How can I specify a Yup error on a validating field's parent schema? - formik

I'm trying to set up a validation schema to use with Formik. I have a combobox that has items of shape { id: number; value: string; } and pulls the value out to display to the user, while submitting the whole item to Formik/Yup. However, in production, I won't know the shape of my items ahead of time; this is just the shape I've chosen for demoing.
const items = [
{ id: 1, value: 'foo' },
{ id: 2, value: 'bar' },
const [ field, meta, helpers ] = useField('value');
return (
invalid={meta.touched && !!meta.errors}
itemToString={i => i?.value ?? ''}
onChange={data => helpers.setValue(data.selectedItem)}
I want to make only id = 1 to be valid.
const validationSchema = Yup.object({
value: Yup.object({
id: Yup.number().oneOf([1], "You've selected an invalid option."),
value: Yup.string(),
.required('You have not selected an option.')
However, when this is in the error state, meta.errors is set to { id: "You've selected an invalid option." }. invalidText expects a ReactChild so when it receives this object, React throws an error.
I assume the solution, then, is to move .oneOf() to outside of the inner Yup.object(). I don't know how to specify the valid values, however, and neither the documentation nor a quick search of SO helped. Thoughts?


keystonejs form a multi-column unique constraint

How to form a unique constraint with multiple fields in keystonejs?
const Redemption = list({
access: allowAll,
fields: {
program: relationship({ ref: 'Program', many: false }),
type: text({ label: 'Type', validation: { isRequired: true }, isIndexed: 'unique' }),
name: text({ label: 'name', validation: { isRequired: true }, isIndexed: 'unique' }),
//TODO: validation to check that program, type, name form a unique constraint
The best way I can think to do this currently is by adding another field to the list and concatenating your other values into it using a hook. This lets you enforces uniqueness across these three values (combine) at the DB-level.
The list config (and hook) might look like this:
const Redemption = list({
access: allowAll,
fields: {
program: relationship({ ref: 'Program', many: false }),
type: text({ validation: { isRequired: true } }),
name: text({ validation: { isRequired: true } }),
compoundKey: text({
isIndexed: 'unique',
ui: {
createView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
itemView: { fieldMode: 'read' },
listView: { fieldMode: 'hidden' },
graphql: { omit: ['create', 'update'] },
hooks: {
resolveInput: async ({ item, resolvedData }) => {
const program = resolvedData.program? || ( item ? item?.programId : 'none');
const type = resolvedData.type || item?.type;
const name = || item?.name;
resolvedData.compoundKey = `${program}-${type}-${name}`;
return resolvedData;
Few things to note here:
I've removed the isIndexed: 'unique' config for the main three fields. If I understand the problem you're trying to solve correctly, you actually don't want these values (on their own) to be distinct.
I've also remove the label config from your example. The label defaults to the field key so, in your example, that config is redundant.
As you can see, I've added the compoundKey field to store our composite values:
The ui settings make the field appear as uneditable in the UI
The graphql settings block updates on the API too (you could do the same thing with access control but I think just omitting the field is a bit cleaner)
And of course the unique index, which will be enforced by the DB
I've used a resolveInput hook as it lets you modify data before it's saved. To account for both create and update operations we need to consult both the resolvedData and item arguments - resolvedData gives us new/updated values (but undefined for any fields not being updated) and item give us the existing values in the DB. By combining values from both we can build the correct compound key each time and add it to the returned object.
And it works! When creating a redemption we'll be prompted for the 3 main fields (the compound key is hidden):
And the compound key is correctly set from the values entered:
Editing any of the values also updates the compound key:
Note that the compound key field is read-only for clarity.
And if we check the resultant DB structure, we can see our unique constraint being enforced:
CREATE TABLE "Redemption" (
id text PRIMARY KEY,
type text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text,
name text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text,
"compoundKey" text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Redemption_pkey" ON "Redemption"(id text_ops);
CREATE INDEX "Redemption_program_idx" ON "Redemption"(program text_ops);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Redemption_compoundKey_key" ON "Redemption"("compoundKey" text_ops);
Attempting to violate the constraint will produce an error:
If you wanted to customise this behaviour you could implement a validateInput hook and return a custom ValidationFailureError message.

