Multiple processes on Single SQS with in a Lambda function - aws-lambda

Currently , we have a sqs subscribed to a Standard SNS topic which triggers a lambda to publish some data based upon these events to a downstream X .
We have come with another usecase where we want to listen to this exiting SNS and publish another set of data based on these events to downstream Y . In future we might have another use case where we want to listen to this exiting SNS and publish another set of data based on these events to downstream Z .
I was wondering if we can re use this existing SQS and lambda for these new use case . I am just curious how wan we handle failure scenarios in case one of publish fails . Failure of 1 process out of x will lead the message back to DLQ from where the re drive would be required , so all the consumer processes of this message with in the lambda will have again process this redrived message ?
Another way could be have a separate SQS and separate lambda for each of such use cases .
has someone had a similar problem statement and what was the approach followed out of the above two or anything that could help reusing some of the existing infra ?

You should subscribe multiple Amazon SQS queues to the Amazon SNS topic, so that each of them receives a copy of the message. Each SQS queue can have its own Dead Letter Queue for error handling.
It is also possible to subscribe the AWS Lambda function to the Amazon SNS topic directly, without using an Amazon SQS queue. The Lambda function can send failed messages directly to a Dead Letter Queue.


AWS Cloudwatch Subscription Filter and Dead Letter Queue for Lambda

I am using CloudWatch log subscription filters to get logs from a specific log group and send them to a Lambda function, which after processing will send the results to another service. I wonder if there's any possibility to send failed events by Lambda to a Dead Letter Queue, noting that in the above settings, we have no SNS/SQS setup to trigger the Lambda.
Destinations gives you the ability to handle the Failure of function
invocations along with their Success. When a function invocation
fails, such as when retries are exhausted or the event age has been
exceeded (hitting its TTL), Destinations routes the record to the
destination resource for every failed invocation for further
investigation or processing.
To configure destination in Lambda function, Kindly refer

Create SQS queue for consuming events with spring boot

I have a spring boot application which needs to consume different types of events. The events will be published by another service to an SQS queue.
My question is, do I have to create one SQS queue where all the events will be published/consumed or do I have to create one SQS queue for each and every event that will be published/consumed?
It is possible to create a queue for each message, but I don't recommend it ass you'll have to add a listener to each queue every time you add a new message.
First thing that you can do is to create a message structure that holds the topic inside it. Once your SQS handler receives a message, it will check the topic and route it to the right handler or handlers.
I still don't like this option because this means what you are implementing is a message broker and I don't think that's what you are aiming for.
The best solution would be to use SNS and publish each message to a different topic. Then configure SNS to route the message to that SQS and let your spring SQS message handler to get the right handler by the topic.
While this solution is similar to the previous one, the use of SNS here gives you the ability to publish a message to more than one queue (client) and handles, and you get the topic outside the message which is where it should be.

Is there a good pattern to send a message between AWS Lambdas

My use case is the following. I have 5 lambdas. They need to talk to each other. I've heard that it can be done with SNS but also SNS and SQS. What is the difference, why not call lambdas only from one another directly?
It's possible to design durable and scalable applications using SNS-SQS AWS pattern. You can do this by having an SNS topic to which lambda A posts then the SNS triggers directly SQS which is a queue. In that way if you have high volume messages they will be processed sequentially.
Take care that the SNS and SQS can trigger more than once.
For more info check the article here:
You can also use AWS Step Function which is a serverless function orchestrator that makes it easy to sequence AWS Lambda functions and multiple AWS services.
You can check out getting started guide here -

Requeue received SQS message through lambda

What works: Using the AWS-SQS SDK for .Net, I'm able to receive a message batch and delete individual messages within the message visibility timer window. I can also not do anything and effectively requeue the message which then gets dead lettered if it's requeued a configured number of times.
What doesn't work: I'm trying to do the same thing using a Lambda. I've created a trigger which works meaning SQS triggers the lambda sending it a batch of messages. These messages seem to get deleted from the queue automatically when this happens. I've no control over deleting an individual message or requeuing it.
Throwing an exception in the lambda seems to get all the messages in the batch to remain in the queue. Is there a more elegant way to do this and also is there a way to do it for individual messages instead of the entire batch?
When you use the SQS Lambda Trigger your messages will be automatically deleted from the Queue in case of successful processing.
If you want to, you can poll messages from SQS instead of having the messages trigger your Lambda. In order to do it, just don't configure a trigger for your Lambda function and have it execute every X amount of time via a Cloud Watch Event. Upon every execution, you then poll your SQS queue for new messages. I really don't see why you'd do it though, since having the trigger and auto deletion of messages is very handy. If you want to send failed messages to a DLQ, simply set the DLQ on your source SQS queue itself. You can then customise maxReceiveCount and, once this threshold is reached, messages will then go to the configured DLQ.
From the docs:
If a message fails processing multiple times, Amazon SQS can send it
to a dead letter queue. Configure a dead letter queue on your source
queue to retain messages that failed processing for troubleshooting.
Set the maxReceiveCount on the queue's redrive policy to at least 5 to
avoid sending messages to the dead letter queue due to throttling.
Set the batch size to one and throw an exception if you want to requeue it.

What are the drawbacks of SQS poller which AWS Lambda removes?

I have an architecture which looks like as follows:-
Multiple SNS -> (AWS Lambda or SQS with Poller)??? -> Dynamo Db
So, basically multiple SNS have subscribed to AWS Lambda or SQS with Poller and that thing pushes data to Dynamo Db.
But this ? thing do lot of transformation of message in between. So, now for such case, I can either use AWS Lambda or SQS with Poller. With AWS Lambda, I can do transformation in Lambda function and with SQS with Poller, I can do transformation in Poller. With AWS Lambda, I see one problem that code would become quite large as transformation is quite complex(has lot of rules), so I am thinking to use SQS. But before finalising on SQS, I wanted to know of the drawbacks of SQS which AWS Lambda removes?
Please help. Let me know if you need further information.
Your question does not contain much detail, so I shall attempt to interpret your needs.
Option 1: SQS Polling
Information is sent to an Amazon SNS topic
An SQS queue is subscribed to the SNS topic
An application running on Amazon EC2 instance(s) regularly poll the SQS queue to ask for a message
If a message is available, the data in the message is transformed and saved to an Amazon DynamoDB table
This approach is good if the transformation takes a long time to process. The number of EC2 instances can be scaled based upon the amount of work in the queue. Multiple messages can be received at the same time. It is a traditional message-based approach.
Option 2: Using Lambda
Information is sent to an Amazon SNS topic
An AWS Lambda function is subscribed to the SNS topic
A Lambda function is invoked when a message is sent to the SNS topic
The Lambda function transforms the data in the message and saves it to an Amazon DynamoDB table
AWS Lambda functions are limited to five minutes of execution time, so this approach will only work if the transformation process can be completed within that timeframe.
No servers are required because Lambda will automatically run multiple functions in parallel. When no work is to be performed, no Lambda functions execute and there is no compute charge.
Between the two options, using AWS Lambda is much more efficient and scalable but it might vary depending upon your specific workload.
We can now use SQS messages to trigger AWS Lambda Functions.
28 JUN 2018: AWS Lambda Adds Amazon Simple Queue Service to Supported
Event Sources
Moreover, no longer required to run a message polling service or create an SQS to SNS mapping.
AWS Serverless Model supports a new event source as following:
Type: SQS
QueueQueue: arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:213455678901:test-queue arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:123791293
BatchSize: 10
AWS Console also support:
Further details:
