Install Erlang and Elixir on MacOS M1 - Command not found - installation

i'm trying to install specific version of Erlang and Elixir on macos M1
I don't use brew because i can't specify version (brew installs only last version apparently)
I used ASDF with this .tool-versions files:
elixir 1.12.3
erlang 24.2
nodejs 16.5.0
but after installation, I met some errors command are not found when I type
elixir --version
asdf plugin add erlang
asdf plugin add elixir
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf install
I don't understand how to precise the path
Should I precise something in $HOME/.zshrc ?

I'm including this as an answer for visibility (see Aleksei's comment):
After installing asdf (as with many CLI software), you must restart your shell (e.g. by opening a new Terminal window) or you must (re)source your profile (e.g. source ~/.zshrc). This causes asdf to run its boot-strapping script -- e.g. . /opt/homebrew/opt/asdf/libexec/, which establishes paths etc.
When you install asdf (as with lots of CLI software), pay close attention to the messages displayed in the terminal: usually there are helpful messages there that remind you to do things like this.


Could not run installed asdf plugins (elixir/node) even if the plugins has been installed

I've installed asdf successfully and I could install the plugin with asdf. but when it is time to run the plugin, the plugin itself is unavailable from the terminal even though the asdf list told me that the plugin (package) is in there (installed).
ubuntu#767c4736d92a:/app$ asdf list
ubuntu#767c4736d92a:/app$ elixir
bash: elixir: command not found
ubuntu#767c4736d92a:/app$ npm
bash: npm: command not found
ubuntu#767c4736d92a:/app$ node
bash: node: command not found
The problem is that the shell doesn't know where to find the plugins that you have installed through asdf, that is why it is not letting you be able to run the commands of the plugins that you have installed.
You can resolve this issue by adding the asdf shims directory to your shells PATH environment variable.
The command to add the directory to PATH can be looked up on Google.

Installing gnu plot for macOS High Sierra

How does one install a runnable version of gnu plot in macOS high Sierra?
I am looking for a way to make this work with the GUI, but even just getting the terminal script to run would be a success.
The Brew implementation of gnuplot is not really usable because it no longer supports the necessary terminals (e.g., you can no longer provide --with-aquaterm or --with-x11 during installation).
However, the MacPorts package manager has a usable install for gnuplot (it's safe to have both Brew and MacPorts installed).
After intalling AquaTerm, I used the following to install gnuplot, and all is working as expected:
sudo port install gnuplot +aquaterm
I'm using macOS Mojave 10.14.4.
It's easy enough with homebrew.
First, install Xcode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
Then install homebrew by going to homebrew website and copying and pasting the one-liner installation script. I don't want to paste that line here in case it changes down the line, so get the latest from the homebrew website.
Now you have a full package manager that allows you to find, install, update and delete thousands of packages. So you can easily find gnuplot or anything else with:
brew search gnuplot
Once you have found your package, check the avaiable options with:
brew options gnuplot
Sample Output
Build with AquaTerm support
Build the Cairo based terminals
Build with qt support
Build wxmac support. Need with-cairo to build wxt terminal
Build with x11 support
Now install with some sensible options for graphical plots:
brew install gnuplot --with-qt --with-x11
Always ensure your PATH starts with /usr/local/bin for homebrew since that is where it installs programs. I put the following in $HOME/.profile. And I also set the GNUTERM environment variable:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export GNUTERM=qt
Now run gnuplot:
Sample Run
Check out many useful packages, a nice new Python not Apple's old v2.7, a nice Linux-compatible sed not Apple's BSD version, a nice grep, a nice find, the brilliant GNU awk, ImageMagick, tmux, GNU Parallel, jhead, Poppler, exiftool, Mosquitto, pdfgrep, pngcrush, ZeroMQ... the list goes on...
#David Atri: gnuplot is not as standalone as you might think. Try to compile it from source and you will see how many options and dependencies it has.The main challenge in MacOSX is to get the PDF drivers running. The fact that you see many things as standalone is the good integration work made by the developers
brew is no longer support options.
You can still do "brew install gnuplot", but it will install with just the terminals that the person who wrote the homebrew formula wanted, not necessarily the ones you want.
Compiling gnuplot from the sources is still a nightmare, so you live with the brew-formula writer's choices, write your own brew formula (not completely trivial), or you struggle with huge pile of dependencies and try to compile from the sources.

how to install libX11 on OSx 10.9?

