Spring boot Axon complete rollback - spring-boot

How to rollback a transaction event which created data in database, I don't want to change status or anything, I need to rollback ( don't persist ) the changes. could any provide or suggest a way achieve this.

Axon Framework will roll back operations to a database depending on the type of failure you're getting.
If the exception's thrown by the #EventHandler annotated method, the ListenerInvocationErrorHandler catches it. By default, this logs the message and proceeds. Differently put, the operation is not rolled back.
If you decide to rethrow the exception in the ListenerInvocationErrorHandler or the exception occurs during the processing of the event batch, Axon's ErrorHandler will catch it.
By default, the ErrorHandler rethrows the exception, causing the Event Processor to catch it. This will make it so that the event handling task is rolled back.
However, from your comments, it seems you're not looking for an Event Handling task to roll back on its own, but for an Event Handling task to roll back a previous Event Handling task. Note that from Axon's perspective, the Event was handled, so the change simply occurred.
If you want something like this to be undone, you could think about options like replaying altogether, adjusting the database yourself, and dispatching a compensating action. Whether any of those is the right fit is unclear to me as I am unaware of what you're actually trying to roll back for what reason.
Hence, I'd like you to provide a bit more background on what your exact scenario is, #ray. If you could please update your question with a description of the use case, that would be great.
In the meantime, here are some useful links from the Axon Framework documentation around Event Processing:
Event Processors
Event Processor Error Handling
Streaming Event Processors


How to know the the running status of a spring integration flow

I have a simple integration flow that poll data based on a cron job from database, publish on a DirectChannel, then do split and transformations, and publish on another executor service channel, do some operations and finally publish to an output channel, its written using dsl style.
Also, I have an endpoint where I might receive an http request to trigger this flow, at this point I send the messages one of the mentioned channels to trigger the flow.
I want to make sure that the manual trigger doesn’t happen if the flow is already running due to either the cron job or another request.
I have used the isRunning method of the StandardIntegrationFlow, but it seems that it’s not thread safe.
I also tried using .wireTap(myService) and .handle(myService) where this service has an atomicBoolean flag but it got set per every message, which is not a solution.
I want to know if the flow is running without much intervention from my side, and if this is not supported how can I apply the atomic boolean logic on the overall flow and not on every message.
How can I simulate the racing condition in a test in order to make sure my implementation prevent this?
The IntegrationFlow is just a logical container for configuration phase. It does have those lifecycle methods, but only for an internal framework logic. Even if they are there, they don't help because endpoints are always running if you want to do them something by some event or input message.
It is hard to control all of that since it is in an async state as you explain. Even if we can stop a SourcePollingChannelAdapter in the beginning of that flow to let your manual call do do something, it doesn't mean that messages in other threads are not in process any more. The AtomicBoolean cannot help here for the same reason: even if you set it to true in the MessageSourceMutator.beforeReceive() and reset back to false in its afterReceive() when message is null, it still doesn't mean that messages you pushed down in other thread are already processed.
You might consider to use an aggregator for AtomicBoolean resetting in the end of batch since you mention that you pull data from DB, so perhaps there is a number of records per poll you can track downstream. This way your manual call could be skipped until aggregator collects results for that batch.
You also need to think about stopping a SourcePollingChannelAdapter at the moment when manual action is permitted, so there won't be any further race conditions with the cron.

RabbitMQ/Spring AMQP - Leave message in a queue

I created a SpringBoot/Spring AMQP project where I configured a listener on a RabbitMQ queue. Question: Is there any way to leave the message in the queue? Let me explain: I consume the message and do some things (eg save on db), if something goes wrong I would like to be able to reconsume the message.
Thanks in advance
You need to think about configuring your listener container with transactions, so when DB call fails, the transaction is going to be rolled back and an AMQP message will not be acked on RabbitMQ.
See docs for more info: https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/docs/current/reference/html/#transactions
I don't know about the "Spring" way of accomplishing this, but what you describe is the normal behavior for AMQP consumers that do not automatically acknowledge.
From the documentation:
In automatic acknowledgement mode, a message is considered to be successfully delivered immediately after it is sent.
When you turn off automatic acknowledgment, your consumer must explicitly acknowledge the message, otherwise it will not be dequeued (or as you put it, it will be left "in the queue"). You will then need to simply ACK the message at the very end of your operation, when you are certain that your operation succeeded (and perhaps coordinated with your database transaction).
There is always the question of what to do first; acknowledge first or commit your database transaction first? Without adding complexity, you must choose what's best depending on what failure mode is less problematic for you, i.e. Would you rather tolerate a duplicated message or a missing message?

Should we store Events in a database? (Event Driven Design)

