How to decline a request, if another one is already processed for the same user-id? - go

I am trying to implement some kind of sync-service.
Two clients with different user-agents may POST/PATCH to /sync/user/{user_id}/resource at the same time with the same user_id. sync should update data for user with id={user_id} in DB.
func (syncServer *SyncServer) Upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
userID := ps.ByName("user_id"))
if isAlreadyProcessedForUser(userID) {
syncServer.db.Update(userID, data)
The problem is I have no idea how to correctly decline one Upload when another one is still processing request for the same user_id. I think the idea to use mutex.Lock() is bad because I will use many pods for this handler and if Upload is called on different pods, it won't help me out anyway. What a synchronization method can I use to solve this problem? Should I use some additional field in DB? I am asking to give me any idea!

There're many ways to do this (distributed locking) in a distributed system, some I can come up with by far:
Use a redis (or any other similar services) lock . Then you can lock each user_id on receiving the first request and reject other requests for the same user_id because you'll failed to lock it. Redis lock generally has expiration time so you won't deadlock it. Ref:
Use a database lock. You should be careful to use a database lock, but a simple way to do this is with unique index: Create a uploading record with unique(user_id) constraints before upload, and delete it after upload. It's possible to forget/failed to delete the record and cause deadlock, so you might want to add another expired_at field to the record, check & drop it before uploading.
(Specific to the question's scenario) Use a unique constraints on (user_id, upload_status). This is called partial index, and you'll only check this unique index when upload_stats = 'uploading'. Then you can create an uploading record on each request, and reject the other request. Expiration is also needed so you need to track the start_time of uploading and cleanup long-time uploading record. If you don't need to re-claim the disk space you can simply mark the record as failed, by this you can also track when & how these uploads failed in database.
It seems that you're using Kubernetes, so any non-distributed lock should be used cautiously, depends on the level of consistency you want to acquire. Pods are volatile and it's hard to rely on local information and achieve consistency because they might be duplicated/killed/re-scheduled to another machine. This also applies to any other platforms with auto scaling or scheduling mechanisms.
A syncing process between several clients owned by one user and server needs to handle at least the request ordering, request deduplicating, and eventual consistency issue (e.g. Google Doc can support many people editing at the same time). There're some generic algorithms (like operational transformation) but it depends on your specific use case.


Eventually consistent DB : How to deal with relational data?

So let's say we have microservices that uses an event broker to communicate each other.
To secure sovereignty of data, each microservices has denormalized documents.
So whenever the data is changed, from the service changed the data, 'DataAHasChanged' event gets fired. Next, all the microservices that have subscribed this event will change document they have to maintain consistency of data A. (A here is not foreign key, but it's actual data, since it's denormalized)
This seems really not good to me if services have multiple documents that have data A. And if data A is changing often. I would just send API call to other services using data A's ID as a foreign key.
Real world use case would be:
User creates 'contract requests' and it has multiple vendor information.
Vendors information will be changed often.
So if there are 2000 contract requests. It means whenever vendor changes their information. We should go through every contract requests and change the denormalized document.
Is eventual consistency still the best practice in this case? or should I just use synchronous call to just read data from vendor service?
Thank you.
I would revisit the microservices decoupling and would ask a question - who is the source of truth for each type of data? You'll probably arrive to one service owning documents and that service will be responsible for updating those documents as well.
Even with a dedicated service owning documents, you still have to answer what are the consistency guarantees you need. Usually you start with SLA's - how available your service should be? How the data is stored? Often the underlaying data storage will dictate those.
Also, I would like to note that even with synchronous calls your system will be eventually consistent - since it takes time to execute all those calls, it will be a period when the system as a whole might see non-latest data.
If you really need true strong consistency, you may will have to pick right storage for that. I would go with a strongly consistent option assuming my performance and availability goals are met. And the reason for strong consistency - it is much easier to reason about; hence the system gets simpler.

