I have a sonar instance that I run in my fastfile but now I wan to add an API call to SonarQube section in Fastlane to ensure the PR decoration happens correctly.
this is my sonar
project_configuration_path: './fastlane/sonar-project.properties',
sources_path: File.expand_path('../'),
project_version: project_version,
branch_name: branch_name
my properties file is
the url I am looking to add is curl -u "${token}:" -X POST 'https://sonar.....
Any help on how I can add this curl cmd in fastlane
I cannot get this to work, even after checking other topics on stackoverflow. My project on gitlab.com/my_company/backend needs a module, found at gitlab.com/my_company/pkg/auth.
Locally, I've setup GOPRIVATE / git's configuration to make it work (and it works), though in Gitlab's CI Pipelines on a merge request, this fails.
Pipeline log / go.mod
I've added some debugging logs just to make sure everything was setup like I thought. Here's a failing pipeline's log :
$ git config --global url."ssh://git#gitlab.com/my_company/".insteadOf "https://gitlab.com/my_company/"
$ git config --global url."git#gitlab.com:".insteadOf "https://gitlab.com/"
$ git config -l | grep instead
$ env | grep GOPRIVATE
$ go mod download
go: gitlab.com/my_company/pkg/auth#v1.1.0: reading gitlab.com/my_company/pkg/auth/auth/go.mod at revision auth/v1.1.0: unknown revision auth/v1.1.0
One weird part of this log I've found is :
reading gitlab.com/my_company/pkg/auth/auth/go.mod - why is it repeating auth/auth? It actually happened once before locally, but it was because I wrote "github" instead of "gitlab" :)
The relevant go.mod line just in case :
require (
gitlab.com/my_company/pkg/auth v1.1.0 // indirect
Repository tags
Here are the tags setup on the repository gitlab.com/my_company/pkg :
$ git tag -l
$ git ls-remote --tags
From git#gitlab.my_company/pkg.git
9efcb02d5489adaac9d525dcb496d868d65e856a refs/tags/auth/v1.0.0
13730d4f61df978c6d690fd2678e2ed924808e0c refs/tags/auth/v1.1.0
2b8dff0ec1b737d975290720933180a9b591a1db refs/tags/cache/v1.0.0
9a3e598bbf83bea57b29d8a908b514861ae37b12 refs/tags/cache/v1.0.1
I'm not that familiar with Gitlab CI so I'm out of things to try. Any ideas?
Thank you!
Update: I finally got gitlab-runner installed so I could try running the yml directly, no luck. It still works locally (not a big surprise).
In you project should be file .gitlab-ci.yml and you can add GOPRIVATE variable to your CI and runner will use it for you project.
More details how to add env vars:
We have four build configuration in the scheme - QA, Pre prod, Staging, Releasing with different BaseUrl, I am just trying to change this build configuration via Fastlane gym command but it fails, bu default it is taking the one which is selected PFA for reference
when running via Fastlane gym command it is taking the default value in the scheme example - pre-prod
build_app(workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace", scheme: "MyApp", include_bitcode: true,export_method:"app-store",configuration: "Staging")
gym(workspace: "Omuni.xcworkspace",scheme: stagingScheme,export_method:"appstore,configuration:"Staging")
You can try and add a separate gym file where you define your gym variables like so:
scheme("your scheme")
configuration("your configuration")
and then you would call the gym command without any parameters, but I couldn't help but notice that your " are misplaced, ("appstore,configuration:") perhaps fixing that would do as well
I am trying to set up a GitLab CI configuration that sends an email after a pipeline's job completes with a link of the artifacts to the upload site. The pipeline builds based upon pom.xml, then tests with sonarqube and then uploads the artifacts using curl to a specific artifactory location. The folder structure and link of the artifact directory depends upon the CI_PIPELINE_ID. After all of these succeeds, I need to send this link for downloading the artifacts to a list of people via mail. My .gitlab-config.yml looks like the following:
image: maven:3.3.9-jdk-8
MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dmaven.repo.local=.m2/repository -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.Slf4jMavenTransferListener=WARN -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime=true -Djava.awt.headless=true"
MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: "-U --batch-mode --errors --fail-at-end --show-version -DinstallAtEnd=true -DdeployAtEnd=true"
REPO_NAME: "<artifactory url>"
- .m2/repository
- ./target/
- build
stage: build
- cr_integrate
- git submodule sync --recursive
- git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
- mvn -f pom.xml -s settings.xml $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS clean install $MAVEN_OPTS
- curl -i -u<username>:<token> -T "target/<artifact-1>.zip" "${REPO_NAME}/${CI_PIPELINE_ID}/<artifact-1>.zip"
- curl -i -u<username>:<token> -T "target/<artifact-1>.zip" "${REPO_NAME}/${CI_PIPELINE_ID}/<artifact-2>.zip"
- - curl -i -u<username>:<token> -T "target/<artifact-1>.zip" "${REPO_NAME}/${CI_PIPELINE_ID}/<artifact-3>.zip"
- <tagname>
How do I send a mail to some people after this with the link?
