How do I package a sass/scss module for distribution? - sass

I've made a sass/scss module and would like to package it up for easy distribution but haven't found a good tutorial online to walk me through the process. The module it self is just sass/scss files nothing else.


go modules import for sub folder and general imports concepts understanding issues

I want to use a function from a parent module for this project
however (and for the repository in the current state), all my tries fails.
in my root folder I have the following go.mod file
go 1.17
in the ./cmd folder I have the following go.mod file
module beuss/cmd
go 1.17
I tried various combination of go.mod file for the cmd folder like
go 1.17
I also tried some imports from the file looking like
import (
// The following line does not work either
// "" beuss
//try to use parent module functions
func main () {
connPUT, err := beuss.newClient(beuss.MESSAGE_PUT)
nothing work.
I tried the following commands desperately
go mod init
go mod tidy
go get
go install
I got the follwing errors :
go get: parsing go.mod:
module declares its path as: beuss
but was required as:
with not understanding the real issue. I googled errors, I had a look at this which looks intersting
In the end, I am just loosing patience for this issue where I already spend lot of time without really understanding the real good practice / why it should be done like this or that.
I am sorry if this is a redundant question. but this topic looks nebulous to me where I just want to resolve a dependency. I guess I am lost between local imports / remote imports / modules and pacakges concepts. I guess I just want an entry point to understand all of this where in javascript a simple require('../code.js') does the trick.
What I would like in the end is to be able to better understand go imports system, and pragmatically, how to solve my linked project dependency so I can use functions from parent "folder" (ideally without namespacing)
As the question was unclear because I did not understand what was wrong, I'll try here to synthetise what worked for me.
I followed andrey dyatlov advice by simply removing the go.mod from my cmd folder and It is possible to make this folder a standalone program without module management. So I can go run / build the command file.
Also I slightly changed imports system and reorganized my code folders by understanding how imports works a bit better (I did not practised go since a while and I am a relatively new commer to go world)
So for this last point, doing imports with does the trick, but I missed to export my "lib" functions by just capitalizing their name. Doing so let me import and use them elsewhere in the code.
For the next person that this question might help, it should be possible to see the state of the project (wip) from the link in the question to see how it works now.

where is's modules that are imported?

I was reading one of the examples in, Arctangent. It has an import statement:
from eye import Eye
I cannot figure out where this 'eye' library that I'm importing from is located. I don't see it in the reference. I searched the filesystem under the processing-3.5.4/ subdirectory and cannot find any module named eye either.
The program works. But I wonder where these modules are, and where can I find a reference for them. I'm wondering now what else is available that I cannot see.
I failed to notice that the example had a second tab with the code to be imported. These aren't standard library modules.

How to access nested modules (submodules) in Go?

