (or any other way that doesn't overwrite command line called emacs) and want to use this version in the command line, I suggest one of these two approaches:
ln -s ~/path/to/cloned/emacs/src/emacs /usr/local/bin/emacs
make sure /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH and located before /usr/bin, by executing echo $PATH
if it is not, add line export $PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH to the file ~/.bash_profile, then refresh $PATH by executing in the terminal source ~/.bash_profile
add ~/path/to/cloned/emacs/src to your $PATH.
for example, add line export $PATH=~/path/to/cloned/emacs/src:$PATH to the file ~/.bash_profile, then refresh $PATH by executing in the terminal source ~/.bash_profile
And yes, MacOS is shipped with many packages pre-installed. But, unfortunately, usually with outdated ones and no official package manager to easily upgrade those libraries. That's actually why we have Homebrew, Macports, maybe others: they serve us as MacOS package managers.

Compiled vim from source on Mac OSX and getting 'shell returned 127' error?

On my Mac OSX 10.6 machine, I started to use MacVIM for vim. Then I noticed my terminal version was different to the MacVIM version (MacVIM was 7.3 and my terminal version 7.2)... I thought they used the same vim?
I need 7.3 for some of the features. So I set about wanting to update the terminal version. I basically cloned it using Mercurial (the perferred way according to the official site) and then did the usual to compile it. This did work and I now have 7.3 in my terminal. But, on some commands when exiting, I can this error:
/bin/bash: q: command not found
shell returned 127
Press ENTER or type command to continue
...I've tried my hardest to try and fix this problem, but trying to reinstall MacVIM, deleting the vim in my /usr/local/bin and compiling again and I just can't get rid of this annoying error.
Can anyone possibly help me? Am I doing this all wrong? ...most of the time I will be using MacVIM, but it'd be nice for me to have it in the Terminal - exactly how I'd have it on my Ubuntu servers.
Any help would be fantastic!
:!q is not :q!. This is probably not a bug.
The error message you're seeing is is most likely the result of accidentally typing :!q instead of :q!, which would be user error, not a bug. :!q shells out to run q, and your shell (bash) is not finding such a command and bails with 127. (For comparison, you might try :!true, :!false, :!vim %, to get a feel of this.)
There isn't really a “fix” for this, and ! is really useful for other purposes; maybe with more practice you'll make the typo less often. You could also try using ZQ instead of :q!; this has other disadvantages (a typo ZZ will instead save the file if it's edited, and ZQ specifically is a vim extension), but at least you see this error again.
The upshot here is basically check to make sure you typed in your commands right, I guess.
I'm not sure on the exact path, but somewhere a few folders deep into the Applications/MacVim.app folder is the vim executable that will also run in a terminal (Use the -g option to launch it in GUI mode).
You should be able to throw this in your .bashrc:
alias vim=/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/vim
This is the homebrew formula for vim. Try these settings for "configure" or just install homebrew and install vim from there.
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}",
system "make"
system "make install"