I built a solution for this, sharing it here.
The following tools were used for this:
GitLab release api
Python-GitLab api
Microsoft Teams
The process flow can be outlined as follows:
A new pipeline is triggered
After successful build, codescan and publish, a release job is run
The release job uses a python script written with the help of
python-gitlab api to create a release using gitlab release api. It
inserts external artifactory links for downloading artifacts under
release assets and adds links to release note and other documents.
GitLab sends a release mail to the appropriate notification channel,
a group email id created by Microsoft Teams and Sharepoint, so that
the entire team receives the release mail.
The python script is given below:
import os
import gitlab
from datetime import datetime
if __name__ == '__main__':
access_token = os.environ['RELEASE_TOKEN']
gitlab_url = os.environ['GITLAB_URL']
project_id = int(os.environ['CI_PROJECT_ID'])
tag_name = os.environ['CI_PIPELINE_ID']
ref = os.environ['CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME']
# artifactory_links
artifactory_link = os.environ['ARTIFACTORY_PATH']
group_name = os.environ['GROUP_NAME']
project_name = os.environ['CI_PROJECT_NAME']
directory = f'{datetime.now():%Y%m%d}'
artifact_name = os.environ['ARTIFACT_NAME']
package_type = os.environ['PACKAGE_TYPE']
# artifacts_links
artifacts_links = f'{artifactory_link}/{group_name}/{project_name}/{directory}/{artifact_name}-{tag_name}.{package_type}'
# release note
release_note = os.environ['RELEASE_NOTE']
# authenticate with gitlab
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(gitlab_url, private_token=access_token)
# obtain the project object by id
project = gl.projects.get(project_id)
# creating the project tags
project.tags.create({'tag_name': tag_name, 'ref': ref})
# creating the project releases
release = project.releases.create(
'name': f'Release for Pipeline ID {ref}',
'tag_name': tag_name,
'description': release_note,
'assets': {
'links': [{'name': artifact_name, 'url': artifacts_links}],
The script requires the following environment variables:
RELEASE_TOKEN – GitLab access token
GITLAB_URL – GitLab base URL.
ARTIFACTORY_PATH – Artifactory base URL.
GROUP_NAME – In case the project is under a group.
ARTIFACT_NAME – The artifact name
PACKAGE_TYPE – Artifact package type
RELEASE_NOTE – Link to release note and any other document.
These variables can be provided as GitLab CI variables. If there are more than one artifacts, the python script can be modified accordingly.
