bash script remove squares prefix when reading a file content [duplicate] - shell

For debugging purposes, I need to recursively search a directory for all files which start with a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM). My current solution is a simple shell script:
find -type f |
while read file
if [ "`head -c 3 -- "$file"`" == $'\xef\xbb\xbf' ]
echo "found BOM in: $file"
Or, if you prefer short, unreadable one-liners:
find -type f|while read file;do [ "`head -c3 -- "$file"`" == $'\xef\xbb\xbf' ] && echo "found BOM in: $file";done
It doesn't work with filenames that contain a line break,
but such files are not to be expected anyway.
Is there any shorter or more elegant solution?
Are there any interesting text editors or macros for text editors?

What about this one simple command which not just finds but clears the nasty BOM? :)
find . -type f -exec sed '1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' -i {} \;
I love "find" :)
Warning The above will modify binary files which contain those three characters.
If you want just to show BOM files, use this one:
grep -rl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF' .

The best and easiest way to do this on Windows:
Total Commander → go to project's root dir → find files (Alt + F7) → file types *.* → Find text "EF BB BF" → check 'Hex' checkbox → search
And you get the list :)

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0r awk '
/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/ {print FILENAME}
Most of the solutions given above test more than the first line of the file, even if some (such as Marcus's solution) then filter the results. This solution only tests the first line of each file so it should be a bit quicker.

If you accept some false positives (in case there are non-text files, or in the unlikely case there is a ZWNBSP in the middle of a file), you can use grep:
fgrep -rl `echo -ne '\xef\xbb\xbf'` .

You can use grep to find them and Perl to strip them out like so:
grep -rl $'\xEF\xBB\xBF' . | xargs perl -i -pe 's{\xEF\xBB\xBF}{}'

I would use something like:
grep -orHbm1 "^`echo -ne '\xef\xbb\xbf'`" . | sed '/:0:/!d;s/:0:.*//'
Which will ensure that the BOM occurs starting at the first byte of the file.

For a Windows user, see this (good PHP script for finding the BOM in your project).

An overkill solution to this is phptags (not the vi tool with the same name), which specifically looks for PHP scripts:
phptags --warn ./
Will output something like:
./invalid.php: TRAILING whitespace ("?>\n")
./invalid.php: UTF-8 BOM alone ("\xEF\xBB\xBF")
And the --whitespace mode will automatically fix such issues (recursively, but asserts that it only rewrites .php scripts.)

I used this to correct only JavaScript files:
find . -iname *.js -type f -exec sed 's/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' -i.bak {} \; -exec rm {}.bak \;

find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l `printf '^\xef\xbb\xbf'` | sed 's/^/found BOM in: /'
find -print0 puts a null \0 between each file name instead of using new lines
xargs -0 expects null separated arguments instead of line separated
grep -l lists the files which match the regex
The regex ^\xeff\xbb\xbf isn't entirely correct, as it will match non-BOMed UTF-8 files if they have zero width spaces at the start of a line

If you are looking for UTF files, the file command works. It will tell you what the encoding of the file is. If there are any non ASCII characters in there it will come up with UTF.
file *.php | grep UTF
That won't work recursively though. You can probably rig up some fancy command to make it recursive, but I just searched each level individually like the following, until I ran out of levels.
file */*.php | grep UTF


using find with variables in bash

I am new to bash scripting and need help:
I need to remove specific files from a directory . My goal is to find in each subdirectory a file called "filename.A" and remove all files that starts with "filename" with extension B,
that is: "filename01.B" , "filename02.B" etc..
I tried:
B_folders="$(find /someparentdirectory -type d -name "*.B" | sed 's# (.*\)/.*#\1#'|uniq)"
A_folders="$(find "$B_folders" -type f -name "*.A")"
for FILE in "$A_folders" ; do
find "$FILE" -name "$A*.B" -exec rm -f {}\;
Started to get problems when the directories name contained spaces.
Any suggestions for the right way to do it?
My goal is to find in each subdirectory (may have spaces in its name), files in the form: "filename.A"
if such files exists:
check if "filename*.B" exists And remove it,
That is: remove: "filename01.B" , "filename02.B" etc..
In bash 4, it's simply
shopt -s globstar nullglob
for f in some_parent_directory/**/filename.A; do
rm -f "${f%.A}"*.B
If the space is the only issue you can modify the find inside the for as follows:
find "$FILE" -name "$A*.B" -print0 | xargs -0 rm
man find shows:
True; print the full file name on the standard output, followed by a null character (instead of the newline character that -print uses). This allows
file names that contain newlines or other types of white space to be correctly interpreted by programs that process the find output. This option corre-
sponds to the -0 option of xargs.
and xarg's manual
-0 Input items are terminated by a null character instead of by whitespace, and the quotes and backslash are not special (every character is taken literal-
ly). Disables the end of file string, which is treated like any other argument. Useful when input items might contain white space, quote marks, or
backslashes. The GNU find -print0 option produces input suitable for this mode.

