Springboot Redis cache fail handle - spring-boot

I have Springboot Application where most of the data are cached using Redis I have used #Cacheable annotation in method level,But when redis connection fails or redis is down i need that service to hit the database and fetch the data,how do we achieve this?
Following method should execute findLightWeightByStaffTypeIdNotAndTenantId() line even when the redis is down
#Cacheable(value = SC_PREFIX + "nonDoctorsLightWeight", keyGenerator = "customKeyGenerator")
public List<EmployeeLightWeightTO> getAllNonDoctorEmployees() {
return employeeRepository.findLightWeightByStaffTypeIdNotAndTenantId(STAFF_TYPE_DOCTOR, getTenantIdentifier());


Trying to update embedded database when mocked http response is returned using Wiremock of MockServer

Working in a Spring Boot context, I am testing a service that queries a db, then makes a remote call that updates the db, then requeries the db to get the updated data.
I am trying to use Wiremock or MockServer to mock the remote call, but can't figure out how to update the embedded database as part of the mock server response generation process.
For example, using MockServer, I tried creating a callback class that had an autowired JdbcTemplate instance, but in the context of the callback that JdbcTemplate variable is null.
public class ApprovalHappyPathCallback implements ExpectationResponseCallback {
JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public void setDataSource(DataSource ds) {
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(ds);
public static final HttpResponse httpResponse = response()
header("x-callback", "test_callback_header"),
header("Content-Length", "a_callback_response".getBytes(UTF_8).length),
header("Connection", "keep-alive")
public HttpResponse handle(HttpRequest httpRequest) {
if (httpRequest.getMethod().equals("GET")) {
jdbcTemplate.execute("update communications set status = 'APPROVED_SCHEDULED' where id = 153511");
return httpResponse;
} else {
return notFoundResponse();
The call back executes, but the jdbcTemplate statement does not work.
The callback is referenced like this in the test:
// );
The service method that makes the remote call is essentially:
public CommunicationEntity approveCommunication(Long communicationId) {
String approvalToken = commRepo.approvalTokenById(communicationId);
if (approvalToken == null) {
approvalToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String approvalResponse = remoteCommunicationApprover.approveCommunication(communicationId, approvalToken);
CommunicationEntity communicationEntity = getCommunicationById(communicationId);
if (communicationEntity.getStatus() != CommunicationStatus.Approved_Scheduled) {
throw new BadRequestException(
"Approval request for communication " + communicationId + " and token " + approvalToken
+ " failed with remote response: " + approvalResponse,
return communicationEntity;
There were two issues causing problems: making sure the jdbcTemplate used in the callback method was configured with the correct DataSource, and making sure that the data in the embedded in memory DB was accessible from the MockServer response generation thread.
I solved the first problem by using a lambda or closure for the MockServer callback in which I use the JdbcTemplate instance created in the test class with the autowired DataSource (though solutions exist for the callback class approach as well).
The second problem was the result of the fact that the test method was within a transaction and so inserts to the DB made at the beginning of the test were not committed when the MockServer thread (note that the MockServer response generation happens in a different thread than the main thread where the test method is running) was executing the callback. Thus those inserts were not accessible to the callback.
The solution was to annotate the test method with #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED)
See h2 database access to test data from separate threads

Jooq configuration per request

I'm struggling to find a way to define some settings in DSLContext per request.
What I want to achieve is the following:
I've got a springboot API and a database with multiple schemas that share the same structure.
Depending on some parameters of each request I want to connect to one specific schema, if no parameters is set I want to connect to no schema and fail.
To not connect to any schema I wrote the following:
public DefaultConfiguration defaultConfiguration;
public void init() {
Settings currentSettings = defaultConfiguration.settings();
Settings newSettings = currentSettings.withRenderSchema(false);
Which I think works fine.
Now I need a way to set schema in DSLContext per request, so everytime I use DSLContext during a request I get automatically a connection to that schema, without affecting other requests.
My idea is to intercept the request, get the parameters and do something like "DSLContext.setSchema()" but in a way that applies to all usage of DSLContext during the current request.
I tried to define a request scopeBean of a custom ConnectionProvider as follows:
public class ScopeConnectionProvider implements ConnectionProvider {
public Connection acquire() throws DataAccessException {
try {
Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
String schemaName = getSchemaFromRequestContext();
return connection;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("Error getting connection from data source " + dataSource, e);
public void release(Connection connection) throws DataAccessException {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataAccessException("Error closing connection " + connection, e);
But this code only executes on the first request. Following requests don't execute this code and hence it uses the schema of the first request.
Any tips on how can this be done?
Thank you
Seems like your request-scope bean is getting injected into a singleton.
You're already using #RequestScope which is good, but you could forget to add #EnableAspectJAutoProxy on your Spring configuration class.
class Config {
This will make your bean run within a proxy inside of the singleton and therefore change per request.
Nevermind, It seems that the problem I was having was caused by an unexpected behaviour of some cacheable function I defined. The function is returning a value from the cache although the input is different, that's why no new connection is acquired. I still need to figure out what causes this unexpected behaviour thought.
For now, I'll stick with this approach since it seems fine at a conceptual level, although I expect there is a better way to do this.
*** UPDATE ***
I found out that this was the problem I had with the cache Does java spring caching break reflection?
*** UPDATE 2 ***
Seems that setting schema in the underlying datasource is ignored. I'm currently trying this other approach I just found (https://github.com/LinkedList/spring-jooq-multitenancy)

