Verifone VX675 accidentaly changed group pw to text - terminal

I used a script to assemble a loading file for the Verifone V675 terminal.
After I loaded the terminal with new applications I suddenly couldn't access the group 1 in terminal MNGR.
The default password is 11111
What happened is that I accidentally set the password using this line "*PW=11111setgroup.4" because I didn't break the line.
Does anyone have an idea what the password could translate to?
I tried 11111 and ASCII values of the "setgroup.4" characters but it didn't work.
Any help is appreciated. If there is any other way how to erase the terminal memory that would most likely also work.
Thank you

If there is some password error. It rolls back to the default password which is 166831


SpringBoot newbie. Trying to connect to a postgeSQL datasource (student database)

Every time I try to connect to the student database through IntelliJ, I am prompted for a password
if the password is empty I get a null value for password error, if I fill it in it says it's wrong
but as you can see on the left side of the screen I managed to connect through the shell.
I tried looking online for solutions and some say its an IntelliJ thing, but though some people can connect just fine without getting this error.
[edit] as requested, this is what in my pg_hba.conf, I screenshoted the bottom part, everything above is commented out.
Looks like your username is Postgres and your password is admin. Did you try those credentials? Looks like your username is blank in IntelliJ.

How to find root password hash without root on osx 10.13 High Sierra

I'm going to be using John the Ripper to decrypt the password hash but I don't know where the hash is stored.
The password hash and salt of any user are located here:
You will get a Permission denied if you try to access it without sudo.
The only way I know to access it without the sudo password is to reboot in Single User Mode (with command+s)
Once you get there, it's a little tricky to actually get the file and decode it.
You have a detailed step by step guide here in the Michael Fairley website (original website no longer available)

When I try "grant create session to user" in Oracle through SQL*Plus I get output "2"

When i try to "grant create session to user" through SQL*Plusin the terminal window I get output "2"
Instead of "Access granted" I am also able to write after the output and if I do and press enter number 3 appears and this repeats like that untill I press enter without writing anything after the number, the setting I am trying to set doesn't get set for the user either.
When i search on the web I can't find anyone describing this problem, and it looks like it should have worked...
What am I doing wrong?
Please help :(

Mathematica: setting "SetDirectory" to a remote server?

How do I set "SetDirectory" to a remote server with Mathematica?
I have tried SetDirectory["//server/folder/"] but without success. I also tried putting "smb:" before the // but it doesn't work. I get:
SetDirectory::cdir: Cannot set current directory
Looked at the documentation, but could not find help. Any suggestion? The server is password protected. I was expecting a username/password pop-up window, and I wonder if it's possible to set that up.
I found a better way: I leave the Mathematica notebook file within the remote directory instead. That way I only have to go through password protection once.

codeigniter i get header already sent

i got this error
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: Cannot modify header
information - headers already sent by
(output started at
Filename: helpers/url_helper.php Line
Number: 541
i dont know what the problem is
here is my controller:
and here is my model file:
hope some one can help me out
Check and make sure in system/language/danish/imglib_lang.php that you have no whitespace before the <?php tag and make sure you do not have a closing ?> php tag in the file.
In addition to jondavidjohn's answer, if you're using Unicode encoding for the files, make sure there's not a byte order mark starting off the file. On some platforms, this can wreak havoc on PHP processing.
Make sure there are no errors in codeigniter, sometimes the errors can be covered by other errors, such as one error lead to another.
The problem is in system/language/danish/imglib_lang.php, which must have some character before the <?php part by the time it is parsed on the server. What's happening is that helpers\url_helper.php is trying to redirect (using this code;)
case 'refresh' : header("Refresh:0;url=".$uri);
But is failing because imglib_lang.php, line 1 has already sent some non-header text to the response. Since headers come first, it's giving you the warning.
I wonder at it working locally but not on the deployment server. It may be that the file is not being transferred cleanly, or that the servers use different versions of PHP with different handlings of character sets.
Several checks;
Be absolutely sure there is no BOM at the front of system/language/danish/imglib_lang.php. Let us know why you are certain. If you've edited the file in Notepad on windows, for instance, it'll have gained the Byte Order Mark. It can be very hard to tell since some tools 'swallow' the mark. Also make sure there's no plain whitespace.
When you save imglib_lang.php, make sure you save it in ASCII.
Compare local and remote versions of PHP. If there are differences, update your local copy to the same as the servers, and retest.
Check that the file is being transferred perfectly. If you are putting the file up using FTP, then FTP may be modifying it as it transfers it. FTP has two modes - an ASCII mode and a BINARY mode. If the files are being transferred as ASCII, then there may be some rewriting of the file going on. Try making sure imglib_lang.php is being transferred as BINARY to make sure the exact file is being uploaded.
If you think that you have everything configured correctly, maybe your library (or specifically, imglib_lang.php) is simply producing PHP warnings or notices. If you can get a hold of your logs from your host, it would be helpful.
Otherwise, you can try to turn off PHP's error reporting:
(you can place that line in your index.php)
