How to Implement Clustering on elastic-search - spring

I have to implement elastic search with my spring boot application. I have to design the architecture in such a way that we have to cluster elastic search so that if one instance of elastic search is down then another instance of elastic search takes the handover to serve data.


Getting Started with Prometheus and Grafana with Spring Boot

I am constructing an application on Spring Boot that consumes a REST API endpoint as nested JSON. Then I want to extract my recommendation results based on that data, as graphic dashboards using Grafana and Prometheus.
I want your recommendations about where to start with the fundamentals since I am totally new to this.

Can Spring Data Elastic Search connect to a proxy REST service that connects to Elastic Search?

My company has Elastic Search behind the REST endpoints /search and /count, but it hides the cluster nodes from access.
I could call those REST endpoints through Native DSL queries, but I don't want to create a lot of the boilerplate code that comes with creating queries and mapping responses, which is why I would like to use Spring Data Elastic Search to do a lot of that for me. I would like to know if it is possible to connect to Spring Data Elastic Search to an ES instance through a proxy REST endpoint, but based on the docs, it seems like Spring Data ES can only connect to the ES Instance. Has anyone else had this kind of need?
Spring Data Elasticsearch operates upon an Elasticsearch client that is connected to a single Elasticsearch node or a cluster.
You link to the documentation, Chapter Elasticsearch Clients. In this chapter, in the section Client Configuration you find the description how to configure a proxy:
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.builder()
.connectedTo("localhost:9200", "localhost:9291")

Elastic Search Java Rest Client support for query template

I am not able to find any support for query templates in Elastic Search Java REST Client (High Level). Does it exists? Or is there a way to use REST client with query templates?

couchbase Lite and Spring boot

I am trying to use couch base lite (mobile) by using spring boot framework. I am not getting the perfect guide documents for reference. I have referred documents for couchbase server by using spring data couchbase. but Not having idea how to use spring data couchbase for couchbase lite.

Using SolrJ REST-API to query data in a Spring Application

I have solr running at http://localhost:8983/solr/ . I have a Spring MVC app running at http://localhost:8080/login.jsp .
I would like to be able to Query only the solr data from my spring app. What is the best way to go about this? Does someone have a simple running example?
Integrate Solr with Spring using SolrJ.
SolrJ is the Solr Java Client Library which will allow you to query Solr and get back the results in java objects which you can use as Model objects with Spring MVC.
You can easily create a Repository which interacts with Solr using Solrj.
Also, secure the Solr Collections so that no one can access Solr from direct URL without authentication.
The Solrj Client with the Spring MVC app can query SOlr with Authentication.
You can also use spring-data-solr to do so. It should integrate quite nicely into an existing spring MVC application.