Problem with connection to Neo4j test container using Spring boot 2 and JUnit5

Problem with connection to Neo4j test container using Spring boot 2 and JUnit5
int test context. Container started successfully but spring.data.neo4j.uri property has a wrong default port:7687, I guess this URI must be the same when I call neo4jContainer.getBoltUrl().
Everything works fine in this case:
public class ExampleTest {
private static Neo4jContainer neo4jContainer = new Neo4jContainer()
.withAdminPassword(null); // Disable password
void testSomethingUsingBolt() {
// Retrieve the Bolt URL from the container
String boltUrl = neo4jContainer.getBoltUrl();
try (
Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver(boltUrl, AuthTokens.none());
Session session = driver.session()
) {
long one = session.run("RETURN 1",
assertThat(one, is(1L));
} catch (Exception e) {
But SessionFactory is not created for the application using autoconfiguration following to these recommendations - https://www.testcontainers.org/modules/databases/neo4j/
When I try to create own primary bean - SessionFactory in test context I get the message like this - "URI cannot be returned before the container is not loaded"
But Application runs and works perfect using autoconfiguration and neo4j started in a container, the same cannot be told about the test context
You cannot rely 100% on Spring Boot's auto configuration (for production) in this case because it will read the application.properties or use the default values for the connection.
To achieve what you want to, the key part is to create a custom (Neo4j-OGM) Configuration bean. The #DataNeo4jTest annotation is provided by the spring-boot-test-autoconfigure module.
public class TestClass {
static class Config {
public org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration configuration() {
return new Configuration.Builder()
.credentials("neo4j", databaseServer.getAdminPassword())
// your tests
For a broader explanation have a look at this blog post. Esp. the section Using with Neo4j-OGM and SDN.

Why is Ebean ORM throwing java.sql.SQLException: IJ031021: You cannot rollback during a managed transaction

I have a Jax-RS Rest service that uses Ebean to query the database. On any query I make this exception is thrown.
For example.
User currentUser = new QUser().where().id.eq(currentUserID)).findUnique();
ERROR [io.ebeaninternal.server.transaction.JdbcTransaction] (default task-10) Error when ending a query only transaction via ROLLBACK: java.sql.SQLException: IJ031021: You cannot rollback during a managed transaction
Now the query returns the appropriate user and doesn't interfere with the Jax-RS.
But I can't ignore the large code-smell
And the huge log that is created because it gets thrown on every query.
My Configuration
ServerConfig config = new ServerConfig();
config.setDatabasePlatform(new PostgresPlatform());
EbeanServer es = EbeanServerFactory.create(config);
When using ebean inside Java EE you need to configure the EbeanServer before it is used. A typical place to do it is in a #PostConstruct method in a #Startup #Singleton bean-managed transaction ejb. And you need to configure it to use the JTA transaction manager so it doesn't try to begin/commit the transactions on its own.
public class AtStartup {
#Resource(mappedName = "java:jboss/datasources/EbeanTestDS")
private DataSource ds;
public void startup() {
new MigrationRunner(new MigrationConfig()).run(ds); // begin/commits transaction for the migration...
ServerConfig config = new ServerConfig();
config.setUseJtaTransactionManager(true); // This is important !

Spring Boot JPA and HikariCP maintaining active connections

Is there a way to ensure that a connection to the database is returned to the pool?
Data flow:
I have some long running tasks that could be sent to the server in large volume bursts.
Each of the requests is recorded in the DB that the submission was started. Then send that request off for processing.
If failure or success the request is recorded after the task is completed.
The issue is that after the submission is recorded all the way through the long running task, the connection pool uses an "active" connection. This could potential use up any size pool I have if the burst was large enough.
I am using spring boot with the following structure:
Controller - responds at "/" and has the "service" autowired.
Service - Contains all the JPA repositories and #Transactional methods to interact with the database.
When every the first service method call is made from the controller it opens an active connection and doesn't release it until the controller method returns.
So, Is there a way to return the connection to the pool after each service method?
Here is the service class in total:
class SubmissionService {
CompanyRepository companyRepository;
SubmissionRepository submissionRepository;
FailureRepository failureRepository;
DataSource dataSource
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public Long getCompany(String apiToken){
return null
return companyRepository.findByApiToken(apiToken)?.id
public void successSubmission(Long id) {
log.debug("updating submission ${id} to success")
def submissionInstance = submissionRepository.findOne(id)
submissionInstance.message = "successfully analyzed."
submissionInstance.success = true
public long createSubmission(Map properties) {
log.debug("creating submission ${properties}")
def submissionInstance = new Submission()
for (key in properties.keySet()) {
submissionInstance."${key}" = properties.get(key)
submissionInstance.company = companyRepository.findOne(properties.companyId)
return submissionInstance.id
public Long failureSubmission(Exception e, Object analysis, Long submissionId){
//Track the failures
log.debug("updating submission ${submissionId} to failure")
def submissionInstance
if (submissionId) {
submissionInstance = submissionRepository.findOne(submissionId)
def failureInstance = new Failure(submission: submissionInstance, submittedJson: JsonOutput.toJson(analysis), errorMessage: e.message)
return failureInstance.id
It turns out that #M.Deinum was onto the right track. Spring Boot JPA automatically turns on the "OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter" if the application property spring.jpa.open_in_view is set to true, which it is by default. I found this in the JPA Configuration Source.
After setting this to false, the database session wasn't held onto, and my problems went away.
