Rest api call via proxy failing with 503 error - spring-boot

I have to make a rest api call via proxy. The proxy is a http url whereas the actual api is a https url. So do i need to pass certificate api call ?
When i make call without loading the certificates its giving me HTTP 503 Service Unavailable error.


Spring Security Oauth2 Swagger

I am attempting to configure Swagger Authentication on my resource server, so that I can authenticate against my authorization server.
I have the resource and authorization servers separated. They are both starting up on my localhost with different ports.
Resource Server on port 8083
Authorization Server on port 8081
Whenever I attempt to "Authorize", there is a CORS issues.
I forked a project from another website to use as my testing grounds. Below is the forked project.
To test, once both the authorization server and resource server are started, do the following:
Go to http://localhost:8083/swagger-ui.html
Click on "Authorize" button
Click on "Authorize" button in dialog
If you have the developer tools open, you will see that there is the CORS error
Access to fetch at 'http://localhost:8081/oauth/token/' from origin 'http://localhost:8083' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request.
The http status code associated with the above CORS error was 302.
So, I modify the source to try to permitAll (I know this is undesired from a security perspective, but I am just trying to figure out what is going on). I will receive the same CORS error, but with the https status code of 403. Code is found on the following branch.
Any suggestions?
I think you need to add #CrossOrigin(/*your hitting server*/) on your controllers
it's a chrome security check to see if your are permitted to talk with that server or not it sends an option request at first and if you're permitted it send your original request which is accessing swagger
if you want to make sure if that is a cross origin problem or not try to send that request via postman because postman send your request direct without option request at first

Jersey client with multi domain uri

I am using Jersey Client API to talk to REST server.
Client is having problem in connecting to URL with multiple sub-domains.
EX :
This throws 503 service unavailable.
i trusted all the certs and bypassed host name verification.
Even with HttpsUrlConnection API i get the same 503 error.
But when i hit the same URL with CURL that works fine.
I see the Client API works well with
Is there any restriction for Jersey Client (HttpsUrlConnection)API with sub domain names in the URL?

302 redirection for proxy calls to microservice with oauth2 behind zuul proxy

I have one micro service "user-service". It is secured with spring-cloud-oauth2. It has one REST endpoint "/data/v1" which returns some JSON response.
When I send GET request to this endpoint it gets redirected to /oauth/login for authentication and after successful authentication it returns the token and then I am able to get the JSON response.
Later I added zuul proxy service ("micro-proxy-service") to route all external requests to internal back end services like "user-service".
It has single route "/resource" which then forwards the request to "/data/v1"
But now if I send GET requests to "/resource/data/v1" even after successful oauth2 authentication I get HTTP 302 response code with redirection to /login page.
If I try to access the "/data/v1" without zuul proxy then I am able to get response after oauth2. But when I request through zuul then I get 302.
If I remove the oauth2 from "user-service" then I can access "/data/v1" in both ways: directly or through zuul.
Please let me know If I am missing anything in zuul configuration.
Zuul strips the authentication headers by default, to enable them use the following configuration
sensitiveHeaders: Cookie,Set-Cookie

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource does not apply to postman

I have implemented a restful service. I have tested it using an ajax request within the application and also with postman client and both worked. But when i try to send an ajax request from a different application i get the below error in browser console.
http://localhost:8080/AusIncomeCalculator/AUSTax/post. Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8089' is therefore not allowed access.
I don't understand how the postman client get a successful response while the other applications cannot.
RESTful service is hosted in JBOSS-eap 7.0 with rest easy
What happen is for security reasons, browsers restrict cross-origin HTTP requests initiated from within scripts.Postman is a REST Client that runs as an application inside the Chrome browser. It is specifically designed for testing rest APIs, and therefore it doesn't restrict cross origin resource request.

WSO2 API console requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint

Am using WSO2 API Manager 1.9.1 and have defined a service that can be access over both http and https. When I try to "test" it through the API Console under https://localhost:9443/store/apis/..., the API call fails as the REST AJAX call is send over http instead of https.
Chrome complains that the page was loaded over HTTPS but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest. The request is blocked as it should be served over HTTPS.
Firefox likewise blocks the request with a "mixed active content" error.
Safari fails with a more obscure message: "Failed to load resource: The network connection was lost.".
A workaround is to set the API scheme to https only but this is not particularly desirable. Is there a fix or other way to cope with this issue?
This issue occurs when you're trying to access a HTTPS URL from the web browser
but the end point is actually HTTP. This is not the default behavior of swagger console in API manager 1.9.
Usually when you are accessing from the web browser using HTTPS, API console
(swagger console) calls an end point of HTTPS by default.
Try to expose the service as both HTTP and HTTPS(Manage Tab) when you are publishing an API.
