Heroku cannot open browser to log in - heroku

I tried to log into Heroku via my command prompt by typing heroku login but this happened:
It says it cannot open my browser to log in. How should I proceed?

This just means that the Heroku CLI is having trouble opening the URL shown in your terminal for you.
Copy that URL and paste it into a browser of your choice, then log in.


Web browser not pulling up after "pressing any key" to login to heroku

I'm using Git Bash to login to heroku. I'm at the part where I press any key to open the web browser so I can login. I've logged in via the command prompt and it opened the browser just fine. I've tried the heroku login -i method but when I enter my email address it doesn't do anything (just like pressing any key after prompted to do so). I added System32 to my PATH environment variable and have logged in via the command prompt, both of which seem to be the common solutions I can find.
If it helps, I'm trying to push a Python script I've written. I followed Codemy for creating the virtual environment, procfile, requirements.txt, etc. I've used git to add and commit everything, but I get stuck when asked to login. I've successfully logged in via the command prompt.
I tried it right now and it worked as expected. There were the steps:
Download installer https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli
Install it
Open the cmd and enter: heroku login
It printed this
then a new tab in my default browser was opened
I entered my credentials with success. It showed the following message:
I closed the browser tab and finally I returned to the cmd:
After these steps, you could use any other git tool to perform git operations. Heroku login is just to store a kind of long live token in some part of the o.s.

Permission error when logging into Heroku from command line

When I try to login with
$heroku login
I am sent to the browser to log in, but upon return I receive this error:
heroku: Waiting for login...
Logging in... done
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:/Users/<My User>/_netrc'
I tried opening that file and I saw the password was incorrect so I changed it on heroku and in the file. Still have the error. I wonder if it is saying that it doesn't have permission to open that file?
Find the _netrc file. Open settings and toggle readonly to on, save, then turn off.

Cloud9 IDE Heroku Login

I need help logging into Heroku from Cloud9 IDE.
In a cloud9 IDE terminal, I enter heroku login and I don't get the chance to enter any credentials.
Instead I get the following
heroku: Press any kety to open up the browser to login or q to exit:
I hit any key and get the following:
heroku: Waiting for login...
According to the latest update, this shall work:
heroku login -i

Heroku CLI authentication issue

After a fresh install of Heroku on Windows 7, I can't seem to authenticate from the command-line.
Running the command: heroku login prompts me to enter my credentials. After doing so, I received an error:
heroku: Enter your login credentials
Email: my_email
Password: ************
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'z:/_netrc'
I am using PowerShell, and when I run the command cat z:/_netrc, I get this error:
cat : Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'z' does not exist.
Z: is a network drive, and it is accessible from the file explorer.
I already have a .netrc file in my %HOME% path, but it does not contain the heroku login credentials.
Looking at the official documentation and CLI help, I couldn't find anything useful to fix this. How can I login to my heroku account?
> heroku version
heroku/7.16.6 win32-x64 node-v10.11.0
So, the issue is arising from not finding _netrc file on your local computer that is required to complete login with Heroku. I have decided to create the file into following location of my windows 10 computer:
cmd>set HomeDrive=C:/Users/your Windows username/AppData/Local/heroku
In my case,
cmd>set HomeDrive=C:/Users/CrazyMoby/AppData/Local/heroku
Finally I ran heroku login
The above step resolved heroku login issue in my case.
Use setx HOME <netrc_default_location>
where <netrc_default_location> can be:
Some clarification can be found here and here.
Probably it's your user <%USERPROFILE%>.
But if you don't need it, just remove _netrc file, reboot and log in again.
Run the following command in powershell and the problem should be solved.
If you need more information, check out the docs on windows environment variables.
This way work for me. Write in PowerShell next code , where "paulob" need change to your user, because folser "_netrc" exist in:
$Env:HOMEDRIVE = "C:\Users\paulob\"
Try running it from GIT BASH cmd instead of PowerShell if you can, I had the same problem and it worked in my case.

How see remote file list from a heroku server

I need to see all files from a heroku server from a directory. Is any anyway run command in server using command line or is there file browser heroku dashboard?
I could see the files from command line using the following command
heroku run ls private
But i could not find any file browser in heroku dashboard. Also we could all linux commands there by using heroku run
