Pip install alternatives - pip

I'm trying to install the dawdreamer package onto my Raspberry Pi (running the latest Raspbian OS and my python version is 3.9.2). However, the problem is that dawdreamer wasn't built for Raspberry Pi.
So, when I tried pip install dawdreamer, I got this error:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirements dawdreamer
ERROR: No matching distribution found for dawdreamer
Then I tried pip install "git+https://github.com/DBraun/DawDreamer.git", but when it started getting the requirements to build wheel, I got:
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1
AssertionError: File not found: /tmp/pip-req-build-xxxxxxx/dawdreamer/dawdreamer.so
Then after doing that, I cloned the dawdreamer repo and tried pip install -e DawDreamer/. But, when it starting getting the requirements to build wheel, I got the following error:
ERROR: Command errored out with the exit status 1
AssertionError: File not found: /home/jackphilips/dawdreamer/dawdreamer.so
Is it just not possible to install dawdreamer onto my Raspberry Pi until the package is built for it? Or could I try something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


How can I solve this installation problem with fastavro on Mac?

I am trying to run in my Mac a Python program which requires working with .avro binary files.
Despite trying to install it by using: pip install fastavro, I always get an error message on the terminal that ends with the following lines:
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun
error: command '/usr/bin/clang' failed with exit code 1
[end of output]
note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
ERROR: Failed building wheel for fastavro
Failed to build fastavro
ERROR: Could not build wheels for fastavro, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
I have updated conda to its latest version on my PC as well as updated pip as well.
Does anyone know how to solve this? I really need to run this program on Mac as soon as possible. For your information, I am able to install and use fastavro on Windows but not on Mac so this is likely to be a Mac-specific problem.
Thanks a lot
Since you are working in a conda environment, why not install it with conda? I often find installations via conda much more convenient since it takes care of all non-Python dependencies as well.
So try uninstalling the package first with pip: pip uninstall fastavro and then installing it via conda: conda install fastavro -c conda-forge.
In case you are unfamiliar with the -c conda-forge flag, it tells conda to look for the package on the conda-forge channel which has almost all packages that are not available via the standard channels.

How to properly install prophet with python 3.9.13

The current pystan==, and it seems that this's the highest version in python 3.9.
I have tried:
pip install prophet. Using this command I can install the prophet but when running fit I got errors. Error: Unexpected exception formatting exception. Falling back to standard exception.
pip install fbprophet. couldn't install it.
conda install -c "conda-forge/label/broken" prophet. Using this command I can install the prophet but when running fit I got errors again. Error: 'StanModel' object has no attribute 'fit_class'.
I have tried everything I can find online so far but still couldn't solve the problem, and unfortunately I can't change my python version cause I need this particular one to install keras and tensorflow in mac M1 system.

command not found: tensorflowjs_converter

I'm trying to convert a frozen model graph file (.pb file) to tensorflowjs model file using tensorflowjs-convertor.
As mentioned in their documentation , I've installed tensorflowjs package with below command :
pip install tensorflowjs
While running the command to convert , it throws this error :
zsh: command not found: tensorflowjs_converter
Looks like that command is still not available after installing the package. I couldn't find any useful workaround regarding this. Can anyone help fixing this please ?
Make sure your pip install tensorflowjs completes successfully, before trying to use tensorflowjs_converter.
It doesn't work on Ubuntu either (Tensorflow 2.0.0, Dec. 2019). Running pip with sudo doesn't help.

Scrapy installation problems

I'm trying to install Scrapy in cygwin, and I've finally got easy_install working but it keeps giving this error message: Setup script exited with error:
'gcc' failed with exit status 1
I'm using gcc version 3.4.4. Any ideas, I'm at a loss for what to try next? Before it gives this error message it print out thousands of line about OpenSSl, I'm not sure if that means the problem is in OpenSSL or not.
Finally found the root problem was in pyOpenSSL and is addressed here easy_install PyOpenSSL error.
Update: For other gcc errors that I later got I found that installing gcc4 from the cygwin setup fixed it.

scrapy doesnt compile

I use MacOS 10.7.3 and XCode 4.3. In order to install Scrapy, I have followed the instructions here: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/0.14/intro/install.html#download-and-install-an-official-release .
But unfortunately the command python setup.py install failed:
unable to execute llvm-gcc-4.2: No such file or directory
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'llvm-gcc-4.2' failed with exit status 1
Did you actually run the Xcode installer, found in /Applications? Getting it via the MacAppStore doesn't install it automatically.
