Unexpected index error using choice module - arguments

I've been trying to use args in a function so that it can accept an unspecified amount of parameters but during testing I seem to be lumped with this error. Which seems to be produced by the choice module itself not the file i'm writing.
File "C:\ProgramFiles\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_3.10.1520.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\lib\random.py", line 378, in choice
return seq[self._randbelow(len(seq))]
IndexError: list index out of range
Here is the code i'm trying to run:
def key_word_choice(key, *otherkeys):
key_choice = []
for items in sauces:
if key and otherkeys in items:
print("You should choose:", choice(key_choice))
key_word_choice('hot', 'garlic', 'buffalo')


How do I find a line of code with pyelftools/libdwarf

I have a function name and an offset from the top of that function. I know I can find the line of code from looking at the assembly listing file and compute the offset for the line of code and get the line number that way.
What I'm trying to do is use the .o file to get that same information. I can see the DWARF information for the ELF file and can find the DIE for function in the DWARF data, but how do I actually see the info for the instructions of that function and map that to a line of code. I've been using pyelftools so I would hopefully like to be able to use that but I am open to other options if I can't use pyelftools.
There's a sample in pyelftools that does that: https://github.com/eliben/pyelftools/blob/master/examples/dwarf_decode_address.py
Specifically, finding the line for the address goes like this:
def decode_file_line(dwarfinfo, address):
# Go over all the line programs in the DWARF information, looking for
# one that describes the given address.
for CU in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
# First, look at line programs to find the file/line for the address
lineprog = dwarfinfo.line_program_for_CU(CU)
prevstate = None
for entry in lineprog.get_entries():
# We're interested in those entries where a new state is assigned
if entry.state is None:
if entry.state.end_sequence:
# if the line number sequence ends, clear prevstate.
prevstate = None
# Looking for a range of addresses in two consecutive states that
# contain the required address.
if prevstate and prevstate.address <= address < entry.state.address:
filename = lineprog['file_entry'][prevstate.file - 1].name
line = prevstate.line
return filename, line
prevstate = entry.state
return None, None

How to print Graphene-Django / Graphene-Python Exceptions to the Console for Debugging?

When a GraphQL Error occurs, I cannot easily know where it occured. I have to spend unnecessary time trying to track it down. How do I get a Traceback printed in the console of my text editor?
I answered my own question by accessing the GraphQL error(s) with result.errors, iterating through the list, and using python's print_tb function to print the Traceback.
Does anyone have a different or better way of doing it?
Example usage of the print_graphql_errors function:
from django.conf.settings import DEBUG
result = schema.execute(
mutation_str, context_value=request, variable_values=variable_values
if result.errors is None:
return self.handle_success(result)
return self.handle_failure(result)
The print_graphql_errors function:
from traceback import print_tb
from django.conf.settings import DEBUG
def print_graphql_errors(errors, raise_error=False):
if not DEBUG:
raise Exception(
'DevError: This function should not be called in production'
assert errors, 'DevError: The "errors" parameter cannot be None'
print_after = []
current_error = None
print('Manually Generated Traceback (with the print_graphql_errors function):')
print(f'There are {len(errors)} errors:')
for i, error in enumerate(errors):
print(f'{i + 1}) ', error)
for error in errors:
current_error = error
# FYI: This object has these attributes: (example attribute values)
# tb_frame <frame at 0x000002DDB844D548, file 'site-packages\\graphql\\execution\\executor.py', line 455, code resolve_or_error>
# tb_lasti 16
# tb_lineno 447
# tb_next <traceback object at 0x000002DDBAFBA388>
# print('error.locations:', error.locations)
# print('error.positions:', error.positions)
except AttributeError as e:
print(f'Warning: An error occured while trying to print the traceback: {e}. It has the following attributes instead: {dir(error)}')
if len(print_after):
print(f'Number of errors without the "stack" attribute: {len(print_after)}')
if raise_error:
for error in print_after:
raise error
raise current_error

