How to insert many mutations in a single GraphQL request? - graphql

I using, and I want insert (create many products) in a single GraphQL request.
At the moment I know how to insert one product:
mutation {
createProduct(data: { title: "Face Mask", slug: "dfavce-mask", price: 1000 }) {
I read the documentation, but I didn't see information about bulk creation records.
Link for hygraph documentation:

The top-level query you show is just a query against the Mutation type (or another type specified in the schema). Like any other query, it can have multiple fields. At a technical level, the only special thing about GraphQL mutations is that, if you do have multiple fields, they execute sequentially.
Also like other queries, if you want to request the same field multiple times (run similarly-named mutations) you need to use an alias to disambiguate the results.
mutation {
createFaceMask: createProduct(data: { title: "Face Mask" }) { id }
createHandSanitizer: createProduct(data: { title: "Hand Sanitizer" }) { id }


Multiple queries in prisma graphql resolver

Following this example here:
Let's say I have a mutation where I want to update multiple users by passing their ids and emails accordingly. I know the updateMany would probably be the most suitable option, but since different users would have different values, not sure how to pass that without calling multiple resolvers separately. Something like this:
updateUsers: (_parent, args, context) => {
return context.prisma.user.updateMany({
where: {
id: { in: args.userIds },
data: {
email: ??? <--- use args.emails here
or should I just run multiple mutations:
updateUsers: async (_parent, args, context) => {
try {
args.emails.forEach(email => {
const user = await context.prisma.user.update({
where: {
id: { in: args.userIds },
data: {
return user;
} catch (error) {
not sure if the last example would even work because of multiple return statements, since all the resolvers have a return statement, how can I run multiple queries/mutations?
updateMany allows you to bulk update all rows matching certain conditions with the same data. It does not help you in this case.
You could loop over an array of users to update id and email of each of them. Your approach will not work however, as you seem to have two arrays (a list of user IDs and a list of email addresses). However, instead of fixing your code I'd suggest to change the GraphQL interface you've defined.
Option 1) is close to what you did. You keep a bulk mutation updateUsers, but instead of two lists (a list of user IDs and a list of email addresses), it should accept a list of users, each of them having an user ID and an email address.
To improve performance you could use Promise.all and not wait for each update to happen, before starting the next one.
Option 2) is the preferable. Instead of a bulk mutation updateUsers, I would create a mutation updateUser that updates only one user. If client wants to update multiple users in the same request, they can! A single GraphQL request can contain multiple mutations.

How do I create a mutation that pushes to an array rather than replacing it?

I've been playing with GraphQL recently, and am currently learning about mutations. I'm a bit confused with something. I have a model Post with relation Comments. I have a mutation that looks like this:
mutation addCommentToPost {
id: "POST-1",
comments: [{
body: "Hello!"
) {
comments {
The problem is, whenever I run this, it seems to remove all the comments and sets the comments to only the one I just added. To be more specific, how do I write a mutation that pushes to the comments array rather than replacing it?
You are using a mutation called updatePosts, which I assume (based on the name) simply updates a post by replacing the fields that are passed. If you want to use the updatePosts mutation to add a comment, you will first have to query for the post to get the current list of comments, add your comment to the end, and then call updateComment with the entire list of comments (including the one that you just added to the end).
However, this isn't really a good solution, especially if the list of comments is potentially very long. If you have the ability to change the GraphQL server, you should create a new mutation on the server with a signature like addComment(postId: ID, comment: CommentInput). In the resolve function for that mutation, simply add the comment that is passed to the end of the list of current comments.
// resolver for addComment:
addComment(root, args) {
// validate inputs here ...
const post = db.getPost(args.postId);
db.writePost(, post);
db.getPost and db.writePost are functions you have to define yourself to retrieve/write a post from/to wherever you store it.
It's important to note that unlike a SQL or Mongo query, a GraphQL mutation itself doesn't have any meaning without the resolve functions. What the mutation does is defined entirely inside its resolve function. Mutation names and arguments only gain meaning together with the resolve function. It's up to you (or the GraphQL server developers in your company) to write the resolve functions.
The way this situation is currently solved in the Graphcool API is to use a create mutation for the Comment that links to the Post. This is called a nested connect mutation.
This is how it would look like:
mutation {
text: "Hello!"
postId: "POST-1"
) {
post {
comments {
In the future, other nested arguments like comments_set or comments_push could be introduced, then pushing would be possible like this:
mutation addCommentToPost {
id: "POST-1",
comments_push: [{
body: "Hello!"
) {
comments {
Disclosure: I work at Graphcool.
You can use those code as an example for mutation.
module.exports = (refs) => ({
type: refs.commentType,
args: {
id: {
type: GraphQLString
body: {
type: GraphQLString
resolve: (parent, args, root) => {
return createUser(args);

