Query from list of 2D data points (C++11) - algorithm

I'm finding it hard to describe (and then search) what I want, so I will try here.
I have a list of 2D data points (time and distance). You could say it's like a vector of pairs. Although the data type doesn't matter, as I'm trying to find the best one now. It is/can be sorted on time.
Here is some example data to help me explain:
So I want to store a fairly large amount of data points like the ones in the spreadsheet above. I then want to be able to query them.
So if I say get_distance(0.2); it would return 1.1. This is quite simple.
Something like a map sounds sensible here to store the data with the time being the key. But then I come to the problem, what happens if the time I am querying isn't in the map like below:
But if I say get_distance(0.45);, I want it to average between the two nearest points just like the line on the graph and it would return 2.
All I have in my head at the minute is to loop through the data point vector find the point that has the closest time less than the time I want and find the point with the closest time above the time I want and average the distances. I don't think this sounds efficient, especially with a large amount of data points (probably up to around 10000, but there is a possibility to have more than this) and I want to do this query fairly often.
If anyone has a nice data type or algorithm that would work for me and could point me in that direction I would be grateful.

The STL is the way to go.
If your query time is not in the data, you want the largest that is smaller and the smallest that is larger so you can interpolate.
Note that since your data is already sorted you do not need a map - a vector is fine and saves the time taken to populate the map

You can still achieve this in O(N log N) time complexity, N being the scale of the data, with a std::map.
You can first query if there is an exact match. Use something like std::map::find to acheive this.
If there is no exact match, we should now query for the two keys that are the largest less than, or the least greater than the query (basically find the two keys that "sandwich" the query).
To do this, use std::map::lower_bound (or std::map::upper_bound, as the two are equivalent in this case). Save the iterator that is returned. To find the key greater than the query, simply increment the iterator (if itr is the iterator, just do itr++ and look for the value there).
The lower_bound (or upper_bound), along with find are all in O(N log N) and incrementing is O(log N), giving a total time complexity of O(N log N), which should be efficient enough in your case.


Data Structure for tuple indexing

I need a data structure that stores tuples and would allow me to do a query like: given tuple (x,y,z) of integers, find the next one (an upped bound for it). By that I mean considering the natural ordering (a,b,c)<=(d,e,f) <=> a<=d and b<=e and c<=f. I have tried MSD radix sort, which splits items into buckets and sorts them (and does this recursively for all positions in the tuples). Does anybody have any other suggestion? Ideally I would like the abouve query to happen within O(log n) where n is the number of tuples.
Two options.
Use binary search on a sorted array. If you build the keys ( assuming 32bit int)' with (a<<64)|(b<<32)|c and hold them in a simple array, packed one beside the other, you can use binary search to locate the value you are searching for ( if using C, there is even a library function to do this), and the next one is simply one position along. Worst case Performance is O(logN), and if you can do http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpolation_search then you might even approach O(log log N)
Problem with binary keys is might be tricky to add new values, might need gyrations if you will exceed available memory. But it is fast, only a few random memory accesses on average.
Alternatively, you could build a hash table by generating a key with a|b|c in some form, and then have the hash data pointing to a structure that contains the next value, whatever that might be. Possibly a little harder to create in the first place as when generating the table you need to know the next value already.
Problems with hash approach are it will likely use more memory than binary search method, performance is great if you don't get hash collisions, but then starts to drop off, although there a variations around this algorithm to help in some cases. Hash approach is possibly much easier to insert new values.
I also see you had a similar question along these lines, so I guess the guts of what I am saying is combine A,b,c to produce a single long key, and use that with binary search, hash or even b-tree. If the length of the key is your problem (what language), could you treat it as a string?
If this answer is completely off base, let me know and I will see if I can delete this answer, so you questions remains unanswered rather than a useless answer.

How to find the closest pairs (Hamming Distance) of a string of binary bins in Ruby without O^2 issues?