Compensating Events on CQRS/ES Architecture

So, I'm working on a CQRS/ES project in which we are having some doubts about how to handle trivial problems that would be easy to handle in other architectures
My scenario is the following:
I have a customer CRUD REST API and each customer has unique document(number), so when I'm registering a new customer I have to verify if there is another customer with that document to avoid duplicity, but when it comes to a CQRS/ES architecture where we have eventual consistency, I found out that this kind of validations can be very hard to address.
It is important to notice that my problem is not across microservices, but between the command application and the query application of the same microservice.
Also we are using eventstore.
My current solution:
So what I do today is, in my command application, before saving the CustomerCreated event, I ask the query application (using PostgreSQL) if there is a customer with that document, and if not, I allow the event to go on. But that doesn't guarantee 100%, right? Because my query can be desynchronized, so I cannot trust it 100%. That's when my second validation kicks in, when my query application is processing the events and saving them to my PostgreSQL, I check again if there is a customer with that document and if there is, I reject that event and emit a compensating event to undo/cancel/inactivate the customer with the duplicated document, therefore finishing that customer stream on eventstore.
Altough this works, there are 2 things that bother me here, the first thing is my command application relying on the query application, so if my query application is down, my command is affected (today I just return false on my validation if query is down but still...) and second thing is, should a query/read model really be able to emit events? And if so, what is the correct way of doing it? Should the command have some kind of API for that? Or should the query emit the event directly to eventstore using some common shared library? And if I have more than one view/read? Which one should I choose to handle this?
Really hope someone could shine a light into these questions and help me this these matters.
For reference, you may want to be reviewing what Greg Young has written about Set Validation.
I ask the query application (using PostgreSQL) if there is a customer with that document, and if not, I allow the event to go on. But that doesn't guarantee 100%, right?
That's exactly right - your read model is stale copy, and may not have all of the information collected by the write model.
That's when my second validation kicks in, when my query application is processing the events and saving them to my PostgreSQL, I check again if there is a customer with that document and if there is, I reject that event and emit a compensating event to undo/cancel/inactivate the customer with the duplicated document, therefore finishing that customer stream on eventstore.
This spelling doesn't quite match the usual designs. The more common implementation is that, if we detect a problem when reading data, we send a command message to the write model, telling it to straighten things out.
This is commonly referred to as a process manager, but you can think of it as the automation of a human supervisor of the system. Conceptually, a process manager is an event sourced collection of messages to be sent to the command model.
You might also want to consider whether you are modeling your domain correctly. If documents are supposed to be unique, then maybe the command model should be using the document number as a key in the book of record, rather than using the customer. Or perhaps the document id should be a function of the customer data, rather than being an arbitrary input.
as far as I know, eventstore doesn't have transactions across different streams
Right - one of the things you really need to be thinking about in general is where your stream boundaries lie. If set validation has significant business value, then you really need to be thinking about getting the entire set into a single stream (or by finding a way to constrain uniqueness without using a set).
How should I send a command message to the write model? via API? via a message broker like Kafka?
That's plumbing; it doesn't really matter how you do it, so long as you are sure that the command runs within its own transaction/unit of work.
So what I do today is, in my command application, before saving the CustomerCreated event, I ask the query application (using PostgreSQL) if there is a customer with that document, and if not, I allow the event to go on. But that doesn't guarantee 100%, right? Because my query can be desynchronized, so I cannot trust it 100%.
No, you cannot safely rely on the query side, which is eventually consistent, to prevent the system to step into an invalid state.
You have two options:
You permit the system to enter in a temporary, pending state and then, eventually, you will bring it into a valid permanent state; for this you could allow the command to pass, yield CustomerRegistered event and using a Saga/Process manager you verify against a uniquely-indexed-by-document-collection and issue a compensating command (not event!), i.e. UnregisterCustomer.
Instead of sending a command, you create&start a Saga/Process that preallocates the document in a uniquely-indexed-by-document-collection and if successfully then send the RegisterCustomer command. You can model the Saga as an entity.
So, in both solution you use a Saga/Process manager. In order for the system to be resilient you should make sure that RegisterCustomer command is idempotent (so you can resend it if the Saga fails/is restarted)
You've butted up against a fairly common problem. I think the other answer by VoicOfUnreason is worth reading. I just wanted to make you aware of a few more options.
A simple approach I have used in the past is to create a lookup table. Your command tries to register the key in a unique constraint table. If it can reserve the key the command can go ahead.
Depending on the nature of the data and the domain you could let this 'problem' occur and raise additional events to mark it. If it is something that's important to the business/the way the application works then you can deal with it either manually or at the time via compensating commands. if the latter then it would make sense to use a process manager.
In some (rare) cases where speed/capacity is less of an issue then you could consider old-fashioned locking and transactions. Admittedly these are much better suited to CRUD style implementations but they can be used in CQRS/ES.
I have more detail on this in my blog post: How to Handle Set Based Consistency Validation in CQRS
I hope you find it helpful.