GraphQL non nested relation

I'm trying to have a representation of nodes on GraphQL more akin to what jsonapi would be like
What I mean is if we take one of the examples on GraphQL
hero {
# Queries can have comments!
friends {
Have a representation that would be more along these lines
hero {
# Queries can have comments!
friends {
friends {
id, name
Is that at all possible in GraphQL
It is possible, and there's nothing wrong with having a friends field. In GraphQL terms you can have the following part of the schema:
type User {
id: ID
name: String
firends: [User]
type RootQuery {
hero: User
friends(forUserId: ID!): [User]
And then you can query this as you like – you can ask for friends separately:
friends(forUserId: "12") {
id, name
But the whole idea of GraphQL is that you don't have to do multiple queries to get the information you need. If you just need a list of users – that's a reasonable query, that most people have (with arguments for pagination and so on). With that said, there's no reason to fetch a list of IDs and to send another fetch query for the data right after that.

can some one explain this code to me

Good day im newbie here and im tackling graphql and im having some problem on mutation can someone explain this block of code for me thank you
RootMutation: {
createAuthor: (root, args) => { return Author.create(args); },
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
Sure, this is an example of two mutations in a GraphQL server. We can break it down to understand what is going on.
First let's look at the type system. A GraphQL schema normally has two root fields query and mutation (and sometimes subscription). These root fields are the root of your data hierarchy and expose the queries (GET requests) and mutations (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc requests) that you have access to.
By the looks of it you are implementing a schema with a root mutation type that looks like this:
type Mutation {
createAuthor: Author
createPost: Post
A type in GraphQL is made up of a set of fields each of which can have an associated resolver. Resolvers in GraphQL are like the event handlers you would attach to endpoints in REST.
The code that you have above is defining two resolvers that will handle the logic associated with the createAuthor and createPost mutations. I.E. the code in the createPost resolver is what will be run when I issue a query like this:
mutation CreatePost($post: CreatePostInput!) {
createPost(input: $post) {
The GraphQL runtime parses the query and routes the operation to the correct resolver depending on the content of the query. In this example, it would see that I am calling the createPost mutation and would make sure to call the createPost resolver which in your case looks like this:
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
To understand how a resolver works, let's look at the GraphQLFieldResovler type definition from graphql-js
export type GraphQLFieldResolver<TSource, TContext> = (
source: TSource,
args: { [argName: string]: any },
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => mixed;
As you can see a GraphQLFieldResolver is a function that takes 4 arguments.
source: The source is the parent object of the current field. For example if you were defining a resolver for a field fullName on the User type, the source would be the full user object.
args: The args are any input arguments for that resolver. In my query above it would contain the value of the $post variable.
context: Context is a global context for a GraphQL execution. This is useful for passing information around that a resolver might need. For example, you include a database connection that you can use from your resolvers without importing it in every file.
info: The info object contains information about your GraphQL schema, the query, and other information such as the path to the current resolver being executed. This is useful in many ways. Here is one post talking about how you can use it to precompute queries: (
This idea of having types and field resolvers is part of what makes GraphQL so powerful. Once you've defined you type system and the resolvers for their fields you can structure your schema however you want and GraphQL will always make sure to call the correct resolver no matter how deeply nested a query might be.
I hope this helps :)

How do I return a single or multiple results from the same graphQL query?

I have set up a GraphQL endpoint that returns me a client
query {
client(id:1) {
and another that returns a list of clients
query {
clients {
I have 2 backing db queries for these 2 graphql queries, but is there a way to have a single query for both? Or what is the graphql way of handling this?
The GraphQL way of handling this is exactly how you have done it. You usually need separate fields in your schema to handle retrieving one item vs multiple, just like you would have separate endpoints for these in a REST API.
You can have a single end point that returns a GraphQLList Type. This list can contain either one object or however many.
In your case, that single end point will be clients. You just have to use your backend to see if the consumer of your GraphQL API has supplied any arguments i.e. clientId. If the clientId has been supplied, filter your clientRepo by that supplied clientId. Otherwise return the whole list (repo) of clients.
clients: {
type: new GraphQLList(clientType), <--- Note this is a GraphQLList type
args: {
id: {
type: GraphQLInt
resolve: (parent, args) => {
if ( {
return clientRepo.find(;
return clientRepo.findAll();
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