Change the index of an array in array push

In the application, we implemented the laravel-vue-pagination and in our pagination our columns are checkbox and paid amount(input field) where the checkbox is what user want to pay the item.
Once the page is load, it will save in one variable which is called items.
We have an event on clicking the checkbox where when the user check it will push to another variable which is called selected_items. When it is uncheck it will remove the value in the selected_items
if([i].checked == true)
selected_chart_of_account: { id:[i], name:[i].selected_chart_of_account.code+" : "[i] },
selected_responsibility_center: { id:[i], name:[i] },
selected_wht_list: { id:[i], name:[i], rate:[i].selected_wht_list.rate },
this.selected_items = this.selected_items.filter(function( obj ) {
// return obj.purchase_item_id !==[i].purchase_item_id;
return obj.purchase_item_id !== purchase_item_id;
For example I checked the two items, the variable items will look like this.
Below is the selected_items.
Now my question is it possible to change the index of selected_items? In my example above, the selected_items should be like this
selected_items: [
5: {},
6: {}
Not like this
selected_items: [
0: {},
1: {}
Javascript array cant skip indexes or have "string indexes". A Javascript Array is exclusively numerically indexed. When you set a "string index", you're setting a property of the object.
If you set the index 5 and 6 of an array, it will look like this.
selected_items: [
0: undefined,
1: undefined,
2: undefined,
3: undefined,
4: undefined,
5: {},
6: {}
this.selected_items.push() will always set numeric key index.
You should use this to set a specific index.
this.selected_items[i] =[i];

Semantic-ui form rule only if option is selected

I am using semantic ui and am trying to do some form validation with it.
The scenario I have is the user has 2 options: email,or phone app verrifcation. They select one of the options and enter whatever in a text field then click submit.
However I am not sure how to do rules on this with semantic UI.
I know if I wanted to check if it was blank I could do something like this:
fields: {
identifier: 'code',
rules: [
type : 'empty',
prompt : 'Please enter your verification code'
} } );
However I would like additional rules based upon which option is selected. I have javascript that currently tells me the value of what is selected, and is updated on change. Unsure how to add it into the rules though, so that I can be like -- If phone was select, must be exactly 6 chars long, or IF email was selected, must be 18 chars long (different lengths for different option).
Is there a way to have conditional rules like this? Closet I could find was:
depends: 'id'
Which checks to ensure it is not empty.
Does anyone know how to have conditional rules such as this based on another form element? I am using the most recent version of Semantic-UI
You can do so by adding custom rules.
$.fn.form.settings.rules.atLeastOne = function (value, fields) {
fieldsToCompare = fields.split(",")
if (value) {
// current input is not empty
return true
} else {
// check the other input field(s)
// atLeastOne is not empty
atLeastOne = false
for (i = 0; i < fieldsToCompare.length; i++) {
// gets input based on id
if ($("#" + fieldsToCompare[i]).val()) {
atLeastOne = true
return atLeastOne
fields: {
identifier: "number",
rules: [{
type: "exactLength[6]",
prompt: "number has to be 6 chars long"
}, {
// include the input fields to check atLeastOne[email, address, ...]
type: "atLeastOne[email]",
prompt: "Please provide an email or a number"
email: {
identifier: "email",
rules: [{
type: "exactLength[18]",
prompt: "email has to be 18 chars long"
}, {
type: "atLeastOne[number]",
prompt: "Please provide an email or a number"
Note that the function uses the input id as the identifier and not the input name. You might also want to look at optional fields.

