Displaying the japanese characters in the Command Prompt - cmd

I just installed the japanese language pack to make my IDE VS Community 2022 to be able identifying japanese character. But when i run it the Command Prompt doesn't recognize it and inserts question marks instead.
I'm not allowed to insert an image, so here is a link
Could you please tell me how could i solve this issue?
Thank you in advance.


"Error 1324. Unable to update the password." message appears when running installer built using command line interface (ISCmdBld.exe) in InstallShield

We are using InstallShield 2020 Professional SP3, on Windows 10 Pro.
We have an automated build server that automates Install Shield (via its command line interface, 'ISCmdBld.exe') to build an Installer for our Internal Product on demand. To accomplish this, it calls a PowerShell (.ps1) script that gathers all the pertinent information (such as the Product Key GUID, binaries, etc.), and passes parameters for the paths and Product Key into IsCmdBld.exe. For the past few years, this process has been working more or less flawlessly, up until recently when our Installer is giving us the following error almost immediately after its launched. Looking thru the MSI Log file, it appears this occurs after the "ResolveSource" action.
There are two things to note here: 1. Our installer, in no way has any business changing any password in the system. When I google error, "1324", it appears to be a message from Windows when a user attempts to change a password that doesn't meet the complexity requirements. 2. If I build this installer manually using the Install Shield GUI application, everything works as intended.
As it turns out, there was a Linefeed ("\n") after the GUID in our ProductKey.txt file. Our PowerShell Script reads the string data in from this file and passes it to ISCmdBuild.exe. If there are any extraneous characters after the GUID that is passed into the "-z ProductCode " parameter, it causes the Install to engage into some questionable behavior, much like errors in Pointer arithmetic do when developing in unmanaged languages like, C or C++. I know this is likely rare, but I wanted to ask and answer the question up here on Stackoverflow.com just in case anyone else encounters this issue. I have been working with Revenera (Flexera) software support and hopefully, this [now] known issue we experienced will be documented. This simple linefeed jammed me up for days.

Windows 10 add custom fonts to command line

I'm trying to add fonts to the windows command line so the Ubuntu terminal can use the pre-patched Meslo LG installed from the powerline fonts github page (see below) (so vim-airline won't have any missing special characters).
I've followed the tutorial here:
I've installed the fonts successfully, so I can use the font in word.
I've tried different names for the string value and restarted several times but nothing seems to work.
I've look around online, every source offers the same advice for going through the registry editor.
I'm not sure what to do from here and I'd really appreciate some advice.
I'd also really appreciate some insight into how the registry uses the string value to match with the ttf.
Windows has a linux subsystem which you can run bash or any other terminal emulator on. In Linux you could add whatever type of font you wanted either through the CLI or GUI install.
I wanted to install Meslo LG S for powerline (the vim plugin that gives you a status bar) since patched fonts are needed that support the special characters.
As it turns out, when it comes to fonts, Windows doesn't care what you've specified. Since the terminal emulator is built on top of the cmd executable, it has the same limitations for fonts.
Rather than just moving to some other terminal emulator, I wanted to solve the problem so other people who're having the same issue with ubuntu terminal for windows 10 could get some help.
As it turns out, Meslo is not a monospace font, so it can't be used in cmd.
Knowing this, I simply chose another patched monospace font and everything works fine.
I haven't answered my question yet because I thought maybe someone with a bit more experience with MS-DOS could show an alternative.

Weblogic 12c (12.1.3) installation on Unix - garbled character in GUI over xMing

I am installing weblogic 12c (12.1.3) on RHEL (Red hat enterprise Linux Server 7.1) using GUI Mode. I am using X11 forwarding using XMing and connecting to the server over SSH using Putty.
When I run the command "java -jar Weblogic/fmw_12." it shows some initial error as "Checking monitor: Must be configured to display 256 bit color" Failed. I ignored the installation and went ahead.
But when the GUI opened the characters are scrambled and unreadable as the image attached next
Weblogic GUI - Not readable
I tried installation using both JDK 1.7 and 1.8 and had the similar results
I seems to be issue with some character encoding but was not able to figure out. I checked the Unix $LANG environment variable and it is set properly to "en_US.UTF-8" I checked Putty if there is any option related to encoding. And found one under Window > Translation > Remote Character Set and the value is set as UTF-8
I checked by copying text inside the text box beside the Browse equivalent one, and pasted it in notepad. The text is valid in notepad
I found the solution to the issue with the help of the Unix team.
I checked for other GUI installer like IBM Unica Campaign. I got the similar issue. So I was sure it has nothing to do with the installer. Either something with the SSH pipe or something in the server. I shared the details of one server where it worked fine earlier and asked Unix team to compare the packages.
Unix Admin team found that the issue might be due to the font lyx-fonts which didn't exist in the server where it was working fine. The font was removed by Unix admin team. After that the installer was showing correct string.
I had the same problem. However, if you install all prerequisite packages (see the requirements guide of Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c) for Linux then the problem disappears. Specifically you must install redhat-lsb-4.1-27.0.1.el7 for x86_64 (Redhat or OEL 7). This installs the lyx-fonts again, but also some stuff that makes your X-Windows display ok again.
Also I had the same issue. I solved it. I just install the package "xorg-x11-fonts-Type1"

Not able to use the extensions on visual studio code

I want to use Visual Studio Code in Windows 10.
As a user of vim editor, I have been used to coding in way of vim.
So i want to install the amVim extension on Visual Studio Code.
Issue 1 :
it keep saying "installing" after i clicked "install".
Issue 2 :
Then i went to the github page of amVim and download the file and put it into .vscode/extensions/. However, when i started to use it to code, it showed many warning:
when i try to delete something:
command 'amVim.backspace' not found
when i try to escape the insert mode:
command 'amVim.escape' not found
it didn't work at all!
then i change to ubuntu and download the version for linux. it works well. i can download the extension.
how can i fix this problem with Windows ?
I have also been trying to use vscode but really like to input and edit using vim commands. I have tried at least three different vim emulators on vscode and have encountered the problem you describe as well as some more serious freezing problems. If I install either amVim or vimStyle, my entire system will block if it ever enters the suspend state. I did some anecdotal experimentation and if I disabled the the plugins my system would no longer freeze. I have been using the Vim plugin by vscodevim and so far things are stable. I did encounter the same error messages about backspace and other commands but only when I was on Ubuntu. It would seem to be early times for associating vscode with vim style input.

SAS Oracle Data Issues

I'm having an issue regarding special characters. I use SAS to connect to an Oracle database and then download tables from Oracle to SAS datasets.
Previously, special characters where downloaded correctly without a problem. I've recently received a new laptop at work and since then there has been some data issues.
Basically, what is happening is that special characters are removed or completely replaced. For instance, é is being replaced by e. á replaced with a. Other special characters are just completely removed and replaced with '?'
I've read a bunch of articles about encoding, transcoding and NLS_LANGUAGE, but I just can't figure out why this is happening and how to fix it. My other colleagues who are still using old laptops do not have this same issue!
Please, any help would be GREATLY appreciated
Check your Windows Registry. On my machine the setting is at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\oracle\KEY_OraClient11g_home1\NLS_LANG. Compare this key to that of coworkers who use SAS w/ Oracle and still have the older laptops.