Since the python script needs to be called during the pipeline event and adding the script in the project would be modifying the project codebase, dockerizing the script is the best solution. That way, it can be pulled directly from docker hub. The dockerfile contents for this are as follows:
FROM python:3.7-alpine
COPY release_api.py /bin
RUN pip install python-gitlab
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/release_api.py"]
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
In order to send a release mail to every member of the team, irrespective of their individual GitLab notification and subscription preferences, a team needs to be set up using Microsoft Teams. When a team is created in Teams application, a corresponding sharepoint site is created, along with a team email id. This set up takes some time.
Once a team is created, under Files section, there’s an option to open it in sharepoint (screenshot below).
The sharepoint site has a link in the left sidebar called Conversations. Once the sharepoint site is fully ready, clicking this link will open the inbox of the Teams email.
Under the settings for the group, the option Edit Group can be found and there the group email id can be found. This group email id will be used to send the release mail to everyone in the team.
Under user settings of GitLab, the group email needs to be added. Once the mail is added and verified, the notification channel can be set up under Notifications. Once this is done, all notifications for that group (or project) will go to the group mail, and everyone in the team will get them. The last activity left is to set up notification preference to send a notification when a new release is available.
The gitlab script line below can be used to send email. You will need to have the ssmtp linux program which I suggest building a docker container and installing the ssmtp dependency. Personally I went with an API. What's nice about this solution is you are using core protocols and can build the email message in plain-text and don't have to worry about character escaping an API request.
image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-group/dev-ops/REFERENCE-TO-IMAGE-OF-DOCKERFILE-BELOW
- | # Build the core smtp configuration
echo "root=noreply#emailaddress.com" > /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
echo "mailhub=EMAIL_SERVER:EMAIL_SERVER_PORT" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
echo "FromLineOverride=YES" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
echo "AuthUser=EMAIL_SERVER_USERNAME" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
echo "AuthPass=EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
echo "UseTLS=false" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
echo "Debug=YES" >> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
- "echo 'From: from#emailaddress.com' > msg.txt" # Build the message
- echo "EMAIL SUBJECT" >> msg.txt
- echo "" >> msg.txt
- echo "EMAIL BODY" >> msg.txt
- ssmtp recipient#emailaddress.com < msg.txt # Send the email
Here's a Dockerfile that you can use to get your ssmtp dependency
FROM alpine:3.9
RUN apk add --update --no-cache \
bash=4.4.19-r1 \
ssmtp \
Currently I am evaluating ElasTest. I also try the Jenkins Plguin, but the console output is not sent to ElasTest.
I have tried the example code snippet:
elastest(surefireReportsPattern: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml', project: 'Jenkins Examples') {
stage ('Executing Test') {
echo 'Set up test environment'
mvnHome = tool 'maven-3.3.9'
echo 'Cloning repository'
git 'https://github.com/elastest/demo-projects'
echo 'Run test'
sh "cd ./unit/junit5-unit-test;'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -B -DforkCount=0 test"
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
I need to know a few things:
Which version of ElasTest you are using and where you are deploying it.
Are you using your own Jenkins instance or the Jenkins instance integrated into ElasTest?
If you are using a Jenkins instance of your own, make sure that Jenkins can communicate with ElasTest and configure the plugin correctly. If ElasTest is on a server, open the necessary ports as indicated in the documentation: https://elastest.io/docs/deploying/ubuntu/
You can find more information on how to use the ElasTest plugin here: https://elastest.io/docs/tutorials/e2e-testing/
I'm trying to set up Travis on this repo: https://github.com/lcguida/worksheet
I've put the travis.yml file there.
I've enabled the repository in my travis account (the "ON" button)
I've pushed some commits to see if it woukld trigger the tester.
I'm always getting this message in "My Repositories" tab: You don't have any repos set up on Travis CI
Here is my travis.yml file:
language: ruby
- 2.0.0
- 2.1.1
script: 'bundle exec rake test'
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrrong
I made the same mistake as you when starting on Travis :-)
The file name you need is .travis.yml
Note the first dot.
You can see what's wrong by looking at https://travis-ci.org/lcguida/worksheet/requests . . . where it repeatedly says "missing config"