Google Data Studio Hide Column - format

Can I hide a column (dimension) in a data table?. This dimension is necesary for creating a conditional format, but I want to hide it


Filter across pages in Google datastudio

I have a multi page report with Page 1 having a Table chart with filter interactions ON. When I click on a row in this Table chart, I need my other pages also to get filtered based on this row selection.
If I make this table chart report-level, then this table chart will be visible in other pages which I do not want. What is the best possible way to solve this problem?
An alternative approach is to use a Filter Control (set to Report-level) instead of a Table; additionally, a default selection could be set.
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate:

Table records display on the bases of enter number in textbox power bi

I have a table in power bi
in that there are so many records so i want a text box or something like that where use type number then on the bases of this records should be displayed in table e.g if we use type 5 then only 5 records will display.. if user type 10 then 10 record will display if there is nothing then all records should be displayed
how i should do this .. i know how to do in qliksense but not in power bi
and one thing more i want to apply that condition in field Cover Name
=if(Assured_Name = 'AFPY','AF',
if(COVER_NAME = '7co','ABC',
Here there power bi sample file
The PowerBI equivalent of a 'control' that the user interacts with to filter a visual is the 'Slicer.' The slicer can then be configured to enable a 'Search' textbox where the user can type in the desired text that is wanted for filtering the table.
Create a slicer visual next to your table and add the column that you want to search to the slicer's "Field" box. Then, hoover your mouse over the slicer and a group of icons will appear (usually at the top but sometimes beneath the visual if there's no space to put it). One of these is the ellipsis, it looks like 3 dots. Click on the ellipsis and enable 'Search.'
You will see that a row is created in the slicer where the user can type. This text will filter the contents of the slicer, which is then used to filter the table.

Display aligned strings in ListBox Visual Studio

I want to display the Strings aligned in the textbox but even if I use the same index for second column they are shifted.
For laying out a number of rows with column alignment, the GridView is a good option.
GridView view mode is one of the view modes for a ListView control. The GridView class and its supporting classes enable you and your users to view item collections in a table that typically uses buttons as interactive column headers. This topic introduces the GridView class and outlines its use.

How to auto fill a field in Google Forms based on dropdown list?

I am trying to create a Google Form like this one with one drop-down list and two text fields(for now! If I get this down I would like to add drop downs instead of text fields).
Now I have manually added options in the drop down here.
What I want is:
The drop down to dynamically pick values from a column called 'ID' in a Google Spreadsheet.
Auto-populate the corresponding values from Vertical and Project from the sheet to the text fields in the form.
How can I go about doing these?

Deleting column in devexpress grid

I want to delete column in devexpress grid without using Customization window. For example: by dropping column out of grid or there will be a X button on column that will delete it. Is it possible?
It is possible to drag-drop a particular ASPxGridView Column into the Customization Window or hide the Columns programmatically.
See the following Examples:
If you want to show/hide an individual Column while export, use the solution from the E3352 Example.
