Internal Server Error - Serverless, Lambda, Nestjs - aws-lambda

I have a Nestjs application, which I am deploying to AWS Lambda and Serverless.
In the root of my application I have a serverless.ts -
import { NestFactory } from '#nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
import serverlessExpress from '#vendia/serverless-express';
import { Handler, Callback, Context } from 'aws-lambda';
let server: Handler;
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
await app.init();
const expressApp = app.getHttpAdapter().getInstance();
return serverlessExpress({ app: expressApp });
export const handler: Handler = async (
event: any,
context: Context,
callback: Callback,
) => {
server = server ?? (await bootstrap());
return server(event, context, callback);
serverless.yaml -
service: prism-backend
frameworkVersion: '3'
useDotenv: true
- serverless-offline
name: aws
runtime: nodejs14.x
region: ap-south-1
handler: dist/serverless.handler
- http:
method: ANY
path: /
- http:
method: ANY
path: '{proxy+}'
- '!node_modules/**'
When I deploy this using 'serverless deploy` deployment is successful and I get generated endpoints.
When I access the default endpoint, I always get this in my browser -
{message: 'Internal Server Error' }
Do I need to configure something else? How can I resolve this?

Have you tried to use API Gateway test feature to call your function ?
Do you have a controller listening to the default endpoint of your application ? Watchout that by default, serverless appends the stage to your API. By default, the stage is dev. So your default endpoint should be "/dev/
Have you taken a look into cloudwatch already ? If so, could you please paste the logs here ?


Not able to connect to my local graphql server with apollo studio sandbox

I am running a graphql server using serverless offline and trying to connect to the server with Aollo Studio. The weirdest bug is that it was connecting properly a week back and now the exact same server is not connecting. The same thing I have deployed on the AWS and Aollo Studio is able to connect to the deployed server. Any idea what could be the reason for it?
I am on Macbook m1 pro.
Node Version 15.6
As you can in the config file I have started a playground as well on this path http://localhost:3000/dev/playground which I am able to access but this playground is also not connecting the server.
One thing which I have observed is my local network IP URL like is also not working when I am trying to visit so maybe some kind of network issue might be there.
But when I run something like a React App I am able to access it on this
My serverless.yml looks like below
service: serverless-graphql-rds
frameworkVersion: "3.8.0"
name: aws
runtime: nodejs14.x
stage: ${env:PROVIDER_STAGE}
region: ${env:REGION}
- serverless-plugin-typescript
- serverless-offline
- "migrations/**"
- "**.js"
- "config"
httpPort: ${env:httpPort, 3000}
lambdaPort: ${env:lambdaPort, 3002}
tsConfigFileLocation: "./tsconfig.json"
handler: server.handler
- http:
path: graphql
method: post
cors: true
handler: server.playgroundHandler
- http:
path: playground
method: get
cors: true
handler: ./rest-apis-handlers/oauth-callback.handler
- http:
path: oauth-callback
method: get
cors: true
And the file server.ts looks like below which contains the handler function
import { ApolloError, ApolloServer } from "apollo-server-lambda";
import lambdaPlayground from "graphql-playground-middleware-lambda";
import { verifyToken } from "./common/jwt";
import { useContext } from "./core/context";
import resolvers from "./graphql/resolvers";
import typeDefs from "./graphql/schema";
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: ({ event, context, express }) => {
const auth = express.req.headers["authorization"] as string;
if (auth) {
const [_, token] = auth.split("Bearer ");
try {
const user = verifyToken(token);
if (user) {
return useContext({
type: "user",
properties: {
} else {
throw new ApolloError("Not authenticated", "UNAUTHENTICATED");
} catch (ex) {}
return useContext({
type: "public",
export const handler = server.createHandler({});
// for local endpointURL is /graphql and for prod it is /stage/graphql
export const playgroundHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
return lambdaPlayground({
endpoint: process.env.REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT,
})(event, context, callback);
After struggling for 3 days today I finally figured it out.
As I am using the serverless-offline package to run the local graphql server and due to the node version it requires less than 15. Here is the details discussion on it.
So just downgrade the node version to anything < 15 and it will work.

