Wrap GoRoutine Creation to also contain pprof label - go

In my code there are various types of functions with a lot of user defined parameters and return types. Most of them run in parallel as go routines. In order to be able to efficiently debug them, I want to add labels.
I went through this link on using profile labels, find go routines during debugging.
However, if I do it the way they've mentioned, ie. call the desired function inside pprof.Do, then this would mean that I would have to add this redundant piece of code everywhere.
Old code:
go executeMeAsGoRoutine(arg1 sometype, arg2 sometype)
New Code based on the links above:
go func(args1 type1, args2 type2, args3 type3, args4, type4) {
labels := pprof.Labels("some label", "some more label", "args1",strconv.Itoa(int(100)))
pprof.Do(context.Background(), labels, func(_ context.Context) {
//function that was to be called.
executeMeAsGoRoutine(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)// Use args1 or args2
}(page, i)
However most of my functions have different arguments and custom return types. If I were to enhance each go routine I will have to repeat the above code everywhere. Wherever, I am calling go runThisFunctionInGoRoutine(), I'll also have to add outer anonymous go routine, followed by pprof.Labels, followed by pprof.Do everywhere. This will lead to a lot of unnecessary code repetiton. There are already so many places where there are different go routines created.
I was hoping if I could make a generic function that would WRAP the go routine creation call as well as label creation and then does pprof.Do for me.
Can someone suggest how to do that? The source of problem is that the functions that should run as go routines are different and have different arguments.
I envision some api like:
makeGoRoutineWithLabel(labels string, functionToRun, argumentsToSupply).
NOTE: functionToRun is different each time with argumentsToSupply being different as well.
Can anyone suggest how to do this without repeating the code? A generic go routine creation wrapper which also provides a provision to add labels along.
Instead of go createGoRoutine, its something like createAGoRoutineWithLabels.


How to handle errors for values declared outside of funcs in Go source file

I have this:
var wd, _ = os.Getwd()
var advanceAgreementTemplateBytes, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(wd, "/docs/templates/advance-agreement.template"))
var advanceAgreementTemplate = string(advanceAgreementTemplateBytes)
var t, _ = template.New("advance-agreement").Parse(string(advanceAgreementTemplate))
func sendAdvanceEmail(user *common.User, amount *apd.Decimal, fee *apd.Decimal, created time.Time) {
// use variables `t`, `advanceAgreementTemplate` etc here
I want to be able to handle the errors in the cached variables instead of using _ instead of err. Is the only way to do this is to use func init()?
If you want to error-check these, use func init or just initialize them in main.
Not all calls have Must variants, and such variants don't make sense for all calls. Don't forget that the Go way is to do proper error checking. Having Must wrappers for all possible failing calls would encourage a bad programming style, where instead of handling and propagating errors, every error would crash by default.
It's very easy to write your own Must wrappers if all you need is to crash the program on error.
The benefit of writing your own Must wrapper is that you could provide a much better error message - another thing Go encourages. ioutil.ReadFile will just say "open /docs/templates/advance-agreement.template: No such file or directory".

How to force a full resync on a SharedIndexInformer in a custom controller

I'm writing a custom controller for Kubernetes in Go with the help of client-go.
It is based on the sample-controller and working great so far.
The SharedIndexInformer has the option to periodically resync all objects. (Parameter resyncPeriod is set to 30 seconds in the sample-controller.)
Is there a way to force a resync immediately?
The code which seems to handle the periodic resync seems to call store.Resync().
I've tried calling fooInformer.Informer().GetStore().Resync(). The call succeeds, but the resync is not happening. What did I miss?
I'm using client-go v0.17.2 and the server is EKS v1.14.9-eks-c0eccc.
This is not possible.
The cache.Store that does the periodic resync is instantiated in newInformer in k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache/controller.go as a cache.DeltaFIFO queue:
// This will hold incoming changes. Note how we pass clientState in as a
// KeyLister, that way resync operations will result in the correct set
// of update/delete deltas.
fifo := NewDeltaFIFOWithOptions(DeltaFIFOOptions{
KnownObjects: clientState,
EmitDeltaTypeReplaced: true,
This is returned by cache.New() as an unexported field cache.controller{}.config.Queue, which there is no exported function for accessing- so no way to manually call Resync().
Upon calling fooInformer.Informer().GetStore().Resync() you are using Resync function/method of the Store type defined in: client-go/tools/cache/store.go
And there we can see the following:
In the Store type definition:
// Resync is meaningless in the terms appearing here but has
// meaning in some implementations that have non-trivial
// additional behavior (e.g., DeltaFIFO).
Resync() error
And in the Resync definition further below:
// Resync is meaningless for one of these
func (c *cache) Resync() error {
return nil
Unless you actually have some other class to do the Resync, this is supposed to really do nothing.
That is why
The call succeeds, but the resync is not happening.
Hope that helps!
You can achieve this by listing every object from the informer store, then calling ResourceEventHandlerFuncs's AddFunc (usually xxxController.OnAddXxx).
for _, v := range xxxController.xxxInformer.GetStore().List() {
Or, if you'd like to hack, you can use reflect
field := reflect.ValueOf(xxxController.xxxInformer).Elem().FieldByName("controller").Elem().Elem().FieldByName("reflector").Elem().FieldByName("store")
reflect.NewAt(field.Type(), unsafe.Pointer(field.UnsafeAddr())).Elem().Interface().(*cache.DeltaFIFO).Resync()

How to reuse code inside another spec.js?

