Visual studio how to add custom tool/code generator configuration options - visual-studio

I wanted to easily turn some json schema files into classes. So googling I found NJsonSchema and I implemented this in a visual studio custom tool so I can set this on relevant json files and get my classes out. This al works and I pasted the code below. This code comes from this very answer. Though it does need a little updating for VS2022.
I find that documentation on how to do this is rather rare and the thing I am missing is how I can add something like configuration options for the custom tool.
Take for example the line "ClassStyle = CSharpClassStyle.Record," that is something one might want configurable for the user. But I cannot find anything on how to do that. Anyone have a good pointer/answer on this?
Preferably a way to add take the config from some custom properties in the file its properties that are available when the custom tool is configured on a project file.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
using System.Text;
using NJsonSchema.CodeGeneration.CSharp;
using NJsonSchema;
namespace ClassGeneratorForJsonSchema
[PackageRegistration(UseManagedResourcesOnly = true)]
[InstalledProductRegistration("GenerateClassesFromJsonSchema", "Use NJsonSchema to generate code from a json schema.", "1.0")]
[CodeGeneratorRegistration(typeof(ClassGeneratorForJsonSchema), "ClassGeneratorForJsonSchema", "{FAE04EC1-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}", GeneratesDesignTimeSource = true)]
public sealed class ClassGeneratorForJsonSchema : IVsSingleFileGenerator
#region IVsSingleFileGenerator Members
public int DefaultExtension(out string pbstrDefaultExtension)
pbstrDefaultExtension = ".cs";
return pbstrDefaultExtension.Length;
public int Generate(string wszInputFilePath, string bstrInputFileContents,
string wszDefaultNamespace, IntPtr[] rgbOutputFileContents,
out uint pcbOutput, IVsGeneratorProgress pGenerateProgress)
var schema = JsonSchema.FromJsonAsync(bstrInputFileContents).Result;
var generator = new CSharpGenerator(schema, new CSharpGeneratorSettings()
JsonLibrary = CSharpJsonLibrary.SystemTextJson,
ClassStyle = CSharpClassStyle.Record,
Namespace = wszDefaultNamespace
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(generator.GenerateFile());
int length = bytes.Length;
rgbOutputFileContents[0] = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(length);
Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, rgbOutputFileContents[0], length);
pcbOutput = (uint)length;
catch (Exception ex)
pcbOutput = 0;
return VSConstants.S_OK;


Facing Issue Creating an Addon, Visual Studio, G1ANT

I tried making an addon using the existing selenium addon codes and resources.
I was able to make an addon with just one command (for testing) to open Flipkart.
I used the command code and edited it slightly by entering default value of URL argument as (
I was successfully able to build my solution (I made sure to add all the nuget packages and other necessities)
Now when I try to load the addon in my studio, I'm getting an error mentioning that it expected command postfix for the FlipkartOpen command.
Can anyone please let me know the reason for this error and maybe a possible solution to fix it?
Here's the error image: G1ANT Studio Error for New Addon.
And here's my code sample:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using G1ANT.Language;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
namespace G1ANT.Addon.Flipkart.Commands
[Command(Name = "Flipkart.Open", Tooltip = "This command opens flipkart in a web browser provided in the Argument.")]
public class FlipkartOpen : Command
public FlipkartOpen(AbstractScripter scripter) : base(scripter)
public class Arguments : CommandArguments
// Enter all arguments you need
[Argument(Required = true, Tooltip = "Name of a web browser")]
public TextStructure Type { get; set; } = new TextStructure(string.Empty);
[Argument(DefaultVariable ="Url", Tooltip = "Website Url")]
public TextStructure Url { get; set; } = new TextStructure("");
[Argument(DefaultVariable = "timeoutselenium", Tooltip = "Specifies time in milliseconds for G1ANT.Robot to wait for the command to be executed")]
public override TimeSpanStructure Timeout { get; set; } = new TimeSpanStructure(SeleniumSettings.SeleniumTimeout);
[Argument(Tooltip = "By default, waits until the webpage fully loads")]
public BooleanStructure NoWait { get; set; } = new BooleanStructure(false);
[Argument(Tooltip = "Result variable")]
public VariableStructure Result { get; set; } = new VariableStructure("result");
// Implement this method
public void Execute(Arguments arguments)
SeleniumWrapper wrapper = SeleniumManager.CreateWrapper(
int wrapperId = wrapper.Id;
OnScriptEnd = () =>
Scripter.Variables.SetVariableValue(arguments.Result.Value, new IntegerStructure(wrapper.Id));
catch (DriverServiceNotFoundException ex)
throw new ApplicationException("Driver not found", ex);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ApplicationException($"Error occured while opening new selenium instance. Url '{arguments.Url.Value}'. Message: {ex.Message}", ex);
To remove this error, when you add new class, write Command.cs at the end while adding. Try FlipkartopenCommand.cs
This should remove your error.

