how to compile C-code when installing laravel package (composer) - laravel

We have a C-code utility that I need to execute from php code that I'm trying to convert into a laravel package. (The PHP code basically just an interface-to/wrapper-for the program so it can be utilized from inside php)
One of the issues with the c-code is that I need to compile it per-environment.
I'm wondering if it's possible either somewhere in composer or somewhere in the provider code to have the C-code utility compiled either when I require the laravel package (composer) or when I run artisan to publish the vendor pieces. (and wondering how to code that)
e.g. in my package I have a folder called 'imagescanner' which includes a makefile to create a binary called 'imagescanner'. (To make things trickier, I technically have two versions of it depending on whether it is a website or a production-facility environment, but I can probably figure out how to trigger the version once I have a solution for triggering a install-time compile)
What I would like to be able to do is to ultimately run artisan to publish the two versions of the utility 'wimagescanner' and 'pimagescanner' into the main laravel project root in a 'bin/' directory.
File structure of the package (when installed by composer):
I basically need 'make' to be run in each directory at some point (either when required/installed with composer or when the artisan publish is called) then have the respective 'imagescanner' binaries from 'production' and 'websites' to be copied to the main laravel bin/pimagescanner and bin/wimagescanner respectively.


Understanding go mod and cause of package is not in GOROOT

I'm trying to play around with the lightning network. I have cloned the repo, and on disk placed it here (I'm using windows):
I'd like to run any of the tests in itest, lets say testMultiHopPayments. The cli commands I'm using after I cd into the above location is:
go test itest -run testMultiHopPayments
However, I keep getting the error:
package itest is not in GOROOT (C:\Program Files\Go\src\itest)
I've read through the various posts on this error, but I'm still not quite sure why it happens, and it's likely because I don't fully understand the go module (I'm new to go). This article, was probably the best in helping me understand the structure and env variables:
My understanding from the various readings is that whatever directory the go.mod file is in, indicates the module level directory. Prior to version 1.13 there was a required directory and structure, but now that should not be an issue if you're using at least version 1.13 and modules. I'm using 1.17.1. This is somewhat of an assumption or inference, but I believe everything lower in the directory structure is part of a package to be installed as part of the module (and is defined by the package keyword). However, I don't understand why a package with source code within a subdirectory would be missing/throw the aforementioned error. I've also tried running:
go mod install
That doesn't seem to do anything/has not effect on the error. What am I not understanding about packages? Looking at the go.mod file I observe that itest is not specifically defined anywhere… Not sure if that's required. Also, I assume I've got to run some build process prior? I attempted this with:
go install -v ./...
If you're using VS Code and Go Modules, you need to "Open folder" and point to the cloned repo, to get around that error

Using Go Modules with packages that require "make install"

I have an external package that apart from the usual go get, needs to run make install in its $GOPATH/src directory in order to use it (performs some makefile and git magic).
Trying to use this package with modules means a copy of it is downloaded to the vendor library using go mod vendor. However, this copy is not a git repository so running make install inside the package's vendor folder fails.
Does this mean that the package cannot be used in a module and I have to revert to using GOPATH?
Does this mean that the package cannot be used in a module
Contact the author and make him to check in what the makefile does.

Composer lock files in vendor dir

I've just come across the tool which looks a great way to automatically scan for the vulnerabilities that are in that community-contributed database.
It scans a composer.lock file for packages with vulnerabilities. However, it's made me realise that my understanding of Composer is not what it should be!
I have a project that has a composer.json file that requires a single demo/package. That demo package also has requirements, like demo/dep.
The result of running composer install --no-dev is that I have a composer.lock file which includes:
demo/package version 1.0
demo/dep version 1.2
All good so far, and running symfony security:check /path/to/my/project/composer.lock gives me a green light, no vulnerabilities.
However on close inspection of the files now in my vendor dir, I can see there's a vendor/demo/package/composer.lock file, which contains references to demo/dep at version 1.1 - which has a security vulnerability against it.
As I understand, I have the safer 1.2 version installed - so says my project's composer.lock file, but why is a composer.lock file included with the vendor's package?
Does that mean that the dodgy code is installed somewhere, too? Or can I just simply ignore the composer.lock files if there's a composer.lock file in a dir above it or such? composer show does not list the versions in the nested lock file. Or maybe I should ignore composer.lock files if there's no sibling ./vendor/ dir?
Why not simply inspect your folders to find a vulnerable version? If there was any, you should find a vendor folder within that package, that's where that package could have installed stuff from it's own composer.lock
Usually, only the composer.json of a package is evaluated to install dependencies. If there is a lock file within one package's folder, you should ask the maintainer of that package why this is the case, but for installing dependencies on your system, this does not matter.
Side note: writing "usually" refers to the standard model of installations. I've seen some crude stuff where Composer plugins put other rules in place, but this cannot be said for your project without knowing more about the structure.

Refactoring Composer executable file for portability

Installing Composer locally puts a file named composer in your directory. I have taken to copying this file into each of my projects that uses Composer, so that I can run php composer in each folder.
Since this results in a lot of needlessly-repeated code, I want to refactor the composer file into something minimal. The most logical solution would be to refer to a class that resides in the vendor folder. Why is there so much code in the composer file anyway? I'd prefer not to put the code into my own libraries if I don't have to.
For comparison, here's a sample of code in a typical phpunit file:
require_once 'my_bootstrap.php';
// Do some other stuff here.
I want to reduce the composer file in each project to something like this.
I do not want to install Composer globally. I want each project to be an environment unto itself and not have to instruct another developer to install anything other than PHP.

Standalone install for file like go run myfile.go

I have a go project that consists of separate files (each having a main function) inside the project folder. Initially it was meant to be run as go run file1.go. But now I need a build for it like regular projects. Creating separate project for each file feels dumb.
The go run compiles input file into a temporary executable and executes it. What is the compilation step that go run does. I need to install different files as separate executables (with a name given by me). Can anyone give the steps on how to do this.
As shown in the comments, you can use
go install ./...
If your working directory is not where all your packages are currently located, use
go install path/to/your/packages/...
The important thing are the three dots "...", indicating you want to build and install all packages from sub-directories as well.
This will create executables of all your packages in $GOPATH/bin/ .
