What's the idiomatic replacement for glsl output parameters in wgsl? - wgsl

In glsl and hlsl, I can define a function like this:
float voronoi(vec2 x, out int2 cell) {
cell = ...
return ...
However, it doesn't seem like this is possible in wgsl.
What's the intended replacement for this? I guess I could define a VoronoiResult struct, but it seems overly boilerplate heavy:
struct VoronoiResult {
cell: vec2<i32>;
distance: f32;
fn voronoi(x: vec2<f32>) -> VoronoiResult {
// ...
var ret: VoronoiResult;
ret.distance = distance;
ret.cell = cell;
return ret;

The equivalent would be to use a pointer argument:
fn voronoi(x: vec2<f32>, cell: ptr<function, vec2<i32>>) -> f32 {
*cell = vec2(1, 2);
return 1.f;
#compute #workgroup_size(1)
fn main() {
var a: vec2<i32>;
var f = voronoi(vec2(1.f, 1.f), &a);
This produces the HLSL:
float voronoi(float2 x, inout int2 cell) {
cell = int2(1, 2);
return 1.0f;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main() {
int2 a = int2(0, 0);
float f = voronoi((1.0f).xx, a);
You can also make the struct version shorter by using the struct initializer:
struct Out {
cell: vec2<i32>,
val: f32,
fn voronoi(x: vec2<f32>) -> Out {
return Out(vec2(1, 2), 1.f);
#compute #workgroup_size(1)
fn main() {
var f = voronoi(vec2(1.f, 1.f));


Building clean and flexible binary trees in Rust

I'm using binary trees to create a simple computation graph. I understand that linked lists are a pain in Rust, but it's a very convenient data structure for what I'm doing. I tried using Box and Rc<RefCell> for the children nodes, but it didn't work out how I wanted, so I used unsafe:
use std::ops::{Add, Mul};
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct MyStruct {
value: i32,
lchild: Option<*mut MyStruct>,
rchild: Option<*mut MyStruct>,
impl MyStruct {
unsafe fn print_tree(&mut self, set_to_zero: bool) {
if set_to_zero {
self.value = 0;
println!("{:?}", self);
let mut nodes = vec![self.lchild, self.rchild];
while nodes.len() > 0 {
let child;
match nodes.pop() {
Some(popped_child) => child = popped_child.unwrap(),
None => continue,
if set_to_zero {
(*child).value = 0;
println!("{:?}", *child);
if !(*child).lchild.is_none() {
if !(*child).rchild.is_none() {
impl Add for MyStruct {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> MyStruct {
value: self.value + other.value,
lchild: Some(&self as *const _ as *mut _),
rchild: Some(&other as *const _ as *mut _),
impl Mul for MyStruct {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
value: self.value * other.value,
lchild: Some(&self as *const _ as *mut _),
rchild: Some(&other as *const _ as *mut _),
fn main() {
let mut tree: MyStruct;
let a = MyStruct{ value: 10, lchild: None, rchild: None };
let b = MyStruct{ value: 20, lchild: None, rchild: None };
let c = a + b;
println!("c.value: {}", c.value); // 30
let mut d = a + b;
println!("d.value: {}", d.value); // 30
d.value = 40;
println!("d.value: {}", d.value); // 40
let mut e = c * d;
println!("e.value: {}", e.value); // 1200
unsafe {
e.print_tree(false); // correct values
e.print_tree(true); // all zeros
e.print_tree(false); // all zeros, everything is set correctly
tree = e;
unsafe { tree.print_tree(false); } // same here, only zeros
Link to the playground
I honestly don't mind that much using unsafe, but is there a safe way doing it? How bad is the use of unsafe here?
You can just box both of the children, since you have a unidirectional tree:
use std::ops::{Add, Mul};
use std::fmt;
struct MyStruct {
value: i32,
lchild: Option<Box<MyStruct>>,
rchild: Option<Box<MyStruct>>,
impl fmt::Debug for MyStruct {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
.field("value", &self.value)
.field("lchild", &self.lchild.as_deref())
.field("rchild", &self.rchild.as_deref())
impl MyStruct {
fn print_tree(&mut self, set_to_zero: bool) {
if set_to_zero {
self.value = 0;
println!("MyStruct {{ value: {:?}, lchild: {:?}, rchild: {:?} }}", self.value, &self.lchild as *const _, &self.rchild as *const _);
if let Some(child) = &mut self.lchild {
if let Some(child) = &mut self.rchild {
impl Add for MyStruct {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> MyStruct {
MyStruct {
value: self.value + other.value,
lchild: Some(Box::new(self)),
rchild: Some(Box::new(other)),
impl Mul for MyStruct {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
MyStruct {
value: self.value * other.value,
lchild: Some(Box::new(self)),
rchild: Some(Box::new(other)),
fn main() {
let tree = {
let a = MyStruct {
value: 10,
lchild: None,
rchild: None,
let b = MyStruct {
value: 20,
lchild: None,
rchild: None,
let c = a.clone() + b.clone();
println!("c.value: {}", c.value); // 30
let mut d = a.clone() + b.clone();
println!("d.value: {}", d.value); // 30
d.value = 40;
println!("d.value: {}", d.value); // 40
let mut e = c * d;
println!("e.value: {}", e.value); // 1200
e.print_tree(false); // correct values
e.print_tree(true); // all zeros
e.print_tree(false); // all zeros, everything is set correctly
I implemented Debug manually and reimplemented print_tree recursively. I don't know if there is a way to implement print_tree as mutable like that without recursion, but it's certainly possible if you take &self instead (removing the set_to_zero stuff).
Edit: Turns out it is possible to mutably iterate over the tree values without recursion. The following code is derived from the playground in this comment by #Shepmaster.
impl MyStruct {
fn zero_tree(&mut self) {
let mut node_stack = vec![self];
let mut value_stack = vec![];
// collect mutable references to each value
while let Some(MyStruct { value, lchild, rchild }) = node_stack.pop() {
if let Some(child) = lchild {
if let Some(child) = rchild {
// iterate over mutable references to values
for value in value_stack {
*value = 0;

