Vaadin 23 application run from Application class vs Maven - maven

When I run my Vaadin 23 application via Application Java class from IDEA everything works fine. But whe I run it via Maven with mvn spring-boot:run command it fails with the following exception:
There was an exception while trying to navigate to '' with the root cause 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: BeanValidationBinder cannot be used because a JSR-303 Bean Validation implementation not found on the classpath or could not be initialized. Use Binder instead'
I have
declared in Maven dependencies. What am I doing wrong and how to fix it?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- The order of definitions matters. Explicitly defining central here to make sure it has the highest priority. -->
<!-- Main Maven repository -->
<!-- Repository used by many Vaadin add-ons -->
<id>Vaadin Directory</id>
<!-- The order of definitions matters. Explicitly defining central here to make sure it has the highest priority. -->
<!-- example -->
<!-- Replace artifactId with vaadin-core to use only free components -->
<!-- Webjars are only needed when running in Vaadin 13 compatibility mode -->
<!-- Excluding so that webjars are not included. -->
<!-- Clean build and startup time for Vaadin apps sometimes may exceed the default Spring Boot's 30sec timeout. -->
Take care of synchronizing java dependencies and imports in
package.json and main.js files.
It also creates webpack.config.js if not exists yet.


maven-install-plugin does not load local dependency

I'm trying load local dependencies using the Maven maven-install-plugin:
As a result, the downloaded dependency should appear in the repository (user/.m2/repository). the files should appear in the repository. But they are not uploaded to the repository ("tetramap-1.0.jar " and "tetramap-1.0.pom" files and the "maven-metadata-local.xm" file is missing).
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I want to see the uploaded files in the repository tetramap-1.0.jar , tetramap-1.0.pom and maven-metadata-local.xml.
More detailed:
I need this in order to create a Docker image for a project with Vaadin and Spring.
My Dockerfile:
FROM openjdk:11-jdk-slim
COPY *.tetra ./
COPY src src
COPY frontend frontend
COPY route route
COPY package.json ./
COPY target/*.jar tetraweb.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/tetraweb.jar"]
If there are no such files in the user/.m2/repository directory, then when I run the command (creates a Docker image):
sudo docker build . -t tetraweb:latest
And then I run the image in the container
sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 tetraweb:latest
And after that I get an error:
And if the files are located in the repository (user/.m2/repository) directory, then the Docker image is created correctly with local dependencies.
I tried connecting local dependencies in other ways:
but the result is the same everywhere:
I found a temporary solution
my pom.xml:
Now if I run a
mvn clean install
My directories in the repository are filled in correctly. I see the downloaded files:
enter image description here
At the moment, there is still a problem with creating a Docker image. If I run the command:
mvn -Pproduction
I see error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:23.2.7:build-frontend (default) on project tetraweb: Could not execute build-frontend goal: Error occured during goal execution: nullPlease run Maven with the -e switch (or Gradle with the --stacktrace switch), to learn the full stack trace. NullPointerException -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
But if I disable the following code:
<!-- <scope>system</scope>
and I will run the command again:
mvn -Pproduction
In this case, the image creation will be successful
To upload a jar file to the repository, I need the included code:
To create a Docker image, this code must be disabled:( That's very strange...
This is my pom.xml all code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Project from -->
<!-- this parameter is needed as spring-boot bom overwrites it -->
<!-- selenium is so much verbose -->
<!-- Main Maven repository -->
<!-- Repository used by many Vaadin add-ons -->
<id>Vaadin Directory</id>
<!-- The order of definitions matters. Explicitly defining central here to make sure it has the highest priority. -->
<!-- Replace artifactId with vaadin-core to use only free components -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Include JUnit 4 support for TestBench and others -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Локальные репозитории -->
<!-- <scope>system</scope>
<!-- <scope>system</scope>
<!-- <scope>system</scope>
<!-- <scope>system</scope>
<!-- Clean build and startup time for Vaadin apps sometimes may exceed
the default Spring Boot's 30sec timeout. -->
<jvmArguments>-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5037</jvmArguments>
Take care of synchronizing java dependencies and imports in
package.json and main.js files.
It also creates webpack.config.js if not exists yet.
<!-- Production mode is activated using -Pproduction -->
<!-- Runs the integration tests (*IT) after the server is started -->