CQRS+ES: Client log as event

I'm developing small CQRS+ES framework and develop applications with it. In my system, I should log some action of the client and use it for analytics, statistics and maybe in the future do something in domain with it. For example, client (on web) download some resource(s) and I need save date, time, type (download, partial,...), from region or country (maybe IP), etc. after that in some view client can see count of download or some complex report. I'm not sure how to implement this feather.
First solution creates analytic context and some aggregate, in each client action send some command like IncreaseDownloadCounter(resourced) them handle the command and raise domain event's and updating view, but in this scenario first download occurred and after that, I send command so this is not really command and on other side version conflict increase.
The second solution is raising event, from client side and update the view model base on it, but in this type of handling my event not store in event store because it's not raise by command and never change any domain context. If is store it in event store, no aggregate to handle it after fetch for some other use.
Third solution is raising event, from client side and I store it on other database may be for each type of event have special table, but in this manner of event handle I have multiple event storage with different schema and difficult on recreating view models and trace events for recreating contexts states so in future if I add some domain for use this type of event's it's difficult to use events.
What is the best approach and solution for this scenario?
First solution creates analytic context and some aggregate
Unquestionably the wrong answer; the event has already happened, so it is too late for the domain model to complain.
What you have is a stream of events. Putting them in the same event store that you use for your aggregate event streams is fine. Putting them in a separate store is also fine. So you are going to need some other constraint to make a good choice.
Typically, reads vastly outnumber writes, so one concern might be that these events are going to saturate the domain store. That might push you towards storing these events separately from your data model (prior art: we typically keep the business data in our persistent book of record, but the sequence of http requests received by the server is typically written instead to a log...)
If you are supporting an operational view, push on the requirement that the state be recovered after a restart. You might be able to get by with building your view off of an in memory model of the event counts, and use something more practical for the representations of the events.
Thanks for your complete answer, so I should create something like the ES schema without some field (aggregate name or type, version, etc.) and collect client event in that repository, some offline process read and update read model or create command to do something on domain space.
Something like that, yes. If the view for the client doesn't actually require any validation by your model at all, then building the read model from the externally provided events is fine.
Are you recommending save some claim or authorization token of the user and sender app for validation in another process?
Maybe, maybe not. The token describes the authority of the event; our own event handler is the authority for the command(s) that is/are derived from the events. It's an interesting question that probably requires more context -- I'd suggest you open a new question on that point.

Dealing with concurrency issues when caching for high-traffic sites

I was asked this question in an interview:
For a high traffic website, there is a method (say getItems()) that gets called frequently. To prevent going to the DB each time, the result is cached. However, thousands of users may be trying to access the cache at the same time, and so locking the resource would not be a good idea, because if the cache has expired, the call is made to the DB, and all the users would have to wait for the DB to respond. What would be a good strategy to deal with this situation so that users don't have to wait?
I figure this is a pretty common scenario for most high-traffic sites these days, but I don't have the experience dealing with these problems--I have experience working with millions of records, but not millions of users.
How can I go about learning the basics used by high-traffic sites so that I can be more confident in future interviews? Normally I would start a side project to learn some new technology, but it's not possible to build out a high-traffic site on the side :)
The problem you were asked on the interview is the so-called Cache miss-storm - a scenario in which a lot of users trigger regeneration of the cache, hitting in this way the DB.
To prevent this, first you have to set soft and hard expiration date. Lets say the hard expiration date is 1 day, and the soft 1 hour. The hard is one actually set in the cache server, the soft is in the cache value itself (or in another key in the cache server). The application reads from cache, sees that the soft time has expired, set the soft time 1 hour ahead and hits the database. In this way the next request will see the already updated time and won't trigger the cache update - it will possibly read stale data, but the data itself will be in the process of regeneration.
Next point is: you should have procedure for cache warm-up, e.g. instead of user triggering cache update, a process in your application to pre-populate the new data.
The worst case scenario is e.g. restarting the cache server, when you don't have any data. In this case you should fill cache as fast as possible and there's where a warm-up procedure may play vital role. Even if you don't have a value in the cache, it would be a good strategy to "lock" the cache (mark it as being updated), allow only one query to the database, and handle in the application by requesting the resource again after a given timeout
You could probably be better of using some distributed cache repository, as memcached, or others depending your access pattern.
You could use the Cache implementation of Google's Guava library if you want to store the values inside the application.
From the coding point of view, you would need something like
public V get(K key){
V value = map.get(key);
if (value == null) {
value = map.get(key);
if (value == null) {
value = db.fetch(key);
map.put(key, value);
return value;
where the map is a ConcurrentMap and the mutex is just
private static Object mutex = new Object();
In this way, you will have just one request to the db per missing key.
Hope it helps! (and don't store null's, you could create a tombstone value instead!)
Cache miss-storm or Cache Stampede Effect, is the burst of requests to the backend when cache invalidates.
All high concurrent websites I've dealt with used some kind of caching front-end. Bein Varnish or Nginx, they all have microcaching and stampede effect suppression.
Just google for Nginx micro-caching, or Varnish stampede effect, you'll find plenty of real world examples and solutions for this sort of problem.
All boils down to whether or not you'll allow requests pass through cache to reach backend when it's in Updating or Expired state.
Usually it's possible to actively refresh cache, holding all requests to the updating entry, and then serve them from cache.
But, there is ALWAYS the question "What kind of data are you supposed to be caching or not", because, you see, if it is just plain text article, which get an edit/update, delaying cache update is not as problematic than if your data should be exactly shown on thousands of displays (real-time gaming, financial services, and so on).
So, the correct answer is, microcache, suppression of stampede effect/cache miss storm, and of course, knowing which data to cache when, how and why.
It is worse to consider particular data type for caching only if data consumers are ready for getting stale date (in reasonable bounds).
In such case you could define invalidation/eviction/update policy to keep you data up-to-date (in business meaning).
On update you just replace data item in cache and all new requests will be responsed with new data
Example: Stocks info system. If you do not need real-time price info it is reasonable to keep in cache stock and update it every X mils/secs with expensive remote call.
Do you really need to expire the cache. Can you have an incremental update mechanism using which you can always increment the data periodically so that you do not have to expire your data but keep on refreshing it periodically.
Secondly, if you want to prevent too many users from hiting the db in one go, you can have a locking mechanism in your stored proc (if your db supports it) that prevents too many people hitting the db at the same time. Also, you can have a caching mechanism in your db so that if someone is asking for the exact same data from the db again, you can always return a cached value
Some applications also use a third service layer between the application and the database to protect the database from this scenario. The service layer ensures that you do not have the cache miss storm in the db
The answer is to never expire the Cache and have a background process update cache periodically. This avoids the wait and the cache-miss storms, but then why use cache in this scenario?
If your app will crash with a "Cache miss" scenario, then you need to rethink your app and what is cache verses needed In-Memory data. For me, I would use an In Memory database that gets updated when data is changed or periodically, not a Cache at all and avoid the aforementioned scenario.

