Spring properties inside library - spring

So I've got a library which contains default things like authentication and stuff like that, which are all equal across multiple applications.
I'd like to have an application.properties inside the library setting up some default values. But at the same time I would like the actual application to be able to overwrite these library values inside the applications' properties file.
But I can't seem to figure out how to get spring to read the librarys' property file.


Spring Boot #Value Properties Report

I have an Spring Boot application, which has a number of properties and is delivered to an "external" customer.
Most properties have sane defaults, so they are added to application.properties and one can identify them there.
But there are also some properties which do not have a sane default, they must be defined by the external customer, thus they are currently included in application.properties with a dummy-value (to-be-replaced), but it's easy to miss such a property and Spring will not complain the property missing but trying to load it, which sometimes (hostnames, ...) leads to unexpected results.
The project is built with Maven -- is there maybe a way already a way to scan the project during build for all #Value() annotations and generate some kind of report?
Then the devs could define those values-without-default simply using #Value, the report will show them as having no default and one thus knows which properties are necessary to set.

How can I directly add properties from a Spring Boot property source to the environment

I have a Spring Boot property source file containing a set of arbitrary properties. I would like to get all of those properties and add them to the environment.
I tried injecting the Environment into the class, and I am able to use that to get known properties. But I am not sure how to get all properties from there.'
If course I can use a traditional Properties.load() but is there a Spring way to do that?
Have you tried #PropertySource anotation?
I wouldn't recommend using PropertySource because you can't configure the precedence of the properties that you add. You may want that these properties can be overridden in some way, maybe? Or you may want that these properties take precedence over others. For this, I recommend you implement an EnvironmentPostProcessor.
There is a sample in this university session at Devoxx where we showcase how to read a file from the home directory and add it after command line properties. You could do pretty much the same thing and order them the way you want.
The sample app is available here if you want to give that a try.
If you put your properties into the "application.properties" (or any of the other places described here), the properties are automatically available in Spring's Environment.
One way to access the properties then is simply to #Autowire the Environment into the class where you want to access it.

Karaf 3.0.0 Configuration Admin with array values

I am trying to use configuration file to persist OSGi configuration in Karaf 3.0.0 and having some issue when using property with array of values. My configuration file is placed in /etc folder and looks something like this:
property = ["value1","value2"]
The problem is that array does not get interpreted properly, so in Web Console I see one string value instead of array of values. I figure out that if I use .config as extension for the configuration file, the array gets interpreted properly, but I experience another issue then, like for example that my config file gets overwritten. Is there any way to use .cfg extension and somehow indicate that the property is array?
You might want to take a look at the OSGi Configurer RFP and the OSGi Configurer RFC. OSGi enRoute, which inspired this upcoming spec, has a bundle and some documentation for it.
The Configurer maps JSON to (the spec will be likely YAML) to configuration admin. That said, we generally then use interfaces that define the properties so we can convert the actual configuration type to the type that the code needs automatically. This model is used in DS for configuration and (annotation interfaces in that case). OSGi enRoute has special support for this model with the DTOs service. (Which is also being specified.)

Full integration of encrypted properties in Spring 4/Boot

We're using Jasypt to encrypt some config properties (database passwords) but since the decryption key is stored on each environment's file system we have to do some manual #Bean configuration to load the password from the file then overlay loading properties with an EncryptablePropertiesPropertySource.
Because it is so manual we've had to run this code in #PostConstruct of the WebApplicationConfig class and (although this hasn't happened yet) it runs the risk of loading these after the datasource bean is configured with calls to the Environment - giving null pointer exception. #Lazy loading would be an option but obviously this means we'd then be working with fragile config which we'd like to avoid.
Ultimately we want to be able to use the default classpath:application.properties so don't want to affect existing (default) setup, but we do want to be able to use an encryptable property source as a complete replacement to the Spring one, and to have Spring load the decryption code from a file before anything else happens. Is there a way to tighter integrate loading encryptable properties earlier in the application startup and configuration?
I'm "tailoring down" my previous answer since it got deleted because it was duplicate from a different question:
This library does exactly what you need jasypt-spring-boot which is basically to allow you use the #PropertySource annotation to define your properties the same way you're use to. You just have to add an extra annotation (#EnableEncryptableProperties) to your configuration file.
It is not only limited to that, every PropertySource present in Environment will be converted to EncryptablePropertySourceWrapper, a custom wrapper that checks when a property is encrypted and decrypts it on access.
The link Dave provided in the comments section unfortunately points to nothing now, but navigating from its root I got to the following example project:
https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/configserver (also written mostly by Dave, of course)
I think it serves as a great example for what was discussed in the comments until now.
Also, for future reference (maybe it will be done at some point), there's a Spring Framework Jira ticket for the feature of using encrypted properties: https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-12420

Best way to get Spring Bean info from context WIHOUT creating app context?

I have a Spring (3.1.) app that has a large app-context.xml file. There is a second very small stand-alone application that needs just a few parameters from one of the beans that are configured in that xml file.
Rather than that little application instantiating the whole application context (which builds a lot of connections, etc), I just want to read in the couple of configuration parameters that are contained in that file.
I could of course create a new smaller small-app-context.xml that only has the configuration i need or put those parameters in a properties file, but then I need to maintain that information in two places, which I am trying to avoid. I know I could read in and parse the raw XML file (not exactly sure the most efficient way to do that). However, I was hoping that Spring provides a nice way to do this but I haven't found it.
Does Spring provide a clean way to do this?
In Spring you can have multiple configuration files. So for the part that you would like to reuse you would create a smaller, self-contained config file. It can remain in the original project and your app-context.xml can include it. Then your new, small project could include the small config xml and you wouldn't need to maintain the information in two locations.
I could of course create a new smaller small-app-context.xml that only has the configuration i need or put those parameters in a properties file
I would agree that configuration belongs in a properties file. Not the application context file. You should not be maintaining the configuration in two places. You should have the configuration once in your properties file and then make that available to any contexts which require it.
