I am very new to Spark and recently inherited an application which does the following :
Gets data from data source ( RDBMS , Excel , CSV etc ) in batches.
Creates DataSet using data from data sources
Writes to the parquet files
These 3 steps are happening sequentially. Read 100k - Create Data Frame(1m) - write to Parquet.
Currently system is running on a single box where we also have Spark running. We have a Spark Cluster that we are planning to use instead ( 4 workers ).
It currently takes us a very long time to write Rows of data to the disk 9 ( 1M records takes about 6 minutes ). Given that we are moving to the Spark Cluster how can I optimize this process and improve the performance.
Here is the code :
Dataset<Row> ds = spark.createDataFrame(rows, schema).coalesce(1);
create Dataset of rows of data.
writes to the disk.
We have one problem with storing data in HBase. We've taken such steps:
Big csv file (size: 20 G) is being processed by Spark application with hfiles as result (result data size: 180 G).
Creation of table by using command: 'TABLE_NAME', {'NAME'=>'cf', 'COMPRESSION'=>'SNAPPY'}
Data from created hfiles are bulkloaded with command hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.LoadIncrementalHFiles -Dhbase.mapreduce.bulkload.max.hfiles.perRegion.perFamily=1024 hdfs://ip:8020/path TABLE_NAME
Right after loading of table the size is 180 G, however after some period of time (yesterday it was at 8pm, two days ago around 8am) a process being launched which compacts data to size 14 G.
My question is what is the name of this process? Is that a major compaction? Becouse I'm trying to trigger compaction (major_compact and compact) manually, but this is an output from command started on uncompacted table:
hbase(main):001:0> major_compact 'TEST_TYMEK_CRM_ACTION_HISTORY'
0 row(s) in 1.5120 seconds
This is compactions process. I can suggest the following reason for such big difference in table size. Using Spark application, you will not use a compression codec for HFile, because it specifies it after file creation. HFiles attachment to the table doesn't change it formate (all files in HDFS are immutable). Only after compaction process, data will be compressed. You can monition compaction process via HBase UI; it usually ran on 60000 port.
I'm facing an issue with ORC type data in hive. Needed some suggestions if someone faced similar problem.
I've huge data stored in hive table (partitioned & ORCed). The ORC data size is around 4 TB. I'm trying to copy this data to an uncompressed normal hive table (same table structure).
The process is running forever & occupying huge amount of non DFS storage in the pursuit. At present the process is running for 12 hours & has occupied 130 TB of non-DFS. That's very much abnormal for a Hadoop cluster with 20 servers.
Below are my parameters:
Hadoop running: HDP 2.4
Hive: 0.13
No. of servers: 20 (2 NN included)**
I wonder what a simple join or a normal analytics operation on this ORCed table would do. And theory tells that ORC format data increases performance for basic DML queries.
Can someone please let me know if I'm doing something wrong or is this a normal behavior? With ORCed data, this is my first experience.
Well, on a starters I saw that yarn log files are getting created in huge size. Mostly it shows the error logs only in heavy.
We are currently on a Big Data project.
The Big Data platform Hadoop Cloudera.
Input of our system we have a small flow of data, we collect via Kafka (approximately 80Mo/h continuously).
Then the messages are stored in HDFS to be queried via Impala.
Our client does not want to separate the hot data with the cold data. After 5 mins, the data must be accessible in the history data (cold data). We chose to have a single database.
To insert the data, we use the JDBC connector provided by Impala API (eg INSERT INTO ...).
we are aware that this is not the recommended solution, each Impala insertion creates a file (<10kb) in HDFS.
We seek a solution to insert a small stream in a Imapala base which avoids getting many small files.
What solution we preconize?
I am working on a use case where I have to transfer data from RDBMS to HDFS. We have done the benchmarking of this case using sqoop and found out that we are able to transfer around 20GB data in 6-7 Mins.
Where as when I try the same with Spark SQL, the performance is very low(1 Gb of records is taking 4 min to transfer from netezza to hdfs). I am trying to do some tuning and increase its performance but its unlikely to tune it to the level of sqoop(around 3 Gb of data in 1 Min).