Global `comptime var` in Zig

In Zig, I can do this with no problems:
fn foo() void {
comptime var num: comptime_int = 0;
num += 1;
But when I try declaring the variable outside of a function, I get a compile error:
comptime var num: comptime_int = 0;
fn foo() void {
num += 1;
fn bar() void {
num += 2;
error: expected block or field, found 'var'
Zig version: 0.9.0-dev.453+7ef854682
Use the method used in zorrow. It defines the variable in a function (a block works too), then it returns a struct with functions for accessing it.
You can create a struct that defines get and set functions:
const num = block_name: {
comptime var self: comptime_int = 0;
const result = struct {
fn get() comptime_int {
return self;
fn increment(amount: comptime_int) void {
self += amount;
break :block_name result;
fn foo() void {
fn bar() void {
In the future, you will be able to use a const with a pointer to the mutable value, and the method shown above will no longer be allowed by the compiler: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7396

Idiomatic way to create static iterable collection of named structs?

What is the idiomatic way to create static iterable collection of named structs? I have n instances of a struct, where n is known at compile time and is less than 20. I would like to be able to iterate over all the entries and also be able to refer to each entry by a name instead of an index. All the data is known at compile time.
I could use an array or enum, along with hand written constants which map the labels to indexes; but this seems finicky.
fn common_behaviour(x: f64) {
print!("{}", x);
const ADD: usize = 0;
const SUBTRACT: usize = 1;
fn main () {
let mut foos: [f64; 2] = [0.0; 2];
foos[ADD] = 4.0;
foos[SUBTRACT] = 2.0;
for foo in &foos {
foos[ADD] += 1.0;
foos[SUBTRACT] -= 1.0;
Alternatively, I could just pay the performance cost and use a HashMap as the hashing overhead might not actually matter that much, but this seems suboptimal as well.
Perhaps, I could refactor my code to use function pointers instead special casing the different special cases.
fn common_behaviour(x: f64) {
print!("{}", x);
fn add(x: f64) -> f64 {
x + 1.0
fn subtract(x: f64) -> f64 {
x - 1.0
struct Foo {
data: f64,
special: fn(f64) -> f64
impl Foo {
fn new(data: f64, special: fn(f64) -> f64) -> Foo {
Foo { data, special }
fn main() {
let mut foos = [Foo::new(4.0, add), Foo::new(2.0, subtract)];
for foo in &mut foos {
foo.data = (foo.special)(foo.data);
What is most idiomatic way to handle this situation?
Looking at:
fn main() {
let mut foos = [Foo::new(4.0, add), Foo::new(2.0, subtract)];
for foo in &mut foos {
foo.data = (foo.special)(foo.data);
I see a Command Pattern struggling to emerge, and Rust is great at expressing this pattern, thanks to enum:
enum Foo {
impl Foo {
fn apply(&mut self) {
match self {
Foo::Add(x) => {
*x += 1.0;
Foo::Sub(x) => {
*x -= 1.0;
fn common(x: f64) {
print!("{}", x);
And your example becomes:
fn main() {
let mut foos = [Foo::Add(4.0), Foo::Sub(2.0)];
for foo in &mut foos {

