How to add subfolders to the Context Menu by hand with registry - windows

I have 2 programs and i want to add a folder with 2 subfolders to the right click menu on a file (Context Menu), so, when i press on a file, it shows me the name of the folder. When i move the cursor onto the folder, it should show the 2 subfolders (for 2 programs that i made that change size of this file.
MY PROBLEM: I don't know how to tell the registry that the folder (called MyPrograms, see below) has 2 subfolders.
IMPORTANT: I do NOT want to use software like Easy Context Menu.
This is how it looks so far.
When i press right click on a file, it looks like this:
You see that the last option has an arrow, i want the same, so subfolders.
The Values of my Keys are the following
This now looks a bit weird.
Thank you for your time.

I had to add this "SubCommands":
Now there is an arrow.


Create shortcuts for commands in windows 10

Its a general question, but I think that with my cenario is easy to explain. My deal is the following:
I have some files, I want to move them to a new folder that I am about to create, usually I press ctrl+shift+n to create a new folder, then I go to the files, select them and press to ctrl+x to cut, then go to inside the folder and paste.
I would like to do something like that:
Select the files, press some combination of keys, some that doesn't exist, and it creates the folder, let me give the name, and after I press Enter it moves the files to the folder autoatically.
Keep in mind that this should be something general, something I can write to a script or anything and use for multiple cenarios.

Sublime Text 3 Show capitalized folders on top

Is it possible to sort the folders in the sidebar in a way, that shows capitalized folders on the top?
The folders are shown in the order they are listed in the project. You can rearrange them as you see fit. Nothing built in, but you write a script to modify the sublime-project files so they look like what you want.

Adding new filetypes to Windows 7's New context menu

I'm trying to add CSS, PHP, JS and HTML file types to the "New" right click menu in Windows 7. I know how to add the file types to the menu with ShellNew entries in the registry. But Windows doesn't give you any control over the display names of the new items - according to this the name's always taken from whatever application you've assigned to open the doc. I've set Notepad++ to open all of these file types, so I'm going to end up with several identical "Notepad++ document" entries in the menu, like this:
Does anybody know if there's a way out of this stupid situation without installing any tweak utilities?
Thanks all!
To rename a context menu > new's item (in Windows 7, at least):
Open regedit.
Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.%ext% and note the (Default) value. This is the file extension's ProdID.
Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%ProdID% (usually %ext%file) using the value obtained from step two. Set the (Default) value to whatever you would like the context menu new item to display as.
Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%ProdID%, if there is a FriendlyTypeName value, rename it to FriendlyTypeName.old, as the (Default) value "is deprecated by the FriendlyTypeName entry"
I don't believe there is even a need to log out / restart, but if the changes don't take effect, log out and/or restart.
You could change the file type description for each file class manually.
Look up the prog id under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.%ext% (The default value)
Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%progid%, set the default value and/or the "FriendlyTypeName" string to the string you want.
You might have to log off for it to take effect.
You should probably stay away from the Chrome and Notepad++ file type/association dialogs so they don't overwrite your strings.
Both Chrome and Notepad++ are open source, you can create a patch for them that use better names for the file types. (What is a "Chrome HTML Document" anyway, HTML5 + extra chrome juice? =) )
I was able to derive a solution from the answers above.
I replicated the particular application (JetBrains PHPStorm in my case) registry entry.
PHPStorm2019.1 -> PHPStorm2019.1.scss, PHPStorm2019.1.js.
Now I changed the Default REG_SZ of PHPStorm2019.1.scss to SCSS File and PHPStorm2019.1.js to JavaScript file.
Mapped .scss and .js to PHPStorm2019.1.scss and PHPStorm2019.1.js respectively.

How do I switch between the header and implementation file in Xcode 4?

How do I switch between the header and implementation file in Xcode 4?
In XCode 3 it was cmd and right or left (I think)
Ctrl+Cmd+Up or Down, but the shortcut seems a bit finicky and sometimes stops working, not yet sure when and why.
Be sure to FIRST click ON the actual code window...
that's the critical tip to ensure it works. Click anywhere at all on the actual code. (If you're active in one of the other many panes of Xcode, the keystroke combo has no, or different, meaning(s).)
Also, you can 3 finger swipe up and down on the touchpad if you have one.
Ctrl+Cmd+Up or Down
The shortcut sometimes stops working!!
The menu option has moved to "Navigate->Jump to Next Counterpart" and "Navigate->Jump to Previous Counterpart".
In preferences the key binding is now under "Jump to Next Counterpart" and "Jump to Previous Counterpart".
Why Apple insist on changing the menu positions AND names of these things is beyond me! I mean "Counterpart"!?
Worth nothing that Ctrl+Cmd+Left or Right move between previous and next files that were viewed (I mean "counterparts") too. These are also under the key bindings "Jump to Next Counterpart" & "Jump to Previous Counterpart").
The reason the menu option has been split between:
"Navigate->Jump to Next Counterpart" and "Navigate->Jump to Previous Counterpart"
is because you can have more than just one header file and one source file with the same file name. Besides having matching .xib files for view controllers, I have separate .vsh and .fsh files for vertex and fragment shaders in my OpenGL program. Along with my .h and .cpp files that's a list of 4 files that I can navigate up or down through with one key binding, instead of hitting the same key binding 3 times in a row to cycle back from file 2 to file 1.
Also in Xcode 6.1/7.1 shortucts are the same:
Jump to next counterpart:
Jum to previous counterpart:
Personally, coming from eclipse, I change this shortcut with:
this combination insn't already binded to anything else.
Xcode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings
search for "Jump to next counterpart" and put the new keys combination.
This is more efficient than default bindings see that you can use one hand instead of two!
"but the shortcut seems a bit finicky and sometimes stops working, not yet sure when and why."
Sometimes Xcode loses track of which .m and .h belong together. This is e.g. the case
when you open one of the files directly from the Finder. When you open the file from
the file list in Xcode, it normally works okay. Although when you have moved files between
folders & groups in the file list of Xcode, it will also list the relation between the files.
The command to swap between m and h files is CTL-CMD-up/down. It sometimes get stuck. To unstick it simply save the file, i.e. CMD-S, and the hotkey should work again.

How to add a menu item to the shell context menu of a file with a separated line?

I want to add an item to the context menu that appears when I click the right button of the mouse at a selected file in a directory. I don't know how to add it at a specified position of the menu, neither do I know how to separate it with lines above and below it.
Do I need to modify the registry? If so, what should I do?
If you'd like to do this non-programmatically, you can simply make registry changes. For example, if you want to be able to start up Notepad on any DLL file with a command called "Edit", just add this to your registry:
#="notepad \"%L\""
Here is an article that explores in depth how to do this.
