I want to apply default policy in app connect V12 on integration node so when I create a new integration server on it, policy will automatically become part of this.
I'm trying to setup client credential flow with a Spring app access a web api (both owned by myself). I've attempted to follow the Azure documentation Microsoft identity platform and the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow and Quickstart: Configure a client application to access a web API but I'm running into a few problems because the documentation is not clear. Somewhere in my setup, Azure is forcing the user to sign-in, and then other error messages sprout from there. As we know, however, client credential should be machine to machine authorization so I'm not sure why this sign-in flow is happening.
Below is my setup. Any feedback would be helpful getting me up running.
OS: Ubuntu 20.10
IDE: Visual Studio Code
tenant-id: {my-web-app-tenant-id}
client-id: {my-web-app-client-id}
client-secret: {my-web-app-client-secret}
- api://example-api/Employees.Read.All
- api://example-api/Employees.Write.All
Azure Configuration
You should currently be performing server-to-server interaction, that is, no user involvement. So your server application needs to create an appRole, and then grant the app Role as an application permission to the client application.
First, you need to expose the api of the server application protected by Azure, which can be configured according to the following process:
Azure portal>App registrations>Expose an API>Add a scope>Add a client application
Then you need to create the appRole of the server application, and then grant that role as an application permission to the client application.
Next, go to client application>API permissions>Add a permission>My APIs>your api application.
Finally, you need to obtain an access token using the client credential flow where no user is logged in:
Parse the token:
There are several types of your application when using azure-spring-boot-starter-active-directory:
When your application is web application, sign-in flow will appear.
When your application is resource server, no sign-in flow will appear.
Related docs:
Related samples:
Why we want to configure that setup?
We would like to have a Blue/Green zero downtime setup for our CF2018 App.
We currently have a basic CF Server Install (IIS + CF2018) in one server that connects to another Server for the DB (we are using CF2018 Standard).
Our app uses J2EE sessions
There are posts that explain how to use the External Session Storage feature included in CF (redis) but that won’t work with J2EE sessions, the CF admin interface wont allow it.
How can I setup 2 servers in a cluster (behind a load balancer) with J2EE session failover functionality by using CF2018 Standard Edition?
I have a web app which uses a business network model to read from the blockchain and display the assets + execute transactions.
I have already defined my ACL file. Using the playground, as admin, I can create new ID cards and then use these cards to restrict the access in transactions and assets to participants, but how can I associate these ID cards to my web application so the users can see only what they are allowed to see?
I used the generator-hyperledger-composer to generate my angular project.
Use REST services from your application. Your angular project can connect to the REST server.
Set up REST server authentication and choose a Passport-based authentication mechanism/strategy that best suits your setup -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/integrating/enabling-rest-authentication.html and configure REST server multi-user mode -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/integrating/enabling-multiuser
The latter shows how (given that you've created business network cards that contain a user's blockchain identity) you can configure multi-user mode and interact witih the REST server - using a browser and Wallet in this example.
Info on deploying a REST server is here -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/integrating/deploying-the-rest-server
I have a J2EE(JSF+Primefaces+Postgresql+Hibernate) web applicationLink
I will want to protect user transaction(Will not lost any transaction due to server restart) when ever i will deploy any new release in production server or server id down for few minute for maintenance.The exact scenario is
Let us suppose i am a user and creating a Stock portfolio and i am in between of creating this portfolio now suppose admin restart Tomcat server ,so how can Admin will make sure that the transaction done by any user will not lost due to this restart of server.
Just I have installed Oracle Weblogic Server and configured RESTFul Service. Developer can able use in office network but when I placed it in proxy server then It is supporting.
As per discussed with developer, need to set cross domain access control security. Can anybody help me how to I can set that from Oracle weblogic Administrator control?
Client side they are using javascript & actionscript to call that service.
I would suggest trying to use SOAP UI to test the service through the proxy service and see what the behavior is. You might want to change the proxy server to not cache the result from the URL during testing.
You can use web.xml to configure security roles and map them to WLS credentials/roles. If you have added a username and password then you should be able to test this from SOAPUI.