I've got a MongoDB with about 1 million documents in it. These documents all have a string that represents a 256 bit bin of 1s and 0s, like:
Ideally, I'd like to query for near binary matches. This means, if the two documents have the following numbers. Yes, this is Hamming Distance.
This is NOT currently supported in Mongo. So, I'm forced to do it in the application layer.
So, given this, I am trying to find a way to avoid having to do individual Hamming distance comparisons between the documents. that makes the time to do this basically impossible.
I have a LOT of RAM. And, in ruby, there seems to be a great gem (algorithms) that can create a number of trees, none of which I can seem to make work (yet) that would reduce the number of queries I'd need to make.
Ideally, I'd like to make 1 million queries, find the near duplicate strings, and be able to update them to reflect that.
Anyone's thoughts would be appreciated.
I ended up doing a retrieval of all the documents into memory.. (subset with the id and the string).
Then, I used a BK Tree to compare the strings.
The Hamming distance defines a metric space, so you could use the O(n log n) algorithm to find the closest pair of points, which is of the typical divide-and-conquer nature.
You can then apply this repeatedly until you have "enough" pairs.
Edit: I see now that Wikipedia doesn't actually give the algorithm, so here is one description.
Edit 2: The algorithm can be modified to give up if there are no pairs at distance less than n. For the case of the Hamming distance: simply count the level of recursion you are in. If you haven't found something at level n in any branch, then give up (in other words, never enter n + 1). If you are using a metric where splitting on one dimension doesn't always yield a distance of 1, you need to adjust the level of recursion where you give up.
As far as I could understand, you have an input string X and you want to query the database for a document containing string field b such that Hamming distance between X and document.b is less than some small number d.
You can do this in linear time, just by scanning all of your N=1M documents and calculating the distance (which takes small fixed time per document). Since you only want documents with distance smaller than d, you can give up comparison after d unmatched characters; you only need to compare all 256 characters if most of them match.
You can try to scan fewer than N documents, that is, to get better than linear time.
Let ones(s) be the number of 1s in string s. For each document, store ones(document.b) as a new indexed field ones_count. Then you can only query documents where number of ones is close enough to ones(X), specifically, ones(X) - d <= document.ones_count <= ones(X) + d. The Mongo index should kick in here.
If you want to find all close enough pairs in the set, see #Philippe's answer.
This sounds like an algorithmic problem of some sort. You could try comparing those with a similar number of 1 or 0 bits first, then work down through the list from there. Those that are identical will, of course, come out on top. I don't think having tons of RAM will help here.
You could also try and work with smaller chunks. Instead of dealing with 256 bit sequences, could you treat that as 32 8-bit sequences? 16 16-bit sequences? At that point you can compute differences in a lookup table and use that as a sort of index.
Depending on how "different" you care to match on, you could just permute changes on the source binary value and do a keyed search to find the others that match.

What is a good way to find pairs of numbers, each stored in a different array, such that the difference between the first and second number is 1?

Suppose you have several arrays of integers. What is a good way to find pairs of integers, not both from the same list, such that the difference between the first and second integer is 1?
Naturally I could write a naive algorithm that just looks through each other list until it finds such a number or hits one bigger. Is there a more elegant solution?
I only mention the condition that the difference be 1 because I'm guessing there might be some use to that knowledge to speed up the computation. I imagine that if the condition for a 'hit' were something else, the algorithm would work just the same.
Some background: I'm engaged in a bit of research mathematics and I seek to find examples of a certain construction. Any help would be much appreciated.
I'd start by sorting each array. Preferably with an algorithm that runs in O( n log(n) ) time.
When you've got a bunch of sorted arrays, you can set a pointer to the start of each array, check for any +/- 1 differences in the values of the pointers, and increment the value of the smallest-valued pointer, repeating until you've reached the max length of all but one of the arrays.
To further optimize, you could keep the pointers-values in a sorted linked list, and build the check function into an insertion sort. For each increment, you could remove the previous value from the list, and step through the list checking for +/- 1 comparison until you get to a term that is larger than a possible match. That way, if you're searching a bazillion arrays, you needn't check all bazillion pointer-values - you only need to check until you find a value that is too big, and ignore all larger values.
If you've got any more information about the arrays (such as the range of the terms or number of arrays), I can see how you could take advantage of that to make much faster algorithms for this through clever uses of array properties.
This sounds like a good candidate for the classic merge sort where the final stage is not a unification but comparison.
And the magnitude of the difference wouldn't affect this, but thanks for adding the information.
Even though you state the second list is in an array, if you could put it in a hashmap of some sort then you could make it faster than just the naive approach.
Loop through the first array.
Look to see if there exists an object in the hashmap that is one larger than the current array value.
That way you can build up pairs of numbers that meet your requirements.
I don't know if it would be as flexible as you would like though.
Basically, you may want to consider other data structures, to help you find a better solution.
You have o(n log n) from the sorting.
You can also the the search in o(log n) for each element, if you have some dynamic queryset. You can sort the arrays and then for each element in the first array binary search his upper_bound and lower_bound in the second array and check the difference.

