Pre-populate image to FilePond input with `storeAsFile: true` option - filepond

I want to initiate FilePond with pre-populated images like this:
FilePond.create(inputElement, {
"storeAsFile": true,
"files": [
"source": "http://localhost/products/storage/main/dark.jpg",
"options": {"type":"local"}
But I got this error: Error during load. 400 (can't load URL)
I want to use FilePond in replace input file mode.
I can fix error by setting server load URL and it will load images properly but then when I want to upload new files it try to send files to server URL and don't consider "storeAsFile": true option.

Problem solved. I should use something like this:
FilePond.create(inputElement, {
"storeAsFile": true,
"server": {
"load": "http://localhost/products/storage/",
"files": [
"source": "main/dark.jpg",
"options": {"type":"local"}
and I shouldn't set any thing like server: {'url': 'anything', 'load': 'other url'} option.


Nuxt Efficient Cache

Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy. I get this if I audit my app. I added this code to nuxt.config but this would help.
render: {
static: {
maxAge: 2592000
its by default caching static assets 1h in browser. Where can I change it. or How?
You should configure your headers for your static files with Firebase:
// in firebase.json
"hosting": {
// ...
// Add the "headers" attribute within "hosting", override cache control
"headers": [ {
"source": "**/*.#(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)",
"headers": [ {
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "max-age=2592000"
} ]
This should give you the desired cache control values, depending on what you want to set there.

APM tags/labels not showing up in Kibana

I would like to send some labels along with the stacktrace to the Elastic APM server from the client side. Using the #elastic/apm-rum javascript agent, I'm calling apm.addLabels({ ... }) and passing my object. Looking at the request in my browser, the labels look like they are being sent properly. Here's the relevant part of the request.
"metadata": { ... }
"error": {
"context": {
"page": { ... },
"labels": {
"browser": "chrome",
"os": "Windows 10"
I am expecting that the browser and os labels show under the Labels tab in the error report, but instead I'm seeing this.
So my question as an elk novice is, what additional configuration do I need to get the labels in the report?

Google Drive API upload file with custom property, properties missing from response

I am trying to save a google drive file with custom properties, but its not working and due to the very poor documentation of the Google API, i am struggeling with this. Here is my code so far:
$g = new FileCtrl();
$fileMeta = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile();
$fileMeta->name = $file['name'];
$fileMeta->parents = [$g->googleDriveFolderId];
$fileMeta->appProperties = (object)['lead_id'=>$file['lid'], 'sales_package_id'=>$file['pid'], 'user_id'=>$user->uid];
//$fileMeta->size = $file['size'];
$fileData = array(
'data' => $fileContent,
'mimeType' => $file['media_type'],
'uploadType' => $file['multipart'],
//create file in google drive
$res = $g->client->files->create($fileMeta, $fileData);
It is not returning an error and the event is saved, but without the custom properties!?
You are probably looking for the properties in the returned file resource.
The reason they aren't there is that Drive only returns a small number of the file properties (name, mime type, id). If you want to see the full file resource you need to include fields=* in the request. So a correct request would look something like
I don't know the PHP library, so you'll need to figure that bit out. It will be something like
'fields' => '*',
I just tested this.
"name": "Linda Test",
"mimeType": "application/",
"appProperties": {
"TestingId": "1"
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "1mhP2EW4Kbl81F5AuJ4zJ2IPoeI56i_Vd5K-dfGJRj6Y",
"name": "Linda Test",
"mimeType": "application/"
Do a file.get to check the file metadata.
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "1mhP2EW4Kbl81F5AuJ4zJ2IPoeI56i_Vd5K-dfGJRj6Y",
"name": "Linda Test",
"mimeType": "application/",
"starred": false,
"trashed": false,
"explicitlyTrashed": false,
"parents": [
"appProperties": {
"TestingId": "1"
I suggest you check your uploaded file using the File.get method after its returned to be sure that it was added. To my knowledge there is now way to see these added fields via the Google drive website interface. If after ruining a file.get you still find that it wasn't uploaded i suggest you log this as a bug with the Google APIs PHP client library team. This works with raw rest requests it could be an issue with the library.

