Course creation not getting reflected - google-api

Hi I'm trying to create a Course in Google classroom, I followed the docs in quickstart to create a course but I see the logs that course is getting created but I don't see them in Google Classroom.
I also setup the service account to authenticate to Google Classroom API and created a OAuth ID credential


Service Account Permissions : Limiting to specific GA API

I created a new Service Account in Cloud Project, and want to restrict this account's permission to only use one specific Google API listed here.
Lets say my application using this service account should only be allowed to use "Google Analytics API". If possible, further limited to use subset of API requests (for ex., etc.
I tried to create custom Role, but when I try to add necessary Permission, I don't see me desired permissions listed in that list... (attach screenshot)
How can I restrict this Service Account permissions to specific APIs?
does it make any difference creating new project in or in ? I san see a project in both places
In your case because you are using the Google Analytics API, there is an additional step where you need to add the Service Account to your Google Analytics account. If the Service Account is not added then it won't have access to the resources inside of Google Analytics.
See "1. Enable the API" in the following link:
Add service account to the Google Analytics account
The newly created
service account will have an email address that looks similar to:
Use this email address
to add a user to the Google analytics view you want to access via the
API. For this tutorial only Read & Analyze permissions are needed.
See the following for some guidance on managing users in Google Analytics

Where account is my google calendar API using?

I'm unsure where I can view the calendar I'm interacting with?
I created the project using my google work account. In the cloud console, it shows I technically have a service account for my codes authentication. Cloud console confirms I'm getting a 200 on my create event request. No event in my calendar for my work Gmail though.
You need to remember that service accounts are not you. A service account is like a dummy user, It has its own Google drive account, Google calendar account and probably a bunch more.
So when you insert something into a service accounts primary calendar its inserting into its account not yours. There is no web access to a service accounts data. You will need to do a event.list for example to see the events you have added.
What you can do is have the service account share its calendar with you and then you will be able to see its calendar in your google calendar web view. If memory serves you have to add it as an acl rule. You could also share your calendar with the service account and then it will be able to update that.
Useful links Sharing calendar my tutorial on service accounts
Now as for Google for work. You are going to have to add the service account to that somehow grant it access to the Google for work calendar. I dont have access to that so cant be of much help.

Create contacts with google API

I'm trying to create contacts in my google account using the 2lo (2 legged oauth), to achieve this Ive created a service account using my test account, this step creates a "new email address" for the service, something like:
I'm able to access the google api with this account without the user intervention (2lo), and when I create a new contact using the api, this contact is related to and not to the account I used to create the service account, I can't see the created contact using my test account (
Is it possible to create a contact on my account using a service account? what steps shou;d I follow?
No, you cannot create contact. You need service account, which is an account that belongs to your application instead of an individual end user. Your application calls Google APIs on behalf of the service account, so users aren't directly involved.
If you want to access user data for users in your Google Apps domain, then delegate domain-wide access to the service account. Then, your application prepares to make authorized API calls by using the service account's credentials to request an access token from the OAuth 2.0 auth server.
You may follow the steps listed here: . It shows how to create a service account.

Google Api Service Account authentication access to developers data

I want to develop an application that uses the Picasa Google API for uploading images to my own account. I've already created the Service Account from the API Console and have created the code to upload the image (which works correctly given a valid access_token obtained from the OAuth2 playground).
However, when trying to obtain an access_token with the Google-api php library, this one doesn't seem to be associated to my own username (obviously, no consent screen), which throws me a 404 Not found error message when trying to access data from my personal account.
From what I've read over at I could create an apps account to setup permissions for a whole domain. Is this, however, necessary given that I only want to access information from my own account? (the same I used to register the application in the API console). Couldn't this be done beforehand using API panel?
A service account is not you and does not by default have access to any data. Think of a service account as a dummy user. If you take the service account email address and add it as a user on a folder in your google drive it will have access to that folder on google drive. If you take the service account email address and give it access to one of your calendars on Google Calendar it will have access to the calendar.
If you set the album public I suspect it will then have access to the album. I did some Googleing and I cant see how you can add another users email address to an album on picasa.
I suggest you try using Oauth2.

Getting list of documents related to a particular user in Google Apps using Admin Account

i am creating an app using google apis.i need to access user's documents through google apis using google admin account.In past i can use google docs api like this
for example i am admin of domain and my email address is logged in using admin account and can retrieve documents in google drive of using user_id ="+user_id+"/private/full/folder:root/contents?v=3&alt=json
but now google docs api's are deprecated.can anyone please guideline How to acheive this using google apis now.
link reference :
With the new API's and OAuth 2 you can accomplish this functionality but for it you will have to use Service account with domain wide delegation.
Basically with the service account it would be possible to impersonate users in the domain and make API calls in user's behalf. For getting information about documents you will use the Drive API.
Here is the documentation on service account:
And Drive API:
hope this helps.