I am trying to install ROOT ( When I run ./configure , I get a message that libX11 is missing and must be installed.
I did some research and found that I need to install
) XQuartz (I already have the latest version.)
) Command line tools in Xcode.
I tried installing Command Line Tools from apple's developer website. The installation goes through smoothly but how do I know whether it has been installed? I still get libX11 missing error with root's configure command.
I also tried xcode-select --install and it once went through smoothly and then later again gives error saying this package is no longer maintained - or something of that sort.
I understand I may have multiple installations... But I am still facing the problem of not having libX11 and not being able to install ROOT.
This link and the one referenced in it suggests you use homebrew (brew) to install it
$ ruby <(curl -fsS
$ brew doctor
Remember to add the Homebrew directory to your PATH by adding the directory (found with brew --prefix) to your .bashrc, .zshrc or whatever shell file you’re using (.bashrc is the OS X default). We’ll also add the XQuartz binaries to the PATH in case anything needs them in the future.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:$PATH
Start a new Terminal session to pick up the changes.
Now that Homebrew is installed, we can use it to install the required dependencies. Each may take some time as Homebrew generally compiles from source.
$ brew install gfortran # Fortran compiler
$ brew install python # Python interpreter
$ brew install pcre # Regular Expressions library
$ brew install fftw # Fast Fourier Transforms
$ brew install cmake # Cross-platform make
install root
$ brew tap homebrew/science
$ brew install --with-cocoa root
You don't say whether you have installed XCode as well as the commandline tools but I think you will need it

Installing SASS through my terminal on my MAC -newbie

I have done multiple searches for installing SASS through my terminal on my Mac, when I write the command gem install sass, it tells me
-bash: $: command not found"
so I tried the alternative sudo install process. My result is
-bash: $: command not found".
Am I missing something here?
Sorry for the dumb question. I'm just a web designer/developer trying to learn SASS, I did get a response once telling me this "WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information. To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort. Password:"(My typing was correct) so I type my PW. it then tells me it's the wrong PW. - I have one PW on this machine. What am I doing wrong?
I did get this error message after a third try " You don't have write permissions into the /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 directory.
Jasons-MacBook-Pro:~ JHess$ "
Do I not have the right permissions set up to perform the SASS install? I found a similar question on Stack regarding this issue - and it told me to install RVM. What exactly is RVM? Is it some type of bundled package?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I just attended a web conference in VA, "ConvergeRVA" and just recently graduated college, I'm not a seasoned vet like most peeps on here. But I would love to start learning SASS.
Note: I am running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
In order to use Sass you need Ruby installed. The error messages shows you have an old version 1.8.7
Update to a current version using RVM.
RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments
Copy and paste this into your terminal.
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
look at to learn how to use it.
After this is done try gem install sass again
You haven't installed Mac OS X Command Line Tools. It can be found at:
Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tool
Download & Install it, and restart the Terminal.

Perl & CPAN upgrade help for OS X

Here is my problem. I am running OS X v10.7 (Lion) and want to set up an old Perl program I have written (was then using a Windows System with ActivePerl and then its ppm).
I read to use CPAN to install Perl modules (I am trying to install the Graph module). Whenever I tried to install it, it failed from a refused connection. Why? So I read that I should run the following to update CPAN and fix any broken links:
cpan> install Bundle:CPAN
cpan> reload cpan
cpan> index cpan
cpan> exit
However, after doing this I am stuck with this every time I try to do a CPAN install or upgrade:
New version (v1.9800) available.
[Currently running version is v1.9456]
You might want to try
install CPAN
reload cpan
to both upgrade and run the new version without leaving
the current session.
I was trying to use the default Perl stuff that is included in OS X rather than downloading ActivePerl. How do I fix CPAN and install the Graph Module?
PS: Running install CPAN and reload CPAN didn't do anything, but it generated the same message.
I was able to upgrade to v1.9800 doing a manual install (make, install) through the terminal. But I am still unable to install the Graph Module. Here is what I am getting:
I was finally able to solve the problem. I just moved the /User/jj/.cpan directory to User/jj/.cpan_bak and then reconfigured CPAN and the Graph Module installed with no fuss.
To solve this problem, do a manual upgrade of CPAN (apparently on OS X CPAN has trouble upgrading itself). You can download the source from here. After you have downloaded it uncompress it, create the make file from the Perl script, then run a make test, and finally if all goes well a make install.
$> tar -xvxf CPAN-1.9800
$> cd CPAN-1.9800
$> perl Makefile.PL
$> make
$> make test
$> make install
Now get rid of your old CPAN configuration:
$> mv ~/.cpan ~/.cpan.bak
Now when you run CPAN from the terminal you should be prompted for the configuration again. Once this is complete and CPAN has started you will notice this:
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9800)
So CPAN is now upgraded and working, and in my case I installed the Graph Module:
$cpan> install Graph
And everything works fine. I hope this helps somebody.
I have a fresh Mac OS X Lion and I updated CPAN without problems.
Installing XCode is not enough. Make, gcc, g++ are not installed by default.
To install them, one has to:
Start XCode, go to XCode->Preferences->Downloads and install component named "Command Line Tools".
I know this was solved, but do consider using "cpanminus" instead next time. It's faster and could save you a lot of hassle. You can either install App:cpanminus using cpanminus (see: App::cpanminus):
curl -L | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus
And then to install any module and its dependencies simply run:
cpanm <module>
Alternatively you could use it directly from the web:
curl -L | perl - --sudo <module>
I use it on my OS X Lion, and it works perfectly :)
Please excuse me for replying to this old post.
I had the same issue as the OP. Once I corrected the command to contain two colons instead of one (i.e. - Bundle::CPAN vs Bundle:CPAN), it worked as expected.