chrome extension ajax other chrome extension

I don't think this has been asked yet but a chrome extension ajax other chrome extension. I tried but failed. It's being ajaxed though jquery. My main goal is to get the current chrome theme background.
I get this error:
Denying load of chrome-extension:///manifest.json. Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension.
Code I tried:
$.get( "chrome-extension://<ID>/manifest.json", function( data ) {
"chrome_url_overrides": {
"newtab": "popup.html"
"description": "<description>",
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png"
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "<name>",
"permissions": [ "tabs","management","*://*/*" ,"<all_urls>"],
"web_accessible_resources": ["*"],
"version": "1.0.0"
You cannot read the data of another extension unless the resource is listed in the web_accessible_resources section of the other extension's manifest file.
For your specific use case, you'd better use the API to get information about the other extension:'extension ID here', function(result) {
// See

google-api-javascript-client : How to get contents of file using Drive API?

First off, if there is a question/answer that solves my problem already then I sincerely apologize for creating a new one. However, I have been searching for 3 days now, and have not found an answer...
My problem is, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to pull the contents of a file(any file). From reading the docs I've discovered that my returned file resource object is supposed to have a property named "downloadUrl", and from this I should be able to access the file contents.
None of the file resource objects that are returned to me(via gapi.client.request) have this field/property. Below is the function I am using to get a file.
Can someone please help point me in the right direction? I have to have this demo done by Monday and I've been stuck on this for 2 days....
Here is the code for my get function :
Client.getFileContent = function getFileContent() {
gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', function() {
var request = gapi.client.request({
path : '/drive/v2/files/1QmaofXyVqnw6ODXHE5KWlUTcWbA9KkLyb-lBdh_FLUs',
method : 'GET',
params : {
projection: "FULL"
request.execute(function(response) {
The file resource object that is returned to me does not have the downloadUrl property.
As requested, here is the response object I get back for a text file. Note, I replaced some of the ids with "fileid" for posting here.
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "fileID",
"etag": "\"-tJAWr_lbRQU2o8gZ0X7BCBIlVk/MTM0MjYyODQ1MTQ2Nw\"",
"selfLink": "",
"alternateLink": "",
"embedLink": "",
"thumbnailLink": "",
"permissionsLink": "",
"title": "Copied filed.txt",
"mimeType": "application/",
"labels": {
"starred": false,
"hidden": false,
"trashed": false,
"restricted": false,
"viewed": true
"createdDate": "2012-07-18T16:20:51.132Z",
"modifiedDate": "2012-07-18T16:20:51.467Z",
"modifiedByMeDate": "2012-07-18T16:20:51.467Z",
"lastViewedByMeDate": "2012-07-18T16:20:51.467Z",
"parents": [
"kind": "drive#parentReference",
"id": "0AAAYYkwdgVqHUk9PVA",
"selfLink": "",
"parentLink": "",
"isRoot": true
"exportLinks": {
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": "",
"application/msword": "",
"text/html": "",
"application/rtf": "",
"text/plain": "",
"application/pdf": ""
"userPermission": {
"kind": "drive#permission",
"etag": "\"-tJAWr_lbRQU2o8gZ0X7BCBIlVk/9STkNeCmz61YXorH3hoJimnEgfM\"",
"id": "current",
"role": "owner",
"type": "user"
"quotaBytesUsed": "0",
"ownerNames": [
"lastModifyingUserName": "Joshua.morine",
"editable": true,
"writersCanShare": true
For native Google documents (Google Spreadsheet, Presentation etc...) we don;t provide a downloadUrl as these can't really be downloaded as files in their native format. Instead you'll have to use one of the URLs in the list of exportLinks which provides URLs to download the Google Documents in a few different export formats.
In your case, a Google Documents the following can be used:
"exportLinks": {
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text": "",
"application/msword": "",
"text/html": "",
"application/rtf": "",
"text/plain": "",
"application/pdf": ""
The meta-data function you are looking for is actually:
request ={
'fileId': fileId
This one produces a result with the downloadUrl that you're referring to. Then it's easy to grab the file using any HTTP request.