jqgrid reading form element value and dynamically changing select option

I like to change the Type field drop down option depending on the inputs of Year and Level fields.
I am able to trigger an event when Level is change.
But how do I get the value of the Year field?
Portion of the code are as follows
{name:'Year',index:'Year', width:70,sortable:false,editable:true,align:'center',editoptions:{size:15, maxlength:4}, formoptions:{ rowpos:1, label: "Year (*)"},editrules:{required:true}},
{name:'Level',index:'Level', width:70,sortable:false,editable:true,align:'center',edittype: "select", editoptions: { value: '1:1;2:2;3:3;4:4;5:5;6:6', defaultValue:'1', dataEvents : [
'type' : 'change',
'fn' : function ( el ) {
// get the newly selected value from the user
var levelz = $(, yearz ;
var row = $('tr.jqgrow');
var rowid = row.attr('id');
//yearz = ??
if (parseInt(levelz)==5 || parseInt(levelz)==6)
if (parseInt(yearz)>2017)
$("#gridmain").jqGrid('setColProp','Term', {editoptions: { value: '1:Sem 1;4:Sem 2;6:EY;9:OVR', defaultValue:'Sem 1'}} );
$("#gridmain").jqGrid('setColProp','Term', {editoptions: { value: '', defaultValue:''}} );
$("#gridmain").jqGrid('setColProp','Term', {editoptions: { value: '1:TA1/CT1;2:TA2-before 2013;3:MY/TA2/CT2;4:TA3/CT3;5:TA4-before 2013;6:EY/TA4/CT4;9:OVR;D:CW1;E:CW2;F:CW3;G:CW4', defaultValue:'TA1'}} );
}]}, formoptions:{ rowpos:2, label: "Level (*)"},editrules:{required:true}},
{name:'Term',index:'Term', width:70, sortable:false,editable: true,align:'center',edittype: "select", editoptions: { value: '1:TA1/CT1;2:TA2-before 2013;3:MY/TA2/CT2;4:TA3/CT3;5:TA4-before 2013;6:EY/TA4/CT4;9:OVR;D:CW1;E:CW2;F:CW3;G:CW4', defaultValue:'TA1'}, editrules: { required: true }, formoptions:{ rowpos:3, label: "Type"}},
The codes are from piecing together what I read from google search...
I face 2 issues:
1) I don't know how to get the Year value
2) The drop down option list doesn't seems to change. - hmm it seems that if I close the edit form and open again, the Type field drop down option changes. What I need is to change the option on the fly - wonder how this can be done...
After much googling, managed to get the ans from Oleg's post as shown here
Also from his example, I derive the year value:
var yearz = $("#Year.FormElement", form[0]).val();

Angular2 Model Driven Dynamic Form Validation

Please Refer to my plunkr
I've been playing around with the new Angular 2 RC and I think I have figured out how the form validation works.
First I build 2 objects called defaultValidationMessages and formDefinition
private defaultValidationMessages: { [id: string]: string };
formDefinition: {
[fieldname: string]:
displayName: string,
placeholder: string,
currentErrorMessage: string,
customValidationMessages: { [errorKey: string]: string }
defaultValidators: ValidatorFn,
defaultValue: any
Then I load up those objects with the default validators and field information. and build the ControlGroup from the formDefinition object.
this.defaultValidationMessages = {
'required': '{displayName} is required',
'minlength': '{displayName} must be at least {minlength} characters',
'maxlength': '{displayName} cannot exceed {maxlength} characters',
'pattern': '{displayName} is not valid'
this.formDefinition = {
'name': {
displayName: 'Name',
placeholder: '',
currentErrorMessage: '',
customValidationMessages: {},
defaultValidators: Validators.compose(
'isEmployee': {
displayName: 'Is Employee',
placeholder: '',
currentErrorMessage: '',
customValidationMessages: {},
defaultValidators: Validators.compose([]),
defaultValue: this.person.isEmployee
'employeeId': {
displayName: 'Employee Id',
placeholder: '',
currentErrorMessage: '',
customValidationMessages: { 'pattern': '{displayName} must be 5 numerical digits' },
defaultValidators: Validators.compose(
defaultValue: this.person.employeeId
this.personForm ={});
for (var v in this.formDefinition) {
this.personForm.addControl(v, new Control(this.formDefinition[v].defaultValue, this.formDefinition[v].defaultValidators));
.map(value => {
return value;
.subscribe(data => this.onValueChanged(data));
Using a technique that I learned from Deborah Kurata's ng-conf 2016 session I bind a method to the ControlGroups valueChanges event.
By defining sets of default validators on each control it allows the control to dynamically append new validators to it based on future action. And then clearing back to the default validators later.
Issue I still have.
I was having an issue getting my typescript intellisense to import the ValidatorFn type. I found it here but I don't think I'm suppose to access it like this:
import { ValidatorFn } from '../../../node_modules/#angular/common/src/forms/directives/validators'
I also had to reset the form by setting some internal members. Is there a better way to reset the form? see below:
(<any> this.programForm.controls[v])._touched = false;
(<any> this.programForm.controls[v])._dirty = false;
(<any> this.programForm.controls[v])._pristine = true;
Please look at my plunk and let me know if there is a better way to handle model driven dynamic form validation?
My import string looks like this and it isn't marked as an error.
import { ValidatorFn } from '#angular/common/src/forms/directives/validators';
And some info about the reset form issue. There is not proper reset feature available yet, but a workaround exists. I've found it in docs.
You need a component field
active: true;
and you need to check it in your form tag:
<form *ngIf="active">
After that you should change your personFormSubmit() method to:
personFormSubmit() {
this.person = new Person(); = false;
setTimeout(()=> {;
alert("Form submitted and reset.");
}, 0);
I tried this solution with you plnkr example and seems that it works.