Possible to calculate closest locations via lat/long in better than O(n) time?

I'm wondering if there is an algorithm for calculating the nearest locations (represented by lat/long) in better than O(n) time.
I know I could use the Haversine formula to get the distance from the reference point to each location and sort ASC, but this is inefficient for large data sets.
How does the MySQL DISTANCE() function perform? I'm guessing O(n)?
If you use a kd-tree to store your points, you can do this in O(log n) time (expected) or O(sqrt(n)) worst case.
You mention MySql, but there are some pretty sophisticated spatial features in SQL Server 2008 including a geography data type. There's some information out there about doing the types of things you are asking about. I don't know spatial well enough to talk about perf. but I doubt there is a bounded time algorithm to do what you're asking, but you might be able to do some fast set operations on locations.
If the data set being searched is static, e.g., the coordinates of all gas stations in the US, then a proper index (BSP) would allow for efficient searching. Postgres has had good support since the mid 90's for 2-dimensional indexed data so you can do just this sort of query.
Better than O(n)? Only if you go the way of radix sort or store the locations with hash keys that represent the general location they are in.
For instance, you could divide the globe with latitude and longitude to the minutes, enumerate the resulting areas, and make the hash for a location it's area. So when the time comes to get the closest location, you only need to check at most 9 hash keys -- you can test beforehand if an adjacent grid can possibly provide a close location than the best found so far, thus decreasing the set of locations to compute the distance to. It's still O(n), but with a much smaller constant factor. Properly implemented you won't even notice it.
Or, if the data is in memory or otherwise randomly accessible, you could store it sorted by both latitude and longitude. You then use binary search to find the closest latitude and longitude in the respective data sets. Next, you keep reading locations with increasing latitude or longitude (ie, the preceding and succeeding locations), until it becomes impossible to find a closer location.
You know you can't find a close location when the latitude of the next location to either side of the latitude-sorted data wouldn't be closer than the best case found so far even if they belonged in the same longitude as the point from which distance is being calculated. A similar test applies for the longitude-sorted data.
This actually gives you better than O(n) -- closer to O(logN), I think, but does require random, instead of sequential, access to data, and duplication of all data (or the keys to the data, at least).
I wrote a article about Finding the nearest Line at DDJ a couple of years ago, using a grid (i call it quadrants). Using it to find the nearest point (instead of lines) would be just a reduction of it.
Using Quadrants reduces the time drastically, although the complexity is not determinable mathematically (all points could theoretically lie in a single quadrant). A precondition of using quadrants/grids is, that you have a maximum distance for the point searched. If you just look for the nearest point, without giving a maximum distance, you cant use quadrants.
In this case, have a look at A Template for the Nearest Neighbor Problem (Larry Andrews at DDJ), having a retrival complexity of O(log n). I did not compare the runtime of both algorithms. Probably, if you have a reasonable maximum width, quadrants are better. The better general purpose algorithm is the one from Larry Andrews.
If you are looking for the (1) closest location, there's no need to sort. Simply iterate through your list, calculating the distance to each point and keeping track of the closest one. By the time you get through the list, you'll have your answer.
Even better would be to introduce the concept of grids. You would assign each point to a grid. Then, for your search, first determine the grid you are in and perform your calculations on the points in the grid. You'll need to be a little careful though. If the test location is close to the boundary of a grid, you'll need to search those grid(s) as well. Still, this is likely to be highly performant.
I haven't looked at it myself, but Postgres does have a module dedicated to the management of GIS data.
In an appliation I worked on in a previous life we took all of the data, computed it's key for a quad-tree (for 2D space) or an oct-tree (for 3D space) and stored that in the database. It was then a simple matter of loading the values from the database (to prevent you having to recompute the quad-tree) and following the standard quad-tree search algorithm.
This does of course mean you will touch all of the data at least once to get it into the data structure. But persisting this data-structure means you can get better lookup speeds from then on. I would imagine you will do a lot of nearest-neighbour checks for each data-set.
(for kd-tree's wikipedia has a good explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kd-tree)
You need a spatial index. Fortunately, MySQL provides just such an index, in its Spatial Extensions. They use an R-Tree index internally - though it shouldn't really matter what they use. The manual page referenced above has lots of details.
I guess you could do it theoretically if you had a large enough table to do this... secondly, perhaps caching correctly could get you very good average case?
An R-Tree index can be used to speed spatial searches like this. Once created, it allows such searches to be better than O(n).

