How to consume external websocket API in Apache Camel since ahc-ws deprecate? - spring-boot

ahc and ahc-ws (Async Http Client) components have been deprecated in Apache camel version 3.16:
Is there an alternative for ahc-ws? The component was very easy to use to consume external websockets API.
Other libraries like Jetty, Undertow, Atmosphere, don't seem to offer this kind of features. I have not been able to configure them and the documentation remains unclear. They only provide the server part.
For the websocket-jsr356 component, I can't configure the component to consume a WebSockets over SSL API (wss). The library seems to support only classic websocket (ws).
I looked for alternatives on the camel doc, examples on github but I didn't find anything.
Is there a viable alternative to ahc-ws to consume external websocket APIs simply with camel?
Thanks a lot

Looks like it's not deprecated yet. There is just a suggestion for that. ahc-wss is very useful currently and there is no viable alternative for the same. websocket component requires tedious tweaking of secure storage parameters and is just kills the purpose of wss. I hope they don't deprecate ahc-wss without a proper replacement though.


what's the best solution to make kotlin and elasticsearch comunicate

Using google i found two possible solution for now:
-using spring boot with kotlin
-using this kotlin client
I've already finished the android client application in kotlin but now i have to find a way to make this client comunicate with elasticsearch.
What would it be the best solution for my problem that i could look up online
Thanks in advance
First, if you don't use Spring in the current application, integrating it (if possible) would be a lot of work and most likely not worth it.
Another alternative would be to use the officially supported Java client for Elasticsearch (
BUT, you should keep in mind that, if you put the Elasticsearch client in your client application, that the credentials, you may use, will also be in the client application.
They could be accessible for everyone using the Android client and the user could perform any request on the Elasticsearch. Also you couldn't change them without updating the client.
So, it is likely better to use a Three-Tier-Architecture ( and creating an API service to handle the Elasticsearch requests.

How to upload Spring Boot application using RabbitMQ messaging to AWS EC2?

I have a functioning application using Spring Boot, Rabbit MQ & MySQL DB locally. I'm curious, how I can upload this app to the AWS Environment and get it working seamlessly.
The only part where I'm lost is how to get RabbitMQ in the cloud? Any suggestions?
I see three options for your needs :
Use AmazonMQ managed service. This uses ActiveMQ under the hood, and supports the AMQP protocol (so you can continue to use the RabbitMQ client). Here's an article on how to do it :
Use a third-party managed service (such as CloudAMQP). This is similar to the first option, but you can choose a RabbitMQ provider if you wish.
Install RabbitMQ on an EC2 instance and manage it yourself. This is the most flexible option, but it will require more effort on your part and it will probably cost more. I would recommend this option only if you have special requirements that are not met by using a hosted service.
In all cases, I would also recommend to use a messaging library such as Spring Messaging or Apache Camel to isolate your code from your messaging implementation. This will reduce the boilerplate code you need for messaging and allows you to focus on your application logic.

How to integrate Zipkin tracing to thrift microservices

i know this is a very general question but i simply don't know how to start.
I have spring-boot applications which serve a thrift API via HTTP.
The same or another spring-boot app is using the thrift-client of another application to communicate.
my goal is to trace the communication path with zipkin.
i could imagine, i need to somehow intercept incoming and outcoming http-calls with the application-type x-thrift but simply have no idea how to do this and properly integrate with zipkin libraries.
any hint how to start on this is highly appreciated, thanks a lot in advance
i think i found a suitable way to do this. After further thinking my idea went into the direction of using annotations and aspects for intercepting HTTP requests from/to thrifts http client which seems to be quite some work.
after further search, i found this library for spring-boot serving exactly my needs:

How to implement SOAP DoS prevention in Java

the technology stack in our company are:
Java, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Jaxws etc..
and we provide webservices for the client to querying our services.
in terms of securing the SOAP service. some of the webservices uses spring OAuth security and some of them uses the Spring Basic Auth
recently one of the client flooded our server by sending huge amount of request in the short period of time.
we are going to implement something to provent this to happen. ideally a
per client based calling interval. which can recognize the high calling frequency. then ban the client or force the client to wait
before we code this from the scratch, I wonder if there are libraries we can reuse. Spring normally very good at providing solutions for most of the enterprise issues. but so far I have't found any thing. any hint, ideally a working sample. would be great!
EDIT1: ideally we want to implement this instead of fully rely on the HTTP server e.g tomcat or apache to handle this. because our own implementation would offer more fine grained rules, such as how long the interval should be,
what kind of customised message we can return, more important we can implement our own monitoring mechanism, and treating different client with different traffic allowance etc...

Long polling and other fallback support for Websocket using Jetty 9

Can somebody please let me know how i can add long polling and other fallback support for websocket using Jetty 9?
I generally recommend using something like CometD ( which will be releasing version 3 fairly soon which will support Jetty 9. Another option would be to look at the Atmosphere project.
Using a messaging framework like these let you have the framework handle finding the best protocol to use, be it SPDY, Websocket, HTTP/1.1 or even polling HTTP/1.0....and they isolate you from future protocols like HTTP/2 which is coming (slowly) which is based on spdy. Using CometD once that protocol lands and becomes available get it for free, no changes needed in your app.