I agree to the fact that spark is primarily a processing engine but my main question is that both spark and sqoop are using JDBC driver internally so why there is so much difference in the performance(or may be I am missing something). I am posting my code here.
object helloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Netezza_Connection").setMaster("local")
val sc= new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").option("url","jdbc:netezza://hostname:port/dbname").option("dbtable","POC_TEST").option("user","user").option("password","password").option("driver","org.netezza.Driver").option("numPartitions","14").option("lowerBound","0").option("upperBound","13").option("partitionColumn", "id").option("fetchSize","100000").load().registerTempTable("POC")
val df2 =sqlContext.sql("select * from POC")
val partitioner= new org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner(14)
val rdd=df2.rdd.map(x=>(String.valueOf(x.get(1)),x)).partitionBy(partitioner).values
I have checked many other post but could not get a clear answer for the internal working and tuning of sqoop nor I got sqoop vs spark sql benchmarking .Kindly help in understanding this issue.
You are using the wrong tools for the job.
Sqoop will launch a slew of processes (on the datanodes) that will each make a connections to your database (see num-mapper) and they will each extract a part of the dataset. I don't think you can achieve kind of read parallelism with Spark.
Get the dataset with Sqoop and then process it with Spark.
you can try the following:-
Read data from netezza without any partitions and with increased fetch_size to a million.
repartition the data before writing it to final file.
val df3 = df2.repartition(10) //to reduce the shuffle
ORC formats are more optimized than TEXT. Write the final output to parquet/ORC.
Although marked as an answer, I disagree with it.
Once you give the predicate to partition the data while reading from the jdbc, spark will run separate tasks for each partition. In your case no of tasks should be 14 (u can confirm this using spark UI).
I notice that you are using local as master, which would provide only 1 core for executors. Hence there will be no parallelism. Which is what is happening in your case.
Now to get the same throughput as sqoop you need to make sure that these tasks are running in parallel. Theoretically this can be done either by:
1. Using 14 executors with 1 core each
2. Using 1 executor with 14 cores (other end of the spectrum)
Typically, I would go with 4-5 cores per executor. So I test the performance with 15/5= 3 executors (i added 1 to 14 to consider 1 core for the driver running in clustor mode).
Use: executor.cores, executor.instances in sparkConf.set to play with the configs.
If this does not significantly increase performance, the next thing would be to look at the executor memory.
Finally, I would tweak the application logic to look at mapRDD sizes, partition sizes and shuffle sizes.
I had the same problem because the piece of code you are using it's not working for partition.
sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").option("url","jdbc:netezza://hostname:port/dbname").option("dbtable","POC_TEST").option("user","user").option("password","password").option("driver","org.netezza.Driver").option("numPartitions","14").option("lowerBound","0").option("upperBound","13").option("partitionColumn", "id").option("fetchSize","100000").load().registerTempTable("POC")
You can check number of partitions created in you spark job by
you can use following code to connect db:
To optimize your spark job following are the parameters:
1. # of partitions
2. --num-executors
4. --executor-memory
5. --driver-memory
6. fetch-size
2,3,4 and 5 options are depends on you cluster configurations
you can monitor your spark job on spark ui.
Sqoop and Spark SQL both use JDBC connectivity to fetch the data from RDBMS engines but Sqoop has an edge here since it is specifically made to migrate the data between RDBMS and HDFS.
Every single option available in Sqoop has been fine-tuned to get the best performance while doing the data ingestions.
You can start with discussing the option -m which control the number of mappers.
This is what you need to do to fetch data in parallel from RDBMS. Can I do it in Spark SQL?
Of course yes but the developer would need to take care of "multithreading" that Sqoop has been taking care automatically.
The below solution helped me
var df=spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url","
var dfRepart=spark.sql("select * from tempTable distribute by primary_key") //this will repartition the data evenly
Apache Sqoop is retired now - https://attic.apache.org/projects/sqoop.html
Using Apache Spark is a good option. This link shows how Spark can be used instead of Sqoop - https://medium.com/zaloni-engineering/apache-spark-vs-sqoop-engineering-a-better-data-pipeline-ef2bcb32b745
Else one can choose any cloud services like Azure Data Factory or Amazon Redshift etc.