Graphql subscription in playground during local development throwing "Could not connect to websocket endpoint" in basic nestjs project

This is happening on a simple project during local development, so cloud infrastructure isn't an issue.
This is also happening in the application playground.
My module registration:
driver: ApolloDriver,
imports: [YeoConfigModule],
useFactory: (configService: YeoConfigService<AppConfig>) => {
const config: ApolloDriverConfig = {
debug: true,
subscriptions: {
'graphql-ws': true,
playground: true,
autoSchemaFile: './apps/event-service/schema.gql',
sortSchema: true,
context: ({ req, res }) => ({ req, res }),
const origins = configService.get('CORS_ORIGINS')();
config.cors = { origin: origins, credentials: true };
// config.path = '/apis/event-service/graphql';
return config;
inject: [YeoConfigService],
My app startup:
async function bootstrap(): Promise<void> {
const app = await getApp();
await app.listen(process.env.PORT ?? 3600);
My versions:
"graphql-ws": "5.11.2",
"graphql-redis-subscriptions": "2.5.0"
"#apollo/gateway": "2.1.3",
"#nestjs/graphql": "10.1.3",
"graphql": "16.5.0",
"error": "Could not connect to websocket endpoint ws://localhost:3600/graphql. Please check if the endpoint url is correct."
Any ideas why this isn't working as expected? I've been reading the nestjs docs up at but there's nothing that I can find about extra setup required other than adding
subscriptions: {
'graphql-ws': true,
when registering the graphql module.
For anyone else stumbling upon this, I have started using altair which allows me to specify the ws endpoint as well as the type of connection, among which there is a graphql-ws option.
So I went with it.
If anyone knows how to achieve this using the playground referred in the original answer, happy to mark that one as the right answer over my own.

Serverless handler for Apollo Server throws error that it cant identify events on Netlify

I am trying to deploy GraphQL using Apollo Server Lambda through Netlify. My handler is as below:
exports.handler = server.createHandler({
cors: {
origin: '*'
I was able to build and deploy successfully on Netlify - however the server threw an error at launch. Netlify is looking for an event to trigger but the Apollo Server handler I have used does not provide. How do we connect this handler to a handler that uses events?
Error Message:
{"errorType":"Error","errorMessage":"Unable to determine event source based on event.","trace":["Error: Unable to determine event source based on event."," at getEventSourceNameBasedOnEvent (/var/task/node_modules/#vendia/serverless-express/src/event-sources/utils.js:88:9)"," at proxy (/var/task/node_modules/#vendia/serverless-express/src/configure.js:38:51)"," at handler (/var/task/node_modules/#vendia/serverless-express/src/configure.js:99:12)"," at Runtime.handler (/var/task/node_modules/apollo-server-lambda/dist/ApolloServer.js:51:27)"]}
It looks like the request doesn't contain some AWS lambda specific event params when using Netlify CLI while #vendia/serverless-express expects them. I was able to fix a similar case in local dev environment with this:
const serverHandler = server.createHandler({
cors: {
origin: '*'
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
return serverHandler(
requestContext: event.requestContext || {},

trying to fetch on aws lambda using serverless

I'm trying to run a simple script on AWS Lambda using Serverless to push it, the script fetches a url and returns it (a proxy), for some reason I can't see the response.
The script in question:
'use strict';
let axios = require('axios')
module.exports.hello = async (event, context) => {
let res = await axios.get('')
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: res,
input: event,
My serverless YML:
service: get-soundcloud-tracks
name: aws
runtime: nodejs8.10
profile: home
handler: handler.hello
- http:
path: users/create
method: get
cors: true
The solution was changing res to inside the JSON.stringify

Can't initialise Dialogflow Fulfillment WebhookClient in AWS Lambda

According to the DialogFLow Fulfillment docs, the WebhookClient constructor needs Express HTTP request and response objects.
However, in Lambda function, I receive only the event (the request). How do I create the Express request and response objects?
I have tried this so far:
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
exports.dialogflowFulfillment = async (event) => {
let response = {};
const agent = new WebhookClient({ event, response });
function sayNiceThings(agent) {
agent.add(`Nice to meet you!`);
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('Say Nice Things', sayNiceThings);
Create an NodeJS Express App
Install serverless-http package for adding AWS Lambda bridge
Install dialogflow-fulfillment and actions-on-google npm packages.
npm init -f
npm install --save express serverless-http
npm install dialogflow-fulfillment
npm install actions-on-google
Create index.js file:
const serverless = require('serverless-http');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.json({ strict: false }));
const {WebhookClient, Card, Suggestion} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const request = require('request');
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World !!!\n');
console.log("Testing express lambda\n");
})'/', function (req, res) {
const agent = new WebhookClient({request: req, response: res});
function test_handler(agent) {
agent.add(`Welcome to my agent on AWS Lambda!`);
// Run the proper function handler based on the matched Dialogflow intent name
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('test-intent', test_handler);
module.exports.handler = serverless(app);
Add configurations in serverless.yml:
service: example-express-lambda
name: aws
runtime: nodejs8.10
stage: dev
region: ap-southeast-1
handler: index.handler
- http: ANY /
- http: 'ANY {proxy+}'
Then deploy the lambda function.
Add the endpoint url in the Dialogflow fulfilment webhook url.
