Error during installation of Jasper Reportt Server - installation

I'm trying to install Jasper Report Server but I keep getting always the same error: during the post-install actions I get the following
Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly
Error running C:\Jaspersoft\jasperreports-server-cp-8.0.0/buildomatic/js-ant.bat
load-sugarcrm-db:[create-ks] Failed to create the keystore C:\Users\Paolo\.jrsks
C:\Jaspersoft\jasperreports-server-cp-8.0.0\buildomatic\build.xml:377: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
Keystore may have been tampered with.
Total time: 1 second
I'm using the default installation and windows 11. I also tried running it in compatibility mode for Windows 7 but nothing changed. Can someone help me?

My problem was that created the keystore and placed it in a user directory, where it then couldn't access it again.
You could check the access rights for the folder the keystore is placed, and check if your user has the right ones.


Oracle 19c - I'm getting [INS-35180] Unable to check for available memory error

I'm getting [INS-35180] Unable to check for available memory error while installing Oracle 19c in my laptop. I have tried to run DBCA as admin but still facing the same issue.
Error: [INS-35180] Unable to check for available memory.
Details: Additional Information:
Exception details  - PRVG-1901 : failed to setup CVU remote execution framework directory "C:\Users\u720770\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallActions2023-02-08_06-14-10PM\CVU_19." on nodes "blrl52gm6g3"
Please select a different work area for the framework
blrl52gm6g3 : PRKN-1014 : Failed to execute remote command "C:\Users\u720770\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallActions2023-02-08_06-14-10PM\CVU_19.\exectask.exe" on node "BLRL52GM6G3".Failed during connecting to service
blrl52gm6g3 : Failed during connecting to service
Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node "blrl52gm6g3"
I did below steps.
Downloaded Oracle 19c from Oracle site.
Extracted the zip file and copied it to C: drive.
Renamed the folder to 'db_home'
Ran setup file as administrator.
Please let me know how to resolve this issue to be able to install Oracle 19c.
Hello Can you check this path really exists and permissions on exectask.exe allow you to execute ?
or maybe it could be this bug
Bug 28747089 - DBCA Errors Out During Verification-- Unable to check for available memory (Doc ID 28747089.8) To BottomTo Bottom
or this
After applying Microsoft KB, DBCA Fails With [DBT-50000] Unable To Check For Available Memory (Doc ID 2807229.1)
Make a note of the directory from which the OracleRemoteExecService is running; usually it is %temp% or c:\windows\temp. This information is available in the Service Control Manager.
Delete the OracleRemExecService.
Clean all the files under the directory from which OracleRemoteExecService was running, i.e. %temp% or c:\windows\temp.
It looks like I dont have enough admin privileges. I was able to install successfully after obtaining admin privileges.

Oracle ODAC 18.3 for Windows Server 2019 Installation Errors

I am trying to install Oracle ODAC 18.3 on a Windows Server 2019 Standard so that I can create a data source connection to an Oracle database from a SQL Server 2019 instance, either by using Polybase or a Linked Server connection. The only components that I need installed are the Oracle Provider for OLE DB and Oracle Provider for OLE DB for OLAP. During the Perform Prerequisite Checks stage of the install, there are errors.
The errors are as follows:
PRVG-1901 : failed to setup CVU remote execution framework directory "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\ on nodes ""
Please select a different work area for the framework
[hostname] : PRKN-1014 : Failed to execute remote command "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\\exectask.exe" on node "[hostname]". Failed during connecting to service
[hostname] : Failed during connecting to service
Notes regarding error message above. [username] refers to my username that I am logging in with to Windows. It is an Active Directory account. [hostname] refers to the computer name that I am trying to install ODAC on. Also, I have tried installing this a few different times, all with the same error messages. On the second and third time installing I verified that during the installation the
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\ directory is getting created, so this should not be a permissions issue.
In the PRKN-1014 error message, I did notice that there is an extra backslash in the path, CVU_18.\[username]\\exectask.exe, so my suspicion is that there is an issue with the installer not being able to identify the correct path to find the exectask.exe. If I traverse to the
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\CVU_18.[username]\ directory I indeed find the exectask.exe file.
I have found a few different solutions online for others that worked for them, but none have worked for me. One solution was to add in the System Environment Variables the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable with a value of -Xmx512M. A second solution was to change the Environment Variables user variables TEMP and TMP to C:\TEMP. Neither of these worked and resulted in the exact same errors. I did in fact confirm that the Oracle Universal Installer extracted the files to the C:\TEMP directory.
Any and all suggestions would be very much appreciated!
I wasn't able to get the Oracle "Universal" Installer to work, like you. However, I was able to install the Oracle Provider for OLE DB and Oracle Provider for OLE DB for OLAP (same as you were trying to get) using the ODAC Xcopy installer.
I downloaded the ODAC Xcopy installer from here:
After downloading the installer, I ran the install batch file to install those two components. An extra undocumented step is that you must update the PATH environment variable on your system to include your install location and bin folder. In my case, "C:\Oracle" and "C:\Oracle\Bin".