I have two test scripts that must be called by a third one. I don't would like to replicate the code for all test cases that uses the same two scripts and do many other things after.
I tried to use the require command but it seems to be ignored and the code after it is executed, skipping the intended script AbrirNavegador.spec.js
before(function() {require('./AbrirNavegador.spec.js')});
There's no information about error or something else. It's just skipped.
I never got that to work. But I do use another work around. What I do:
// commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('reuseMethod1', function({
// first set of steps that need to be reused
Cypress.Commands.add('reuseMethod2', function({
// second set of steps that need to be reused
// testscript_1.js
// testscript_2.js
You can call the methods at any place, so also in a before/beforeEach/after/afterEach. So the only code duplication you have is the part of calling the method.

Should I call template.ParseFiles(...) on each http request or only once from the main function?

I am doing some web develoment using the go programming language using the package html/template. At some point of the code, I need to call the function template.ParseFiles(...) so I can create a template from those files ad then execute it using temp.Execute(w,data). I would like to know if it is better to create the template on each request or to do it once in the main and declare a global variable.
Right now I do it on each request on my handle functions, like most tutorials do. However, I don't know If I'm wasting resources by doing it on each request instead of having them as global variables.
This is how it looks on each request
func ViewStats(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//Get stuff from db and put them in data
//return data to user
tmp, err := template.ParseFiles("views/guest-layout.html",
if err != nil {
} else {
I would like to know if this is better:
var temp1 template.Template
func main() {
temp1, err = template.ParseFiles("file1","file2")
As usual: It depends.
But first some nuance:
You should never do template parsing (or anything else interesting) in your main() function. Instead, your main() function should call methods (or a single method) that kicks off the chain of interesting things in your program.
Go doesn't have globals, so it's not actually an option to store your parsed templates in a global variable in the first place. The closest Go has to global variables is package variables. You could store your parsed templates in a package variable in the main package, but this is also bad form, as your main package (except for tiny, trivial programs), should just be an entry point, and otherwise nearly empty.
But now, on to the core of your question:
Should you parse templates per request, or per run?
And here it depends.
If you have templates that change frequently (i.e. during development, when you're constantly editing your HTML files), once per request can be best.
But this is far less efficient than just parsing once, so in production, you may wish to parse the templates once on startup only. Then you can store the templates in a package variable, or better, in a struct that is initialized at runtime. But I leave that to you.
But what may be best is actually a bit of a compromise between the two approaches. It may be best to load your templates at start-up, and re-load them occasionally, either automatically (say, every 5 minutes), or watch your filesystem, and reload them whenever the on-disk representation of the templates changes.
How to do this is left as an exercise for the reader.

Golang: Passing channels through empty interfaces

I'm trying to do something that seems like it should be trivial until I read up and now it seems like it should be really complex. ;-)
I've knocked up a test pattern to illustrate:
At the most basic I'm trying to have a function that can read data from a channel and spit it out on another one. Easy. The test does this as long as you use the pusher function shown.
However the problem with this is that doing it this way I would need a different pusher function for each type of data I want to push through it.
Now I've done similar things in the past with an empty interface as nothing in the pusher code cares about what's in the data structure. What I can't figure out is when I'm dealing with channels of an un-cared-about data structure.
To illustrate the concept of what I'm trying to achieve please see the function pusher_naive_generic.
However that doesn't work either so more reading up implied the way to do it was making use of reflection and finally you see my pusher_reflect_generic function(obviously this won't achieve the same intended function as the others it's showing where I got to before getting stuck).
Which still fails because I can't get from an interface that contains a chan to the structure read from that chan.
Hopefully the code makes more sense of what I'm trying to achieve than my words actually do. I can make all of this work by explicitly coding for every type, but what I can't figure out how to do is code it for any future type.
If I have understood your question correctly, then this might be the solution:
func forwardChannel(i interface{}, o interface{}) {
it, ot := reflect.TypeOf(i), reflect.TypeOf(o)
if it != ot {
panic("forwardChannel: both arguments must be of the same type")
iv, ov := reflect.ValueOf(i), reflect.ValueOf(o)
for {
v, k := iv.Recv()
if !k {
Note that Recv, Send and Close panic if i and o are not channels.
