How to remove object from next slide automatically after animation to disappear in previous slide automatically - powerpoint

I'm wondering whether it's possible to do the following:
I have slide 1 where I have a disappear animation on object A.
For Slide 2, can I reuse the slide 1 as base with object A removed automatically?
I know I can just manually delete it but wondering if it's possible.


Changing text after it lands on the second photos on horizontal scrolling

i'm new to figma and i wanted to build something where there are paragraph on the left side and a photos on the right side. so i used the horizontal scrolling with overflow scroll and i wanted to change the paragraph on the left side every time he user lands on a different photo available. how do i do that?
May this photo helps :
Unfortunately, that is not possible in Figma at the moment. You will have to attach the text to the scrolling container for it to appear while the user scrolls.
You cannot efficiently and without glitches create the interaction you described.
Though, I have a proposed solution.
It's not exactly what you're looking for but it works.
Create a frame (let's call it frame 1)
Add your paragraph to the left
Create another frame (let's call it carousel) within frame 1
Add your images in carousel and make sure Clip content is enabled on the frame
Add an arrow (shortcut: Shift + L) to the right of the image (to indicate the user to tap/click)
Duplicate frame 1
Move the all the images in your carousel to the left till the next image appears
Add an arrow Shift + L to the left of the image (to indicate the user to tap/click)
Go to the Prototype tab while you have carousel selected and on Overflow scrolling select Horizontal scrolling
Add an interaction On click to the right arrow to Navigate to frame 2 and the left arrow to Navigate to frame 1 with Smart animate
Go to Step 6 to add another image.
Carousel Figma Example

Issue with animating ui elements in unity 3d

I've added an animation clip to a canvas which animates position and alpha channel of its children (like buttons etc.). Now I'm gonna play this animation via pressing the play button (one of itself's children) as shown as here:
(Click om images to see in full screen)
I created a trigger in mecanim and sat as the trigger of transiting to that animation but it didn't work. Is there any ways else or was my job correct and did I some mistakes?
Please help, thanks
In the animator window just making the trigger doesn't do anything. You need to set the trigger by getting a reference to the animator and calling SetTrigger("yourTriggerName"). You can call this in the inspector using the UI button's OnClick() method.
Go to the inspector for the play button and scroll down to where you see this:
click the plus sign and then drag the game object with the animator you want to trigger onto the field that says None(Empty) then select the animator from the drop down menu that appears and select the SetTrigger function. Then type in the name of your trigger Exactly. Upper case matters. That's it. It should look something like this when you are done:
Obviously, you will have to use the correct GameObject and trigger name so yours will look a little different.

How can I edit an animation in Unity3D

I have selected a game object in the Hierarchy with an animation component attached (not an animator but a simple animation) then I tried to open the animation window to edit it by choosing "Animation" from the "Window" menu. The problem is that the animation window is grayed out and it suggests that I create a new animation. But I just want to edit the one that I already have.
To edit the animation, you need to select a GameObject, make sure it has an Animation component in the inspector or add it if not, assign the animation in question to the Animation list of that component, then open the animation window and select your animation. it's under the time control buttons, beside the object popup.
I have just found out why it didn't work. Because the animation component provides a list of animations, and the first element of the list should not be empty. Meanwhile in my case the first element of the list was empty and the animation I wanted to edit was assigned to the second element of the list. That's why it didn't work.
The "Animations" tab under the "Animation" component must have 1 animation under it, including blanks. To fix this, change the "size" to 0, and the animator at the bottom will open.

Is there a way to add multiple properties in the Unity 3d animation window at once?

In Unity you can animate an object (such as a character) with the animation window:
And you can select properties of the object that you want to animate:
My problem is that it seems you can only add a single property at a time and then the whole list closes:
This causes a big problem when you want to animate every part of a full human (or any type of complex) 3d model:
My Question: Is there some way I can add more than one property at the same time? Or atleast not have the window of properties close, that way I can just keep choosing them?
Worth mentioning as well that if you right click on the transform instead of hitting the plus sign you can just add an entire group of transforms and the menu does not close. Should speed things up
The animation window will close after adding the property but their is a way to do this . Open animation window and inspector in separate tabs so that both can be seen at same time and animation must be in recording mode . After that select your game object in hirarchy and you can directly change its properties from inspector for each selected frame for example you can set position rotation and scale directly from inspector and this will make your animation in a fly :) Reference to unity documentation
Yes! I've tested this method on Unity 2020.3.29f1, but it may work in earlier versions too.
In your hierarchy tab, select which bones you want to add properties for*. If you want to include all bones, select the parent bone and right click -> Select Children.
In your inspector tab, go to the Transform component and right click on Position, then select Add Key
Repeat step 2 for Rotation and Scale, if desired.
*: If you want to select multiple bones but not every bone, you can expand your list of bones and the use shift-click and ctrl-click (cmd-click) to select various bones.

Rotating UI objects in locked position View in Swift iOS 8

I have a question. I'm writing an app where in one of its views I want to achieve the next:
the view itself doesnt rotate meaning all the controls etc are pinned to their places BUT the objects (buttons for example) DO rotate on their place place.
The problem is that Autorotate is either rotates everything, including position change of the buttons, or locks everything including keeping button orientation.
From what I understood I can lock the view and do a manual transform every time orientation changes but it seems to me very long and ugly, when Xcode has now all this Autolayout and class sizes etc ...
Is there a more elegant way to do it ?