What sort of sorted datastructure is optimized for finding items within a range?

Say I have a bunch of objects with dates and I regularly want to find all the objects that fall between two arbitrary dates. What sort of datastructure would be good for this?
A binary search tree sounds like what you're looking for.
You can use it to find all the objects in O(log(N) + K), where N is the total number of objects and K is the number of objects that are actually in that range. (provided that it's balanced). Insertion/removal is O(log(N)).
Most languages have a built-in implementation of this.
You can find the lower bound of the range (in log(n)) and then iterate from there until you reach the upper bound.
Assuming you mean by date when you say sorted, an array will do it.
Do a binary search to find the index that's >= the start date. You can then either do another search to find the index that's <= the end date leaving you with an offset & count of items, or if you're going to process them anyway just iterate though the list until you exceed the end date.
It's hard to give a good answer without a little more detail.
What kind of performance do you need?
If linear is fine then I would just use a list of dates and iterate through the list collecting all dates that fall within the range. As Andrew Grant suggested.
Do you have duplicates in the list?
If you need to have repeated dates in your collection then most implementations of a binary tree would probably be out. Something like Java's TreeSet are set implementations and don't allow repeated elements.
What are the access characteristics? Lots of lookups with few updates, vice-versa, or fairly even?
Most datastructures have trade-offs between lookups and updates. If you're doing lots of updates then some datastructure that are optimized for lookups won't be so great.
So what are the access characteristics of the data structure, what kind of performance do you need, and what are structural characteristics that it must support (e.g. must allow repeated elements)?
If you need to make random-access modifications: a tree, as in v3's answer. Find the bottom of the range by lookup, then count upwards. Inserting or deleting a node is O(log N). stbuton makes a good point that if you want to allow duplicates (as seems plausible for datestamped events), then you don't want a tree-based set.
If you do not need to make random-access modifications: a sorted array (or vector or whatever). Find the location of the start of the range by binary chop, then count upwards. Inserting or deleting is O(N) in the middle. Duplicates are easy.
Algorithmic performance of lookups is the same in both cases, O(M + log N), where M is the size of the range. But the array uses less memory per entry, and might be faster to count through the range, because after the binary chop it's just forward sequential memory access rather than following pointers.
In both cases you can arrange for insertion at the end to be (amortised) O(1). For the tree, keep a record of the end element at the head, and you get an O(1) bound. For the array, grow it exponentially and you get amortised O(1). This is useful if the changes you make are always or almost-always "add a new event with the current time", since time is (you'd hope) a non-decreasing quantity. If you're using system time then of course you'd have to check, to avoid accidents when the clock resets backwards.
Alternative answer: an SQL table, and let the database optimise how it wants. And Google's BigTable structure is specifically designed to make queries fast, by ensuring that the result of any query is always a consecutive sequence from a pre-prepared index :-)
You want a structure that keeps your objects sorted by date, whenever you insert or remove a new one, and where finding the boundary for the segment of all objects later than or earlier than a given date is easy.
A heap seems the perfect candidate. In practical applications, heaps are simply represented by an array, where all the objects are stored in order. Seeing that sorted array as a heap is simply a way to make insertions of new objects and deletions happen in the right place, and in O(log(n)).
When you have to find all the objects between date A (excluded) and B (included), find the position of A (or the insert position, that is, the position of the earlier element later than A), and the position of B (or the insert position of B), and return all the objects between those positions (which is simply the section between those positions in the array/heap)