pyyaml parse data with tag

I have yaml data like the input below and i need output as key value pairs
--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
- '716'
- '718'
- 488
- 499
ouput needed
{'code': ['716', '718'], 'id': [488, 499]}
The default constructor was giving me an error. I tried adding new constructor and now its not giving me error but i am not able to get key value pairs.
FYI, If i remove the !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess line from my yaml then it gives me desired output.
def new_constructor(loader, tag_suffix, node):
if type(node.value)=='list':
return ret_val
yaml.add_multi_constructor('', new_constructor)
"\n [(ScalarNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value=u'code'), SequenceNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq', value=[ScalarNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value=u'716'), ScalarNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value=u'718')])), (ScalarNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value=u'id'), SequenceNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq', value=[ScalarNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value=u'488'), ScalarNode(tag=u'tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value=u'499')]))]\n "
Please suggest.
This is not a solution using PyYAML, but I recommend using ruamel.yaml instead. If for no other reason, it's more actively maintained than PyYAML. A quote from the overview
Many of the bugs filed against PyYAML, but that were never acted upon, have been fixed in ruamel.yaml
To load that string, you can do
import ruamel.yaml
parser = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
obj = parser.load(a) # as defined above.
I strongly recommend following #Andrew F answer, but in case you
wonder why your code did not get the proper result, that is because
you don't correctly process the node under the tag in your tag
Although the node's value is a list (of tuples with key value pairs),
you should test for the type of the node itself (using isinstance)
and then hand it over to the "normal" mapping processing routine as
the tag is on a mapping:
import yaml
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader
a = """\
--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
- '716'
- '718'
- 488
- 499
def new_constructor(loader, tag_suffix, node):
if isinstance(node, yaml.nodes.MappingNode):
return loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True)
raise NotImplementedError
yaml.add_multi_constructor('', new_constructor, Loader=SafeLoader)
data = yaml.load(a, Loader=SafeLoader)
which gives:
{'code': ['716', '718'], 'id': [488, 499]}
You should not use PyYAML's yaml.load(), it is documented to be potentially unsafe
and above all it is not necessary. Just add the new constructor to the SafeLoader.

Wordcount Nonetype error pyspark-

I am trying to do some text analysis:
def cleaning_text(sentence):
sentence=re.sub('^\d+\/\d+|\s\d+\/\d+|\d+\-\d+\-\d+|\d+\-\w+\-\d+\s\d+\:\d+|\d+\-\w+\-\d+|\d+\/\d+\/\d+\s\d+\:\d+',' ',sentence.strip())# dates removed
sentence=re.sub("(.*?\//)|(.*?\\\\)|(.*?\\\)|(.*?\/)",' ',sentence.strip())
sentence = re.sub('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation),'',sentence.strip())
cleaned=' '.join([w for w in sentence.split() if not len(w)<2 and w not in ('no', 'sc','ln') ])
return "NA"
return cleaned
df_new =df.withColumn("cleaned_short_desc", org_val(df["symptom_short_description_"]))
df_new =df_new.withColumn("cleaned_long_desc", org_val(df_new["long_description"]))
longWordsDF = (df_new.select(explode(split('cleaned_long_desc',' ')).alias('word'))
I get the following error.
File "<stdin>", line 2, in cleaning_text
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'
I want to perform word counts but any kind of aggregation function is giving me an error.
I tried following things:
sentence=sentence.encode("ascii", "ignore")
Added this statement in the cleaning_text function
Its still giving the same issue, I do not know how to resolve this issue.
It looks like you have null values in some columns. Add an if at the beginning of cleaning_text function and the error will disappear:
if sentence is None:
return "NA"

A JSON text must at least contain two octets! (JSON::ParserError)

I'm working with a Ruby script that reads a .json file.
Here is the JSON file:
"feed.xml": "93d5b140dd2b4779edef0347ac835fb1",
"index.html": "1cbe25936e392161bad6074d65acdd91",
"md5.json": "655d7c1dbf83a271f348a50a44ba4f6a",
"test.sh": "9be192b1b5a9978cb3623737156445fd",
"index.html": "c064e204040cde216d494776fdcfb68f",
"main.css": "21b13d87db2186d22720e8c881a78580",
"welcome-to-jekyll.html": "01d7c7d66bdeecd9cd69feb5b4b4184d"
It is completely valid, and is checked for its existence before trying to read from it. Example:
if File.file?("md5.json")
puts "MD5s exists"
mddigests = File.open("md5.json", "r")
puts "MD5s" + mddigests.read
items = JSON.parse(mddigests.read) <--- Where it all goes wrong.
puts items["feed.xml"]
Everything works up until that point:
MD5s exists
"feed.xml": "93d5b140dd2b4779edef0347ac835fb1",
"index.html": "1cbe25936e392161bad6074d65acdd91",
"md5.json": "655d7c1dbf83a271f348a50a44ba4f6a",
"test.sh": "9be192b1b5a9978cb3623737156445fd",
"index.html": "c064e204040cde216d494776fdcfb68f",
"main.css": "21b13d87db2186d22720e8c881a78580",
"welcome-to-jekyll.html": "01d7c7d66bdeecd9cd69feb5b4b4184d"
common.rb:156:in `initialize': A JSON text must at least contain two octets! (JSON::ParserError)
I've searched and tried a lot of different things, to no avail. I'm stumped. Thanks!
You have a duplicate call to read() at the point that it all goes wrong. Replace the second call to read() with the variable mddigests and all should be fine.
This code should work like you'd expect:
if File.file?("md5.json")
puts "MD5s exists"
mddigests = File.open("md5.json", "r")
digests = mddigests.read
puts "MD5s" + digests
items = JSON.parse(digests) #<--- This should work now!
puts items["feed.xml"]
The reason is that the file pointer is moved after the first read(), and by the second read(), it's at the end of file, hence the message requiring at least 2 octets.