How to provide custom mediatype formats for OData Api

I am developing an ASP.NET application that uses ODataApiController. The application shows users a grid by querying data and showing it in a table. I would like the ability to export to a number of different formats, including CSV and a custom XML format. Ideally, I would just take the same OData query the grid uses, set the Accepts header, and get back CSV or XML.
I've created MediaTypeFormatters to do what I need, but they only work with "regular" ApiController, not ODataApiController. Looking at the code in github, I see that OData has it's own MediaTypeFormatter scheme to handle various cases, and built in XML and JSON formatters. But I can't see how to hook into this to provide custom formats. I've attempted inheriting ODataMediaTypeFormatter, but a breakpoint set on it never hits.
I am only really interested in output formats here. How can I extend OdataApi to output different formats?
You can use MediaTypeFormatter on OData queries as well. Just add a new class to your project that inherit MediaTypeFormatter. Then add this to your WebApiConfig file on Register:
config.Formatters.Add(new JSONPFormatter(new QueryStringMapping("$format","jsonp","application/javascript")));
If you then query your entity with the $format=jsonp it will return the entity as JSONP. You can also request it with the contenttype application/javascript to get a JSONP return.
Here is a full example for a MediaFormatter for JSONP return. You could easily change it for your need:
using MyProject.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http.Formatting;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace SMSIdent.Modules.Formatter
/// <summary>
/// Adds a $format=jsop to all odata query
/// </summary>
public class JSONPFormatter : MediaTypeFormatter
private readonly string jsMIME = "application/javascript";
public JSONPFormatter()
SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue(jsMIME));
public JSONPFormatter(MediaTypeMapping mediaTypeMapping) : this()
//THis checks if you can POST or PUT to this media-formater
public override bool CanReadType(Type type)
return false;
//this checks if you can GET this media. You can exclude or include your Resources by checking for their types
public override bool CanWriteType(Type type)
return true;
//This actually takes the data and writes it to the response
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type type, object value, Stream writeStream, System.Net.Http.HttpContent content, System.Net.TransportContext transportContext)
//you can cast your entity
//MyType entity=(MyType) value;
var callback=HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["callback"];
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(writeStream))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(callback))
callback = "values";
sw.Write(callback + "(" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None,
new JsonSerializerSettings
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
}) + ")");
Note: I'am using Web API 2. I don't know exactly if it also works in Web Api 1.

I cannot call methods in c#

I picked up a project recently...
I cannot call methods in C #.
Did some setting in Visual Studio? I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Express.
Look my code below
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Web.Classes;
namespace Web.Business
public class TicketDB
Random r = new Random();
r.Next(4); // Error
You have to define a method first. Just a class is not enough.
Here is an example with a Main() method, but you can use another method (or even constructor) as well:
private static void Main()
Random r = new Random();
Your Class code should more be like that:
public class TicketDB
int rNum = 0;
// Constructor - called when created
public TicketDB()
Random r = new Random();
rNum = r.Next(4); // Error
Could. I was forgetting to call within the method. My fault.
Thanks for the help. Helped me remember the OOP.