Is there a way to do a for loop that is neither iterative nor linear?

Can I write a Rust for loop equivalent to this C code:
for(int i = 2; i <= 128; i=i*i){
//do something
I'm only seeing things like
for i in 0..128 { /* do something */ }
let v = vec![0, 1, 2, /* ... */ ];
for i in v.iter() { /* do something */ }
Should I just use a while loop?
You can always create a custom iterator that does whatever unique sequence you need:
struct Doubling {
current: u64,
max: u64,
impl Iterator for Doubling {
type Item = u64;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.current > self.max {
} else {
let v = Some(self.current);
self.current *= 2;
fn main() {
let iter = Doubling { current: 2, max: 128 };
let values: Vec<_> = iter.collect();
println!("{:?}", values);
It's important to recognize that this logic (like the original C!) has nasty edge cases when the value is doubled beyond the size of the type.
In this particular case, you can also recognize that you have an exponential series:
fn main() {
let iter = (1..8).map(|p| 2i32.pow(p));
let values: Vec<_> = iter.collect();
println!("{:?}", values);
If you want to get really experimental, check out Lazy sequence generation in Rust. Adapted here:
#![feature(generators, generator_trait, conservative_impl_trait)]
use std::ops::{Generator, GeneratorState};
fn doubling(mut start: u64, max: u64) -> impl Iterator<Item = u64> {
GeneratorIteratorAdapter(move || {
while start <= max {
yield start;
start *= 2;
fn main() {
let iter = doubling(2, 128);
let sum: Vec<_> = iter.collect();
println!("{:?}", sum);
/* copy-pasta */
struct GeneratorIteratorAdapter<G>(G);
impl<G> Iterator for GeneratorIteratorAdapter<G>
G: Generator<Return = ()>,
type Item = G::Yield;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.0.resume() {
GeneratorState::Yielded(x) => Some(x),
GeneratorState::Complete(_) => None,
can I write a for loop equivalent to this C code:
That specifically, yes:
extern crate itertools;
for i in itertools::iterate(2, |&i| i*i).take_while(|&i| i <= 128) {
// do something
But in general, no. There is no single, direct equivalent to all possible uses of C's for loop. If there's no way to write it using iterators then yes, you need to use a more general loop form:
let mut i = 2;
while i <= 128 {
// do something
i = i*i;

