Gradio - remove the tagline - gradio

Gradio includes a tagline "built with gradio". How can I remove that?
If for some reason this option was omitted, is there a monkey patch that can do it?

You can access the footer via css and make it hidden:
footer {visibility: hidden}
Used in the following hello world example, makes "built with gradio" hidden.
import gradio as gr
def greet(name):
return "Hello " + name + "!"
demo = gr.Interface(
css="footer {visibility: hidden}"


Text outputs as multiple separate lines instead of one paragraph with linebreaks

I have a bot that writes my message to a webpage. I want the message to be sent as one paragraph, but with the lines separated by a linebreak. However, when I actually run the code, the bot inputs and enters each line separately, instead of as one paragraph
I've tried messing with the linebreak formatting and string formatting, but the issue persists
reply_messages = []
"FREE BABY AVOCUDDLE - Thank you for your patience!",
"To redeem your FREE avocuddle, just use the LINK IN OUR BIO and ADD TO CART - just cover shipping, no additional charges!",
"Discount AUTOMATICALLY APPLIES! Super simple, no code!",
"If you order another avocuddle in addition, we cover shipping PLUS the free baby avocuddle! :)",
"Feel free to DM us if you need anything!"
while true
browser.get ''
sleep 5
request = wait.until {
el = browser.find_element(:css, "[data-testid='conversation']")
el if el.displayed?
break if request.nil?
not_acceptable_link = true
na_link_index = 1
while not_acceptable_link == true
accept_btn = browser.find_element(:xpath, "//*[contains(text(), 'Accept')]")
unless accept_btn.displayed?
request_2 = wait.until {
el = browser.find_elements(:css, "[data-testid='conversation']")[na_link_index]
el if el.displayed?
not_acceptable_link = false
na_link_index += 1
accept_btn = browser.find_element(:xpath, "//*[contains(text(), 'Accept')]")
sleep 1
reply_input = wait.until {
el = browser.find_element(:css, "[data-testid='dmComposerTextInput']")
el if el.displayed?
I would like for the code to output the entire text as one block of text. However, instead, it outputs as separate lines.
Output currently looks like:
FREE BABY AVOCUDDLE - Thank you for your patience!
(enters this into text box)
To redeem your FREE avocuddle, just use the LINK IN OUR BIO and ADD TO CART - just cover shipping, no additional charges!
(enters this into text box)
Instead I would like for it to send as one message.

How to print unicode charaters in Command Prompt with Ruby

I was wondering how to print unicode characters, such as Japanese or fun characters like 📦.
I can print hearts with:
hearts = "\u2665"
puts hearts.encode('utf-8')
How can I print more unicode charaters with Ruby in Command Prompt?
My method works with some characters but not all.
Code examples would be greatly appreciated.
You need to enclose the unicode character in { and } if the number of hex digits isn't 4 (credit : /u/Stefan) e.g.:
heart = "\u2665"
package = "\u{1F4E6}"
fire_and_one_hundred = "\u{1F525 1F4AF}"
puts heart
puts package
puts fire_and_one_hundred
Alternatively you could also just put the unicode character directly in your source, which is quite easy at least on macOS with the Emoji & Symbols menu accessed by Ctrl + Command + Space by default (a similar menu can be accessed on Windows 10 by Win + ; ) in most applications including your text editor/Ruby IDE most likely:
heart = "♥"
package = "📦"
fire_and_one_hundred = "🔥💯"
puts heart
puts package
puts fire_and_one_hundred
How it looks in the macOS terminal:

When exporting XLIFF from Xcode, how to exclude dummy strings?

I'm using the Xcode's Editor > Export For Localization... to export XLIFF file for translation
but the translations for the Main.storyboard includes a lot of unnecessary strings, mostly placeholders/dummies that are useful at design time.
How do I exclude such strings from XLIFF file?
I've written a script that excludes certain translation.
How it works?
cmd-line: python input.xliff output.xliff exclude_list.txt [-v]
Example usage:python en.xliff en-stripped.xliff exclude_words.txt -v
The exclude_list.txt is a file with a string per line. The script parses this list and creates a dictionary of banned words. If a translation with source containing one of these strings is encountered, the whole translation unit is removed from the output xml/xliff.
Here is the solution that works with latest python version:
def log(string_to_log):
if args.verbose:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process xliff file against banned words and output new xliff with stripped translation.", epilog="Example usage: en.xliff en-stripped.xliff exclude_words.txt -v")
parser.add_argument('source', help="Input .xliff file containing all the strings")
parser.add_argument('output', help="Output .xliff file which will containt the stripped strings according to the exclude_list")
parser.add_argument('exclude_list', help="Multi-line text file where every line is a banned string")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", help="print script steps while working")
args = parser.parse_args()
banned_words = [line.strip().lower() for line in open(args.exclude_list, 'r')]
log("original file: " + args.source)
log("output file: " + args.output)
log("banned words: " + ", ".join(banned_words))
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
ns = {"n": "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"}
with open(args.source, 'r') as xml_file:
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
counter = 1
for file_body in root.findall("./*/n:body", ns):
for trans_unit in file_body.findall("n:trans-unit", ns):
source = trans_unit.find("n:source", ns)
if source.text is not None:
source = source.text.encode("utf-8").lower()
source = source.decode("utf-8")
source = source.strip()
for banned_word in banned_words:
if source.find(banned_word) != -1:
log(str(counter) + ": removing <trans-unit id=\"" + trans_unit.attrib['id'] + "\">, banned: \"" + banned_word + "\"")
counter += 1
tree.write(args.output, "utf-8", True)
And the usage is the same:
python en.xliff en-stripped.xliff exclude_words.txt -v
For me I use this XLIFF Online Editor to edit the xliff file. It will be easy to you to ignore the dummy text or anything you need.

how to replace #VARIABLE in text file with value of Emails in xml file

How i can read this xml file
<Sub Report="BusinessSummarySubs" EMails=";">
<Sub Report="PlayerSubs" EMails="">
and replace #VARIABLE in BusinesSummarySubs.txt with EMails value in
Here is the content(part of the content) from BusinessSumarySubs.txt
CType(extensionParams(0),ParameterValue).Name = "TO"
CType(extensionParams(0),ParameterValue).Label = ""
CType(extensionParams(0),ParameterValue).Value = "#VARIABLE"
If you look here, you'll see how to search for and to access attributes. Follow the link chain to 'the same for text' and do a mental diff, if you want to get a skeleton for a minimal XML processing script to use for your next task.
Single placeholder substitution in VBScript is easy: just use Replace:
>> attr = ";"
>> content = "... .Value = ""#VARIABLE"" ..."
>> ph = "#VARIABLE"
>> WScript.Echo Replace(content, ph, attr)
... .Value = ";" ...
Something like this i suposed
set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
for each Emails in xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes
document.write(Emails .nodename)
document.write(": ")
document.write(Emails .text)

Make level the printed symbols in the ouput

Consider this Ruby code:
puts "*****"
puts " *"
puts " "
puts "*****"
puts " *"
My Output is like this:
Why the heck a whitespace doesn't fill the same space as * character in Scite?
I've tried it in Eclypse with Java and it works just fine.
Proportional fonts have characters of varying widths, ruining space-based alignment.
Switch to a monospace font (e.g., Courier) so all characters are the same size and it'll work.
In order to make it work in Scite You should add
style.errorlist.32=$(font.monospace) in file