ASP.NET MVC - Access Cookies data in non-Controller class

I need to write a function that help me do something in some of my Controllers so I decided to creat a class called Helper for that.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Security;
namespace HocVuiDiary.Helper
public class CookiesHelper
public void UpdateSubkey(string name, string subkey, string subvalue)
HttpCookie cookie;
if (Request.Cookies[name] == null)
cookie = new HttpCookie(name);
cookie[subkey] = subvalue;
cookie = Request.Cookies[name];
cookie[subkey] = subvalue;
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);
The issue is I cannot Access to Request or Response any more!
PLease show me the right way!
You can use HttpContext.Current.Request and HttpContext.Current.Response in your helper class.
While the first answer is technically accurate, I am running into issues of inconsistency with creation of the cookie using an external .DLL. The code behind class calls the methods in the external .dll, the cookie is created, but after navigating to the next page the cookie does not exist, sometimes.
public void CreateCookie(string cookieName, string key, string value)
int minutes = 95;
string encryptedValue = utilities.EncryptString(value);
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName);
cookie[key] = encryptedValue;
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(minutes);
Other calls to the external class are working as expected.
public bool CheckCookieExists(string cookieName)
bool exists = true;
HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookieName];
if (cookie != null)
return exists;
return exists = false;
It's basically the same as accessing the session. Use httpcontext.current although it is frowned upon at times there is mention here of cleaning it up:
Can I use ASP.NET Session[] variable in an external DLL
Here you could define an interface like IRequest to abstract the specific implementation out but that's up to you.

Odd bug in C#4 compiler? Alias namespaces getting mixed up

Here's my issue,
I'm using a namespace to remove ambiguity from a factory class which is creating domain objects from entity framework entity objects (a POCO factory,.. if that makes sense!). Call me old fashioned but I like things this way :-)
The namespaces I'm working with are aliased as such -
using Entities = DataAccess.Models.AccessControl;
using Cases = DomainModel.BusinessObjects.Implimentations.Cases;
Now, the DomainModel.BusinessObjects.Implimentations.Cases namespace only has one type so far called CaseType. However whilst I was working on another type which consumes the CaseType class I noticed that when I 'dot' into the Cases alias, it points to a totally different namespace in my DataAccess assembly and gives me the CaseTypeFactory in intellisense.
So I checked the CaseType and CaseTypeFactory classes and they are namespaced correctly. What in god's name is going on? I really can't work this one out.
Here's the code for the CaseType and CaseTypeFactory if it helps.
using Domain = DomainModel.BusinessObjects.Implimentations.Cases;
using Entities = DataAccess.Models.AccessControl;
using Interfaces.DataAccess;
namespace DataAccess.Factories.Cases
public class CaseTypeFactory :
IEntityPOCOFactory<Domain.CaseType, Entities.CaseType>
#region IEntityPOCOFactory<CaseType,CaseType> Members
public Domain.CaseType CreatePOCO(Entities.CaseType entity)
return new Domain.CaseType(entity.Id, entity.Name, entity.LastChanged);
public IList<Domain.CaseType> CreatePOCOs(
IEnumerable<Entities.CaseType> entities)
var toReturn = new List<Domain.CaseType>();
foreach (var entity in entities)
return toReturn;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using DomainModel.BusinessObjects.Base;
namespace DomainModel.BusinessObjects.Implimentations.Cases
public class CaseType : NamedNumberedAndVersioned
public CaseType(string name, DateTime lastChanged)
: this(0, name, lastChanged) { }
public CaseType(int id, string name, DateTime lastChanged)
: base(id, name, lastChanged) { }
public void Update(string name)
this.Name = name;
It's probably worth mentioning I'm working with .Net 4.0 / VS2010
Any help would be massively appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Is the code you're writing in the DataAccess.Factories namespace? If so, then Cases will indeed resolve to DataAccess.Factories.Cases first.
Two options:
Use an alias which isn't also the name of another namespace, e.g.
using DomainCases = ...
Use :: instead of . to force it to use the alias:
IEntityPOCOFactory<Cases::CaseType, Whatever>
I'd personally go for the first option to make things clearer... or try to avoid requiring namespace aliases to start with.
