how to convert a custom image dataset to a federated dataset - tensorflow-datasets

Can anyone help to find a solution to convert an image dataset from Kaggle to federated dataset. I am trying to implement the solution given in
for image classification. Please share if anyone has got an idea.
Thank you


Anylogic: Assistance in reading a Matrix by each value

currently I am working on an Anylogic Project. I have to simulate and optimize the infrastructure of a supply chain. The Keyfactor for my Simulation is the reduction of the costs transported on the route[Each Kilometer costs a flat rate].
I am struggeling to find the correct methode to let Anylogic read my complete matrix of the size 41 x 17Snip a part of the matrix
I have similar Matrixes with the amount of how much should be delivered and the costs incurred.
I started with importing my Database.
and started creating Dimensions. and thats basically where I started to struggle since I couldnt find any Help on the Examples given in Anylogic.
I simply cant figure out what I have to do that a Parameter can read the whole Arraylist and take the value necessary.
Logic i try to use. Found in the Help sector, Models
You can use the database wizard to write the necessary code to extract whatever data you need from a dbase table.
Load your xls data into a dbase table
Put your cursor into a code field somewhere
Click on the database wizard
Select the data you need
PS: Your data structure is really not in a good format, tbh. It may be a lot easier and more elegant to translate your matrix into a proper relational dbase setup first

How can I do scraping on a Table in Google Sheets?

I was wondering how to get the table from the following webpage. I imagine that is possible using importHTML function, but it was not possible to identify the path. I think that is masked or is not accessible.
Does someone know how to get the correct path or how to import this table?
Thank you
I don't think GoogleSheets could handle it. As stated by #wp78de, a lot of scripts are running in the background. But you can access the data directly in JSON format here :

Sorting NoSQL data into a Relational Database

Hi guys i need a nudge in the right direction please
So i have a final year project that requires me to make use of a webcrawler to populate a NoSQL database(MongoDB at request of the lecturer). Then we have to filter/merge/sort(for lack of better understanding?) the NoSQL data into a Relational database that we can then use to generate reports with a dashboard.
Alot of words with very little guidance. I have spent hours looking into this subject and im nowhere near an answer.
So im calling on the collective minds of a bunch of IT pros to help me and 5 other guys finish our degree
We have a relative understanding of how crawlers work and should be able to populate the mongoDB with that information(we are crawling realtor websites for information regarding houses and apartments)
I have a very good relational database background as we spent a lot of time in that are
the problem i am running into is that i do not get how we can sort the nosql data into the Oracle database that we set up and im running out of time.
Any suggestions?
Thanks guys!

Need help in using "editoptions dataEvents" in jqgrid

Basically, I am new to jqgrid and have been tasked with maintaining a database table that has a relational secondary table.
From what I've read the "editoptions dataEvents" is the ticket. What I cannot find is an example of how to implement it. All I've found is code fragments but I am too new to understand how the fragments fit into the overall picture.
A basic and complete example would be wonderful.
Any help would be appreciated.
best regards

Is it possible to store a geometry datatype in mysql 5.6 by using Hibernate-Spatial API?

I would like to persist co-ordinates of polygon shape in Mysql5.6. I have seen tutorial for Postgresql.
But They haven't specified any sample code for mysql. So I feel fear to start with. Please suggest me, Is it possible to persist a single polygon shape in mysql database ?
Yes, We can store and retrieve the spatial datatype by hibernate spatial API. The tutorial Which i was mentioned is enough to store and retrieve the spatial data.