Go version: 1.12.9
Here is the structure of a simple demo project:
So we have a module domain, which contains two modules: activity and person.
I would like to use domain with all nested modules in the main file => modules.go.
I know how to import domain in the main go.mod:
module modules
go 1.12
replace modules/domain v0.0.0 => ./domain
require modules/domain v0.0.0
So after that can use code from domain/domain.go, but I cannot access code from activity and person modules.
Yes, I could manually import nested modules, for example:
(main go.mod):
module modules
go 1.12
replace modules/domain v0.0.0 => ./domain
replace modules/domain/activity v0.0.0 => ./domain/activity
require (
modules/domain v0.0.0
modules/domain/activity v0.0.0
but I don't want to manually import all submodules.
How to configure modules to import domain with all submodules?
Yes, I could manually import nested modules [...]
but I don't want to manually import all submodules.
How to configure modules to import domain with all submodules ?
You simply cannot do this.
Some background:
There is no real notion of "sub"-module, all modules are equal.
Same for packages: all(*) packages are equal. If you want to use a package you must import it.
The layout in the filesystem does not imply any kind of technical relation between packages (e.g. net/http/cookiejar is as much related to net/http as it is related crypto/md5: not at all).
Being part of a module doesn't mean much: Modules are just sets of packages versioned together and doesn't add any additional relation between these packages.
The rule is dead simple: If you want to import a package you have to import it.
The fact that there are no magical wildcard imports might seem annoying (see below) but prevents unintended imports: Adding a package doesn't magically import it (and execute its init functions!).
In real live having to import all packages is not that annoying because "normal" Go code doesn't use tiny packages. This is a common mistake for someone indoctrinated by Java/C#/PHP/Node "project architectures" with lots of folders and tiny classes: Don't do that in Go. It is not helping. It often even leads to circular import and hurts.
Same for modules. A Go module is probably not what you think it is. A module is a set of packages versioned together. I doubt there is a reason to provide different versions for package person and package domain at the same time. (It is allowed to have several modules in one repository/project, but having more than one is a very rare case, yours clearly isn't).
Best advice (in order of relevance):
Stop making every package its own module.
Stop making tiny packages.
Stop trying to mimick a source code layout ("architecture") you might be used from other languages.
(*) internal and vendored packages are an exception which does not apply to your problem.
go 1.18 has the support for the new multi-workspace feature by files.
for more info, check golang workspace proposal
I faced a similar situation with Go 1.20. Here is How I solved it.
I have used a repository as package in my Go project. This repository is uses a sub-module.
Here is the .gitmodules file inside my repository my-repository/services:
What I was missing:
After the introduction of Workspace, submodules were treated differently. So now I need to create a file. Needed to be placed at same level as go.mod.
go 1.20
use ./validator/validate
Now I want to use this package in my main repo. Imported it as,
This solved my issue. You can find the documentation at: Setting up your workspace

Is there a standard practice for splitting packages into modular components?

I'm working on a library with multiple layers of functionality. I want developers to be able to import only the parts they need, ie mylib-core, mylib-feature1, mylib-feature2, etc. Each lives in its own git repo. I'd also like to provide a simple mylib package which exposes a default set of functionality which is useful for developers new to the library. See d3.js version 4+ for something very similar to what I'm trying to accomplish.
The problems I've run into are
Apparently you can't share a package name between packages. This is a problem because it would be nice to import all the desired repos and then simply have everything available under the mylib name.
I don't see an obvious way to re-export functionality, in order to build the default mylib package.
Are there good solutions or a more idomatic go way to accomplish what I'm shooting for?
Answering your question, there is no idiomatic way of doing what you want. It is common in JavaScript to import a library and export its members without interference. This is not the case in Golang.
I advise you to host your whole library under a single repo, and split the functionality to packages. The Go compiler will only compile and use the imported packages.
And a tip for the future, Go is very different than almost any other language you previously know 😅

Import ReactiveCocoa, or PromiseKit, or BrightFutures as sources?

I have an OSX project (xcode plugin) and I want to use the ReactiveCocoa paradigms in it (PromiseKit andBrightFutures` are the other implementations of the same paradigms so I need to import at least one from these 3 frameworks/libraries).
The problem is it seems impossible to import them as compiled frameworks into my project because it is plugin. In my project I used dispatch_async and dispatch_after functions only but their nested blocks look awful.
The only solution I found is import one from these frameworks as sources but I don't know how to detach their code. So could anybody help with this trouble? Or maybe are there any other similar libraries which are already represented as source files only?
Short Answer:
Use a dependency manager like Cocoapods or Carthage.
Longer Answer: You can do it manually, but even if you don't want to use any of those, you can look at the .podspec file and see how it's supposed to be used. For example BrightFutures.podspec says:
s.source_files = 'BrightFutures/*.swift'
s.dependency 'Result', '0.6.0-beta.6'
That means that you need to import all the .swift files inside the BrightFutures folder, and that it won't work unless you also import the files from another project called Result.
But please, just let the tools do that for you. You'll be happier. :)