How to I set up a lock that will automatically time out if it does not get a keep alive signal?

I have a certain resouce I want to limit access to. Basically, I am using a session level lock. However, it is getting to be a pain writing JavaScript that covers every possible way a window can close.
Once the user leaves that page I would like to unlock the resouce.
My basic idea is to use some sort of server side timeout, to unlock the resouce. Basically, if I fail to unlock the resource, I want a timer to kick in and unlock the resouce.
For example, after 30 seconds with now update from the clientside, unlock the resouce.
My basic question, is what sort of side trick can I use to do this? It is my understanding, that I can't just create a thread in JSF, because it would be unmanaged.
I am sure other people do this kind of thing, what is the correct thing to use?
As BalusC right fully asked, the big question is at what level of granularity would you like to do this locking? Per logged-in user, for all users, or perhaps you could get away with locking per request?
Or, and this will be a tougher one, is the idea that a single page request grabs the lock and then that specific page is intended to keep the lock between requests? E.g. as a kind of reservation. I'm browsing a hotel page, and when I merely look at a room I have made an implicit reservation in the system for that room so it can't happen that somebody else reserves the room for real while I'm looking at it?
In the latter case, maybe the following scheme would work:
In application scope, define a global concurrent map.
Keys of the map represent the resources you want to protect.
Values of the map are a custom structure which hold a read write lock (e.g. ReentrantReadWriteLock), a token and a timestamp.
In application scope, there also is a single global lock (e.g. ReentrantLock)
Code in a request first grabs the global lock, and quickly checks if the entry in the map is there.
If the entry is there it is taken, otherwise it's created. Creation time should be very short. The global lock is quickly released.
If the entry was new, it's locked via its write lock and a new token and timestamp are created.
If the entry was not new, it's locked via its read lock
if the code has the same token, it can go ahead and access the protected resource, otherwise it checks the timestamp.
If the timestamp has expired, it tries to grab the write lock.
The write lock has a time-out. When the time-out occurs give up and communicate something to the client. Otherwise a new token and timestamp are created.
This just the general idea. In a Java EE application that I have build I have used something similar (though not exactly the same) and it worked quite well.
Alternatively you could use a quartz job anyway that periodically removed the stale entries. Yet another alternative for that is replacing the global concurrent map with e.g. a JBoss Cache or Infinispan instance. These allow you to define an eviction policy for their entries, which saves you from having to code this yourself. If you have never used those caches though, learning how to set them up and configuring them correctly can be more trouble than just building a simple quartz job yourself.
