Telegram bot audio listen finsihed event - events

I lookedat telegram api and telegraf.js library for audio playing ends event. Is there is such option?
What I need to do: to send message after user finished listening to audio message I`ve sent.


Not receiving notifications in thread when sending messages as bot

I am facing a weird bug when using my bot app to send messages in a thread.
I am sending DMs as a bot app user - the message will appear in the app channel.
When I send the first message, I get a notification from this message (right).
I get the thread ts, and then send a message again as a bot, replying in a thread. I receive the message in the channel, as a thread, but I don't get any notification.
Next I reply it as the user receiving this DM - works ok
Then, from the moment I reply to this thread, after the first interaction from the user, I start to get notifications from my own bot messages.
The issue? I'd like to get notifications from the start, doesn't matter if the user interacted with me in this thread or not. Any way to do it?
I am using to do it all.

Slack Events API not sending channel events

I'm working on a Slack application and I need to listen for new messages across channels.
According to the (awful) Slack documentation, I need to use the Events API:
And the scope I need to listen for channels messages is channels:history
I'm developing the application locally, so ngrock is being used to expose my endpoint to Slack.
So far I can listen to direct messages, so I assume I'm using the Events API correctly.
The problem is only when I want to listen for new messages in channels, I've added the correct scope to the application and the bot is added to the channel, but still, no event is sent to my endpoint.
You need to invite the bot to the channels you want to listen messages for.
I found the solution to my problem.
I forgot to subscribe the app to bot events. I've only added the scopes to the bot.
Subscribing the app to bot events solved the problem.

How to send text sms from telegram bot

reference =>
as the above reference, we can send a specific text to a specific number in mobiles, so I want to know how to do that in telegram bot chats / or messages?
we have parse_mode in sendMessage method of telegram bot, but
Send Message
doesn't work in telegram chat

Send message from telegram bot to viber bot

I have a bot working on Laravel Framework, there is a need to send a message to Viber bot. Is it possible?
As I know Telegram doesn't support API to sending messages to external systems like Viber.
But you always can send message from Telegram bot to your server, and then forward this message from server to Viber.

sinch send message to the same id as the current client id - to build a group chat

Hi am currently trying to adapt my sinch parse messaging app to implement a group chat , but using this schema
and send messages to the same group_conversation_id so that all user connecting to the sinch using the same group_id can recieve incoming messages
current i dont get any error while the message doesnt not call on the onMessageSent
You cannot send message to your self via Sinch.
And sinch is not providing any functionality like group chat, however you can use broadcast message, which is same as broadcast message in whatsapp.