How to fix classpath problem in a GeoMesa+HBase POM raises the java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Lcom/google/common/base/Function;)Lorg/apache/curator/shaded/com/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap;
I tried to copy parts of the POM from the geomesa-tutorial for HBase, but reading other posts I realize that this is probably related to having 2 different versions of the same library and I am definitely new in Maven in order to resolve this one by my self...
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- environment specific variables-->
<name> repository</name>
<name>Open Source Geospatial Foundation Repository</name>
<name>Boundless Maven Repository</name>
<!-- -->
I would suggest not including the geomesa-hbase-spark-runtime_2.11 dependency - that is a shaded jar, and could be causing you problems. You can include instead geomesa-hbase-spark_2.11, which is the non-shaded equivalent. Other than that, grepping through the jars on your classpath for org.apache.curator may indicate which jar has the problem.

Does anyone know how to turn off MUnit Coverage analysis?

After my mock testing is complete and successful, the Maven plugin starts this:
[org.mule.munit.remote.CoverageManager]Calculating application coverage for resources:app-config.xml
I removed the configuration in my POM where coverage was set to "true". I changed to "false" and the coverage analysis continues.
Does anyone know how to turn this off?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Acme Billing API Application</name>
<!-- Mule Dependencies -->
<!-- Xml configuration -->
<!-- Xml configuration -->
<!-- Mule Transports -->
<!-- Mule Modules -->
<!-- for testing -->
<name>Hoegg Software</name>
<name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
<name>Hoegg Software</name>
<name>mulesoft release repository</name>
There are two ways to turn off coverage analysis when MUnit is run:
Do not provide any configuration in the MUnit plugin section within
Set run coverage to false like so:
NOTE: this configuration does not affect the behavior of MUnit within Anypoint Studio 6.0.3. The coverage analysis will still run if you select the MUnit test configuration (XML) and right-mouse/Run/MUnit

Spring-boot no maven parent and unittests not running

I tried modifying the spring-boot-sample-integration project's Maven build in the samples to not use a parent spring-boot-starter-parent, but to import the spring-boot-dependencies pom in the dependency management. This is because I would like to use spring boot as a Maven module to an existing project.
All build ok; however, the junit test does not run on the Maven install lifecycle. I´m wondering what else I need to do and why the difference. Below is the pom I used. I did not modify any of the sample classes. I just modified the pom. Any help would be most appreciated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<argLine>-XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx256m</argLine>
Our convention is to end our test with Tests instead of Test so you need to instruct the maven-surefire-pluginabout our default.
Something like

maven: specify package output location

I have a pom file with a custom profile like this:
when I execute
mvn war:war -Popenshift
it correctly generates a ROOT.war in the webapps folder
but when I execute
mvn package -Popenshift
it generates the war file in /home/sas/Ubuntu
(Ubuntu is not a folder, is the name of ht ROOT.war file)
how can I tell package the output location of the package output?
edit: I tried with wemu anser with no luck
just in case someone finds it useful, I'm posting the whole pom file here
it's just the pom generated by grails with grails pom-generate xxx
plus the openshift profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- trying to set output to webapps/ROOT.war... with no luch so far -->
<pluginManagement />
<!-- Disables the Maven surefire plugin for Grails applications, as we have our own test runner -->
<!-- Whether for Fork a JVM to run Grails commands -->
<value>Sun Microsystems Inc.</value>
I think you need to reconfigure the folder:
Note that not all directories can be changed within profiles:
But it may be enough to use available properties or own ones to configure the build to work it the way you want it to.
The default value of warName is already: ${} - so instead of using pomtest in your example you could use ROOT there as well.
Why stuff ends up in "/home/sas/Ubuntu" at all is hard to tell from the plugin config only.