pgAdmin 4 Desktop Runtime has stopped working

I've installed pgAdmin4 v2 on Windows 7. The installation went fine and I could launch it successfully without any issue. After couple of days, now if I try to load GUI I am getting the error – “pgAdmin 4 Desktop Runtime has stopped working”. Log file shows below error entries:
raise URLError(err)
URLError: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 407 authenticationrequired>
2018-03-26 13:16:01,937: ERROR pgadmin: Exception when checking for update
Does anyone know how to fix the issue?
Version check was root cause of the problem as my network has restricted access. Disabling version check in application config settings (UPGRADE_CHECK_ENABLED = False in fixed the issue in my case.

Oracle 11g Enterprise Manager Login Fail Internal Error has Occured

I have installed Oracle 11g on my Windows 10 machine. I followed all preinstallation requirements.
When trying to log in to the Enterprise manager via this link:
I get the error:
Internal Error has occurred. Check the log file for details.
I have found log files and it looks like this is the relevant entry:
2017-09-17 07:36:53,631 [MetricCollector:HOMETAB_THREAD600:60] ERROR rt.DbMetricCollectorTarget _getAllData.344 - java.lang.NullPointerException
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getURL(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getConnection(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getConnection(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getResponseForRequest(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getMetrics(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.rt.DbHomeTab._getAllData(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.rt.DbHomeTab.getData(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.eng.MetricCached.collectCachedData(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.eng.MetricCollectorThread._collectCachedData(
I have tried to set the unique name in environment variables, I thought maybe Java was the problem so I updated my JDK to 8. I am still getting the same error, and my SQL Plus will not open, as soon as I put in the correct credentials it closes. Also I have configured a Listener and tested, test was successful.
I managed to fix the issue, turns out it was a time zone issue. The DB time zone and computer time zone were different. Thus the DB Console would not start and was giving the error "EM daemon is not running".
I fixed it by following instructions here.
Also note before I did that I completely uninstalled Oracle and reinstalled it. There were some issues on that install that were causing SQL not to run. But the above is what fixed the Internal Error I was getting.
Make sure the SYSMAN database user is not locked.
select username, account_status from dba_users where username = 'SYSMAN';
If the account status is not OPEN then
alter user SYSMAN account unlock;
Try restarting dbconsole
$ emctl stop dbconsole
$ emctl start dbconsole

MSI: Setup failed due to unexpected cirumstances The error code is 80004005 Installation failed with error code 1603

I am trying to install SCCM client on a machine. I have tried remotely, I have tried manually. I have removed everything (ccm folder, ccmsetup folder) I am not sure what else to do.
I am getting the following errors:
Right after Searching for available transform I get this error
Failed to find resource file 'client.mst'
Right after CcmSetObjectSecurityInit. Applying security permissions I get this error
MSI: Setup failed due to unexpected circumstances The error code is 80004005
*Installation failed with error code 1603*
I saw a suggestion about deleting some registry keys, but I cannot find the forum that mention that again so I haven't tried it.
The client I am trying to install is SCCM 2007 SP2
Any thoughts would help.