Implementing FNV hash in swift

I am trying to implement a version of FNV hash in swift. Here it is in Objective-C:
+ (uint32_t)hash:(uint8_t *)a length:(uint32_t)length
uint8_t *p;
uint32_t x;
p = a;
x = *p << 7;
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
x = (1000003 * x) ^ *p++;
x ^= length;
if (x == -1) {
x = -2;
return x;
Here is my attempt at porting it to swift:
func hashFNV(data: UInt8[]) -> UInt32 {
var x = data[0] << 7
for byte in data {
x *= 1000003
x ^= byte
x ^= data.count
if x == -1 {
x = -2
return x
It compiles but results in an error at runtime:
EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP,subcode=0x0)
Same error when I try in the playground:
Playground execution failed: error: Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0).
The process has been left at the point where it was interrupted, use "thread return -x" to return to the state before expression evaluation.
* thread #1: tid = 0x619fa, 0x000000010d119aad, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
* frame #0: 0x000000010d119aad
frame #1: 0x0000000100204880 libswift_stdlib_core.dylib`value witness table for Swift.Int + 160
I thought that maybe it was related to the overflow, but the following code also fails with the same error:
func hashFNV(data: UInt8[]) -> UInt32 {
var x = UInt32(data[0]) << 7
for byte in data {
x = 1000003 &* x
x ^= byte
x ^= data.count
if x == -1 {
x = -2
return x
Actually, shouldn't the fact that I am trying to assign -2 to x result in a compile error? I thought swift won't implicitly cast from what looks like Int (-2) to UInt32 (x).
Same with the x ^= byte line. byte should be UInt8 and x is UInt32.
This was a compile error (see comments below).
Fixed the compile error, still fails at runtime:
func hashFNV(data: UInt8[]) -> UInt32 {
var x = Int(data[0]) << 7
for byte in data {
x = 1000003 &* x
x ^= Int(byte)
x ^= data.count
if x == -1 {
x = -2
return UInt32(x)
If you are still looking for an implementation, here is mine. It is built much like the regular default Hasher from the standard lib.
struct HasherFNV1a {
private var hash: UInt = 14_695_981_039_346_656_037
private let prime: UInt = 1_099_511_628_211
mutating func combine<S: Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Element == UInt8 {
for byte in sequence {
hash ^= UInt(byte)
hash = hash &* prime
func finalize() -> Int {
Int(truncatingIfNeeded: hash)
extension HasherFNV1a {
mutating func combine(_ string: String) {
mutating func combine(_ bool: Bool) {
combine(CollectionOfOne(bool ? 1 : 0))
Keep in mind that this is FNV1a, if you truly need FNV1 you can just switch the 2 lines in the loop around.
I found this GPL Swift implementation:
// FNVHash.swift
// A Swift implementation of the Fowler–Noll–Vo (FNV) hash function
// See http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/
// Created by Mauricio Santos on 3/9/15.
import Foundation
// MARK:- Constants
private struct Constants {
// FNV parameters
#if arch(arm64) || arch(x86_64) // 64-bit
static let OffsetBasis: UInt = 14695981039346656037
static let FNVPrime: UInt = 1099511628211
#else // 32-bit
static let OffsetBasis: UInt = 2166136261
static let FNVPrime: UInt = 16777619
// MARK:- Public API
/// Calculates FNV-1 hash from a raw byte array.
public func fnv1(bytes: [UInt8]) -> UInt {
var hash = Constants.OffsetBasis
for byte in bytes {
hash = hash &* Constants.FNVPrime // &* means multiply with overflow
hash ^= UInt(byte)
return hash
/// Calculates FNV-1a hash from a raw byte array.
public func fnv1a(bytes: [UInt8]) -> UInt {
var hash = Constants.OffsetBasis
for byte in bytes {
hash ^= UInt(byte)
hash = hash &* Constants.FNVPrime
return hash
/// Calculates FNV-1 hash from a String using it's UTF8 representation.
public func fnv1(str: String) -> UInt {
return fnv1(bytesFromString(str))
/// Calculates FNV-1a hash from a String using it's UTF8 representation.
public func fnv1a(str: String) -> UInt {
return fnv1a(bytesFromString(str))
/// Calculates FNV-1 hash from an integer type.
public func fnv1<T: IntegerType>(value: T) -> UInt {
return fnv1(bytesFromNumber(value))
/// Calculates FNV-1a hash from an integer type.
public func fnv1a<T: IntegerType>(value: T) -> UInt {
return fnv1a(bytesFromNumber(value))
/// Calculates FNV-1 hash from a floating point type.
public func fnv1<T: FloatingPointType>(value: T) -> UInt {
return fnv1(bytesFromNumber(value))
/// Calculates FNV-1a hash from a floating point type.
public func fnv1a<T: FloatingPointType>(value: T) -> UInt {
return fnv1a(bytesFromNumber(value))
// MARK:- Private helper functions
private func bytesFromString(str: String) -> [UInt8] {
var byteArray = [UInt8]()
for codeUnit in str.utf8 {
return byteArray
private func bytesFromNumber<T>(var value: T) -> [UInt8] {
return withUnsafePointer(&value) {
Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: UnsafePointer<UInt8>($0), count: sizeof(T)))