I'm collecting the data from a messaging app, I'm currently using Flume, it sends approx 50 Million records per day
I wish to use Kafka,
consume from Kafka using Spark Streaming
and persist it to hadoop and query with impala
I'm having issues with each approach I've tried..
Approach 1 - Save RDD as parquet, point an external hive parquet table to the parquet directory
// scala
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(bucketsize.toInt))
val lines = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group, topicMap).map(_._2)
lines.foreachRDD(rdd => {
// 1 - Create a SchemaRDD object from the rdd and specify the schema
val SchemaRDD1 = sqlContext.jsonRDD(rdd, schema)
// 2 - register it as a spark sql table
// 3 - qry sparktable to produce another SchemaRDD object of the data needed 'finalParquet'. and persist this as parquet files
val finalParquet = sqlContext.sql(sql)
The problem is that finalParquet.saveAsParquetFile outputs a huge number of files, the Dstream received from Kafka outputs over 200 files for a 1 minute batch size.
The reason that it outputs many files is because the computation is distributed as explained in another post- how to make saveAsTextFile NOT split output into multiple file?
However, the propsed solutions don't seem optimal for me , for e.g. as one user states - Having a single output file is only a good idea if you have very little data.
Approach 2 - Use HiveContext. insert RDD data directly to a hive table
# python
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, int(batch_interval))
kvs = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zkQuorum, group, {topics: 1})
lines = kvs.map(lambda x: x[1]).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
def sendRecord(rdd):
sql = "INSERT INTO TABLE table select * from beacon_sparktable"
# 1 - Apply the schema to the RDD creating a data frame 'beaconDF'
beaconDF = sqlContext.jsonRDD(rdd,schema)
# 2- Register the DataFrame as a spark sql table.
# 3 - insert to hive directly from a qry on the spark sql table
This works fine , it inserts directly to a parquet table but there are scheduling delays for the batches as processing time exceeds the batch interval time.
The consumer cant keep up with whats being produced and the batches to process begin to queue up.
it seems writing to hive is slow. I've tried adjusting batch interval size, running more consumer instances.
In summary
What is the best way to persist Big data from Spark Streaming given that there are issues with multiple files and potential latency with writing to hive?
What are other people doing?
A similar question has been asked here, but he has an issue with directories as apposed to too many files
How to make Spark Streaming write its output so that Impala can read it?
Many Thanks for any help
In solution #2, the number of files created can be controlled via the number of partitions of each RDD.
See this example:
// create a Hive table (assume it's already existing)
sqlContext.sql("CREATE TABLE test (id int, txt string) STORED AS PARQUET")
// create a RDD with 2 records and only 1 partition
val rdd = sc.parallelize(List( List(1, "hello"), List(2, "world") ), 1)
// create a DataFrame from the RDD
val schema = StructType(Seq(
StructField("id", IntegerType, nullable = false),
StructField("txt", StringType, nullable = false)
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd.map( Row(_:_*) ), schema)
// this creates a single file, because the RDD has 1 partition
Now, I guess you can play with the frequency at which you pull data from Kafka, and the number of partitions of each RDD (default, the partitions of your Kafka topic, that you can possibly reduce by repartitioning).
I'm using Spark 1.5 from CDH 5.5.1, and I get the same result using either df.write.mode("append").saveAsTable("test") or your SQL string.
I think the small file problem could be resolved somewhat. You may be getting large number of files based on kafka partitions. For me, I have 12 partition Kafka topic and I write using spark.write.mode("append").parquet("/location/on/hdfs").
Now depending on your requirements, you can either add coalesce(1) or more to reduce number of files. Also another option is to increase the micro batch duration. For example, if you can accept 5 minutes delay in writing day, you can have micro batch of 300 seconds.
For the second issues, the batches queue up only because you don't have back pressure enabled. First you should verify what is the max you can process in a single batch. Once you can get around that number, you can set spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition value and spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled=true to enable limited number of records per micro batch. If you still cannot meet the demand, then the only options are to either increase partitions on topic or to increase resources on spark application.