Transfer a path with space in bash

I'm trying to run a program on every file on a dir.
But there is spaces in the name of the file. For example, a file can be named «/my/good/path/MY - AWFUL, FILE.DOC»
And when I'm trying to send the path to my the other tool (a python script), I've got an error saying «MY» is not a existing file. :(
Here is my current bash code:
for file in $(find "/my/pash" -name "*.DOC")
newvar=`program "$file"`
So… where is my problem?
Thanks everyone :)
Some correct answers, but no explanations so far:
a for loop is intended to iterate over words not lines. The given (unquoted) string is subject to word splitting (which is what is troubling you) and filename expansion, and then you iterate over the resulting words. You could set IFS to contain only a newline. The safest way is to use find -print0 and xargs -0 as demonstrated by Vytenis's answer
find -name "*.DOC" -print0 | xargs -r -0 -n1 program
find "/my/pash" -name "*.DOC" | while read file; do
newvar="$(program "$file")"
Note that this only fixes the case where a space or tab is in the file name. If you have a newline in the file name, it gets a little more complicated.
That is because the for loop will take every word inside the result of the find as an element to iterate over. for will see it as:
for file in {/my/good/path/MY, -, AWFUL, FILE.DOC}
echo "$file"
And will print:
One solution to this problem is to use the xargs program to pass the result of the find as your python program argument:
find "/my/pash" -name "*.DOC" -print0 | xargs -0 -i program "{}"
the loop treats blanks as delimiter, so try this one:
find "/my/pash" -name "*.DOC" | while read file; do
newvar=`program "$file"`

How to overwrite the contents in the sed, without having backup file

I have a command like this:
sed -i -e '/console.log/ s/^\/*/\/\//' *.js
which does comments out all console.log statements. But there are two things
It keeps the backup file like test.js-e , I doesn't want to do that.
Say I want to the same process recursive to the folder, how to do it?
You don't have to use -e option in this particular case as it is unnecessary. This will solve your 1st problem (as -e seems to be going as suffix for -i option).
For the 2nd part, u can try something like this:
for i in $(find . -type f -name "*.js"); do sed -i '/console.log/ s/^\/*/\/\//' $i; done;
Use find to recursively find all .js files and do the replacement.
When checking sed's help, -i takes a suffix and uses it as a backup,
-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
edit files in place (makes backup if SUFFIX supplied)
and the output backup seems to be samefile + -e which is the second argument you're sending, try removing the space and see if that would work
sed -ie '/console.log/ s/^\/*/\/\//' *.js
As for the recursion, you could use find with -exec or xargs, please modify the find command and test it before running exec
find -name 'console.log' -type f -exec sed -ie '/console.log/ s/^\/*/\/\//' *.js \;
From your original post I presume you just want to make a C-style comment leading like:
to a double back-slash style like:
Then you can do it with this command
find . -name "*.js" -type f -exec sed -i '/console.log/ s#^/\*#//#g' '{}' \;
To be awared that:
in sed the split character normally be / but if you found that annoying to Escape when your replacing or matching string contains a / . You can change the split character to # or | as you like, I found it very useful trick.
if you do want to do is what I presumed, be sure that you should Escape the character *, because a combination of regex /* just means to match a pattern that / occurs one time or many times or none at all, that will match everything, it's very dangerous!

