I am having a problem displaying the distinct value in the table in Drupal 9.
I would like to view only a single AMC certificate for each Instrument displayed (referenced) in the current table/content.
But unfortunately, I am not able to do this by setting the distinct option in my view.
I am hereby attaching three images showing the problem, view, and query executed for view.
Help me to resolve this issue.
I'm having this issue in Oracle Apex where I want to create a Master/Detail page with interactive grids for each section. The problem is that for some reason, when I click to edit rows in the detail grid, the values seem to "copy" into other fields too.
This is my grid when the values get copied when clicked in other row
For the master grid, this doesn't seem to happen.
I had the exact same problem.
I found myself that i defined the wrong column as primary key on the detail IG.
Try it and let me know if helped.
Have a nice day.
I have created a Master-Detail page in my Oracle APEX application. Basically i have a list of rows from one table and I can add values to it though a form. That works correctly, validations also work (every column from Master form can be accessed by adding ":" in front and that works in this case). I also have an option to edit click pencil icon in front of every row which lets me to update current row and also displays the Detail part of that row. Detail part is a list of values from another table that is connected to the first one using foreign key (Master-Detail: one to many). It is automatically displayed as interactive grid, so when editing my Master table value I can also add new rows to Detail table, but the validations don't work for Detail table. I tried accessing it's columns the same way as before, but it just doesn't work (tried to add PL/SQL expression validation:
:column >= 0
but that didn't work. How can I enable the validation for interactive grid, because I've looked into some resources about it, but they just show the first way, that doesn't work for me?
For a validation on an Interactive Grid you need to set the attribute "Editable Region" for the validation to your interactive grid. That works ok for me. I tried with a Master Detail on Dept (Master) and Emp (Detail) with a validation on detail of :SAL > 1000
I am trying to make a page that returns header information for all employees, but when an employee is clicked it returns all details of that employee. I have drawn up an example that may better help explain what I am trying to do. I am curious on what type of regions I should choose, and if there is an example application that I could use to base mine off of. Thanks!
Using the wizard:
create page
report with form
It'll create two pages:
an interactive report (you'll use to view some info for all employees on the same page, as if they are in an Excel worksheet) and
a form, which lets you show all details related to selected employee (which means that form can contain many more items than report)
I have a report (PDF output, 2.6.2) with a table containing crosstab (see attached files for a classic models example). After all report data there has to be a section for signs of peoples responsible for it. And there is strict demand that this section is preceeded with data (at least 1 row) and all signs must be together on 1 page.
Here is the image of what i should get.
I have a problem with page break, it is in a crosstab or in a table itself. I've tried to manipulate page break section in crosstab, crosstab rows, table sections - still no luck. I remember I was able to do this for a simple table without crosstab in it, so the problem is probably in crosstab.
I've shared the report without experiment changes. I need it in PDF, version 2.6.2.
Can anyone help?
I have shared the result of your report here View This I think you are expecting your report like this..
Crosstab and a table with signs must be in same table, then crosstab will have pagebreak. For a table with signs I've added visibility rule to show it on last page only.
There is same problem with nested tables, not only crosstabs.
I am a relative APEX noob.
I'm running APEX 4.0 against a 10gR2 database.
I've written a query that takes a few inputs (two date fields, for start and end, and a text field for further filtering) and created a dynamic report out of it that works when I pull the input variables (:START_DATE, :END_DATE, :OFFICE) out of it or replace them with static values.
I want to create a form on a page that submits those values to the dynamic report page for use in the query to filter the results the user sees when he or she hits the report.
I'm not having much luck finding a good step-by-step example of this. I created a blank page with two Date Pickers and a LOV select dropdown, but am unsure how to best translate those values into the dynamic report.
Can somebody point me at the right documentation for this?
The following was developed using Apex 4.1 but apart from some cosmetic changes the principles should be the same.
The data comes from the standard scott.emp schema.
This is page 1, the user can enter an empno and\or a hiredate.
When submit is pressed the following report on a different page is displayed:
How it works
On page 1 I have created the three items shown. The text items are called them P1_EMPNO, and P1_HIREDATE. The action for the button is "Submit Page"
Still on page 1, create a branch with the following values:
This branch navigates to page 2 (which is yet to be developed) and sets the values of items on page 2 with the values from page 1.
Create a new page, in this example this will be referred to page 2.
On page 2 create a new interactive report using the following query:
select e.*
from emp e
Next create two text items in the same region as the report and call these :P2_EMPNO and :P2_HIREDATE. I have found it useful to show these items during development so you can see that the correct values are being passed through to the page. You can always set them as hidden once you happy with the report.
Finally amend the query used by the interactive report to use the values supplied by page 1
Run the application.
You want to reference your page items in your query, which means you'll have to submit your page before your query will pick up the session state of them. What I do when I provide a small parameter form, is to put a button up there as well (i.e. labeled 'Query'), which does a submit.
In your report you can then reference your items. If for example you have 2 items P1_DATE_START and P1_DATE_END, your query could look like:
SELECT firstname, lastname, job
FROM employees
WHERE employment_start BETWEEN to_date(:P1_DATE_START) AND to_date(:P1_DATE_END);