We have several services that publishes and subscribes to Domain Events. What we usually do is log events whenever we publish and log events whenever we process events. We basically use this to apply choreography pattern.
We are not doing Event Sourcing in these systems, and there's no programmatic use for them after publishing/processing. That's the main driver we opted not to store these in a durable container, like a database or event store.
Question is, are we missing some fundamental thing by doing this?
Is storing Events a must?
I consider queued messages as system messages, even if they represent some domain event in an event-driven architecture (pub/sub messaging).
There is absolutely no hard-and-fast rule about their storage. If you would like to keep them around you could have your messaging mechanism forward them to some auditing endpoint for storage and then remove them after some time (if necessary).
You are not missing anything fundamental by not storing them.
You're definitely not missing out on anything (but there is a catch) especially if that's not a need by the business. An Event-Sourced System would definitely store all the events generated by the system into a database (or any other event-store)
The main use of an event store is to be able to restore the state of the system to the current state in case of a failure by replaying messages. To make this process of recovery faster we have snapshots.
In your case since these events are just are only relevant until the process is completed, it would not make sense to store them until you have a failure. (this is the catch) especially in a Distributed Transaction case scenario.
What I would suggest?
Don't store the event themselves but log the relevant details about these events and maybe use an ELK stack or Grafana to store these logs.
Use either the Saga Pattern or the Routing Slip pattern in case of a Distributed Transaction and log them as well.
In case a failure occurs while processing an event, put that event into an exception queue and handle it. If it's a part of a distributed transaction make sure either they all have the same TransactionId or they have a CorrelationId so you can lookup for logs and save your system.
For reliably performing your business transactions in a distributed archicture you somehow need to make sure that your events are published at least once.
So a service that publishes events needs to persist such an event within the same transaction that causes it to get created.
Considering you are publishing an event via infrastructure services (e.g. a messaging service) you can not rely on it being available all the time.
Also, your own service instance could go down after persisting your newly created or changed aggregate but before it had the chance to publish the event via, for instance, a messaging service.
Question is, are we missing some fundamental thing by doing this? Is storing Events a must?
It doesn't matter that you are not doing event sourcing. Unless it is okay from the business perspective to sometimes lose an event forever you need to temporarily persist your event with your local transaction until it got published.
You can look into the Transactional Outbox Pattern to achieve reliable event publishing.
Note: Logging/tracking your events somehow for monitoring or later analyzing/reporting purpose is a different thing and has another motivation.

Kafka consumer and fails while handling some messages

I have a spring boot app with single kafka consumer to get messages from some topic.
But sometime errors are occurred while message handling.
I want to continue to receive the following messages as usual and at the same time be able not to lose that message and receive it, for example, the next time the service is restarted with the consumer after fixing it.
Is it possible to do this?
I understand that I need to disable auto-commit and commit successful messages manually, but, in this case, if I don't throw any exception for this exception case and commit each next successful message manually, then I will lose the previous unsuccessful one, right?
If I understand your question correctly, your assumption is that the exception occurs due to a problem in your code and not while reading the message from the topic. In that case no retry or other measures will solve your problem.
What we usually do is to catch the exception and send it to another Kafka topic. Ideally, you will also add some details on why or in which code part the exception occurred. After you have fixed the bug in your application you can consume the messages from that other topic.
I understand that I need to disable auto-commit and commit successful messages manually, but, in this case, if I don't throw any exception for this exception case and commit each next successful message manually, then I will lose the previous unsuccessful one, right?
Yes, your understanding is correct. To be more precise, you will not "loose" the message but as soon as your ConsumerGroup commits a higher offset it will never try to read the lower offset again without any manual modification.
If you only expect very rare cases where an exception could be thrown, but you just ignore it, you can always use the consumer.seek() method in pure Kafka
public void seek(TopicPartition partition, long offset)
to start reading from a particular offset out of a topic partition.
Yes you have to manually commit them. You retry a particular message 2-3 times. If it fails after retries then you can move those messages to another topic and consume those messages when you fix whatever is causing it to fail. This will not block your queue and you won't lose and messages too.
I want to continue to receive the following messages as usual and at
the same time be able not to lose that message and receive it, for
example, the next time the service is restarted with the consumer
after fixing it.
Is it possible to do this?
You don't need to do a manual commit, instead, you can choose to implement a mechanism to do a retrial, by publishing the event in another queue and delayed consuming the event. =====> Amazon SQS has delay Queue but unfortunately there is no such thing in kafka and you have to write the implementation by yourself.
Reference articles:
Article 1
Article 2
If you are retrying the message processing, then the order of the messages can change based on your implementation. Please do keep it in mind.
Do remember that kafka does consider a consumer dead in case the message processing time exceeds max.poll.interval. Read this

Event Aggregator Error Handling With Rollback

I've been studying a lot of the common ways that developers design/architect an application on domain driven design (Still trying to understand the concept as a whole). Some of the examples that I saw included the use of events via an event aggregator. I liked the concept because it truly keeps the different elements/domains of an application decoupled.
A concern that I have is: how do you rollback an operation in the case of an error?
For example:
Say I have an order application that has to save an order to the database and also save a copy of the order as a pdf to a CMS. The application fires an event that a new order has been created and the pdf service that subscribes to this event saves the pdf. Meanwhile when committing the order changes to the database an exception is thrown. The problem is that the pdf has been saved but their isn't a matching database record.
Should I cache the previously handled events and fire a new error event that looks to the cache for "undo" operations? Use something like the command pattern for this?
Or... is the event aggregator not a good pattern for this.
I'm starting to think that maybe events should be used for less "mission critical" items, such as emailing and logging.
My initial thought was to limit dependencies by using the event aggregator pattern.
You want the event to be committed in the same transaction as the operation on your database.
In this particular scenario, you can push the event on a queue, which enlists in your transaction, so that the event will never go out unless the aggregate is persisted. This will make creating the PDF eventual consistent; if creating the PDF fails, you can fix the problem, and have it automatically retried.
Maybe you can get more inspiration in one of my previous posts on eventual consistent domain events with RavenDB and IronMQ.
Handling an event before it actually happened (committed) only works if the event handler participates in the transaction. Make the event handler transactional (for instance by storing the PDF in a database), or publish and handle events after the transaction committed.