how to find mis-spell words in bunch of files

I have around 10k java files I need to find mis-spelled words in those java files for the strings which are in double-quotes
Following is giving me strings in double-quotes
find . -name "*.java" -exec grep -Po '".*?"' {} \;
But I do not know how to use spell on top of this.
I have only available Linux and ispell so if you are not on Linux the following might not work for you (as is). If you just want to find mis-spelled words and get proposals listed then you could use
find . -name "*.java" -exec grep -Po '"([^"\\]|\\.)*"' {} \; \
| ispell -a -S
The -a selects pipe-mode, -S disables sorting which tends to list better replacements first.
If you want to fix the strings in-place, then you may want to use something like
find . -name "*.java" | xargs grep -l '"...*"' \
| xargs echo /usr/bin/ispell -F ./ > $TEMP
source $TEMP
This generates spell-checking commands which use the following ispell Java "deformatter":
# Experimental Java ispell deformatter: use at your own risk!
/bin/sed -e '1,$ {
# introduce per-character state
# mark string literals
# wipe out chars before string literals
:b s/._\(.\)B/ B\1B/g ; t b
# wipe out chars after string literals
:e s/\(.\)E._/\1E E/g ; t e
# remove per-character state
# get rid of escape sequences
s/\\./ /g
Use this experimental deformatter at your own risk.
Backup files before you work on them.
(Errors in the deformatter may damage spell-checked files.
See ispell manual page:
The program must produce exactly one character of output for each character of input, or ispell will lose synchronization and corrupt the output file.

How can I process a list of files that includes spaces in its names in Unix?

I'm trying to list the files in a directory and do something to them in the Mac OS X prompt.
It should go like this: for f in $(ls -1); do echo $f; done
If I have files without spaces in their names (fileA.txt, fileB.txt), the echo works fine.
If the files include spaces in their names ("file A.txt", "file B.txt"), I get 4 strings (file, A.txt, file, B.txt).
I've tried quoting the listing command, but it only changed the problem.
If I do this: for f in $(ls -1); do echo $f; done
I get: file A.txt\nfile B.txt
(It displays correctly, but it is a single string and I need the 2 lines separated.
Step away from ls if at all possible. Use find from the findutils package.
find /target/path -type f -print0 | xargs -0 your_command_here
-print0 will cause find to output the names separated by NUL characters (ASCII zero). The -0 argument to xargs tells it to expect the arguments separated by NUL characters too, so everything will work just fine.
Replace /target/path with the path under which your files are located.
-type f will only locate files. Use -type d for directories, or omit altogether to get both.
Replace your_command_here with the command you'll use to process the file names. (Note: If you run this from a shell using echo for your_command_here you'll get everything on one line - don't get confused by that shell artifact, xargs will do the expected right thing anyway.)
Edit: Alternatively (or if you don't have xargs), you can use the much less efficient
find /target/path -type f -exec your_command_here \{\} \;
\{\} \; is the escape for {} ; which is the placeholder for the currently processed file. find will then invoke your_command_here with {} ; replaced by the file name, and since your_command_here will be launched by find and not by the shell the spaces won't matter.
The second version will be less efficient since find will launch a new process for each and every file found. xargs is smart enough to pipe the commands to a newly launched process if it can figure it's safe to do so. Prefer the xargs version if you have the choice.
for f in *; do echo "$f"; done
should do what you want. Why are you using ls instead of * ?
In general, dealing with spaces in shell is a PITA. Take a look at the $IFS variable, or better yet at Perl, Ruby, Python, etc.
Here's an answer using $IFS as discussed by derobert
You can pipe the arguments into read. For example, to cat all files in the directory:
ls -1 | while read FILENAME; do cat "$FILENAME"; done
This means you can still use ls, as you have in your question, or any other command that produces $IFS delimited output.
The while loop makes it much easier to do several things to the argument, and makes complex processing more readable in my opinion. A contrived example:
ls -1 | while read FILE
echo 1: "$FILE"
echo 2: "$FILE"
look --quoting-style option.
for instance, --quoting-style=c would produce :
$ ls --quoting-style=c
"file1" "file2" "dir one"
Check out the manpage for xargs:
it works like this:
ls -1 /tmp/*.jpeg | xargs rm
